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The good news is that he would not be allowed into the parks wearing that shirt. The castmembers would have asked him to turn it inside out or change shirts. What a loser.

My most memorable cringe moment was at park closing at MK at the resort bus loading area. The line was HUGE for our All Stars bus....several hundred poeple and growing.

The bus arrives and they start loading the wheelchair guests. There is a woman near the front of the line that starts screaming, "Seriously!! Enough with the wheelchair crap!!!" and "Why do THEY get to go first?" and so on. How sad considering that one of the wheel chair guest was a make a wish child who was very ill and the parents of this child could hear the woman. If I had been that parent, I would have choked the life out of that satan like woman!!

It boiled my blood something terrible...couldn't fall asleep for hours as I could hear her shrieking devil voice in my head!!! Karma. Hopefully she will get what is coming to her!
OMG!! How horrible..I would have made my own cringe moment because I would have let that woman have it. I've been more mouthier than usual lately..stuck up for a cashier in my local store because some guy was giving him crap.

These people that complain about they not realize that they could be in one tomorrow??
OMG!! How horrible..I would have made my own cringe moment because I would have let that woman have it. I've been more mouthier than usual lately..stuck up for a cashier in my local store because some guy was giving him crap.

These people that complain about they not realize that they could be in one tomorrow??

I agree 100%! I would have said something too.

I was on a bus from EPCOT to the Poly in May. This was during the biblical rain period. The bus was packed. I had stood on every bus this trip and it was nice to sit down. I saw a family get on the bus a mom, a daughter around 14, and a son around 12 or 13. The mom asked the daughter to stand with her arms out so she could cushion the son if he starts to fall. I stood up and told them he could sit in my seat. Now there were a lot of men watching what went on but would not give up their seat. I gave them a dirty look. The boy is autistic. The family was so grateful and thanked me quit a few times. I told them I was only doing what everyone else should have done who could. That was a long and ruff bus ride. That boy would have fallen many times if he wasn't sitting. Just because someone doesn't look disabled doesn't mean they aren't.
There is no excuse other than bad parenting for a boy past toilet training to wet himself. PM me or watch the movie Jungle To Jungle if you don't get the hint, hintquote]

I don't get the hint and really don't care why, but you will have to sign me up for parenting classes because my son wet himself 2 years in a row in MK (he was 5 and 6) He had to go but didn't tell anyone because he didn't want to stop having fun. When he finally did tell it was too late to make it to the bathroom, even at a dead sprint.

My cringe worthy experience was at Casey's Corner. It was raining and we were lucky to get a table. There wasn't enough sets for all of us at the table so we had the kids sit and we were taking turns sitting to eat. There was a young couple at the table next to us. They were not eating or drinking and they had 3 chairs at their table. The girl had her foot up on the 3rd chair. This was a bit irritating, but we kept on eating in shifts. The girl then took off her sneaker and placed it on the table. :scared1: She then took off her dirty sock and placed it on the table. :scared1::scared1: She then took the bandages off a blister on her foot and placed them on the table. :scared1::scared1::scared1: She then proceeded to pick the skin off the blister and put the bits on the table! :crazy2: The she got her companion to go to the counter, get her a free cup of water then washed her foot at the table. After she was done she put her sneaker and sock in her bag and walked off wearing one shoe. She left the rest of the debris on the table! :sad2:
We were the first ones at the turnstiles at MK and a French family was behind us. The LADY shoves my 5 y/o neice in order to be first through the TS!!! My sister could only think of one thing to say in French which she learned many years ago: "haricot vert". (green bean) We have laughed about that many times. The french family actually looked at us like we were crazy. I guess shoving kids is ok in France.

omg I've been reading threads like this all day and this is the first thing that has made me giggle outloud uncontrollably! My husband came in to find out what was so funny :laughing: The only word I would have remembered would have been bibliothèque. Can you just imagine someone madly yelling LIBRARY at you in a crowd? :rotfl2:

As far as saying they were French, not only is it an integral part of the story, but sometimes mentioning a person's "features" helps me envision the story better. I didn't find it rude. As for the last line I just took it as sarcasm.

And about the diaper changing thing, I actually saw this in a coffee shop about a month ago, I couldn't friggin believe it! The bathroom was right behind her and had a nice baby changing thing in it.

I wish I had a good cringe-worthy Disney story. Most of the things we've encountered are just general rudeness, teenage antics and bad fashion lol, most of which I can easily overlook. Just don't do anything to ruin my daughter's good time and we're all good :upsidedow
I will never look at green beans the same way again.

I think we all have to calm down a little on the PC though. The world would be silent if we could only say things that didn't insult anyone. Anything can be taken as an insult if you go far enough with it. Perhaps I insulted a cheesemaker today when I told someone I thought it was a horrible tasting cheese. Maybe I felt insulted when someone told me I have beautiful brown eyes, but I'd rather have green. I agree the race or nationality thing can get a little out of hand, but sometimes saying "that french guy" makes the story clearer because a behavior is more characteristic for a Frenchman than say a Dutchman. I also happen to be Pooh sized, or Ursula sized if you want to go the gender route, but I don't think it's right for someone of my stature to walk around with everything hanging out, especially in public. I don't think it's offensive for someone to say "there was a hefty gal with a whale tail that was horrible to watch", I find it more offensive that she was dressed like that honestly. I'll get off my soapbox now (which is disney themed by the way) and just say, be aware of what your saying and how it may come across to others, but at the same time is it fair to jump down someone's throat and attack their character when maybe they innocently (or so they thought) said the phrase "the brazilian woman" or "the hefty dude"?

Anyway I have several cringe stories, most of them with the same theme. It's incredible to listen to people throw out snooty comments about handicap people. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "wow must be nice to get on the ride faster because you have that dog with you" muttered under someone's breath (my father is blind and has a guide dog, to clear up any confusion) I usually don't spend any more time on those times of people than a dirty look, but on the last trip one man took it a bit far. We had ADR's at Crystal Palace, and when we checked in, I asked the hostess if it'd be possible to get a table a little out of the way so that the dog wouldn't be in people's way. She said she's take care of it and it so happened that the next table up fit that description. A man with his family decided he needed to point this out to everyone in a 50 foot radius and proceeded to yell "SEE THAT? WE WERE HERE FIRST AND JUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE THAT STUPID DOG WITH THEM THEY GET TREATED LIKE FRICKIN ROYALTY!" I whipped around and was about to rip into this man myself, but an elderly gentleman from another group put his hand on my shoulder, got real close to the man who'd shouted and said "Sir do you really want to play that game? I hope you realize you've just embarrassed the rest of your family (which he had, the wife and sons looked mortified) and you've cemented yourself in the minds of all these people around us as "That a$$hole". It was stunning.
I also forgot to mention:

EWWW with the diapers and baby bidet!! Don't people realize how unsanitary that is?! As if the billion bathrooms and babycare centers aren't enough they need to use tables and benches too? And you know these are the same people who would just burst into flames if someone else did that in front of them at a restaurant and demand to be compensated for it.
We were the first ones at the turnstiles at MK and a French family was behind us. The LADY shoves my 5 y/o neice in order to be first through the TS!!! My sister could only think of one thing to say in French which she learned many years ago: "haricot vert". (green bean) We have laughed about that many times. The french family actually looked at us like we were crazy. I guess shoving kids is ok in France.

Agree that the family being French is pertinent to the story. What isn't is the line "I guess shoving kids is ok in France" Don't tar a whole country with your one french family.

Just as we don't say "I guess it is ok to change your baby on a table in America" obviously it isn't the whole country that does it.

We watched a lady lay her 2 year old child on the floor of the bus to sleep after a long night at MK.

We once got stuck on the monorail for 90 minutes after park close. There were 8 kids under 6...2 babies...the rest stinky old adults (Like Us). After the first 30 minutes...the kids started melting down...then there were a couple of diaper changes...this was all done with the oh so subtle undercurrent of Serious B.O. The next hour was like akin to a horror movie...We were just trapped...all of us. After about an hour...all the adults started chipping in to take care of kids...we tried singing...Didn't work...we looked for lightening bugs...that was good for 10 minutes.

Honestly, we've never been so glad to see the grand floridian stop.

Now I would have changed the bubs in here on the floor if we were stuck because quite frankly it would be smelling anyway (better off and in a nappy bag containing some smell), I wouldn't know how long we would be stuck for and I wouldn't want baby stuck in a dirty nappy for too long. I am sorry can appreciate it would be horrific to be stuck with all that but the family probably wasn't liking it much either.

I told a lady that she had her knickers caught in the back of her bathing suit, she thought I said necklace and was wondering what the big deal was. I did tell her again as she was about to walk out of the changing room. She was so grateful.

We are at Place where thousands of People and Familys are gathered for extended period of time,from all over the world!. They come here and feel a certain comfort level,and or they let the heat(that they may not be comfortable to) get to them or what ever reason they act the way they do. Are we so crtical of others with out thinking that maybe others look at us the same way?. Not to say that theses circumstance are not unusuale and some times hard to watch,but maybe before we jump the gun assumue and or critsize we should stop to think that we do not know the whole story. No wrong or rights here sorry If It came out wrong:goodvibes just my thought:goodvibes.

OK, now I've heard it all. Can you give me even ONE possible scenario that would make changing a poop diaper on a food service establishment's table "understandable". Or, parents with their children being so drunk they fight and fall asleep at the table? Or cutting in line? Really. What can you come up with that would make any of these things understandable?
Yes, we are so critical. And why is that considered a bad thing? because If we stoop to there level where no better then them,and we are not Intoxicated so what Is our exceuse, are we not able to walk away with out feeling to voice our oppion? or objection. Now If there Is physical harm to people and or Children because of the situation then yes by all means step In. But I gurantee with the person or persons Intoxicated out of control It will lead to a physical confertation.


Confrontation is not the only way people react to intoxication.

There is no excuse for being out of control, for being rude and pushing people around, or for changing diapers where one eats!!!!

my cringe story: My mom is in an ecv due to arthritis. It is her own personal scooter. She had parked it, and we had gone in to eat. When we came out, there was a lady sitting on it, and allowing her kids to look through the basket. She had the nerve to look offended when we took it!

She has also had people ask her to hold their kid when we were parked to see the parade. Would you allow (let alone ask) a stranger in a theme park to hold your 4 year old????
Is that literally what the parent said? :sad2: I had a bad experience when I got sick on my first trip to WDW. My stomach was so upset that I couldn't walk without puking, so I was in a wheelchair that day. My parents took my sister on Test Track while I sat in my wheelchair next to some planters. Those plants did not appreciate what I did to them. :crazy2: The way I see it is that it's better to vomit in the bushes than in the walkway. But if a parent had an attitude like that, that's rather upsetting.

If you were that sick, why on earth did they take you to the parks. Imagine how many vacations were ruined because of you being there?!
We were strolling through AK one morning..I happen to glance over at the tables for Pizzafari (which was not opened yet)....and there was a dad changing his babies diaper on top of one of the tables. :scared::scared::scared:

That is DISGUSTING!! I don't think I will ever look at a counter service table the same way again.
If you were that sick, why on earth did they take you to the parks. Imagine how many vacations were ruined because of you being there?!

Shhh. Don't you understand, its not about everyone else. It all about me, why should I have to stay home? Just because countless people will wind up being disgusted and possibly sick themselves because I decided to throw up into a planter all day. Don't you sound ridiculous asking me to stay in my hotel room just for the sake of hundreds of people and CMs who have to take care of those plants and planters.
There is no excuse other than bad parenting for a boy past toilet training to wet himself. PM me or watch the movie Jungle To Jungle if you don't get the hint, hintquote]

I don't get the hint and really don't care why, but you will have to sign me up for parenting classes because my son wet himself 2 years in a row in MK (he was 5 and 6) He had to go but didn't tell anyone because he didn't want to stop having fun. When he finally did tell it was too late to make it to the bathroom, even at a dead sprint.

My cringe worthy experience was at Casey's Corner. It was raining and we were lucky to get a table. There wasn't enough sets for all of us at the table so we had the kids sit and we were taking turns sitting to eat. There was a young couple at the table next to us. They were not eating or drinking and they had 3 chairs at their table. The girl had her foot up on the 3rd chair. This was a bit irritating, but we kept on eating in shifts. The girl then took off her sneaker and placed it on the table. :scared1: She then took off her dirty sock and placed it on the table. :scared1::scared1: She then took the bandages off a blister on her foot and placed them on the table. :scared1::scared1::scared1: She then proceeded to pick the skin off the blister and put the bits on the table! :crazy2: The she got her companion to go to the counter, get her a free cup of water then washed her foot at the table. After she was done she put her sneaker and sock in her bag and walked off wearing one shoe. She left the rest of the debris on the table! :sad2:

One time is at least partially understandable. But the second time? Thats just ridiculous.
Shhh. Don't you understand, its not about everyone else. It all about me, why should I have to stay home? Just because countless people will wind up being disgusted and possibly sick themselves because I decided to throw up into a planter all day. Don't you sound ridiculous asking me to stay in my hotel room just for the sake of hundreds of people and CMs who have to take care of those plants and planters.

I can totally see someone that sick saying...even though I was sick, I still really wanted to go on the Teacups.
My son, who has the strongest bladder on the planet, began wetting himself on several occasions when he was 6. It was a short lived problem. Talked to teacher, doctor, tried to get to the bottom of it. The problem corrected itself and never resurfaced. :confused3You never know why a child might have toileting issues, and it may not be a parenting issue at all.
OMG... :eek:
The only thing I can imagine that you are talking about would be a water fountain.

Please,... please tell me I'm wrong.:crazy2:

I would love to tell you that you are wrong, but I would be fibbing. The mental image still haunts me whenever I use a WDW water fountain. :scared1:
The other day at Chef Mickey's a family was sitting behind us and all you could hear from the moment they sat down was the father on a business call. He was very loudy talking about work related issues and his wife and 6 or 7 year old son just sat quietly (as if they weren't allowed to talk if he was on the phone). His phone conversation lasted over a half hour. When he was done on the phone he then asked a CM when Minnie was coming. He spent all this money on this breakfast and Minnie wasn't even coming to his table (she was on the other side of the restaurant). He stood up and got in the CM's face and ws pointing his finger in her face! He told the CM that she was to bring Minnie over or else he wanted to speak to her manager. At that point Pluto was walking around and I guess that satisfied his character need and he calmed down.

At Chef Mickey's on the same day one table over was a family of four with 2 girls, one looked to be about 5 the other was 7 or so. The parents left them at the table to go to the buffet, they were gone quite a while, becuase the parents weren't there when Mickey or Goofy or Pluto came by (maybe around 45 minutes?). The characters kept looking for someone to take pictures of them with the girls and were making motions of taking pictures with a camera. A mother at another table and myself took turns taking pictures of the girls and the characters with their disposable camera.
Nothing says cringe better than "BABY BIDETS"!!


OMG... :eek:
The only thing I can imagine that you are talking about would be a water fountain.

Please,... please tell me I'm wrong.:crazy2:

I would love to tell you that you are wrong, but I would be fibbing. The mental image still haunts me whenever I use a WDW water fountain. :scared1:

Ok I'm missing somethingand curious...What post are you refering too?
and what's a "baby bidets.?

(i've tried reading through the thread but can't find what you refering to.)
Ok I'm missing somethingand curious...What post are you refering too?
and what's a "baby bidets.?

(i've tried reading through the thread but can't find what you refering to.)

Okay, I'll fill you in.
Nooneshome mentioned the cringe factor of "baby bidets".
Apparently, there are people who think it's acceptable to wash their babies bottoms in a drinking water fountain.
Okay, I'll fill you in.
Nooneshome mentioned the cringe factor of "baby bidets".
Apparently, there are people who think it's acceptable to wash their babies bottoms in a drinking water fountain.

Which is the nastiest thing I have heard in this entire thread! I will never, use the water fountains in WDW now!
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