Jon and Kate Plus 8 Official Thread - Part 5

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I think this is the worst part of divorce - especially for someone as controlling as Kate. She can no longer control who enters her kids lives and has influence over them. Each parent makes those decisions for themselves and their values in this area might not match. It is sad... I feel for her but this is part of divorce. Jon can have whoever he wants watch the kids or be around them...he is the parent/decision maker when he is with them.
By the end of today if not sooner, we will be on a new thread :rotfl:.

I agree they both need to shut up. I see another People magazine cover in Kate's future though.
I think this is the worst part of divorce - especially for someone as controlling as Kate. She can no longer control who enters her kids lives and has influence over them. Each parent makes those decisions for themselves and their values in this area might not match. It is sad... I feel for her but this is part of divorce. Jon can have whoever he wants watch the kids or be around them...he is the parent/decision maker when he is with them.

i agree with you but I feel sorry for Kate. It has to be killing her to have floozie after floozie around her kids. It would drive me nuts!

He says he hasn't seen her in a long time? What?

Confirms Kate didn't approve of Steph.

I wish I had a a babysitter!! I can't hear the video over the kids in my house! I think he well, looked genuine anyway. I really can't blame him for talking sometimes, when Kate does hers so much more publicly and often (I know his interview was canceled). And he really doesn't trash Kate when he does.
did you catch him at the very end? when they ask if he approved of Kate's babysitter and he says if she'll approve of mine?

:eek: uh oh ...

and Jon's right. it's his turn, Kate should stay away. same goes for him.

one other thing, though. Jon said called the babysitter because he had to get stuff done? He's got days away from the children to work. put your money where your mouth is ... spend time with your children.

Yup, I caught that line, he sounds like a child "I'll approve of hers if she approves of mine."
I think that saying somebody is addicted to illegal drugs is a very serious accusation, that if true would likely result in him losing all but infrequent supervised visits with his kids.

More importantly, I fail to see any proof that he takes any illegal drugs at all.

ITA with everything you are saying. Proving this is very hard. As you know with the people you work with they are very cleaver at hiding it. Even when you suspect they are using unless you get a urine what can you do? Unfortunately sometimes they need to hit bottom before you can prove anything.

We have had guys that work for us be fine when we hire them then you see the steady decline. We have to lay them off ....not let them go because we can not prove anything. Who even wants to go there, they are such loose cannons.
Yup, I caught that line, he sounds like a child "I'll approve of hers if she approves of mine."

Definitely a dumb statement - but in the end it doesn't matter if he approves of who she has around the kids. She has no say, neither does he. I suspect he doesn't care though, he's just annoyed that she tried make a power play.

On another note - I wonder where Kate was going at 4am?!?!? I can see trying to leave early to try and avoid the Paps - but she called the Police which is sure to attract attention so why not leave at 9 am.
I watched the interview with Regis and Kelly and she clearly stated she lives at home with the kids.
She don't have an apartment, condo.
When she leaves, she leaves to go work
I think Jon has been gone so much the last couple of weeks,
that she probably figured, why leave when it was his turn and get his babysitter. She stayed home with the kids, while it was his turn to be home.

I do feel bad for kate,
Jon, comes and goes, and he's a jerk, he is just pulling a power move on Kate, which he has a right too, but what a jerk for giving that
"gosh, jolly gee" interview with TMZ.
His smirkying and smiling was terrible.
So, Jon, where were your kids when all this drama went down.
You can't tell me, the kids didn't see it.

Jon wants to be a dad to the kids when he wants-how lucky for him, it was his turn and he was actually home.
In PA the parents have to meet with a mediator before even going to a custody hearing. The parents meet together with a mediator ( a nuetral lawyer ) that does nothing but mediations then they try to work out an agreement. If nothing can be worked out then they are to proceed with a custody hearing witch can take months to have here in PA. I am from Berks county (where the Gosselin's live) and a co-worker of mine just went through a divorce in Berks courts and this is what he had to do. Then as far as the divorce goes if nothing can be agreed upon as far as splitting all the assets if the 2 sides can't agree then in 2 years the divorce is final reguardless of the parties. Now as far as the house would go....I wonder, since they say they bought if for the children and their lawyer actually bought it....who's names are on the deed....because your name does not have to be on the mortgage to be on the deed. This is the case with my brother and his wife ( also in Berks county ) , they are separated the mortagage is in his name, he pays it yet her name is on the deed with his and the cops say that she can come into the house at anytime and they can't do anything about it. I hope this long post makes sense!
i agree with you but I feel sorry for Kate. It has to be killing her to have floozie after floozie around her kids. It would drive me nuts!

I bet this divorce does not go through in 90 day. She should put the brakes on it fast.
In PA the parents have to meet with a mediator before even going to a custody hearing. The parents meet together with a mediator ( a nuetral lawyer ) that does nothing but mediations then they try to work out an agreement. If nothing can be worked out then they are to proceed with a custody hearing witch can take months to have here in PA. I am from Berks county (where the Gosselin's live) and a co-worker of mine just went through a divorce in Berks courts and this is what he had to do. Then as far as the divorce goes if nothing can be agreed upon as far as splitting all the assets if the 2 sides can't agree then in 2 years the divorce is final reguardless of the parties.

Now as far as the house would go....I wonder, since they say they bought if for the children and their lawyer actually bought it....who's names are on the deed....because your name does not have to be on the mortgage to be on the deed. This is the case with my brother and his wife ( also in Berks county ) , they are separated the mortagage is in his name, he pays it yet her name is on the deed with his and the cops say that she can come into the house at anytime and they can't do anything about it. I hope this long post makes sense!

Great info:thumbsup2 What a mess.
I watched the interview with Regis and Kelly and she clearly stated she lives at home with the kids.
She don't have an apartment, condo.
When she leaves, she leaves to go work
I think Jon has been gone so much the last couple of weeks,
that she probably figured, why leave when it was his turn and get his babysitter. She stayed home with the kids, while it was his turn to be home.

I do feel bad for kate,
Jon, comes and goes, and he's a jerk, he is just pulling a power move on Kate, which he has a right too, but what a jerk for giving that
"gosh, jolly gee" interview with TMZ.
His smirkying and smiling was terrible.
So, Jon, where were your kids when all this drama went down.
You can't tell me, the kids didn't see it.

Jon wants to be a dad to the kids when he wants-how lucky for him, it was his turn and he was actually home.

Well, I think that is a mistake on Kate's part. They have said many times that the house is where the kids live. When it is her time she has the kids at the house, when it is Jon's turn, he has the kids at the house. It is not Jon's problem that she has not secured a place to live when it is his time with the kids.

If I were in a similar arrangement I would not want my Ex at the house when it is my time. In Jon's case, he knows how controlling Kate is so I can see why he doesn't want her there.

Wasn't it reported last week that the kids were left with a babysitter while Kate was away and Jon was not at the house watching the other kids because it wasn't his day and he wasn't "allowed"? So, I guess what goes around comes around.

Jon comes and goes because that is the custody agreement, just like Kate comes and goes. It is not his fault that on her days she was doing interviews in NYC. That was her choice, she could have refused or done them on different days.
In PA the parents have to meet with a mediator before even going to a custody hearing. The parents meet together with a mediator ( a nuetral lawyer ) that does nothing but mediations then they try to work out an agreement. If nothing can be worked out then they are to proceed with a custody hearing witch can take months to have here in PA. I am from Berks county (where the Gosselin's live) and a co-worker of mine just went through a divorce in Berks courts and this is what he had to do. Then as far as the divorce goes if nothing can be agreed upon as far as splitting all the assets if the 2 sides can't agree then in 2 years the divorce is final reguardless of the parties. Now as far as the house would go....I wonder, since they say they bought if for the children and their lawyer actually bought it....who's names are on the deed....because your name does not have to be on the mortgage to be on the deed. This is the case with my brother and his wife ( also in Berks county ) , they are separated the mortagage is in his name, he pays it yet her name is on the deed with his and the cops say that she can come into the house at anytime and they can't do anything about it. I hope this long post makes sense!

I thought they filed in a different county...
Well, I think that is a mistake on Kate's part. They have said many times that the house is where the kids live. When it is her time she has the kids at the house, when it is Jon's turn, he has the kids at the house. It is not Jon's problem that she has not secured a place to live when it is his time with the kids.

If I were in a similar arrangement I would not want my Ex at the house when it is my time. In Jon's case, he knows how controlling Kate is so I can see why he doesn't want her there.

Wasn't it reported last week that the kids were left with a babysitter while Kate was away and Jon was not at the house watching the other kids because it wasn't his day and he wasn't "allowed"? So, I guess what goes around comes around.

Jon comes and goes because that is the custody agreement, just like Kate comes and goes. It is not his fault that on her days she was doing interviews in NYC. That was her choice, she could have refused or done them on different days.

I agree with everything you are saying!:thumbsup2

BOOHOO oh poor Kate. Give me a break. They are both bad not just Jon
I though they owned the house. Who owns it? Are they just renting it?:confused3

I think the point she was trying to make is that they both bought the house, therefore it is both Jon and Kate's house. Although they both say the house belongs to the children.
One other thing in most custody agreements here in NY is first right of refusal. If the parent who has custody can't be with the children, before a sitter is called, the oposing parent is given first refusal.

As far as the house, I always thought the house was bought for the kids, not that the kids own it. We put all the money into our house, adding onto it, etc, for our kids. But they don't own it, at least not yet. I agree with others though, this will never work, sharing a house. Neither of them need to keep knowing each other's business, and they should each have their own house, even if it means they sell this wonderful home and use it to purchase a house each. I know it's not good to do this to the kids, but I can't imagine, unless the court orders it, that either will be willing to give up this house and buy another one in the same area. It will prob have to be both, or neither.
I think the point she was trying to make is that they both bought the house, therefore it is both Jon and Kate's house. Although they both say the house belongs to the children.

I think it was put in a trust so it may be just in the children's or lawyer's names. I can't remember anymore!
One other thing in most custody agreements here in NY is first right of refusal. If the parent who has custody can't be with the children, before a sitter is called, the oposing parent is given first refusal.

As far as the house, I always thought the house was bought for the kids, not that the kids own it. We put all the money into our house, adding onto it, etc, for our kids. But they don't own it, at least not yet. I agree with others though, this will never work, sharing a house. Neither of them need to keep knowing each other's business, and they should each have their own house, even if it means they sell this wonderful home and use it to purchase a house each. I know it's not good to do this to the kids, but I can't imagine, unless the court orders it, that either will be willing to give up this house and buy another one in the same area. It will prob have to be both, or neither.

I think it would be better for them to have two homes and stuff for their kids at both houses. There is just no way this can work, sharing a house. But they have to be thinking about what is best for their kids to come to that conclusion. And so far they are not. They say they are but they are not.
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