Jon and Kate Plus 8 Official Thread - Part 5

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One other thing in most custody agreements here in NY is first right of refusal. If the parent who has custody can't be with the children, before a sitter is called, the oposing parent is given first refusal.

As far as the house, I always thought the house was bought for the kids, not that the kids own it. We put all the money into our house, adding onto it, etc, for our kids. But they don't own it, at least not yet. I agree with others though, this will never work, sharing a house. Neither of them need to keep knowing each other's business, and they should each have their own house, even if it means they sell this wonderful home and use it to purchase a house each. I know it's not good to do this to the kids, but I can't imagine, unless the court orders it, that either will be willing to give up this house and buy another one in the same area. It will prob have to be both, or neither.

Probably impossible for the show, which must go on and they have to move forward. For the kids of course. (sarcasm not directed at you, but at the 2 yahoos)
But they have to be thinking about what is best for their kids to come to that conclusion. And so far they are not. They say they are but they are not.

That's really just your (and perhap's other's) opinions. Some also feel it's better to not move the kids at this time, to let them stay in familiar settings. I do wish that since Jon already has his apartment, perhaps he would buy a house in the area, where the kids could visit him, and he and Kate won't be in each other's pockets. Perhaps Kate can buy him out from this house. I don't think it's good for either parent to share the house. Just from what many on the dis have posted over the years, in most cases, the mom ends up spending more time with the kids, and the dads end up weekend takers. I can see this happening here. Perhaps they can work it out that Jon gets them more when Kate is working out of town, and Kate has physical custody, like so many other mom's do.

Unless the contract says filming must be done in this house, I don't think it's impossible for the show and flming, to be in two houses.
Yes, I just googled it and the article I found said it was because they seal them. I guess we won't know for sure, but it sounds like that's why otherwise why not just do it in your own county? But that's makes me wonder what's in there that we haven't already scene since their lives have been an open book for the past couple of years. Must be something juicy!!!
Unless the contract says filming must be done in this house, I don't think it's impossible for the show and flming, to be in two houses.

I wonder if TLC would go for that. It would mean 2 different sets for interviews, two locations for shootings, two houses for studio lighting...that could get very expensive very fast.
That's really just your (and perhap's other's) opinions. Some also feel it's better to not move the kids at this time, to let them stay in familiar settings. I do wish that since Jon already has his apartment, perhaps he would buy a house in the area, where the kids could visit him, and he and Kate won't be in each other's pockets. Perhaps Kate can buy him out from this house. I don't think it's good for either parent to share the house. Just from what many on the dis have posted over the years, in most cases, the mom ends up spending more time with the kids, and the dads end up weekend takers. I can see this happening here. Perhaps they can work it out that Jon gets them more when Kate is working out of town, and Kate has physical custody, like so many other mom's do.

Unless the contract says filming must be done in this house, I don't think it's impossible for the show and flming, to be in two houses.

That is why I posted it. I never said it was fact. It does amaze me how people can think that one or both of the parents are doing what is right for those kids. In the begining I posted that I thought that the kids were fine and this was not going to hurt them, but that was before all the tabloids and rumors and parents acting stupid. And they are both acting stupid, but that is my opionion
I wonder if TLC would go for that. It would mean 2 different sets for interviews, two locations for shootings, two houses for studio lighting...that could get very expensive very fast.

We would not want to make it hard on TLC. just the kids.
We would not want to make it hard on TLC. just the kids.

No, I could care less about TLC. As we know the show must go on, they must move forward, they can never go back. ;)

I was just stating that is the reason why they decided to split the house for filming, not for the kids sakes.
The scans are up for the articles this week: Seems that Kate has fired back at Jon.

I thought this was a good article - more about Kate and not *as much* about the kids. I LOVED the picture of Kate with the boys in their little "cowboy" outfits -adorable!!

one thing on Regis. Kate wouldn't answer how long (in years) they'd been on TV. She would only say 5 seasons.

Maybe because it would sound longer than it really is? I mean, they had two specials right? I have no clue - madge you'd be the time line person here! :worship: Were the specials like a year apart then how long did they wait until they started the show? Does that make sense? Like maybe they've been on tv for five years but doing their own show for three years because of the specials???

Jon's said before (and I think Kate has) that the divorce will be done by the end of Sept. It doesn't shock me that Hailey's getting her time in the spotlight either!

Seriously?? I'm all for him trying to make his "own" money. Let's just hope he doesn't try to make some kind of statement - that could be B A D.

My first thought - Days Inn? Is that close to their house? It seems like she'd go to a friends or something especially since she wound up not staying that long. I'm surprised (if there are any) that room charges and things haven't leaked from all of the hotel stays. I could see the housekeepers cash in on "what was in the Gosselin garbage?" and what they ordered while they were there....


I think it was back 100 pages or so, when she was photographed in a bikini. Some are sure she had them done, others decided there was no way that would be possible without everybody knowing. Either way, she looks great in a bikini. :goodvibes

Very good recap!

Oh, one more thing. My friend that follows the show said that she thought it was a mistake to say in interviews (both print and TV) that she is hiding from the paparazzi. It was like she threw down the gauntlet saying she could not be found. That, in my friend's opinion, would put the paps on more of a hunt to show her that they can find her whenever they would like.

I think she had a good point.

I hadn't heard her make that comment...if she did, yup I think that just throws gas on the fire personally. Now it's "how well can you hide?".

it would seem to me that a nanny would be something Jon and Kate would need to agree on together. (disclaimer: I am inexperienced when it comes to separation & divorce, so I understand that idea might be naive)

I know if I were splitting with DH there would be some kind of agreement that we would both develop a list of who was able to watch the kids and who couldn't.

The only good thing about this story is that it didn't happen up at the house for the kids to see. But if Jon feels a need to have a different nanny while he's there, this thing is a lot uglier than we know. Separate days, separate nannies, separate :scared1:

I so hope the kids didn't have to witness this or hear about it (thinking Jon went back into the house to brag/vent to Steph)....they don't deserve that!

YIKES! If it's that bad, Kate needs security with her at all times. There's NO reason to put your life on the line let alone others you could have killed or injured in the process of trying to "escape"....

I'm hoping that this turns out to be a mountain out of a molehill situation. I really am. Even though I'm not a fan of Jon or Kate's... this just sounds so desperate and sad to me. I keep thinking about the children :(

I think your other questions already got answered....

I don't think it's a molehill's Mt Everest for Pete's sake!

I can only imagine what the kids thought with their mother yelling for him to let her in and their dad not letting her in. (I'm assuming the kids were's hard to keep up here!)

And like someone said...why weren't there pictures of that??? They have pictures of everything else they do at that house. Maybe it's because they were camped out at the Days Inn????

I think we're all hoping the kids didn't see it!

I agree - how come (if there are people there all the time) there weren't pictures of all of this?? I don't think they could have "camped out" at the Days Inn - I'm thinking that wasn't a "planned" visit.

I think I would start watering my lawn, right near the front of the house, where the pap's stand to take their pictures. It would need to be watered often...with a nice sweeping sprinkler.

I would have some nice new irrigation systems installed - I think their grass looks a bit brown out there! And plant some darned trees - good leafy ones!

one question answered:
Kate called the cops

the reports say this happened at midnight .. but it's clearly not night, at least not midnight, in this video:

according to People, it's earlier,,20297960,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines

Something must have been bad if Kate didn't agree with who was watching the kids!

The video is crazy! I would have run him over when he stepped in front of my car!

If Kate did call, it would point to the fact she thought she was right about whatever the reason she was calling. But the fact that she left indicates the police didn't agree and felt the children were safe and Jon was doing ok.

I agree Kate must have felt strongly if she called the police. (they've been called several times before correct????) I don't know that her leaving means anyone thought the kids were ok. It sounds more like Jon said it was his time with the kids and that's why Kate had to leave.....

I can't understand why Kate would let anyone watch her kids that she doesn't approve of. I'm sure Steph's not there watching them while she's there (and from what Jon said there's an extensive list of babysitters) but I'd be digging up her background and anything I could to take to my attorney to make sure she couldn't be around them. I'm surprised things haven't "leaked" about the different babysitters (other than the little we already know).

He says he hasn't seen her in a long time? What?

Confirms Kate didn't approve of Steph.

Jon looks like he's trying HARD to play the "poor me" card....until the cell phone rings and he laughs and jokes about it then goes back to the pouty face (as we'd call it in our house). He clearly came out to talk to the paps - there's no other reason for him to be out there and if there was, he could have kept his mouth shut like Kate did when they were yelling questions at her. I've lost a lot of respect for Jon and if I were Kate, I'd be making sure my attorney had documents of everything and it would be brought up during a custody hearing.

did you catch him at the very end? when they ask if he approved of Kate's babysitter and he says if she'll approve of mine?

and Jon's right. it's his turn, Kate should stay away. same goes for him.

one other thing, though. Jon said called the babysitter because he had to get stuff done? He's got days away from the children to work. put your money where your mouth is ... spend time with your children.

I thought it was super childish of Jon to say he'd approve of hers if she'd approve of his.....whatever!

I agree - if it's Jon's time and the agreement was she couldn't come back until whatever day/time, they need to stick with that.

I also agree with the last part - send the darn babysitters home and be with your kids! :sad2:

She can no longer control who enters her kids lives and has influence over them.

Like I said before, if I were Kate, I'd be digging up each and every thing I could find on each of the sitters and make sure they were safe to be around my kids. The picture of her in the garage and coming out with Jon should be enough alone to disqualify her from watching the kids IMHO. Then the "willing to pose nude" for her freaking way! Sorry...but no! Something could accidentally leak about where she lives or something - let the paps stake out her house for a bit!

I wish I had a a babysitter!! I can't hear the video over the kids in my house!

I think he well, looked genuine anyway. I really can't blame him for talking sometimes, when Kate does hers so much more publicly and often (I know his interview was canceled). And he really doesn't trash Kate when he does.

LOL I know how that is!

I don't think he looked genuine personally. I think he also needs to be careful - if TLC said not to do interviews, what could that mean when he's obviously out talking to the paps? It's not a formal "interview" but he's answering their questions. It's gonna get a lot more muddy before we can clean anything up!

When she leaves, she leaves to go work

I do feel bad for kate,
Jon, comes and goes, and he's a jerk, he is just pulling a power move on Kate, which he has a right too, but what a jerk for giving that
"gosh, jolly gee" interview with TMZ.
His smirkying and smiling was terrible.
So, Jon, where were your kids when all this drama went down.
You can't tell me, the kids didn't see it.

I wonder what Kate's "working" on when she's not with the kids. I know she has some appearances and things scheduled but do you think she's working on the "tell all" book (or another kind of book - parenting through divorce or something)???

I agree - in Jon's interview he said Judy (I think that's what he said before he stopped himself) was around all the time and he needed another baby sitter on top of that?? The kids are NOT that hard to control I can't imagine! That's two kids/adult....

I bet this divorce does not go through in 90 day. She should put the brakes on it fast.

I would think she would want the divorce to go's the custody part that's going to be hanging on awhile.

I thought they filed in a different county...

Does that make a difference? I'm not sure how it works in PA??
No, I could care less about TLC. As we know the show must go on, they must move forward, they can never go back. ;)

I was just stating that is the reason why they decided to split the house for filming, not for the kids sakes.

Sorry, I hate writing on the computer, you can never really tell how someone is talking. I was being sarcastic toward TLC not you.
For those who couldn't/can't watch the video:

Hide the kids and get the lawyers on the horn, this thing is getting ugly.

Jon Gosselin emerged from his Pennsylvania home this morning to discuss his fight with Kate last night that had to be broken up by the cops.

Jon says his estranged wife—just back from a trip to New York to appear on Today and Live With Regis and Kelly—came to the house even though it was his turn to be with the kids.

"You know me, I don't come home when she's with the kids, because I respect her time with the kids," said Jon. "She tried to come home yesterday, and I wouldn’t let her in the gate. I guess she called the police, and the police came.

"They said it was a civil matter, and we would have to work it out with our attorneys," he explained. "The officer pulled me aside, and I'm like, 'This has never happened before, and I am spending time with my kids, and she's going to have to leave.' "

After the police arrived, Kate ultimately calmed down and left the grounds for a local hotel. She has yet to address the press.

So why was Kate so adamant about coming in the house while Jon was there?

"I guess she didn't agree with my babysitting, but you know, I didn’t approve hers," he said. "She didn't agree, and that is something with we will have to work out with our attorneys and custody and all that."

The babysitter in question: cocktail waitress Stephanie Santoro, with whom Jon's been alleged to have had a fling.

Jon said there was nothing scandalous going on: "I called my babysitter Steph, and she came over and watched them for filming, and she's just always available so…like, some of our babysitters live far away, but I had to get things done."

Asked if he approved Kate's babysitters? "I guess if she'll approve of mine," says Jon. "It's kinda like back and forth."

The blowup was curious, in light of comments both have made recently about staying civil for the benefit of the children.

During her Live interview, Kate was asked about how things are going with figuring out who sees the kids when. "Surprisingly, that is the most peaceful part of it. We do work pretty well together with the kids," she responded.

Thursday's shouting match was, Jon admits, the first time in a long time he has seen Kate.

For the kids' sake, let's hope the next time Jon and Kate meet, the cops don't have to be called.
Sorry, I hate writing on the computer, you can never really tell how someone is talking. I was being sarcastic toward TLC not you.

That's what I figured, thus my sarcastic remark back. :rotfl:It's hard telling sometimes and I hesitated to post it, glad we were on the same wavelength.
Jon Gosselin and Christian Audigier, the designer for the Ed Hardy sportswear line, will host a wet and wild party in Vegas on Aug. 29.

MGM Grand's Wet Republic announced this week that "Jon Gosselin, America's favorite father (Jon and Kate plus 8), is coming to Las Vegas for a little R&R and will be hosting poolside."

Gosselin will be in Sin City with Audigier to attend MAGIC, a clothing industry trade show.

Remember Jon just had a wild time with 22-year-old Hailey Glassman on the Ed Hardy designer's yacht in the South of France last month.

And he's reportedly working on a clothing line of attire with Audigier.

Get out your skull and tattoo print T-shirts and get ready to party hardy!!!

What do you think about Jon's party boy ways?

It's so nice to see that he's avoiding the limelight he is said to loathe so much, isn't it?

Wonder if his buddy -- that other father of the year -- Michael Lohan will join him?

I didn't realize the pool party was for the Ed Hardy stuff. I laughed so hard when I got my LTD catalog the other day and they had Ed Hardy shot glasses and wall art. I am sure Jon has both in his new pad! :rotfl2: the funniest thing - the quote on the one was "love kills slowly" :lmao:
Today it rained in Pennsylvania. Probably because Kate Gosselin shot down any chance at a future hypothetical reunion with her estranged husband earlier today.

Nevertheless, life went on and Jon Gosselin had some shopping to do.

Accompanied by daughter Leah and decked out in his best Ed Hardy (TLC wasn't around to blur it out for us, unfortunately), J.Goss stopped by the Men's Wearhouse for a suit.

And E! News has all the details on said suit...

It was dark and for a wedding! That's all we know.

"He didn't give a destination," a sales clerk at the store tells E! "He just said it was for a wedding. He was nice, but we just didn't ask him."

Ooooh, a wedding, eh? Interesting that a source close to the couple also confirmed to E! News that the Gosselin divorce will be finalized in September.

Not that we're saying this suit is for his own second wedding or anything, but maybe we should double-check with Hailey Glassman Monday, when she stops by for some exclusive E! News interview time at 7 and 11:30 p.m. The Gosselin Party just never stops here!
PHILADELHIA - Reports indicate Kate Gosselin called 9-1-1 about her husband, but the police sided with Jon Gosselin.

The reality TV show couple apparently became involved in an argument about a babysitter hired by Jon Gosselin who is also a part-time bartender and aspiring nude model.

The argument on Thursday night started at 6:30 p.m. at the couple’s Wernersville, Pa., estate when Kate Gosselin showed up unannounced and demanded that Jon Gosselin get rid of Stephanie Santoro.

Jon Gosselin then locked Kate Gosselin out of the house, claiming that Kate Gosselin didn’t have the right to be at the house because of their shared custody and separation agreement.

Kate Gosselin then called police, who responded to the call.

After a 10 minute discussion, police asked Kate Gosselin to leave.

Jon Gosselin told the Splash Online news agency that Kate Gosselin cried in front of the officers, in order to get into the house.

Instead, Kate Gosselin got a police escort to a nearby Days Inn, where she was then swamped by paparazzi. reported Friday that "Kate arrived at the home (it was reportedly ex Jon's time to be with the kids) because she did not approve of the baby-sitter. Photographers on site claimed Kate was "locked out" of her house."

Radar Online is reporting that Gosselin called the police back to the Days Inn hotel to help her make an exit at 4 a.m. The site is reporting "Kate had the police come and carry her luggage and walk her to her black Toyota SUV, which was approximately 40 steps from the front hotel door."

A photographer told that Kate was driving about 95 miles an hour and shut off her headlight several times when she got near an exit, in an apparent attempt to try to throw off the two paparazzi cars that were following her.
Police in Pennsylvania have issued a statement about the screaming match between Jon and Kate Gosselin that they were called to last night.

In a statement to OK!, a spokesperson from John and Kate’s local police department said: “On Thursday evening at 7.05pm officers from Lower Heidelberg Police Department were dispatched to the Gosselin residence on Heffner Road for a verbal argument.

“The officers were able to calm the situation down, there were no citations or arrests made and the call was cleared.”

Kate headed to a nearby Days Inn after the fight.
I haven't read everything - can't keep up. I truly do believe that Kate is trying to do what is best for her kids (or what she thinks is best anyway). I think Jon is doing his best to hurt Kate and push her over the edge. Hiring a babysitter knowing it's going to drive her crazy is NOT in the best interest of the kids. I foresee some sort of tragedy in the future.
Jon has officially become something I can't repeat here for fear of getting points.,,20298031,00.html

Jon: Kate 'Tried to Cry It Up for the Cops – and It Didn't Work'
By Brian Orloff

Originally posted Friday August 14, 2009 03:40 PM EDT
Jon Gosselin

Photo by: Jerritt Clark / Getty

Jon Gosselin is speaking out about the police incident that sent his estranged wife Kate off in a crying fit on Thursday.

"[Kate] tried to come home yesterday and I wouldn't let her in the gate and I guess she called the police," the reality star, 32, tells Splash News in a new interview. "It was a miscommunication."

On Thursday, police were called to the family's Wernersville, Pa., home after Kate showed up with concerns over the babysitter caring for her children. But she was denied access to the property because of her custody agreement.

"She tried to 'cry it up' with the cops and it didn't work," Jon says. "They said, 'You have to leave.' " According to the reality star, police called the incident a "civil matter." Kate then left on her on accord.

Jon says he called a babysitter, Stephanie Santoro, to watch the children because he had to "get things done." Kate, apparently, wasn't thrilled with the babysitter he hired, but Jon says he doesn't understand why – or why she came over without warning.

"I have no idea [why she was unhappy]. I guess [because] she didn't have approval. I didn't come home when she had custody and make a big stink. We're good judges of taking care of our kids and when we need babysitters, we need babysitters."

Kate Gosselin had no comment on the matter.
I thought he said he needed to get filming stuff done, as in interviews. I could be wrong though.

I couldn't get the sound up on my computer, and I was in a hurry to get a couple of errands taken care of before the kids got out of school .. I'll listen again.

I get tweets from Us Weekly and another gossip site .. I must have had 4 JK8 tweets in the 2 hours I was away from home. I couldn't wait to get home and check out the thread! LOLOL
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