Girls Only Trip ~ OLD Thread, see link in first post for new one

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  • Amy/bigskyernurse (I haven't seen her on here in FOREVER!)
  • Angie
  • Cheryl
  • Daisy
  • Erin? (Not a DISer?)
  • Jamie (Not a DISer?)
  • Jane
  • Kerry
  • Melissa (Not a DISer?)
  • Rebecca (Not a DISer?)
  • Shirley
  • Stacie F.
  • Tina
  • Vanessa
Ok this the updated list after I was so silly and forgot to write down a bunch of PMs from some of the other ladies. My bad!

I don't know if Amy is going because I haven't heard from her and I don't believe she's signed up for anything.
I need to warn my roommates that I'm snoring now. DH just informed me of that. :rolleyes: I'm sorry...I'd offer to sleep in the tub, but I don't think I'll fit!

NOW? I think I remember you snoring last time I shared a room with you. ;) But you had a cold, so that was a good excuse.

That's not allowed, didn't you read the roommate agreement??

J/K!! I'll bring my sound machine again, it should be okay as long as we don't put it next to a cell phone or clock radio.

I know the HoJo also keeps a supply of earplugs at the front desk. :thumbsup2
Magicale is not just wine--it is nectar of the gods!

It is a sparkling red wine that is sweet and yummy and totally addicting!

It is just the most heavenly thing you will eva taste!!

Thought I'd add to all of the eye candy.


Not sure what it is about him but he is very nice on the eyes (to me anyway).

I hope you all are having a nice week.

:hug: Beth sorry to hear that the flu is still in your house. I hope that it leaves quickly and that Rueben doesn't get it.

It's my last night here in Ohio. I have had a very nice time. A good friend and her family were reassigned here at the end of this past summer so I was able to see her and her family. They had a yummy beef stew for dinner on Wed.. It's very nice to have a home cooked meal when on the road.

I hope to get caught up this weekend with what's going on with everyone.


Joshie....he is so HOT!!!!!!!!!!!

Kelly~ I have no idea who the heck that is in your pictures....
Way to much to multi quote, and I have forgotten everything I was gonna reply to. Its been a long day. Hope all is well.
Magicale is not just wine--it is nectar of the gods!

It is a sparkling red wine that is sweet and yummy and totally addicting!

Too true - :love:

I am so having one of those days where I should not have left the house. I'm doing everything wrong, wrong, wrong. Ugh. I don't like days where I'm extra stupid, instead of just my normal stupid.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! I'm looking forward to crawling into bed tonight. :cloud9:

Hugs to Wendell :flower3: Sorry you're having a bad day. Smile :dance3:

Oops, I guess I should have been more specific, I mean where in Disneyland or DCA can I get a glass. I'm trying to see where I can fit it in. What restaurants serve it?

You can get it in the restaurants of the DLR hotels (so Storyteller's, Napa Rose, Steakhouse 55, etc.) and at Wine Country. Nowhere in Disneyland though (no alcohol there). You may be able to get it at the Cove Bar, but I'm not sure.......

Wendy, I feel like you. I was getting my suitcase out of the boneyard and had an arm full of Sierra Mist from an extra case we have in there and Spikey was trying to sneak in and I was yelling at him trying to get out of the room with my arms full and jammed my right first finger into the door jam. I screamed. DH ran back there and looked at my Disney suitcase laying on the ground along with 4 Sierra Mists and just does this.:sad2: I am so mad at myself for being SO STUPID! My nail broke beyond the quick and it hurts to move my finger (typing is a challenge as we speak). Did I say it really hurts and I feel REALLY STUPID? I guess I should be thankful it's not my left hand so I can still write - the Scavy Hunt question roster is my main order of business this weekend. Well, that and drinking wine and visiting with Cheryl and Mel.:dance3:

Ouch on the finger :headache: Have a great time with Cheryl and Mel :thumbsup2

I need to warn my roommates that I'm snoring now. DH just informed me of that. :rolleyes: I'm sorry...I'd offer to sleep in the tub, but I don't think I'll fit!

Maybe get some Breath Right nasal strips??? They hold open your nasal passages so you don't snore - no medication, just a Band-Aid looking thing you put on your nose..... They are supposed to work like a hot dang ;)

It is just the most heavenly thing you will eva taste!!

Agreed - and I be wanting some now pirate:
Do you sleep on your back or your side????

Side now, but I'm used to sleeping on my stomach. I think that's the real issue. I have a big ole pillow that wraps around me now, so at least I am sleeping now! I'm ok on my back some, but I'm not suppose to sleep that way right now.

Speaking of sleep, I'm off to bed. Big day tomorrow!
Oh, and is Amy even coming on this trip? We haven't heard from her in months! I hope so. :)
I'm sorry to say I just heard from Amy tonight and she won't be making the trip. :(
I need to go through and take her name off the lists. She's just got too much going on, her DH was in the hospital again, and then she's got a family trip planned coming up soon. Anyway, I'm sure she will miss everyone. I know she had a blast last time!

Ok this the updated list after I was so silly and forgot to write down a bunch of PMs from some of the other ladies. My bad!
LOL Poor Cristabel. Welcome to my world. Check, check and double check and then..........check again!!! :rotfl: And even then things slip through the cracks. Thanks for your hard work in keeping track of the candies. Did each PM make you crave that particular candy like it did me last year?? :rolleyes1 ;)

Linda, sorry about your nail. Ouch!!

Heather, good luck tomorrow.

Stacerita, how are things going with the new job??

Loving all the eye candy!!!

Melody, where are you going? Did I miss a trip you are taking. Be safe.

That's all I can remember. Night ladies!! :)
First of all ((hugs)) to wendy and Linda!!

Mel have fun on your trip and don't get washed away!

Deb that is Christopher Lambert. He was in Highlander which is my favorite movie and also Mortal Kombat, the other pic was from Greystoke (Tarzan) and he was in some other action/adventure films. If you aren't into action movies you prob have never heard of him but I think he is sexy! He is french and I love guys with accents!! :)

The first guy in my first pic is Gerard Butler aka Phantom of the Opera, PS I love you, 300 I'm sure you've heard of him. Another foreigner, he's scottish rawrrr! ;)
  • Amy/bigskyernurse (I haven't seen her on here in FOREVER!)
  • Angie
  • Cheryl
  • Daisy
  • Erin? (Not a DISer?)
  • Jamie (Not a DISer?)
  • Jane
  • Kerry
  • Melissa (Not a DISer?)
  • Rebecca (Not a DISer?)
  • Shirley
  • Stacie F.
  • Tina
  • Vanessa
Ok this the updated list after I was so silly and forgot to write down a bunch of PMs from some of the other ladies. My bad!

I don't know if Amy is going because I haven't heard from her and I don't believe she's signed up for anything.

Cristabel, I didn't PM you, but I told you what I'm bringing on FB in our Meet & Greet conversation. If you don't have it, I'll send it again.

Disney on Ice was great tonight. The first half was Cars (Ty's fave), Little Mermaid (my fave) and Lion King (Dave's fave) and the second half was the first of the new Tinkerbell movies. Ty and my friends' twin girls who are almost 3 all loved it. Ty got the cutest little hat that looks like Mater, which is his favorite character in the movie. In fact, he calls it "Truck" not "Cars" due to his love of Mater :rotfl2:

Anyhow, even though my own trip is up in the air, Amy's official cancellation has me totally bummed out :sad1: Add in my best friend from grad school's mom dying this morning after a battle with cancer, more budget meetings, and the continuous rain, and I kinda feel like Wendell today.

Good luck to Heather with the U/S tomorrow. I hope you pass the test and that she chooses to cooperate :banana: I have never been as frustrated as I was when Ty chose to keep his legs together when I had that big U/S. I should have known at that moment that I was going to be dealing with a challenging child. Oh, and on that note, I am talking to the wife of one of my colleagues tomorrow who works for Easter Seals, so we'll see where that takes us.

Anyhow, I am exhausted and need to gear up for another long day tomorrow, so good night ladies!
I was thinking of waiting to see if i could snag some stuff after Valentines Day on sale. I thought that you were going to publish a list of what was being brought and then I could make sure to see what came out at Valentine's. Or you can PM me with stuff that you still need...I was going to look at non chocolate stuff since I did see your post on that.


  • Amy/bigskyernurse (I haven't seen her on here in FOREVER!)
  • Angie
  • Cheryl
  • Daisy
  • Erin? (Not a DISer?)
  • Jamie (Not a DISer?)
  • Jane
  • Kerry
  • Melissa (Not a DISer?)
  • Rebecca (Not a DISer?)
  • Shirley
  • Stacie F.
  • Tina
  • Vanessa
Ok this the updated list after I was so silly and forgot to write down a bunch of PMs from some of the other ladies. My bad!

I don't know if Amy is going because I haven't heard from her and I don't believe she's signed up for anything.
I am so having one of those days where I should not have left the house. I'm doing everything wrong, wrong, wrong. Ugh. I don't like days where I'm extra stupid, instead of just my normal stupid.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! I'm looking forward to crawling into bed tonight. :cloud9:

This is pretty much my everyday in Switzerland. :headache:
And people give my glares and pound my car door windwos (which happened two days ago when I stopped the crosswalk trying to turn and merge into traffic) just to make sure I know it!

But I will try not to generalize about all Swiss. Just a bout of culture shock which will pass. And maybe someday I will just be normal stupid here. :rotfl:

I can't keep up with the thread. I'll just cut to the chase...has anyone convinced Beth to go to DL yet?? I refuse to believe that she isn't going. your magic and make it happen! And let me know how I can help from Europa. I'm sorry, I'm just not buying the braces excuse. :rolleyes1 Beth is meant to join the trip. Just believe! :wizard:

Later ladies...
Good morning and TGIF!

Jane I am glad you had fun at Disney on Ice and sorry for your friends mom and that you are sad!! I hope that you don't have to cancel too! WAY too many people aren't coming and I am getting really bummed about it! :(

I feel like half the people that came last year aren't coming now and that makes me sad :( Then last night my mom said she was invited to a 60th birthday party of one of her friends that was going to be this "big" deal and she was bummed she couldn't go. And I was like don't EVEN give me a guilt trip about going on THIS trip. This is the ONLY sure thing I know I am doing this year. UGH! I need to get away SOOOO bad it is not even funny! I told her I can't even believe she would consider a 1 NIGHT event over a whole WEEKEND with the divas. I know it is not as big of a deal to her because she doesn't post on the site but I KNOW she had fun last year. Plus SHE has already been to Mexico in Dec and now they are going AGAIN in April. I get SO stressed out when they leave cuz I can never get a hold of her and things get really stressful at work trying to hold down the fort without her there. So I NEED this trip!!!

Anyway I am GLAD it is friday and I hope this weather gets better soon. They say we are going to get a bit of a break this weekend but there is more rain predicted for next week so we shall see. It is going to be a busy day for me at work today. That guy is coming to install that software on my laptop and go over it with me and we are hopefully going to run to Michaels to see about the transfers and if I have time I am going to call this trophy shop about doing the iron ons. Then we have to go to the phone store so I can get Lynn's old phone line transferred to a cheapie phone for the girls so we have a house line (we disconnected her phone when she ran off again, NOT paying for her phone if she is not around!!) We are stuck with the contract on her line for 2 stupid years so we are just going to get a cheapie 19.99 phone to keep in the house for emergencies.

Anyway tonight we have girl scouts and then tomorrow is the first basketball game. THAT should be interesting. Then we have to run to Sams and then that should be it. Nothing else on the agenda thank goodness!

I hope everyone has a good day and hope you have some fun plans for the weekend and that the weather wherever you are starts to look up!!
Anyhow, even though my own trip is up in the air, Amy's official cancellation has me totally bummed out :sad1: Add in my best friend from grad school's mom dying this morning after a battle with cancer, more budget meetings, and the continuous rain, and I kinda feel like Wendell today.
I'm sorry. Wish I could say something to make it better, but will you settle for a virtual hug?? :hug:
I am glad you were able to take a break from it all and have fun at the Disney show.

This is pretty much my everyday in Switzerland. :headache:
And people give my glares and pound my car door windwos (which happened two days ago when I stopped the crosswalk trying to turn and merge into traffic) just to make sure I know it!
Oh Jen. Wow. I think this is such a great and exciting adventure you are on, but then I read posts like that and I sort of cringe. I cannot believe they banged on your window. I'm sorry. I hope things get better for you there, and life will be easier among the Swiss. :hug:
I know they will. You are pretty good at finding the positive things to focus on. :)

I feel like half the people that came last year aren't coming now and that makes me sad :( Then last night my mom said she was invited to a 60th birthday party of one of her friends that was going to be this "big" deal and she was bummed she couldn't go. And I was like don't EVEN give me a guilt trip about going on THIS trip. This is the ONLY sure thing I know I am doing this year. UGH! I need to get away SOOOO bad it is not even funny! I told her I can't even believe she would consider a 1 NIGHT event over a whole WEEKEND with the divas.
Kelly, I hope you and your mom are able to come to an agreement that you can both be happy with. I will say your mom is great and was a welcome addition to the trip last year. I hope she knows that and knows that she would be missed if she decided to skip it. But as I said, whatever will make you both happy is what I hope for. :hug:
Oh don't worry Beth she is NOT cancelling! She just likes to play the martyr role! My mom and I are VERY close in fact she is basically like my best friend BUT she is REAL good at guilt trips and playing the martyr. I know she will have a good time and plus my aunt is already planning on coming and money has been spent she won't cancel but I hate when she has to say stuff like that ya know. I despise guilt trips! I know once we go she will have a good time. :) I just wish more of my diva friends were coming. No offense to those that are but I am REALLY going to miss everyone that isn't coming!!
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