Do you ever Overbook ADR's "just in case"?

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We have never overbooked ADRs and I can safely say we never would.

It is not fair to others when you know for sure that you will not be using all 12 reservations. We had a tough time getting ADRs last year and we booked on the first day that we could. We are so flexible too, we don't care what day we are eating somewhere or what time. We just make our plans work. If this is what people are doing, I guess this may have been why we had such a hard time...:confused:
Part of the 'rules" of the Disboards is that we don't post ways to get around Disney's rules. I'm guessing you missed that.

I'm not sure what the point of this post was, other than to help people get around rules. If a lot of people do what you suggest, it will be even harder for people who truly want to eat at particular restaurants to get in. But I guess as long as the double booker has options, that is all that matters.:sad2:

If I broke a DIS rule, then I am sorry.

As for part of my point, well, more than anything, it's that the system is flawed and it doesn't take a lot to work around it if you want to do so.

Until Disney makes the ADR process linked to credit cards, it's not going to get any better in respect to double booking and even then, it's doubtful that they will manage to not leave any loopholes.
If I broke a DIS rule, then I am sorry.

As for part of my point, well, more than anything, it's that the system is flawed and it doesn't take a lot to work around it if you want to do so.

Until Disney makes the ADR process linked to credit cards, it's not going to get any better in respect to double booking and even then, it's doubtful that they will manage to not leave any loopholes.

Ok..sorry..but honestly...just because the system is *flawed*..why do you think it is ok to take advantage of that? It would get better if people would just simply respect the idea that it is not all about "them" and their needs....Does it not cross your mind that what you choose do to, has a negative impact on others? Sorry...but the idea that " I can do what I need to do because it benefits me...despite what it does to others" just sad and frustrating!
Ok, first off, out of all of our trips to WDW, I have only double booked ADR's for one of those trips. It was in December of 2008 and you have no idea how much stuff that I was juggling in attempting to create a workable itinerary for us being that my MIL was going to be touring the parks with us. She has a host of health issues, dietary issues, and more. It was done because at the time, Disney had not released the CP packages yet and I needed to make sure that we had a plan in place based on who the CP narrator was going to be on whatever day it was that we were going to be at Epcot. They kept swapping out the dates of who was announcing on what day and the package details took forever to work out. So, my MIL had ADR's under her room reservation for one plan and I had ADR's for our room reservation for the other plan. Technically, we did not double book in the eyes of Disney because these ADR's were booked under two separate reservations and under two separate names. It involved about 3 days worth of our 10 day trip. Once the CP packages came out, we made our decision on which day was the right day for us to do CP, booked the package that we wanted, and then cancelled all of the other ADR's that would not be used. This was done ASAP, so that many other people had the benefit of grabbing up those spots for themselves.

Yes, this was self serving. I wanted to make the last trip that my partner and her mother would share at Disney special. The trip had it's good moments and it's not so good moments, but I know that I did my best to make it work. I will not ever feel bad for doing what I did because in the end the effort was made to make two other people that I care about happy.

I do not double book ADR's for our trips together. There is no need. I have the super planner gene and can plan out a WDW vacation in a matter of hours right down to which ride at what time and pretty much when the bathroom breaks will fall. I don't condone double booking ADR's as a rule. I do see how certain circumstances can make it seem more necessary as an exception, rather than the rule of how people plan. Some situations just don't fall under the regular way that things work and not everyone knows enough about how things flow to plan appropriately 180 days in advance.
As for part of my point, well, more than anything, it's that the system is flawed and it doesn't take a lot to work around it if you want to do so.

I think it is just a shame that people can't just do the right thing, and book ADRs that they really want, instead of working the system to do the wrong thing. Just because you can do something doesn't mean it is ok to do it.

I do wish Disney would require a credit card deposit for all ADRs. That would cut way down on a lot of this nonsense.
Ok, first off, out of all of our trips to WDW, I have only double booked ADR's for one of those trips. It was in December of 2008 and you have no idea how much stuff that I was juggling in attempting to create a workable itinerary for us being that my MIL was going to be touring the parks with us. She has a host of health issues, dietary issues, and more. It was done because at the time, Disney had not released the CP packages yet and I needed to make sure that we had a plan in place based on who the CP narrator was going to be on whatever day it was that we were going to be at Epcot. They kept swapping out the dates of who was announcing on what day and the package details took forever to work out. So, my MIL had ADR's under her room reservation for one plan and I had ADR's for our room reservation for the other plan. Technically, we did not double book in the eyes of Disney because these ADR's were booked under two separate reservations and under two separate names. It involved about 3 days worth of our 10 day trip. Once the CP packages came out, we made our decision on which day was the right day for us to do CP, booked the package that we wanted, and then cancelled all of the other ADR's that would not be used. This was done ASAP, so that many other people had the benefit of grabbing up those spots for themselves.

Yes, this was self serving. I wanted to make the last trip that my partner and her mother would share at Disney special. The trip had it's good moments and it's not so good moments, but I know that I did my best to make it work. I will not ever feel bad for doing what I did because in the end the effort was made to make two other people that I care about happy.

I do not double book ADR's for our trips together. There is no need. I have the super planner gene and can plan out a WDW vacation in a matter of hours right down to which ride at what time and pretty much when the bathroom breaks will fall. I don't condone double booking ADR's as a rule. I do see how certain circumstances can make it seem more necessary as an exception, rather than the rule of how people plan. Some situations just don't fall under the regular way that things work and not everyone knows enough about how things flow to plan appropriately 180 days in advance.

I'm sorry about what you were going thru. But I have to say it. Everyone who double books probably thinks they have a very good reason for doing so. In the end it just makes a big mess. Tables sit empty, and the people who actually wanted to eat at those restaurants cannot do so. I do think that the problem will continue until Disney takes steps to stop the double booking. Hearing that they are cancelling double booked ADRs when they notice them is a good start.
Well I will probably get slammed for saying this but I believe it's true. Call me whatever you like.... I am not going to play mother theresa or mother mary and "do no wrong" like many will. Instead I'll be honest...

I firmly believe that 90% of people do it already. That may be the frenzy and yes I would agree but it seems "to each his own" sorry to say...

And I think the online booking system has only made it worse.... Never in the past years was I ever so frustrated booking restaurants as I am this year and I always made my vacation plans a month or later away. ;)

I won't slam you for giving your opinion:) Well call me Mother Theresa then cause I am the 10% who don't double book or over book:littleangel::lmao:. I love the online booking. It is so convenient:thumbsup2
No I don't overbook, but I do find myself booking more restaurants than the dining plan. I book it, talk to DH to see if he is interested, and then cancel it. I've been rethinking my ADRs and also thinking about doing the deluxe dining plan, so I booked a few extra places, and have since cancelled a few. I definitely think you should make a decision, and have a plan, and then cancel the ones you don't want.

You are going a busy time and are looking for popular restaurants so it's not surprising you can't get those restaurants. Keep trying.
No I don't over book either. But I do have one or two ADRs planned where we may end up at coounter service.
When do you start cancelling your overbooked reservations?
Immediately. While part of the reason you can't get reservations where you want is likely due to the short time until your vacation, a large part is probably due to Guests overbooking anything and everything they can possibly get until they finally decide what/where they want to eat.

So far I have 12 booked TS reservations and we're only staying 5 nights! I know that's terrible... :scared1: :faint:

like I said we haven't been able to get ANY of these on DD(2) and hubby's (48) birthdays...
Cinderella's Royal Table Try a Princess Meal at Akershus, or 1900 Park Faire
Fantasmic Dinner package Waste of time and money; plan ahead. Eat what you want, where you want, before OR AFTER Fantasmic! Line up in plenty of time to get seated for the show.
Chef Mickey's
Mickey's Backyard BBQ Try a different dinner show - the Luau, or Hoop De Doo, or none at all. You're only going for five days. If you can't do or fit in or 'get' everything this trip, it's a good reason to go back!
But, when I make my ADR's next week, I plan on overbooking by one or two and you know what, I don't think the Disney Universe will collapse onto itself because of it:rotfl2:!
Mathematically - for every seven parties that overbook by ONE meal each in a one-week period, you (general 'you') effectively block an eighth party from getting ANY of their desired dining reservations for that entire week.

Just something to keep in mind...
I choose to look at it in a different way. Someone who is not all that familiar with the Disney ADR system and making ADR's 180 days out, will now have a chance for a TS restaraunt as a walkup at the restaraunt that I cancel.
While hundreds of people who know in advance that they want to eat at Tutto Italia or Teppan Edo and try calling repeatedly for reservations will NOT have the same chance... :confused3
It is amazing how many people think "the rules do not apply to me".:confused3
Like deep frying a Twinkie....Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean that you SHOULD do something...
Now, that's so true!!! Have to agree 100% with that one...deep fried Twinkies...:scared1:

In any case...I've said it before and I'll say it again. If, and when, Disney decides to get serious about ADRs and multiple bookings, they will get credit card info for each and every one of them. If the ADR isn't canceled, you get charged a fee on the credit card.
Of course there are ways to work the system...does anyone really think that Disney doesn't know this??? But that doesn't make it right.
Please people...

This post by ME as the OP and everyone who responded with THEIR OPINION has SEVERELY gotten out of hand. An opinion is much like an ******* everyone has one. However I did not ask for OPINIONS to be posted here. Forgive me.

Before I read all of the replies tonight I had cancelled many of them already. It wasn't a matter of overbooking 2 restaurants as a matter of trying to get something that will fit into a schedule I didn't even know what it would be like yet! With only so many weeks left to plan I panicked thinking I wouldn't get anything for TS. Then before I realized it, I had all these other restaurants that were a YES on my list of places I would like to try. Did the system stop me from doing it? No. Did any of my ADR's get cancelled? No. I did it myself. And no, not for all of the rude repliers but for my own conscious.

Visiting Disney takes A LOT of planning. Reserving.... Cancelling... and then some. I'm not trying to justify myself or anyone else who shared in this. Overbooking was probably a wrong word to use. I had every intention on cancelling those I was not keeping and have cancelled within a day or two of getting them. Believe it or not, how many people WANT to eat at Tony's Town Square or even ABC Commisary CS? The pun and meaning is there people please see it. (no one needs a reservation for any CS meal). I'm simply stating a fact. NOT trying to break any DIS rules or GET AWAY with something to make things miserable for the rest of you. People who have a negative opinion of it I applaud you HOWEVER, but please don't bother posting. I am not a child who needs to be scolded by a ruler. I only asked for those comments from people who have booked more than they needed BEFORE they knew what their plan was to make sure they'd get DINING spots reserved. I would hate to be the person who went to Disney with NOTHING reserved at all. Who wouldn't? I knew one woman who did last year and thankfully many came forth and HELPED her. For those who got the ADR's they wanted GREAT I'm glad you did!! :cloud9: You have every patience to plan 180 days in advance and WOW to do it so perfectly!

If I had known I would have been so blatantly slammed I probably would not have posted. After all I am only HUMAN. I am not a rude person by any means. I am not trying to keep anyone else from book their own ADR's. I think of those as booking their dining 180 days out as doing exactly the same thing I did only in a slower manner. They just don't realize it yet. After all I wonder how many people actually reserve a spot and then CANCEL it a few weeks before when they find something better or even just simply cancel when they realize the schedule changed? I know a lot of people do that. Do you know the disney calendar of events 180 days out? You may know where you want to eat but who believes their timing is perfect? If so forgive me I didnt know that! They reserve, they cancel... it's the CONVENIENCE of the system. It's probably an overconvenience.

By the way... if I book 12 ADR's and plan to pay for the extra ADR's OOP that's my business also. I didn't say I overbooked them all did I?

I just simply like the old way of calling on the phone. At least THEN I could see all of my ADR's on one sheet or in one phone call. I am not an expert at this online system by any means (and believe it or not I am a computer programmer by trade!) It is a weak system. I just think the online booking system could be better...

Thanks for listening! I hope everyone here has a wonderful and FUN FILLED Disney vacation!!!! :dance3: I will be there in exactly 4 weeks. We can't wait!
Tammy296: Short did ask for did say you overbooked. The title of your OP had a question...we answered it. If you don't want honest and yes sometimes opposing points of view, why bother posting? The wonderful thing about the Disboards is that we are all free to express our opinions... I am so sorry you didn't like some of the answers. Glad it all worked out for you.
No, I never overbook dining reservations. I don't think it is right to do that. I have changed my mind before, booked a new ressie and then cancelled the other at the same time. We make the plans, call and make the ADRs, and get what we get. If there is some place we could not book, then we will try there next year.
If you know it's terrible then why are you doing it? And for the record: no, I don't. :confused3

Me neither.

I ask everyone who is tired of the "overbookers" to write to Disney & DVC members go online & "complain" about this issue.
If Disney started taking CC #'s for all TS as they do for CG it would be very "magical" all the ressies that would be available.
I don't believe I've overbooked, but who knows, I don't like making adr's to begin with. I have, however, inadvertently skipped reservations. :lmao: Planning that I'm going to eat a hamburger 4 months from now doesn't work very well sometimes.

Good grief, it's just a meal. There are plenty of places to eat in Orlando.
Do I overbook? I suppose in a sense I do. It depends how you define it. I know that we won't make every meal I book. Traveling with a child you need to be flexible. One with special needs, even more so. Sometimes we cancel because we are too worn out after long days, some because our plans or tastes change on the day of the ADR, some because it is impossible to plan 180 days ahead for which park we will be in on what days, or when local family will come join us for a meal. Sometimes we rebook those we won't make, sometimes we don't and just cancel.

I try to never "blow-off" an ADR. I at least make the effort to free it for someone else even if we don't rebook. We've been the recipient of last minute cancels often enough to know we are helping somebody!

We know our arrival and departure days are going to be spent in the MK, so the first dinner and last lunch are pretty much set in stone. We don't eat TS breakfast, or TS in AK and we always eat at SciFi in DHS because it is DS' favorite. We do like to have at least one sit down a day as it is a good break for DS. So lunch and dinner are ADR possibilities on days not in the above groups... which amounts to ~3 "open days" per our regular 7 night trip.

That said, I have been known to book a lunch ADR in one park and a dinner ADR in another for days we are not sure where we will go. Then we cancel the appropriate one as soon as we do know. Sometimes a few weeks ahead, sometimes a few days ahead. In all we might wind up with 8-10 ADRs for a 7 night trip, and we would use 6-8 of those on average. So we cancel 2-3 on average I'd guess.

If we could reliably get next day bookings, I'd dare say we might never cancel or maybe once a trip, as it is far easier to know what you are up for tomorrow than 6 or even 3 months from now.

Hint! Hint! Hear that Disney??
Tammy296 said:
Please people...

This post by ME as the OP and everyone who responded with THEIR OPINION has SEVERELY gotten out of hand. An opinion is much like an ******* everyone has one. However I did not ask for OPINIONS to be posted here. Forgive me.
Well, the title of your thread is a question
Do you ever Overbook ADR's "just in case"?
so, my specific answer is "no". And the actual question in your post is
When do you start cancelling your overbooked reservations?
Which I - and others - SPECIFICALLY answered; in my case, see post number 50.
After all I wonder how many people actually reserve a spot and then CANCEL it a few weeks before when they find something better or even just simply cancel when they realize the schedule changed?
Cancelling a reservation immediately on making another one is NOT in any way comparable to making twelve reservations for five dinners - i.e. double-booking because one can't get "the" reservations one wants and so wants to be sure not of just having 'something' but having multiple options for some meals.

Do you know the disney calendar of events 180 days out?
Unless one's 180 days is the very beginning of the month - yes. Disney publishes its park schedules, fireworks/parade schedules, and special events, 180 days out. September's hours will be available early next week, barring some glitch.

meaning is there people please see it. (no one needs a reservation for any CS meal). I'm simply stating a fact. NOT trying to break any DIS rules
Actually, I think everyone realizes that. YOU weren't the one who posted (and then deleted) a way to 'get around' Disney's rules - Disney's rules being different from DIS rules.
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