COMPLETE~Disney Hollywood Studios Swap

I'm good with combining the M and M2 groups. I have one of the Stars and motorcars Parade spots. If you'd like it I'd be happy to switch to High School Musical show so we don't have duplicates.

We'll wait to hear from everyone first, okay? You technically had it first ;)
One more question...with the word groups. The colors that are chosen are the ONLY colors we can use? I had an idea for a letter and part of the embellishment was not a color listed. I could make it be one of the colors listed, but it isn't normally. Either way is fine, I just wanted to varify before getting it started.

:cool1: I just got two of my groups done. Might have had another one done,but I messed up and did the wrong letter for one of the groups and had to go back and redo it :rotfl:

Okay make that three. Well its 12:30 am time for me to go to bed. You gotta love those altered letters. Not only are they cute, but they are quick to make, even when you make the mistake of making the wrong one.....:rotfl:
If the group M people don't mind me joining I would love to merge with them. I would be happy to make something for Lights! Motors! Action! Stunt Show -- could I go with the letter "S" for stunt show?

I'm sorry to ditch you AWM -- especially after you joined me when I was alone!

Whatever y'all want to do is cool with me!

Nancy-love the H!!!
:cool1: I just got two of my groups done. Might have had another one done,but I messed up and did the wrong letter for one of the groups and had to go back and redo it :rotfl:

Oh my gosh - you are all getting to quick for me:worship: the furthest I've gotten was considering what I want to do while walking on the treadmill. Better get sketching tomorrow at work :lmao:
Oh my gosh - you are all getting to quick for me:worship: the furthest I've gotten was considering what I want to do while walking on the treadmill. Better get sketching tomorrow at work :lmao:

Its only because I have not been in a swap in a long time and I have been dying to break out the cricut.Seems the only time I really get into the cricut is when I got swaps going on. I just cant get as creative with my own page.

I was just reading the requirements for the 2inch letter and have a question.... can we use pattern paper if it has the colors match up with the choosen colors for the group? I saw that it is okay with the 4 inch, but wondering with the 2 inch, because one of my 2 in has the top layer as pattern paper.
Would you check my groups for me, I wrote down that I'm in B, Q, S, & V.


I was just checking the groups...I should also have W3. I think that's it! Thanks!

This is why I have you check me :) Have I got you listed in the previous post correctly?

:cool1: I just got two of my groups done. Might have had another one done,but I messed up and did the wrong letter for one of the groups and had to go back and redo it :rotfl:

Okay make that three. Well its 12:30 am time for me to go to bed. You gotta love those altered letters. Not only are they cute, but they are quick to make, even when you make the mistake of making the wrong one.....:rotfl:

Eeep! You guys are way too fast! Can I see?
One more question...with the word groups. The colors that are chosen are the ONLY colors we can use? I had an idea for a letter and part of the embellishment was not a color listed. I could make it be one of the colors listed, but it isn't normally. Either way is fine, I just wanted to varify before getting it started.


I was just reading the requirements for the 2inch letter and have a question.... can we use pattern paper if it has the colors match up with the choosen colors for the group? I saw that it is okay with the 4 inch, but wondering with the 2 inch, because one of my 2 in has the top layer as pattern paper.

The color schemes are meant to be a guideline. If you have a patterned paper that fits the scheme, go for it. If you want to embellish with a color that's not in the scheme, that's fine too. The main point is that when you get the rest of the letters back, there won't be one (or two) that just don't go at all.

I hate to stifle any creativity, so don't let the "schemes" hold you back!
The color schemes are meant to be a guideline. If you have a patterned paper that fits the scheme, go for it. If you want to embellish with a color that's not in the scheme, that's fine too. The main point is that when you get the rest of the letters back, there won't be one (or two) that just don't go at all.

I hate to stifle any creativity, so don't let the "schemes" hold you back!

Thanks!!!! That is a big help!!

And, had me listed correctly in the actual group listing!! Off to start working on these!!!!
Here are the 3 groups I got done yesterday:


Buzz( sorry it is blurry):


They are a total of 6. The top two have duplicates with the stickers.


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