In Search of My Body - Not the One I Ate, VOL 8...It's Never Too Late To Start Again!

Oh please, I always have raccoon face in the summer. I live with my sunglasses on and am outside as much as possible. Not actually suntanning, mind you, but just out.

Super steamy here again today. Heading out for a much shorter run today! Ha! Learned my lesson yesterday.

For those who are new...we are at page 200 which means it is time to start a new volume of the thread. Volume 9! I think Nancy is starting it (which, of course, is my way of saying Hey Nancy--start the new thread! :lmao:). So keep your eyes open for that.

Ok, out into the heat I go.
Hi all, did very well on points yesterday, no workout yet,
Dh home tonight so I should be able to run / workout for the next 7 days.
Taking all your advise and just going one day at a time.

Eating better, and work out when I can. Looking forward to a good run tomorrow!!!
I'm proud of my farmer's tan! :rotfl2:

My Ryan wears glasses and the boy isn't as pale as me. He has the cutest raccoon eyes. Such a sweetie! Last day of school is tomorrow in our neck of the woods.
Three hot and sweaty miles done. My fingers are swollen it is so hot and humid--the only other time that happened to me was at about mile 12 of the Princess.

Tonight, tennis!
So, it was totally my fault. I was an idiot. But I had never really bonked like this before, so I thought maybe I was immune to it. You know, like hangovers....:rotfl2::lmao:

A tough lesson to learn for sure! I assume you were also running alone? :eek: So glad you are ok!

EE - so cool that your company is setting up benefit races! You should be able to tackle the 5K and 10K's with no problem :goodvibes

Paula - YAY! We're riding in Vermont! :woohoo: YIKES! We're riding in VERMONT :scared: :rotfl2: My bike is currently in for service and I miss it terribly (yeah. It went in yesterday. I'm totally going to be suffering withdrawls by the time I get it back! :laughing:)

I haven't watched a single episode but caught his reveal and OMG who dressed him? Awful.... Too bad because what he accomplished is amazing.

I agree on the jeans. I thought that dress did nothing for Ashley, either. She looked a lot better in the weigh-in clothes.

:rotfl2: We were saying the exact same things here. OMG the outfits were HIDEOUS. Seriously? Red and pink? She looked like a childs Valentines card. :crazy2: And a faux diamond skull belt buckle? Really?

For those who are new...we are at page 200 which means it is time to start a new volume of the thread. Volume 9! I think Nancy is starting it (which, of course, is my way of saying Hey Nancy--start the new thread! :lmao:). So keep your eyes open for that.

ohmygod the pressure. :upsidedow

Last day of school is tomorrow in our neck of the woods.

Holy early! June 18th for us.
Shoot me now. My mother is turning into Bridezilla. Someone is going to get hurt. I swear.

For those of you who may not be aware, my sibilings and I are having a 50th Wedding Anniversary Party for my parents this coming Sunday. Everyone has gotten just a tad out of control and quite frankly I've had enough. :headache:
Wow, EE, you are out early! Like Nancy, we are done in the third week of June.

And I so hear you Nancy on the Bridezilla comment. We did the whole 50th thing for Jeff's parents a few years back. And we foot the bill. It started out as a surprise, but then she sort of hinted that if we were planning a surprise, she didn't want that. So we told her thinking it would be easier since she could make sure the right people were invited and all of that. Turned into a total nightmare. We had already booked a nice place on the water (in AUGUST, no less. Not cheap in Maine). And we had planned the menu--with choices of chicken, beef, fish and all of that crap. Formal, sit-down, four-course meal. Plus live music. But that wasn't good enough.

His mother wanted EVERYTHING. Including a flipping wedding cake with singing "the bride cuts the cake" and all of that. And a champagne toast. And a limo. And the disposable cameras on the tables. And a videographer. OMG, it went on and on.

When I think of what we paid for that. Seriously, it was the cost of the wedding minus the church (which is the cheap part) and the dress. We still had to have flowers and all of that at the party. OMG, we would have one of the kids through college!
Nancy, sorry about the party drama, I got off easy, I had a baby (HA HA HA)
DH's parents had their 50th when I was going to have Alaina, so had the baby on a Wednesday, (don't laugh) went to the family runion on Saturay
(they have it every year) we just had to bring a giant cake with their picture when they got married. I know DH wanted to do more but hey I just had a c-section.!!!!

Wow E, you did alot for their 50!:worship:

EE, We go to school until next week.
When is the 10K maybe I can drive down and do it with you, (if its late in the year)

and I so agree with all of you on the Jeans and the Belt OMG. YUCK.
I think the dress was too big for her or somthing.
My sister said she's going to look for a Bridezilla tierra! :rotfl:

really? You had to do the whole "the bride cuts the cake" thing? Ok. You totally win. My mother hasn't mentioned THAT. yet. :rolleyes1
I can send my mammoth tiara. E- I don't like that our schools are still on the agrarian calendar. Don't they know that I would like a fall break and several 3 day weekends with my kids ( to visit WDW).
Shoot me now. My mother is turning into Bridezilla. Someone is going to get hurt. I swear.

For those of you who may not be aware, my sibilings and I are having a 50th Wedding Anniversary Party for my parents this coming Sunday. Everyone has gotten just a tad out of control and quite frankly I've had enough. :headache:


Been there. Done that. Survived it.

Nancy, you either pay NOW or LATER. :lmao: You know ours was a surprise and the aftermath of who was invited (a la how many could fit in our facility) became like a teenage mess afterward.

One woman - who wasn't invited - she just happened to be dating my father's friend - told some of my mom's friends that didn't make the cut - one day on the golf course "I'm going to Bruce and Vi's 50th" - and of course didn't tell them - no OF COURSE DIDN"T MENTION - she was going as a call in date to my sister of someone really invited. They were all devastated. People don't grow up. THis sh!t continues to death. :laughing:

And just let me say that I could have filled a friggin' stadium with my parents' friends. The cut was UGLY - we could only afford so much - I think 60 or 70. They are so social.

Every day afterward - I had to explain why someone was invited over others to my mother (she was getting sh!t). I was actually on the phone to one of my mother's friends explaining because my sister was in panic used a silly excuse that made no sense at all. And admit our human errors. :goodvibes It's not easy getting contact numbers either during a surprise. We were all Hawaii five Oing it at my parents' house for months. Once again Nancy - you either pay NOW or LATER. :lmao:

Okay - done. :laughing:

It will be a lovely day. :goodvibes I promise. If not a great memory nonetheless ;) - we STILL laugh years later. Still.

Okay have to catch up at some point.

Erika - things turned out okay with Kelly? Yes?


I'm in a GREAT PLACE with size, weight and exercise and food. Yeah for that feeling. I went back and read two books that I cherish from my past. One - FIT or FAT. And Hold it! You're Exercising Wrong (there is no wrong -all exercise is great - it's just a catchy title explaining why some choices can be frustrating. FIT or FAT I ADORE. The first copy was written in the seventies I believe.

THey are how I lost 80 pounds. And I have definitely turned away from them in the last year. So it was comforting to go back.

More later to everyone - I have to catch up.
Drunken posts, how I love thee! <==that's for you Lisa! Rock on Jo!

Nancy! Oh Nancy! I think we need a post from you too!:rotfl2:

:goodvibes Amiee.

What. What? What the HECK people?!?! Someone mentions the word DRUNK and suddenly it's Nancy-time? :confused3


OMG yes. I had a sh!t-ton of red wine tonight. Feelin' just fine thankyouverymuch.


geez. went to google Steak and shake ('cause that's just how I roll) and ended up playing the little pac man game. FAIL. Must be the fact that I don't have a joystick :rolleyes:

I LOVE pacman.

The things you can do drunk. Impressive. :surfweb:

You guys are all soo lucky! (Under the legal drinking age haha)

I've got a major job letting me know on Monday and I'm going crazy. But, I must admit, reading these posts is making it SO much easier! You guys are HYSTERICAL!!

Are a lot of you running the Princess Half-Marathon?

NOt here. 19 in most provinces. 18 in Quebec. I've never understood 21 - seems weird to me that you're an adult but you're not.

Hi - by the way! Good to have you here.

Hope the job works out!

7 of us ran (well, some walked/ran) the 2010 Princess. We all met on this board, some of us in 2007 but more joined along the way, and all but one of us had met at least some of the others before.

I think plans are starting to be hatched for the 2011 version! :goodvibes

Jo, inchworm!! :laughing:

Kelly, did I mention I love your location? I get "we all live in a yellow submarine" in my head sometimes. Goofiness, love it.

So, I went to the Galloway seminar yesterday morning. Wow. He is pretty amazing. He really makes you feel like you could walk out of there and start training for a full (not that I am, yet!). Lots of free good swag at the mini-expo, too.

Still not sure I am going to join a running group that starts at 7AM on a Sat morning (6:30 in July/Aug), but I am going to give it a try this Sat.

Good for you Kat.

OMG - Jo has lost it if she thinks inchworming across the finish line is a wish of hers. Too flipping funny!

E - yes, I did get some rest this weekend. After my awesome workout yesterday where I impressed Jesse withy weight lifting prowess (um, dude - you are the planner of all of this so why are you surprised that i can do bent over rows with 95 pounds on the bar?) I took off and spent the day at my patents' camp. It was heaven! Today was church followed Nya a quick shopping trip and a 18 mile bile ride. Now I am about to plop my self on the porch and write my Team in Training fundraising letter. All good things. And yes, my eating was much better this weekend. I brought food with me to camp since they didn't know I was coming and today has been really good. Just need to kick the sugar addiction and life will be good.

Loved reading the posts from last night.

Stacey - welcome to the crew. Don't be shy - jump in and post often. You won't be disappointed.

Jo - stop stressing about the 1/2. I finished just ahead of the sweepers and never ran a race before. Let's make a deal - for the next month just focus on your running and forget about the 1/2. You can't even register for it until July so why worry now? If you focus on the training, you will be able to do whatever race you want. Deal?

Challenge? Did someone say challenge? I could so use something to kick me in the bummocks right now.

btw - NY has this new law that requires the larger restaurants to post the calorie counts of their offerings. Did you know that a pretzel dog has 350 calories in it? Things that make you go hmmmm.

I would DETEST postings of caloire counts. I don't agree with it. At all.

Fantastic on the weights Paula. :love:

We went from 60's and rainy to 92 today. Nothing like gradual! :rotfl2:

I'm taking the kids to Holiday World next Sunday and had to try on my bathing suit. It doesn't fit. Nope, it's too loose.:cool1:

I know - we're on our umpteenth day of ninety/late eighties.

Yikes...I can hardly see straight! Been looking at photos too long! But man, did we have a fun trip! I know, I know...two days worth of TR still coming!

PLEASE - I'm am dying for the TR and the pros and cons of VGV. SIGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And not the lovely sigh. :lmao:;)

Morning ladies.

Jo- I was up till 2:30 am. I feel your pain. I just couldn't sleep.

Weighed myself today... I'm down 2 pounds. Hopefully I can keep that going!

Yeah Megan. :cool1:

EE--any word on the Tri in August? Are you still going to do it? What is the date? Are you training? Lisa and I need to know these things! :lmao:

That's right! :surfweb:

Im here... They can't take me down that easily. Got homes from yhe gym last night and was wiped out!

I am dealing with some HR issues at work which sucks. Tomorrow is showdown day and I have to lay down the law.

JC was underwhelming last night. I was up .7 pounds but I had downed a big bottle of water about an hour before weigh in so I am not overly concerned.

Nancy - I am in for the ride in VT. We can work out the details offline.

Tomorrow is the kick off for my century ride training and I have to admit that I am both excited and scared which is probably a good thing at this point.

Meg - awesome on the loss

E - your description of bonk-ing sounds terrifying. Glad you are alright now.

Yeah on a race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heaven, I'm in heaven. :goodvibes
At work. What's the opposite of word?

HI LAR IOUS, Kat! Yes! We SO need an opposite for WORD! :lmao:

Lisa, my lovely Lisa. DVC. I am in AG-O-NY I tell you. I have no idea what to do. I started a thread over on the DVC boards and am getting opinions there. But I have to decide and go under contract by FRIDAY. OMG! Dying.

My gut was to spend a bit more and go with BLT seeing as that I know we will stay at World way more often than Land. And I think I would have been comfortable with that plan had I not found out that the pool is sub-par. Pools days, how I love thee!

And the practical side of me says that since I don't use the 11-month booking window, go with VGC. Cheaper! Points are points!

Going crazy.

After two blistering hot days (hit 94* degrees today! That is HOT anywhere!), and now it is 60* out! Craziness. But the front came through and now it is positively lovely out there and tomorrow it will be 75*. Perfect.


:laughing: That works!! Today especially.

I found a walking partner for the week, anyhow... QA that is in from Pittsburgh and I took a nice "hike" through a park. I thought they had a walking trail, due to the pedestrian walkway from my office park to the park across the street. Well, not so much. We went across the little crosswalk, just to wind up down a 1/2 mile access road with no sidewalk, into the narrowest set of paths I have ever seen. Fail, sort of, although we walked for over an hour so I guess not.

Tommorow after work we are doing the local rails to trails. Flat, straight, happy. :)
E- can you send that front to me please? It is grossly hot and humid out. Ugh...

Hi Lisa - nice having you back!
Should be headed your way, Paula. I think it is from Canadia (on purpose) and is pushing south.

Lisa will love this--Kel calls Canada Canadia...because surely Canadians come from Canadia! She knows the correct way to say it now, but we all still say it Canadia because it was cute when she used to pronounce it that way at age 4.


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