What not to do at Disney?

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OMG yes I completely agree. Women are just disgusting creatures in bathrooms and it floors me. I have a feeling most of the toilet paper is from people putting it on the seats and then not removing it from the seat. I mean seriously people, if you tinkle or the darn seat then clean it...it's your tinkle!!! I do not hover, I sit on the seat and I have yet to contact any type of disease, people are not going to die from sitting and an alligator is not going to come up and bite your *** or any suchness. ;) I am also amazed at the people who don't even know how to flush a toilet if it doesn't flush itself. I mean really, I do not want or need to look at what you've done :scared1:.

My stepmother used to have a little plaque shaped like a toilet seat in her bathroom with a little poem that stuck with me:
If you sprinkle
When you tinkle
Be a sweetie
And wipe the seatie

She made it after cleaning the toilet seat for the umpteenth time when her husband/sons would come home from the bar totally trashed and, uh, miss their mark.
This is the original post:

When reading all the wonderful ideas and information on the board.I know each of us has seen something or witnessed something that you could not believe that someone would do at Disney or in public. So I was thinking about sharing those moments.
Please remember to use only disney friendly terms. This is for fun.

Well here's mine " What not to do at Disney" - .
My DH, DD, DD-Bff, DBL, DN, and myself where at typhoon lagoon and this woman was playing with her children as they came off the slide near the wave pool. No problem there, My husband and I were being lounge chair lizards and noticed a group of men, young men and boys intently watching the slide, I said to my husband I wonder what they are watching, well about that time she gave us a "rear end" view the string that covered her "rear end" was about the size of a thread.( very south beach) First let me say that she had a very nice shape, and did look great in the suit. But the show that she was putting on was really not family oriented. I know that everyone has the right to wear whatever, but it should be appropriate. The lady next to me looked up to see what we were talking about and found her DH and 2 sons staring. Needless to say she was not happy. The crowd of men was so noticeable that one of the CM came over and asked what was going on? The poor young girl turn about 3 shades of red, she walked off then about 2 minutes later a other CM came out and spoke to her and she went and put on some bottoms.

Sounds like it's been on topic most of the time. Of course, the breastfeeding issue IMHO is a non issue. In our culture, we have public dining and children are no different. In fact, it is a law that mothers can breastfeed in public. So I agree that sometimes these threads go downhill fast.

I wish the moderator would close this thread. It has become nothing but a place to complain about other people. I took away from the op that she was looking for not to do tips. Like: Don't do the parks commando because then nobody will enjoy the trip. Or: If there is a resteraunt you really want to go to don't forget to an adr. Or howabout this one. When the cm tells you to store you backpack etc in the net at the begining of a ride don't ignore them. I lost mine on dinasour and had to go back at park closing to retrive it. It shouldn't be about people not disipling their kids. or complaining about line cutting.but about what you won't do the next time you visit.

Not listening to CM's, line cutting, not disciplining children - all valid responses to the original question.

Also I gotta say I am guilty of so many of the things I've read and I'm vowing to try harder next trip! No more judging kids in strollers. No more putting DD on DH's shoulders with out looking around first. Sorry!

There were many important ideas on this thread. It's a conversation about our differences and our different perspectives. Sometimes we learn from each other. Sometimes it works! :wizard:
Please don't allow your kids to rip up the flower beds. Have seen this on more than one occasion.

One time a child had a small ball that they would roll into the flower beds in front of the Crystal Palace. Then they would have to crawl in and get it back, trampling all sorts of flowers in the process.

Another time a couple of kids in the lobby of the Poly were ripping flowers out and tossing them into the fountain. I told them as nicely as possible that they really shouldn't be doing that. The dad walked back from wherever he had been, looked at what they were doing, and walked off again. It just struck me as one of those "I paid $$$ for this trip so my kids can be destructive if they want to" moments. He didn't say anything like that, but by not saying anything that is what it seemed he was thinking.

Really people! Teach your kids a little respect for their surroundings.
I asked for this thread to be closed a loooooong time ago, back in like page 5 or 6. People told me "they don't close threads just because you don't like what's being talked about".

If you don't like a certain thread, then why not just skip over it and not read? The Moderators will close it down if they feel it has gone way off track, or become hostile. Asking a thread be closed because you don't like it is a bit odd.
I asked for this thread to be closed a loooooong time ago, back in like page 5 or 6. People told me "they don't close threads just because you don't like what's being talked about".

If you don't like a certain thread, then why not just skip over it and not read? The Moderators will close it down if they feel it has gone way off track, or become hostile. Asking a thread be closed because you don't like it is a bit odd.

:thumbsup2 Yup..exactly !! If you've been coming back since pg 5 or 6, then there must be something interesting enough for you. We're all grown ups here and nobody is swearing or being racist, or really out of line, we're all just chimimg in with our opinion about some slightly heated topics. Nobody walks away devistated over it. If it is too contraversial for you and you're so offended, then maybe you should just unsubscribe and stop reading over 50 pages worth. And yes, it is very odd to keep coming back and expecting a moderator to close a thread just because you don't like what people are saying. There are 100's of other threads you could go read instead
The think the reason the pp as well as myself and a few others have asked for it to be closed is because it has becomeing hostile and nothing but a place to complain about unruley children.
The think the reason the pp as well as myself and a few others have asked for it to be closed is because it has becomeing hostile and nothing but a place to complain about unruley children.
That's ok, I could see how this particular thread might not be everybody's cup of tea ... but like I said, we're not highjacking the only discussion on Disboards, and if people are not liking the thread, then I don't understand why they are subscribed and continue to check what we are talking about... and then complain about it. I wouldn't like to see someone being really rude and nasty to anyone, but so far it's mostly adults talking about what bugs them, and sometimes people disagree, and a little bit of a heated debate starts. But the debates usually have people equally standing their ground on what they believe on both sides... so really no harm done... everybody's grown and should be able to handle it if they are getting involved in the discussion. If I walk in on an ongoing discussion with a group of people, and I don't like the subject, I don't stand there and listen in, and then complain about it and ask them to break up the group and stop talking. I would simply just go find someone else to talk to. Nobody said everybody has to like what is being said, but nobody said everybody has to read it either. Sorry, I just don't see the request as being reasonable because you have plenty of other options on the boards that might be better suited to what your looking for, and yet you choose to keep reading this one.
I had a woman practically climb on my back while in the japan pavilion looking at the settings for the pearls my husband had gotten me. I was so agitated. I hate when people refuse to stay out of my personal space. I am not asking for 2 or 3 feet of space here, just to not be able to feel your hair on my neck and your breath in my ear. When you also start yelling loudly to your friend across the room it only makes it worse.

I agree on the personal space. I admit, my DD7 is in her own little world..her problem is that she is flighty...so when we are out, I do have to say to her "personal space" a few times. she knows that means that she is too close to the person in front, behind or next to her and she knows to back off..I have even heard my DS8 tell DD "personal space" one time when I was emptying the shopping cart and didn't see her :lmao:
We had the same situation, but it was MY mom (and my neice). She wasn't happy with anything, blamed everything that went wrong on ME and it was her plans we were following.

But i never learn, this trip it is MIL and SO's nephew. They have never been, and this is the first time i have spent more than a few hours with either of them.. hopefully it's positve!!

I hope your trip goes well. We have not had such good luck when we have taken family. We took my mother & step father before & all they did was complain about prices (mother is wealthy). Took SIL & niece once & SIL keep giving my niece to take care of while she went off on her own. Remeber not to let them ruin your trip. After all, you are in the middle of the Disney magic!!:yay:
Please dont think just because your in your room that smoking is ok. Its not. I don't mind if you smoke it's all up to you but can you please do it in the areas that your supposed to. Your smoke last year came under our door and my very asthmatic daughter had an attack and luckily we carry her neb everywhere. Thank you to the CM's who came in and also smelled it through the double door and scolded you and thank you for stopping.

If I am standing at the end of the night with my sleepy little soon to be 3 year old I will stand and do my best to keep my balance I chose to keep her out and I know what the busses are like at night but maybe just maybe someone who is just as tired but able to stand could you just let my little girl sit my 8 year old can still stand she won't mind but if not thats fine also.

In all I'm at Disney and no matter what you do or what you say, what you wear, how you feed, ride, sleep makes no difference to me I love it here more than I love it anywhere and I'm here with my family not with you do as you please, carry on unless you in someway hurt my kids then watch out I'll open a can of Disney madness on you.:thumbsup2
dont leave your nasties in the toilet for all to see, and your used feminine products shouldnt go onto the floor as if on display!!! This was the NASTIEST bathroom i had ever seen. It was over in Tomorrowland. I was so appauled I left immediately. The bathroom was trashed everywhere. Each stall just got nastier.

Dont keep your infant up at the weeee hours of the night. I feel bad for the baby!
dont leave your nasties in the toilet for all to see, and your used feminine products shouldnt go onto the floor as if on display!!! This was the NASTIEST bathroom i had ever seen. It was over in Tomorrowland. I was so appauled I left immediately. The bathroom was trashed everywhere. Each stall just got nastier.

Dont keep your infant up at the weeee hours of the night. I feel bad for the baby!

I'll agree that the nastiest bathroom sights I have ever seen have been at WDW... but I gotta say... the infant is up anyway. Babies sleep when they're going to sleep (at least mine did) and woke when they were going to be awake.
If you have toddlers, don't skip naptime. 2-4 pm in the parks is usually absolute horrifying mayhem because those little guys need their sleep!

I'm not a mommy (yet!) but I am a nanny and I went to WDW with another nanny last year and we were sad for all the cranky, crying, freaking out toddlers that just needed a big cup of milk, their blankie, and a dark room! (Is this a new ride idea I've come up with?)

Also... leaving the parks shouldn't be a stroller derby. Getting clipped by 5-10 strollers on the way out isn't that fun :/ Walk slowly, enjoy the sights and don't run people over!!
I agree on the personal space. I admit, my DD7 is in her own little world..her problem is that she is flighty...so when we are out, I do have to say to her "personal space" a few times. she knows that means that she is too close to the person in front, behind or next to her and she knows to back off..I have even heard my DS8 tell DD "personal space" one time when I was emptying the shopping cart and don't see her :lmao:

OMG--Sometimes I feel like I'm the only parent who has to speak to their child about that. :laughing:

I'm hoping that giving my son lessons in personal space now, he will get better at it and not be the adult breathing down someone's neck later! Really--the personal space thing does not come natural to some people and has to be (should be?) learned.

I can't stand having someone breathe on me, not even my husband :rotfl: I'm much better suited to traveling during the Slow season.
dont leave your nasties in the toilet for all to see, and your used feminine products shouldnt go onto the floor as if on display!!! This was the NASTIEST bathroom i had ever seen. It was over in Tomorrowland. I was so appauled I left immediately. The bathroom was trashed everywhere. Each stall just got nastier.

Dont keep your infant up at the weeee hours of the night. I feel bad for the baby![/QUOTE]
Honestly it all depends on the infant/kid. My DD6 was a huge night owl which I didn't mind because I'm also a night owl (heck just look at the time I post most of my Dis posts ;)) and I worked 2 jobs as I was a single mom so our play time together was from midnight to 1am when I'd pick her up from my mom and bring her home. She took nice long naps during the day though and if able to would sleep till close to 10am in the mornings. My DD1 was an awful sleeper as an infant and regardless of if she was in a bed at home or not she just didn't want to sleep.
I am new here. Nice reading all the tips. These are very genuine things that we may forget. Thanks all for the helpful info.
If you have toddlers, don't skip naptime. 2-4 pm in the parks is usually absolute horrifying mayhem because those little guys need their sleep!

I'm not a mommy (yet!) but I am a nanny and I went to WDW with another nanny last year and we were sad for all the cranky, crying, freaking out toddlers that just needed a big cup of milk, their blankie, and a dark room! (Is this a new ride idea I've come up with?)

Also... leaving the parks shouldn't be a stroller derby. Getting clipped by 5-10 strollers on the way out isn't that fun :/ Walk slowly, enjoy the sights and don't run people over!!

I agree! I'm an adult and I need an afternoon break to keep my sunny disposition! No kidding! :)
Tired, anxious, dehydrated warned visitors to Disney ... has a branch in The Happiest Place on Earth is not desirable. For those who want others to move in part before stopping. I seem to remember the area "stop ... Main Street, many people use the sidewalks to go up and down, then spend the sidewalk does not help. In fact, you can cut in front of someone and still be the same problem. However, if the random stop, because I see something I want a photo, or you simply want more and I had the stroller / ECV / car, I do not get mad. However, if you are standing for a further 30 seconds or more, and you were for me, that is for you not Paying attention.
Well, I just saw the first page and noticed this was 50 pages! Of course y'all have me interested in the other 49 pages but I'll answer the OP's question - this is my recommendation on what NOT to do at DisneyWorld:

1. Kick your child. - At MK, I walked in and a family was having an argument and the dad kicked their ~11 year old girl in the bum. BIG no-no.

2. Um, stay on the Boardwalk after hours. - I stayed up really late one night and went to the Boardwalk to take a walk with my friend and we sat on a bench. We were just talking and the kindly Boardwalk security guard said it was closed. I felt silly because we were just sitting there and talking but the guard was really nice about it :)

3. Throw up on the walkway at Epcot - When I was there in March, I had to walk around not one, but two piles of vomit. :eek:
I haven't read all the posts so I am probably repeating some

As a disabled person I ask that you:
Not walk in front of me and stop suddenly, my ECV doesn't stop on a dime
Understand that I can't stay on my ECV when on the bus, it will tip over on a sharp turn if I am in it - learned that the hard way :scared1:
And don't sit on my ECV on the bus! I don't want you tipping over either :)
My ECV or wheelchair is my property (even if it is a rental). If you don't want me walking off with or moving your purse, don't touch my ECV. :rotfl:
Talk to me, not the person standing next to me.
Don't assume I am lazy because I am using an ECV and overweight or you see me walking fine sometimes. My disability prevents me from walking the distances required at Disney even though I walk fairly well. Trust me, if I could walk, I would. Driving an ECV in a crowd looking at people's rear ends is not my idea of a good time. It is worth it to be at Disney, but still not ideal.
Don't tell me how lucky I am to have an ECV. I have chronic pain, I don't feel lucky about that. And, no, I don't get to go the the front of the line with my ECV.

I know you are curious, but sometimes I don't want to explain my disabilities. Do you want to spend you vacation answering questions multiple times a day from strangers about your medical issues?

On the more positive side:
Thank you to all the people who make eye contact with me and smile
Thank you for everyone who politely asks if I need help instead of assuming

I traveled the country as a member of a wheelchair sports organization as a teen. No place I have been compares to Disney for accessibility. :love:

When I went to Disney 99% of the people I met were great. I choose to ignore or politely educate the 1%.

I found that I was having so much fun at Disney, that I was fairly oblivious to what other people were doing. :dance3: Focus on having fun and don't worry about anyone else. I am so excited about my next trip.
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