What not to do at Disney?

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I had some rude guy ahead turn around in the Nemo line-up (to take pictures) and flashed me several times in the eyes. I had only been 6months post eye-surgery and was not seeing well for an hour after. The guy didn't even apologise or look like he felt badly.
I mostly agree with the OP cell phone post. I think the phone calls and texts home can generally wait til you're back at the hotel for the night. I will have my cell phone with me in the parks, because its the contact number I'll be leaving with the hotel, and I don't care to wear a watch. I will not be making phone calls while in line, or texting anyone while I'm on the rides. I honestly wouldn't mind people making a short call while in line, but more often than not anyone I've heard making a call in line has been speaking in a BOOMING voice and its just annoying.

As far as kids with cell phones, I think making them wait til the end of the day to text and call their friends. It's Disney for crying out loud, they should be entertained by what's around them, not a little screen full of "omg kt ttly hooked up wit steve, idk wuts goin on" because let's be honest, do you really think all the 14-17 year olds texting at Disney are telling their friends "we just ate at Crystal Palace and now we're heading over to Hall of Presidents!"

Its a vacation, a time you take to be away from home, so let yourselves be away from home. Of course you should call those family members who may be left behind, or check on your dog, or ask if something important came in the mail...but not every hour, not while you're sitting next to me on IASW, not while you're taking a picture of Goofy.
I mostly agree with the OP cell phone post. I think the phone calls and texts home can generally wait til you're back at the hotel for the night. I will have my cell phone with me in the parks, because its the contact number I'll be leaving with the hotel, and I don't care to wear a watch. I will not be making phone calls while in line, or texting anyone while I'm on the rides. I honestly wouldn't mind people making a short call while in line, but more often than not anyone I've heard making a call in line has been speaking in a BOOMING voice and its just annoying.

It is the BOOMING voice I find annoying. It seems like most people talk louder when on a cell phone then their normal conversation voice. I don't mind someone on the phone if they are quite about it and not using it when in a show or on a dark ride. My group will use our cell phones on our up coming trip to track each other down if needed - my dad tends to wander off and get lost. :scared1: Other then that I have no desire to be available by phone all the time to all people, whether on vacation or not.
Cell phones in the parks bother me a lot. If you have to have the phone with you you should not of been able to survive and live this long.

It is a vactation try to take a break from some of things you normally do and enjoy new experiences.
It is the BOOMING voice I find annoying. It seems like most people talk louder when on a cell phone then their normal conversation voice. I don't mind someone on the phone if they are quite about it and not using it when in a show or on a dark ride. My group will use our cell phones on our up coming trip to track each other down if needed - my dad tends to wander off and get lost. :scared1: Other then that I have no desire to be available by phone all the time to all people, whether on vacation or not.
It's so funny you say that because my DH is one of those people who talks so loudly on the phone... he's fairly loud in general, but way worse on the phone. That does bother me. It would bother me if someone was talking on the phone through a ride, but not if they're texting (and their phone is on vibrate). It doesn't even bother me if they take pictures with the phone (not in my eyes like the PP had happen) Hey, it's no different then someone taking a picture, and that definately doesn't bother me. I wouldn't like someone taking 30 or 40 pictures right next to me during Pirates of the Carribean, but a couple is perfectly fine. I'm not about to get annoyed about someone trying to capture a few memories. I think if people are so intolerant of what other people are doing, and let so many insignificant things peeve them off, or things that really have nothing to do with them, then they are only setting themselves up to feel constantly irritated... and that's no fun. Unless someone is causing harm to others in any way, then I say just relax, smile, and enjoy your trip. Don't stress the small stuff :goodvibes

And by the way.. I will have my phone with me, I will text or speak on if I choose, I will not speak loudly on it in an innappropriate place, I will not be on it 24/7, and if I would like to use it, I will not feel that I have to wait untill the end of the day, when I get back to the hotel, just incase it annoys stangers walking by me who feel that it is any of their business. Sorry :flower3:
i understand that there are people who seem to disconnect with the actual people they are with and seem be on their phones wayyy too much when they are at such an amazing place, but unless they are the 'loud talkers', you really don't know all these people are doing on their phones.

i use my cell phone as a camera .. sometimes i immediately send those pics to family or friends. if seperated from family, i will use the phone to get people's attention or to find out where to meet. i may even be texting the person next to me if i want to say something i don't want others to hear (like a surprise for my kids) or if it is too loud.

as far as teenagers using phones ... i love getting pics or texts from my DD15 when she is excited about something that she just needs to share with me.

personally, i don't care if people in other parties are using their phones, their camcorders, or their cameras. there are soooo many people at WDW .. all with different lifestyles and cultures and temperments, there are bound to be things that other people are doing that will be annoying or frustrating. just try to be patient and understanding. someone may be annoying you atm, but sooner or later, you will be annoying someone else.
there are bound to be things that other people are doing that will be annoying or frustrating. just try to be patient and understanding. someone may be annoying you atm, but sooner or later, you will be annoying someone else.

:lmao: :lmao: This is sooo true :lmao: :lmao:
It's so funny you say that because my DH is one of those people who talks so loudly on the phone... he's fairly loud in general, but way worse on the phone. That does bother me. It would bother me if someone was talking on the phone through a ride, but not if they're texting (and their phone is on vibrate). It doesn't even bother me if they take pictures with the phone (not in my eyes like the PP had happen) Hey, it's no different then someone taking a picture, and that definately doesn't bother me. I wouldn't like someone taking 30 or 40 pictures right next to me during Pirates of the Carribean, but a couple is perfectly fine. I'm not about to get annoyed about someone trying to capture a few memories. I think if people are so intolerant of what other people are doing, and let so many insignificant things peeve them off, or things that really have nothing to do with them, then they are only setting themselves up to feel constantly irritated... and that's no fun. Unless someone is causing harm to others in any way, then I say just relax, smile, and enjoy your trip. Don't stress the small stuff :goodvibes

And by the way.. I will have my phone with me, I will text or speak on if I choose, I will not speak loudly on it in an inappropriate place, I will not be on it 24/7, and if I would like to use it, I will not feel that I have to wait untill the end of the day, when I get back to the hotel, just incase it annoys stangers walking by me who feel that it is any of their business. Sorry :flower3:

I have been on the receiving end of the booming voice on the cell phone. Makes my ears ring. You know it is bad when a person sitting near you can hear what the person on the phone is saying.

I have no problem with people using their cell phones at Disney as long as it isn't disruptive (i.e. During a show).
I gotta be honest, other people from other families using their phones doesn't bother me in the slightest. It's really none of my business what's so ever, and doesn't interfere with my trip at all. Some people need to keep in contact with home to keep things running, whether it be for their livelyhood or some other reason that is none of my business. And as far as my own kids being on the phone (that would be the only people I would concern myself with), it wouldn't bother me if they were keeping in contact with their best friends, letting them know the fun things their doing and seeing... or even if they feel better about getting a few updates from home. If their eyes were glued to it 24/7, and it was interfering with enjoying the trip, then I would put a stop to it.

I have to agree with this.. and to be honest If I had a choice I would rather people be standing next to me in line texting quietly than talking on their phone so loud that you can hear them in Epcot while your standing in the MK.. ok.. exaggeration but most people have heard that person at least one in their lives..
I texted a lot during my last trip to WDW. In fact, I got a new phone just so I could do it easily. Want to know what? It was my first trip away from home alone, and I was a bit nervous. So texting with my sister helped me to feel more grounded. If my quietly texting on a bus or in a non-dark ride bothers you so much I am going to say, as nicely as possible, that you are the one with the problem.

Stop worrying so much about what other people are doing. Focus on you and your family. You will enjoy yourself much more that way.
I have been on the receiving end of the booming voice on the cell phone. Makes my ears ring. You know it is bad when a person sitting near you can hear what the person on the phone is saying.

I have no problem with people using their cell phones at Disney as long as it isn't disruptive (i.e. During a show).
I just realized that my entire post seemed like it was directed at you... I didn't mean for it to sound that way.... sorry :goodvibes I was only commenting to you about my DH being so loud... and then I started aiming the rest of the post at the "general you's" who are in a huff about strangers being on the phone. Hope you didn't take it towards you :flower3:
If people notice other talking on thier phone, is texting unoticeable?
I just realized that my entire post seemed like it was directed at you... I didn't mean for it to sound that way.... sorry :goodvibes I was only commenting to you about my DH being so loud... and then I started aiming the rest of the post at the "general you's" who are in a huff about strangers being on the phone. Hope you didn't take it towards you :flower3:

Thanks. I wasn't sure. That is one of the challenges with discussion boards. :goodvibes
Thanks. I wasn't sure. That is one of the challenges with discussion boards. :goodvibes
Your welcome. I know, it's tough when you've got so much running through your head that your trying to wright quickly, and even though I always read over it before I hit submit, sometimes I miss the fact that it might be taken wrong or seem like it was aimed at the wrong person. I usually go back and re-read when I've settled down to make sure... just wanted to make sure I didn't leave you feeling like I came out of nowhere and had a go at you for no reason :) ... I was actually aiming it at a couple of other people instead :rolleyes1
Don't get wrapped up in thinking you need to see everything - or have to stick to a certain itinerary or sequence of rides. If you overcomplicate the planning, it becomes a competetiion, you get frustrated with crowds (or others in your group), and it leads to fights / stress. Let the day and the fun evolve as your mood takes you
Don't get wrapped up in thinking you need to see everything - or have to stick to a certain itinerary or sequence of rides. If you overcomplicate the planning, it becomes a competetiion, you get frustrated with crowds (or others in your group), and it leads to fights / stress. Let the day and the fun evolve as your mood takes you
This is how our family feels about it too. My DSis went with her family a few months before we did in 2008 and she had everything planned out on a spreadsheet ... even down to what route to take to get to each attraction quicker, or where some hidden entrances were to get to something else. Their whole trip was itemized step by step on a piece of paper.... and apparantly they all stuck to it with her. I don't know how they did it. We have our ADR's, and that's about the only thing that we follow a schedule to. We do what we want as the mood hits us, untill it's time to eat, and then we make sure we go wherever the restaurant is. It makes for such a relaxing, happy trip.
I texted a lot during my last trip to WDW. In fact, I got a new phone just so I could do it easily. Want to know what? It was my first trip away from home alone, and I was a bit nervous. So texting with my sister helped me to feel more grounded. If my quietly texting on a bus or in a non-dark ride bothers you so much I am going to say, as nicely as possible, that you are the one with the problem.

Stop worrying so much about what other people are doing. Focus on you and your family. You will enjoy yourself much more that way.
Hey, I'm on the west side of the mitten, too!
My big problem with texting on rides adn in shows is that most people who do it do not put their phones on silent!!!!

So you have to listen to their phone vibrate or whatever they have it set to during the ride. If you are going to text while on a ride at least silence the dang cell phone. I wanted to toss a few cell phones into the water last time I was in DL. It's rude.

Also, I have no problem with people texting in WDW in general but not while on rides or in shows. But if you can't refrain from texting while in a show or on a ride...why go to Disney? There are so many hours in the day where you are standing in the line, on the bus, at the hotel, etc that why do you need to do it on a ride? And I'm serious about that question. I just don't get it.

We're taking my brother and his fiance this december to Disney and they are both very aware that cell phones are to be silenced and not taken out while on a ride or in a show and they are both fine with it adn they are both liek permanantly attached to their phones..lol
My big problem with texting on rides adn in shows is that most people who do it do not put their phones on silent!!!!

So you have to listen to their phone vibrate or whatever they have it set to during the ride. If you are going to text while on a ride at least silence the dang cell phone. I wanted to toss a few cell phones into the water last time I was in DL. It's rude.

Also, I have no problem with people texting in WDW in general but not while on rides or in shows. But if you can't refrain from texting while in a show or on a ride...why go to Disney? There are so many hours in the day where you are standing in the line, on the bus, at the hotel, etc that why do you need to do it on a ride? And I'm serious about that question. I just don't get it.

We're taking my brother and his fiance this december to Disney and they are both very aware that cell phones are to be silenced and not taken out while on a ride or in a show and they are both fine with it adn they are both liek permanantly attached to their phones..lol
I absolutely agree that a phone should be silenced if someone is going to use it during a show or ride. As for your question about why someone would need to use it on a ride, everyone has their own reasons. When we went 2 years ago, I had to have my phone with me. At the time I ran a store alone that involved hundreds of clients with many different needs and things going on with their accounts. When I left for 12 days, someone had to fill in for me who didn't know all the ins and outs of what was going on with all of the accounts. If they had a client show up to the store expecting something had been settled, or picking something up, I had no intention of leaving my co-worker standing there helpless, not quite knowing where I had put something, or what I had resolved, with a client looking at them waiting, and a possible line-up of people behind that client. If I would get a text asking where they could find it, or what answer I had gotten back about a big problem, I felt that sending off a quick text immediately to update them was what I had to do to keep the business running smoothly. Don't forget... there would be a client standing there, that second, expecting an answer. That only happened a couple of times on our last trip. I think some people need to understand that someone like me is perfectly aware of how wonderful it is to be at Disney, and I cherish being there with my kids, but unfortunatly that doesn't mean that everyone can just switch off the entire outside world. Some people can, and that's great, but those people shouldn't judge others who need to be available for the people back at home, or for whatever reason. If someone is doing their best to not disturb others with their phone habits, then it's really not up to anyone else who doesn't have an insight into that person's life, to make any kind of assumptions on whether or not that person really needs to be on the phone at Disney.
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