Disboutiquers Part 21 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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I finally have some pictures to post! We were having problems with our computer and ended up getting a new one. I have a bunch more things I have to take pictures of, or have taken pictures and they are on my other camera.
The first burp cloth I ever appliqued...for my first and only niece

Some burp cloths and a bib I embroidered for my sister...

My first Cathy dress...Claire's is the same but in hot pink. They will wear these to my cousin's wedding the end of August.

My first t-shirt. I had my MIL do the Big Sister shirts for the girls and show me how she does it so I could figure out what I was doing wrong. I made this in under an hour from idea to leaving for the party for the daughter of a friend of mine...her name is Emily.

Molly's dress for Animal Kingdom in November. I still need to finish the bottom edge, but am waiting until closer to the trip to make sure she doesn't have a growth spurt. I want to just hem it, but may need to add a ruffle if she grows too much!



This is Heathersue's Daisy design. Claire's will be similar but has a 5x7 Minnie with Cheetah print on the bodice and cheetah print straps. Hopefully I'll get it done today so I can take pictures and post it. I have it all cut out and the applique done, I just have to assemble it.

I'm trying to get a bunch done in the next couple days, but am delivering our baby boy on Thursday, if not before then. I need to clean this house, but am more interested in sewing than anything else!:rotfl2:

So cute and so smart not to hem it yet!!!
I'm trying to get a bunch done in the next couple days, but am delivering our baby boy on Thursday, if not before then. I need to clean this house, but am more interested in sewing than anything else!:rotfl2:

Love all the outfits & baby things.

You can sew right up to the hospital. You are nesting........making your nest out of fabric. lol

I finished my older daughter's AK dress. Boy am I glad! Everything that could go wrong, did :headache: I think it took twice as long as it needed to take. But it is finished now!


Here is the twirl factor. I wish the sun had not messed up the picture!

So cute! What pattern are you ladies using for these patchwork twirl dresses??


Here is a picture of her dress at 1900...it was more of a wine color with hot pink.


Molly's dress for Animal Kingdom in November. I still need to finish the bottom edge, but am waiting until closer to the trip to make sure she doesn't have a growth spurt. I want to just hem it, but may need to add a ruffle if she grows too much!




Such cute stuff posted lately! I have been in lurker mode. I have put in so much OT over the last couple of weeks that our trip should be completely paid for!

I am loving both of those AK dresses! I was going to just do a Vida for Alexa in typical "safari" colors but now I am re-thinking that. The good thing is I haven't actually started any projects for our trip yet so I can change my mind.

I need to come up with something for 1900 Park Faire too. I am sure I will do something with the stepsisters, just not sure what yet.

I am also feeling guilty because we are doing an awful lot of Princess stuff on our trip (CRT, Akershus and 1900 Park Faire). We may have to have dinner at T-Rex so Connor doesn't feel too left out.
So cute! What pattern are you ladies using for these patchwork twirl dresses??

I used the Simply Sweet Halter Style bodice and a modified version of the patchwork twirl skirt. I got the instructions from jham for the way she does hers because I like that all the seams line up.

I used squares for the top row, then doubled the width for the 2nd row, then doubled again for the 3rd row. On Molly's, the measurements are 4x4, 4x8 and 4x16 (on a size 2 bodice) I used 5 fabrics and 2 of each fabric per row. Then stitched it each row together. I then started with the bottom row, ruffled and attached to the row above. Repeated with the middle row, then repeated with the top row and added to the bodice.
I admit it, I have been in lurker mode too. We have had a busy summer visiting family so there has not been much time for sewing but I have been LOVING all your creations. Everyone has been busy making some great things - and the models have been super cute. Hopefully I can keep up from here and actually make a few things - not just buying fabric and patterns using all the coupon codes you guys have been posting! :goodvibes
So cute! What pattern are you ladies using for these patchwork twirl dresses??

I used CarlaC's stripwork boddice and then I double. So if the bodice is 25in around, I do the first tier 50, 2nd 100 and 3rd 200. So with 5X5 blocks, there would be 10 on the first, 20 on the second, and 40 on the 3rd. I don't use patterns when I can help it, I am too impatient for them! I can't live without Carla's peasant or pants though!
I used CarlaC's stripwork boddice and then I double. So if the bodice is 25in around, I do the first tier 50, 2nd 100 and 3rd 200. So with 5X5 blocks, there would be 10 on the first, 20 on the second, and 40 on the 3rd. I don't use patterns when I can help it, I am too impatient for them! I can't live without Carla's peasant or pants though!

Did you have to lengthen the bodice at all? That's why I used the Simply Sweet...so I had enough room to applique, but I have another one I want to make for a different day and would love to have it be a little different from a pattern standpoint.
Did you have to lengthen the bodice at all? That's why I used the Simply Sweet...so I had enough room to applique, but I have another one I want to make for a different day and would love to have it be a little different from a pattern standpoint.

I guess I should have said that I only used the top part of the bodice pattern. I make the lenght go with what every I am doing.
Thanks! When I post these on FB later I'll put the ones with your designs on your fan section.

Too funny about Tessa...I have the opposite problem with Claire...she throws a fit if I won't let her wear a dress. Aren't 7 year olds fun?:rotfl:
I'd love it if you posted pictures on my fan page!
Tessa was really hesitant to tell me she didn't like that dress. But, I told her I wouldn't be upset if she told me why she never wants to wear it. So, she admitted that she didn't like the ruffle on the top and that she'd like it better as a skirt. Then, she told me she doesn't really like dresses anymore. Hopefully she'll change her mind! I love her in dresses!

Sorry ladies don't mean to be a pain in the rear with all my questions and all and I truly appreciate everyone response. I really do :goodvibes One quick questions and the rest of the day i'll read and watch all the cute pictures.

I see that there are embroidery machines for a couple hundred dollars and then there are some for thousands of dollars. Now that is a hugh gap, what gives?
We don't mind questions!! That's what we're here for! The main reason for the big price gap is the size of the embroidery area. Most inexpensive machines only come with a 4x4 hoop. Most of the more expensive machines come with a 5x7 or larger hoop. My sister has the inexpensive Disney Brother that has a 4x4 hoop and it works well for her most of the time. She wishes she could do larger appliques, though. I have a Viking Designer 1 (older machine, but it works great) that has a 4x4, 6x10, and a 6x14 hoop. I never use the 6x14 because it's too tall and skinny. But, I use the 6x10 all the time. There are also differences in performance in the different brands. My Viking works beautifully. But, I've had lots of people tell me they have problems with their Singer Futuras. Brothers are usually pretty dependable, too.

Alicia: I lost your quote, but I wanted to tell you that I love the Make-A-Wish outfit! Too cute!

Cathy pattern question

I am thinking of buying this pattern but wanted to know if the neck is shirred or elastic? And I have the same question of the Marlo top for adults. It looks like elastic but I want to make sure.
I was going to answer you, but it looks like someone already did. So, I'll just say :wave:

I finished my older daughter's AK dress. Boy am I glad! Everything that could go wrong, did :headache: I think it took twice as long as it needed to take. But it is finished now!


Here is the twirl factor. I wish the sun had not messed up the picture!
I love this dress!! That is some twirl!! She looks gorgeous!

Here is a picture of her dress at 1900...it was more of a wine color with hot pink.

I just had to say how adorable she looks in this picture!

Love Love Love all the outfits on here lately!!!

I gave in and ordered a bunch of patterns from YCMT with the coupon that was posted. I went to print one out earlier, and my printer won't work If everything goes well, my hubby will finally be home Wednesday night, so I can wait until then to get it fixed. I do have two questions though - which of CarlaC's patterns are the easiest to start with, other than the pants, and how do you go about redeeming the points? I placed a second order in hopes to use the points, but I didn't see where it gave me that option. Thanks!

Oh - and I told my hubby that shopping for patterns and fabric is my therapy, so he should find a different job

~ Shannon
I would say that the portrait peasant is the easiest pattern after the easy fits. Then, the simply sweet. I'm not sure about the points because I've never redeemed any.

Thanks ladies! I think that after seeing pics from the both of you that I should re-think things a little...I will for sure do the wine and fuschia for Ana.

Here's my current dilemma...I was going to do the bodice one color, then the sleeves and ruffle a different color on the top. Looking at the pics, their peplums are the same color as their bodice, so maybe I should make the ruffles the same color as the bodice. Then have the pants the same color as the contrast sleeves (rather than the bodice like I had thought) because int he pics, their big skirt matches their sleeves. Would it look alright though to have the bodice and ruffle the same color, or would I lose the ruffle and have it not show well?

Jeez...I am an overthinker...:sad2:
I'd do the ruffles in a contrasting color, just to make them more noticeable. I wouldn't go for an exact replica since you're making a pants outfit. I'm sure they'll know who your girls are dressed as! Hopefully my sister will come along and post the video of my nieces at 1900 Park Fare. They were dressed as Anastasia and Drizella and the reaction was priceless!

I didn't want my girls matching this trip. My oldest was getting older and I didn't want it to baby looking. Plus they are just different body builds. I did have cordinating outfits. Like they both wore tinkerbell, just different prints and dresses. Along with the Mickey theme and Toy Story!

Good luck, cant wait to see pictures!
I love that you think of her as older when she's 6! She's still so young! Does she think matching is babyish, though? I still try to dress Tessa and Sawyer in coordinating outfits when at Disney! I'll do it as long as they let me. :rotfl:

I want to make a precious dress long-sleeved. When I elongate the sleeve piece, should I just make a rectangle or taper it down? I planned on making the length of the sleeve the length of her arm from shoulder to wrist plus seam allowances. Am I missing any obvious concept? Like elbow room? I had already thought about that the sleeve cuff needs to be wide enough to get her hand through so I don't have to add buttons, etc.
I can't help you on this because I haven't made it long sleeved. I would think you could just make it a rectangle. It depends on the look you're going for, though. I'm not sure about the elbow room or anything.

For fun I did matching headbands for my DD and I


I took the freebie bags my mom got at a conference and turned them into beach bags for the kids.



I love the matching headbands! You two are so cute! The bags are great, too. What a great idea!
I used the Simply Sweet Halter Style bodice and a modified version of the patchwork twirl skirt. I got the instructions from jham for the way she does hers because I like that all the seams line up.

I used squares for the top row, then doubled the width for the 2nd row, then doubled again for the 3rd row. On Molly's, the measurements are 4x4, 4x8 and 4x16 (on a size 2 bodice) I used 5 fabrics and 2 of each fabric per row. Then stitched it each row together. I then started with the bottom row, ruffled and attached to the row above. Repeated with the middle row, then repeated with the top row and added to the bodice.

I used CarlaC's stripwork boddice and then I double. So if the bodice is 25in around, I do the first tier 50, 2nd 100 and 3rd 200. So with 5X5 blocks, there would be 10 on the first, 20 on the second, and 40 on the 3rd. I don't use patterns when I can help it, I am too impatient for them! I can't live without Carla's peasant or pants though!

Thank you for your responses!!! :goodvibes

That gives me somewhere to start from!! :)
:scared1::scared1::scared1: AHHHHH I was worried this would happen, this weekend I was showing my girls the outfits I have planned for them. My oldest said to me and I quote (try to imagine a 12 year old voice here, anyone who has girl around this age will get this) "those are way cute mom, but we are taking normal clothes too right?" :scared1::scared1::confused3:confused3WHAT?????? I knew it was too good to be true that she would want to wear all the cute customs I had planned, so now I am trying to figure out how to teenify( I know so not a word) all her outfits, but still have her match the other four kids somehow:confused3
I did tell her she was not getting out of all of them though, because I already have a few of them cut just waiting to be sewn, so she has no choice there, but the others I will try to work with. Why do they grow up?
The silver lining, at least my other DD is still ok with the outfits i had planned:lovestruc, and oldest DD decided to tell me this before I had spent hours sewing hers:confused3.
:scared1::scared1::scared1: AHHHHH I was worried this would happen, this weekend I was showing my girls the outfits I have planned for them. My oldest said to me and I quote (try to imagine a 12 year old voice here, anyone who has girl around this age will get this) "those are way cute mom, but we are taking normal clothes too right?" :scared1::scared1::confused3:confused3WHAT?????? I knew it was too good to be true that she would want to wear all the cute customs I had planned, so now I am trying to figure out how to teenify( I know so not a word) all her outfits, but still have her match the other four kids somehow:confused3
I did tell her she was not getting out of all of them though, because I already have a few of them cut just waiting to be sewn, so she has no choice there, but the others I will try to work with. Why do they grow up?
The silver lining, at least my other DD is still ok with the outfits i had planned:lovestruc, and oldest DD decided to tell me this before I had spent hours sewing hers:confused3.

Yes...that is where I am ...of course she also grew so much since I started...she has gone from a size 10 to 14...yuck!

Thanks April and Teresa- you confirmed what I knew in my heart- it would have depleted our emergency fund quite a bit, but not completely- but since we're still paying down debt it would have still felt like borrowing; and I knew it wasn't right. So we told them today we weren't going to get it. I know someone will love it and give it a good home. Hopeflly you won't mind that once a year or so I agonize over it again LOL.

I know that's hard! But, I really think you will feel better about this in the long run. And, feel free to come here and agonize every now and then!

Hi everyone, i am not new to the DIS, but new to sewing! I have self taught myself recently, and just completed my first 2 tank tops (pattern from YCMT) for our upcoming long disney weekend (we leave Thurs!) thought i would share!

This one is mine - (i also have a matching purse!)

This one is for DD9 - did the XXS jr. size on the pattern, and we are staying at AKL, so DD picked this fabric.. I am also going to be doing a matching one for her AG doll. :)

Please excuse the quality of the pics, i took them on my iphone..

Hope to learn lots here - can't wait to do more tops for our Nov. Disney trip!!!

These are adorable! I love that you made one for yourself!

I love all of the beautiful dresses that have been posted lately! Someday I will learn how to do ruffles!

I have made several pillowcase dresses and pillowcase tops lately, but I keep forgetting to have the girls stop long enough to take their photos. Tyler also has some new Cars shorts with pockets that he loves.

Here is Hayley building a UFO at Lowes in her new monkey dress. She is obsessed with monkeys.

Your daughter, and the dress are adorable!!! What a cutie! And, I love the Nemo outfits!

I am getting ready to bring some items down to our local fair. My sewing will be judged against some of the best in our county.

I considered myself a beginner and although I can sew for my family and myself. I wish I had learned one skill from the start.

Please, when you sew, sew with precision. Make all your top stitching equal, make hems all straight, buttons holes all need to line up with buttons. Take the time to get it right and perfect the first time. You will have a quality outfit that not only looks good but is sew properly.

The best thing I did was take up quilting and then precision piecing. I have a new outlook on putting articles of clothing together too.

Good luck! I want to enter some things in our fair this year. I think they collect them the week we are camping though. I'll have to look into it.

I love all the pillowcase dresses and tops, they are so cute! I have been making a lot of easy fit pants lately, so here is one more pair...


Megan wanted a shirt with a picture of her new kitten on it and I am iron on challenged so Heather made it for me. I found this sleepy kitty fabric to go with it and she loves her new pjs!

Megan looks adorable in her kitty top and PJs!
You are doing better than I am. I can't get Miss Pack Rat to give up ANYTHING. I may ship her off for the day with Miss Teresa the next time she is down here, JUST so I can get rid of some stuff in her room!lol

Sure, send her over!

Sorry about that! I didn't know her customer hung out here! Nothing personal. Can you tell I still have "issues" over the matter? :rotfl2: She got the last of one of my favorite Disney fabrics, and turns out she got it for free.......

That would be so upsetting! I haven't had that happen with anything too expensive yet, just a nursing coverup once.

I finally have some pictures to post! We were having problems with our computer and ended up getting a new one. I have a bunch more things I have to take pictures of, or have taken pictures and they are on my other camera.
The first burp cloth I ever appliqued...for my first and only niece

My first Cathy dress...Claire's is the same but in hot pink. They will wear these to my cousin's wedding the end of August.


This is Heathersue's Daisy design. Claire's will be similar but has a 5x7 Minnie with Cheetah print on the bodice and cheetah print straps. Hopefully I'll get it done today so I can take pictures and post it. I have it all cut out and the applique done, I just have to assemble it.

I'm trying to get a bunch done in the next couple days, but am delivering our baby boy on Thursday, if not before then. I need to clean this house, but am more interested in sewing than anything else!\

The burp cloths are so cute! And, the Cathy is stunning! I love that fabric, it looks gorgeous on your daughter! And the AK dress!!! GORGEOUS!!

:rotfl: I'll send Tessa with her, too. Tessa can't get rid of anything either!

Then, I'll have them all clean Arminda and Lydia's room! I worked in there about an hour yesterday and made a path from the door, past the bed and to the bookshelf!

So much cuteness!! I love the baby things! The Cathy dress turned out really cute! Tessa had me cut hers up and make a skirt out of it. She decided she doesn't like to wear dresses anymore. I love the wild Daisy dress!! SO pretty!!

Lydia told me she didn't like dresses last week, but then the other day she asked to wear one, so I guess she changed her mind, thank goodness!

Sorry ladies don't mean to be a pain in the rear with all my questions and all and I truly appreciate everyone response. I really do :goodvibes One quick questions and the rest of the day i'll read and watch all the cute pictures.

I see that there are embroidery machines for a couple hundred dollars and then there are some for thousands of dollars. Now that is a hugh gap, what gives?

Like Heather said, the cheaper ones probably only have a 4x4 embroidery field, and you can't just buy a bigger hoop, that's all they will do. (I learned that the hard way!)

Cathy pattern question

I am thinking of buying this pattern but wanted to know if the neck is shirred or elastic? And I have the same question of the Marlo top for adults. It looks like elastic but I want to make sure.

I wasn't sure if anyone answered about the Marlo, it's done with a fold over casing and elastic. And, the bottom skirt part is a separate piece from the bodice. (I know you didn't ask that last part, but I thought I'd throw it in there!)

I finished my older daughter's AK dress. Boy am I glad! Everything that could go wrong, did :headache: I think it took twice as long as it needed to take. But it is finished now!


STUNNING!!! I love the rouching around the middle! That looks really cute!
Question for those of you who have done or are doing customs with Anastasia and Drizella...

On a whim, I quick decided to use the coupon code at YCMT and bought a bundle pack of Carla's Portrait Peasant, Stripwork Jumper, and Easy Fit Pants. My fabric budget is so far over drawn, but I decided that it would be "easy" to make a peasant short sleeve elongated top with a ruffle, and ruffle capris in the colors of the stepsisters.

I will do the bodice and the main parts of the pants in one color, then contrasting sleeves and ruffles on the bottom of the top and easy fits.

Driz will be fairly easy, I think, as she's just a teal and a lime color, right? I am having color troubles for Ana's fabric...a lot of places show just pink and purple, but then others show a bright pink and a wine color.

So...VETERANS!!! We are eating at 1900PF and I want their clothes to be obviously stepsister inspired to get some attention from Driz and Ana! ;) so, looking for what would be the most "authentic" color-wise. For Ana...Pink and purple, pink and wine? Help!

I went with purple and pink, mainly because I liked the looks of it more than the wine and pink. No one had any doubt who she was.
And, since Heather mentioned it, I'll post the video!

(phew, that took awhile to find!)

Love Love Love all the outfits on here lately!!!

I gave in and ordered a bunch of patterns from YCMT with the coupon that was posted. I went to print one out earlier, and my printer won't work :scared1: If everything goes well, my hubby will finally be home Wednesday night, :yay: so I can wait until then to get it fixed. I do have two questions though - which of CarlaC's patterns are the easiest to start with, other than the pants, and how do you go about redeeming the points? I placed a second order in hopes to use the points, but I didn't see where it gave me that option. Thanks!

Oh - and I told my hubby that shopping for patterns and fabric is my therapy, so he should find a different job

~ Shannon

I think the Portrait Peasant is the next easiest.

For fun I did matching headbands for my DD and I


I took the freebie bags my mom got at a conference and turned them into beach bags for the kids.

I love the matching headbands! How clever! And the bags turned out great! I should try that with some of the bags we have.


Here is Gabriel in the Make-A-Wish outfit on Saturday!

OHHH! So cute!!!
Teresajoy~ I LOVE the video. You did a fantastic job on the dresses and I love the characters reactions. Priceless!
Teresa that video was simply F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C the dresses were beautiful and it made me wish I was a little girl again :thumbsup2
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