Woman Fakes Cancer to go to Disney

This started with a benign tumor found in her breast...this is how Munchhausen By Proxy starts with Moms and Dads and caregivers of children..not much difference here, just that she faked her own sickness. This is one of the reasons why we have to be careful on punishment...does she need to be incarcerated or does she need to be put into a mental health facility?

I work with the mentally ill and I am guesing more Anti-social PD then MBP- there is no proxy here.
Nevermind acting outrageous just to go to Disney, how about acting outrageous in general in the first place? Why would anyone fake something so serious like having cancer. I'm sorry but I am absolutely disgusted that someone would actually think about faking having cancer. That is just plain sad.

What do these people think - their lies won't catch up to them?

IDK..But a close relative of mine faked cancer too..I don't get it..I work as an oncology nurse with cancer patients and I find the behavior appalling.
1) Next, people will start to use ANY excuse for a freebie.
2) Wait, do I qualify?
. . . incureable baldness
. . . recurring ingrown toenail
. . . unable to regain youth, or even middle age
My mother passed away from a brain tumor and would not even think of asking for anything! She would just say there were many people worse off than she. (she lived 1 year and 2 months after diagnosis.)

I am sickened by these people. I wish I could say I was shocked, but sadly, I am not.
Münchausen Syndrome is faking your own illness. "By Proxy" is faking someone elses illness.

Who can say at this point. It does sicken me, and it's clear this woman doesn't even understand what she's done. Until you've been in the same household, let alone the same body, as cancer it's hard to imagine the true brutality of it. But you know, I can't even wish that kind of karma on her despite what she's done. I prefer to think she is mentally ill and hope for the sake of her family that she gets beneficial treatment. She could just be a wretch with no conscience, in which case she's just one more of the many out there. Not going to let it eat at me.
This started with a benign tumor found in her breast...this is how Munchhausen By Proxy starts with Moms and Dads and caregivers of children..not much difference here, just that she faked her own sickness. This is one of the reasons why we have to be careful on punishment...does she need to be incarcerated or does she need to be put into a mental health facility?

In Munchhausen Syndrome people fake their illnesses. She didn't. She just lied about it. Munchhausen is about getting medical attention and sympathy - not about defrauding people of money.

This has been in the newspapers here for a few days. It sickens me.
1) Next, people will start to use ANY excuse for a freebie.
2) Wait, do I qualify?
. . . incureable baldness
. . . recurring ingrown toenail
. . . unable to regain youth, or even middle age

they do and they also think can do anything when they get there
:sad2: Mentally Ill!

Especially to all those that have ever been affected by cancer it is beyond appalling. :sad2: There was nothing remotely glamorous about pain and angst, suffering and heartache, fighting for your life while trying desperately to maintain your own strength and that of your family while trying to also keep humor thru the awful disease called cancer! :sad2:
Been there, done that and it ain't pretty!
Sadly, nothing amazes me any more. I feel "pity" for this very sick indivudual!

To everyone out there that is going thru a cancer diagnosis or having a loved one dealing with cancer, my heartfelt wish is that you have the physical and emotional strength each and every day to Beat this awful disease! :grouphug: :grouphug:
Yes, I know it's not Munchhausen By Proxy, I was using it as a reference for people to realize that this woman IS ill, just not with cancer. I understand the animosity that people may have, especially when you or a loved one has been afflicted with the disease. What I think people are missing here is that this was NOT a scam to get a free Disney trip...that was one of the many donations that she received from very generous benefactors. This was a woman who was given a diagnosis of a benign tumor and something happened between the time she was testing to the time she was diagnosed...the "payback" wasn't the money or the trip..it was the emotional payback she received that had her continuing..ie: my reference to Munchhausen...it's the attention they receive, the sympathy....
Look, I get it, we are going to focus on the Disney connection because of this site...but that's not the real issue here, is it?
My mom is currently battling ovarian cancer and my 6 month old nephew was just diagnosed with leukemia - this story makes me so sick! shame on her!
Yes, I know it's not Munchhausen By Proxy, I was using it as a reference for people to realize that this woman IS ill, just not with cancer.?

I think that's the mistake.
Giving her sympathy and excusing her behavior saying "she's ill".
No she's not. She's selfish and has little concern for others...untill she get's caught. Then she's sorry.
It's like saying someone has a disease because they are smoker or alcoholic.
Nope. Sorry, that's an excuse after the fact.
You choose to try it and continue doing it. It might be tought to quit but you still make the choice.
NOBODY chooses to try cancer or any other real disease.
Sure you can get a doctor to say it is but then again you can get lawyer to say it's someone elses fault you tripped over your own feet.
She choose to fake it, she choose to go out of her way to join groups to make them believe. She choose to accept donations all while KNOWNING she was lying.
She's not sick...She's just wrong.
I think that's the mistake.
Giving her sympathy and excusing her behavior saying "she's ill".
No she's not. She's selfish and has little concern for others...untill she get's caught. Then she's sorry.
It's like saying someone has a disease because they are smoker or alcoholic.
Nope. Sorry, that's an excuse after the fact.
You choose to try it and continue doing it. It might be tought to quit but you still make the choice.
NOBODY chooses to try cancer or any other real disease.
Sure you can get a doctor to say it is but then again you can get lawyer to say it's someone elses fault you tripped over your own feet.
She choose to fake it, she choose to go out of her way to join groups to make them believe. She choose to accept donations all while KNOWNING she was lying.
She's not sick...She's just wrong.

I agree, I felt bad as I was reading the article about her family getting back together and all. But then when she took the Disney trip for herself to enjoy, well that's just selfish.

Truely sad but it happens more than I'd like to think. Reminds me of the lady last year on our last day of our trip in guest service. She was adament that they give her an Askherhus reservation (during free dining none the less :lmao: ) and kept reffering to her cancer as a reason. She rubbed her short hair cut and everything saying that it was the least they could do for her. Her 'condition' sure didn't stop her from being rude, loud and yelling, but the CM stood her ground offering openings at other restraunts and apologizing. I scooted as far away from her as I could at the counter and hoped no one thought I was with her.
I think that's the mistake.
Giving her sympathy and excusing her behavior saying "she's ill".
No she's not. She's selfish and has little concern for others...untill she get's caught. Then she's sorry.
It's like saying someone has a disease because they are smoker or alcoholic.
Nope. Sorry, that's an excuse after the fact.
You choose to try it and continue doing it. It might be tought to quit but you still make the choice.
NOBODY chooses to try cancer or any other real disease.
Sure you can get a doctor to say it is but then again you can get lawyer to say it's someone elses fault you tripped over your own feet.
She choose to fake it, she choose to go out of her way to join groups to make them believe. She choose to accept donations all while KNOWNING she was lying.
She's not sick...She's just wrong.
I am sorry to disagree, but I do.She is sick...Mental illness is SICK..Normal ,mentally well balanced people do NOT lie about having deadly diseases.Does it excuse her behavior? No.Is her behavior abominable? YES..No one is excusing her behavior..But the things you mentioned are real illnesses( addiction is an illness with actual chemical changes in the brain) and to say they aren't is not really fair
I am sorry to disagree, but I do.She is sick...Mental illness is SICK..Normal ,mentally well balanced people do NOT lie about having deadly diseases.Does it excuse her behavior? No.Is her behavior abominable? YES..No one is excusing her behavior..But the things you mentioned are real illnesses( addiction is an illness with actual chemical changes in the brain) and to say they aren't is not really fair

Good post. Totally agree with you.

But this just makes me cringe - for all of the real issues out there and how hard it is to raise money for the "real" thing - with junk like this happening. Just so sad. :sad2: And it makes me mad! :mad::headache::mad::headache:
I am sorry to disagree, but I do.She is sick...Mental illness is SICK..Normal ,mentally well balanced people do NOT lie about having deadly diseases.Does it excuse her behavior? No.Is her behavior abominable? YES..No one is excusing her behavior..But the things you mentioned are real illnesses( addiction is an illness with actual chemical changes in the brain) and to say they aren't is not really fair

True. But Normal, mentally well balanced people do NOT rape women, stab people, or a whole host of other crimes. Most of the time, we still put them on trial and they end up in jail.

The question is (in my opinion) - was her mental state such that she didn't realise that lying about having cancer and stealing money from people was wrong?


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