Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Back from a walk with my neighbor. Not sure if this will be the last one or not depends on how dark it is on Monday morning. I tried to go back to sleep to no luck. Tried to print out some gift certificates for work with no luck. I think I'll try and read some of the book I've been reading and maybe that will make me tired and make me go back to sleep for awhile.

Going to spend the day cleaning and watching The Big Bang Theory season 2 with DH. I have to run out later and get more soda and also pick up my radio from work that I put my ipod in.

Going to try and eat healthy today as much as possible so I feel good for tomorrow and Saturday. I may even try and get some type of workout in later if I need a break. Maybe when we take a break we'll do some Wii as well. Sometime over the next 3 days I'm going to a Build A Bear store and get myself a stuffed animal for my b'day. I got a postcard for a free one in the mail up to $12. The one I want is a scruffy dog that is actually $18. That'll be my present to myself!

Time to read!
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Hope that everyone is doing well and having a great OP day today getting ready for tomorrow's weigh in.

For my last day of coaching this week, I thought I would share one last article from

25 Ways to Get Back on Track Today
Don't Give Up on Your Goals!

Not long ago, you were energetic and determined to start your healthy lifestyle. Starting with enthusiasm and hope, you watched your food intake diligently, exercised like it was going out of style, and even avoided the temptation that seemed to lurk around every corner. You were confident that you were going to reach your goals once and for all!

Then certain tragedy struck! You ate an extra piece of birthday cake. Realizing you had "blown" your diet, you ate another and another and couldn't get it together the next day either. Or worse, you missed one workout, and that turned into a whole week away from the gym. After that, your momentum to start over again was gone, and your gym bag hasn't left the closet since.

Every time you misstep on your healthy journey, you have two choices: to keep walking backwards, which will surely take you even further away from your goals; or to accept your lack of perfection as normal and forgivable, and take not one, but two positive steps down the path that brings your closer to the future you want...

1. Try a short workout. Even five minutes is better than nothing. For ideas browse our video library or workout generator.

2. Try a new recipe. Cooking healthy foods can be fun and it never has to be bland.

3. Eat a healthy breakfast. Your morning meal sets the stage for the rest of your day, so start if off right! Get lots of breakfast ideas here.

4. Drink your water. Try to aim for 8 cups each day and you’ll feel the difference!

5. Look at motivational pages. Seeing how others overcome similar struggles and obstacles can be a great source of motivation.

6. Track your food today. No matter how it adds up, you’ll learn from it.

7. Update your SparkPage. It’s a visual way to track your ups and downs, but also your progress.

8. Share your goals. Whether you post them on the Message Boards or share them with a friend, you’ll be more accountable.

9. Exercise for 10 minutes. Jump rope, march in place, or do some crunches. Small amounts do add up to something big!

10. Find a buddy. Get support from friends, whether you need someone to listen or a mentor to give you ideas and encouragement.

11. Take a walk. Don’t worry about how long or far you go—just get out there!

12. Create a motivational collage. Include pictures of your goal and reasons why you want to get there.

13. Go shopping for some healthy foods. Use this shopping list for ideas.

14. Check the nutrition facts before you go out to eat. That way, you can make an informed choice.

15. Ride your bike. Even a leisurely ride has benefits for your body and mind.

16. Work in the yard. Gardening and yard work is a great way to add activity to your day.

17. Take the stairs. Even if this is the only thing you do all day, you’ll feel stronger for it.

18. Rack up those SparkPoints! You earn them for every healthy task you do on the site—talk about motivating! Aim for a certain milestone, such as 100 points, and then reward yourself with a SparkGoodie!

19. Listen to an inspirational song. Better yet, make a playlist of them so you can turn to it whenever you need a boost.

20. Re-start your SparkPeople program. Sometimes it’s easier to get back on track when you have a clean slate.

21. Measure your portions. It’s a simple way to learn how much you’re eating.

22. Eat a piece of fruit. Even if 5-9 servings of fruit and vegetables sounds impossible to you, one is doable.

23. Slow down during meals. You’ll be less likely to overeat and more likely to enjoy your meal.

24. Play! What kids call “play,” we often call “exercise.” Play a sport, a game, or use the playground equipment to bring the fun back into fitness.

25. Learn something new. Sometimes simply taking a quiz or reading an article about nutrition, fitness, or health can change your mindset and get you back on track.

Here is a link to the whole article, if you are interested:

Which brings me to today's QOTD: What is one thing that you can do today to motivate yourself? It can be from the list or something that you've thought of for yourself. Tell us what it is and then do it! :flower3:

I am going to take some time today and sit down and make sure that I am really tracking everything the way it should be, that includes food and exercise. I need to be sure that my plan is in place, I have what I need to follow it, and see that I do actually follow it, instead of hoping that it will happen. A half-hearted effort isn't going to do what needs to be done!

BRB with some replies.
Good Luck to your DS at the ortho! Both my son's had/have braces..the 12 year old had 4 baby teeth pulled two years ago, and has had brackets on the top four teeth since August '08! Last week we had to have two PERMANENT teeth pulled, because his mouth is too small for all of them to fit properly. He finally will have the remaining brackets put on the rest of his teeth on Aug 25th. A minimum of 2 more years in braces! Poor kid, but he has been a trooper!

Thanks, Dahly! He is actually pretty excited about it right now, even after getting the impressions yesterday. He had two baby teeth that hopefully will fall out once the braces go on and they get some space in there for them to fall out. We all did braces in high school -- I think it is a lot better to get them over with in middle school, if you can. :teeth:

QOTD: I'm standing in my own way and I'm going to kick my butt back into shape next week!!!!!

New decade, new plan, new you! :cool1: But you should take a bit of time to congratulate yourself on how far you've come so far! :flower3:

Oh and I totally here you about a man in tight pants....well tight baseball pants anyway....I dont dig a guy in skinny jeans.:rotfl2:

Yeah, it's no fun if they don't have any muscles! ;)

Today was a pretty bad day. I know I could have eaten a lot more, but I still binged. It seems like whatever I eat for breakfast is fine, but finding something for lunch that sustains me has been difficult. I'm still looking for something that keeps me satisfied until dinner. I keep thinking about adding an afternoon snack, but nothing seems to appeal to me. No exercise today either because my foot hurt this morning. I should be fine to exercise tomorrow morning. I'm hoping. :goodvibes

CC, do you have protein for lunch? I've been adding protein to my breakfast and it really makes a difference for me. Maybe a protein and fat like some healthy nuts? It's a journey, girl, one step back, two steps forward! :hug:

Thanks all! I know I rarely post on here, but I just want to say keep pushing everyone!!

I was stuck at a plateau for 4 weeks at least and finally 5 lbs just magically shed off my body when I didn't look at the scale for a week!

Hang in there everyone! Keep Pushing!

Congratulations on being the BL this week! :cool2:

I don't know if anyone here can answer this...

Is dieting easier after menopause? or a hysterectomy?

I only struggle once a month, but when I do...holy twinkie! :rolleyes:

I thought that a lot of my diet problems would be solved when I had my hysterectomy, then when I got my thyroid issues addressed, sorry, but for me, no difference. There are always going to be good days and bad days. My doctor told me that you ususally have to be really, really sick for things like that to really make any difference in weight loss. :flower3: You've done very well these challenges, in spite of your monthly struggles!

First day went well. No criers, got everyone home, everyone fed. Ranks well in my book! Looks like they are mostly sweet kiddos, we'll see when the fear wears off. They're going to be talkers, so we are working on that starting TODAY before it gets out of control!

Glad that you had a good first day, Taryn! :woohoo: No crying!

Remember Flylady's mantra is baby steps, baby steps. You have a lot going on in your life already without adding a bunch of homekeeping tasks! :flower3:

Good luck with tomorrow's weigh in! I will be back later to check in!
I read until 7:30 and then went back to sleep until 9! I guess I really needed that extra sleep!

Just had my protein water and a hash brown. Now it's time to get cleaning! I don't even know where to start!!!!
Thanks Taryn! You’re absolutely right, what do I have to lose? I think I’m going to go for it! Glad you had a good first day (no crying = good day in my book)! Sending calming vibes to you until things settle down :goodvibes .

QOTD Thursday - What is one thing that you can do today to motivate yourself? It can be from the list or something that you've thought of for yourself. Tell us what it is and then do it!
Well, I’m motivated to not die during the 10k race that I’m going to register for :faint: ! Does that count?

CC – I had the same thought as Lisa, protein (and fiber). I try to make sure I have some of both at each meal – it really helps keep me satisfied until the next meal. And a handful of almonds or walnuts or even a piece of fruit are great afternoon snacks that don’t have a great deal of calories if you still need something between lunch and dinner. I also agree with Taryn to make sure you have something healthy with you in case you get too hungry, even if you may not feel like eating it when you pack it. Hang in there, things are bound to fall into place if you keep moving forward :thumbsup2 !

Lindsay – OK, let’s talk about meeting up at the 10k! I will register this weekend. I have a flutter in my tummy writing that, I hope it’s excitement :eek: ! About football, I’m just so disappointed in Dan Snyder for what he’s done to our team – the Skins used to be an institution around here, I mean like religion! But after JKC died and Snyder took over, it’s just bad decision after bad decision :sad2: . We all have high hopes for Shanahan and McNabb, but I am reserving my opinion until midseason!

And speaking of tight pants – what’s up with all the MLB players wearing those ugly baggy pants lately? Don’t they know they are negatively affecting the female viewers :rolleyes: !

Tracey – I’m not sure when your birthday is, but I hope you have a great party and birthday day!

Did my first back to back C25K days, stuck with 3-2 and 3-3 instead of going from 3-2 to 4-1 just in case. It wasn’t terrible but my legs were not very happy with me last night let me tell ya! They feel ok this morning so far, just a little twinge every now and then, more like sore muscles than actual pain though so not too bad. I have a break until Saturday so I hope they feel good by then for 4-1 – for some reason 4 looks a lot harder than 3 :confused3 ?

OK, I’ve got a couple of things to do today at work. I’ll check back in this afternoon.

Have a great day everyone!

Thanks, Bree! It's tomorrow and my party is on Saturday! After that it's back on to losing weight and working my butt off !!!!!

Cleaning is coming along nicely and we're on episode 4 of season 2 of Big Bang Theory!
Which brings me to today's QOTD: What is one thing that you can do today to motivate yourself? It can be from the list or something that you've thought of for yourself. Tell us what it is and then do it! :flower3:

At this point, I am staying fairly motivated. Seeing my name on the Top Ten list makes me wanna challenge myself to stay there. Even though I have been pretty much on-plan this week, I really don't know if the scale has the same goals as I do for tomorrow morning. So, to stay motivated today, I think I just need to keep on keepin' on.

~~~ On a different topic, what the heck is a FlyLady??
Good afternoon all! Sorry I have been so out of touch. I've had a hard time getting back into a regular schedule now that I am home from vacation. I've been back since Sunday night and haven't even LOOKED at my email yet! I've done my vacation laundry, but that is about it.

I am looking forward to coaching this upcoming week! I'm hoping that it will help put me in a better place, motivation wise.

I'll save my gabbing for my coaching week... just want to say that I am glad to be back with you all..................P
At this point, I am staying fairly motivated. Seeing my name on the Top Ten list makes me wanna challenge myself to stay there. Even though I have been pretty much on-plan this week, I really don't know if the scale has the same goals as I do for tomorrow morning. So, to stay motivated today, I think I just need to keep on keepin' on.

~~~ On a different topic, what the heck is a FlyLady??

I think being on the top ten list three weeks in a row would be really good motivation! Great job! :thumbsup2

Flylady is someone who has developed a system of cleaning your home, as well as other things. The website is I tried "flying," as they call it, for awhile but it was too much for me. I use something now called Daily Hotel Clean
It seems to work better for me. But I think the whole keeping a home issue is like the journey to good health -- it is a matter of finding what works for you and your family.

CC – This was in my email this afternoon, thought of you when I read it!

and then right behind that one was this one :

Hope those are helpful…

It's awfully quiet here today!

Talk to you guys later,


Those were interesting articles, Bree. Thanks for sharing! :flower3:

Good afternoon all! Sorry I have been so out of touch. I've had a hard time getting back into a regular schedule now that I am home from vacation. I've been back since Sunday night and haven't even LOOKED at my email yet! I've done my vacation laundry, but that is about it.

I am looking forward to coaching this upcoming week! I'm hoping that it will help put me in a better place, motivation wise.

I'll save my gabbing for my coaching week... just want to say that I am glad to be back with you all..................P

:wave2: Hi pjlla! Welcome back! And thanks for coaching next week! :flower3: Coaching definitely helped me feel like I was getting back to where I needed to be so I hope it does the same for you!
Flylady is someone who has developed a system of cleaning your home, as well as other things. The website is I tried "flying," as they call it, for awhile but it was too much for me. I use something now called Daily Hotel Clean
It seems to work better for me. But I think the whole keeping a home issue is like the journey to good health -- it is a matter of finding what works for you and your family.

I totally suck at housekeeping so I've googled many times for "methods" or some kind of bare bones checklist/schedule type thing, but never found anything that I liked. I will check out both of these. The mere thought of implementing a system should put DH over the moon! Score points for me!!! :rotfl2:
I totally suck at housekeeping so I've googled many times for "methods" or some kind of bare bones checklist/schedule type thing, but never found anything that I liked. I will check out both of these. The mere thought of implementing a system should put DH over the moon! Score points for me!!! :rotfl2:

I really like flylady's method. Mostly because I just get so bored cleaning. I used to listen to talk radio when our town had some good shows and I'd clean--it was interesting to listen to plus I'd call in sometimes. Now we have nothing and no good radio stations. Well I have 2 that I listen to-- the classical channel and an oldies channel that's on am- neither come in in every room. So the 15 minute timer thing in every area really works for me, keeps me from mindblowing boredom. For cleaning the kitchen and cooking at the same time-- that sort of thing I'll listen to live 365 radio on the computer-- it has an amazing array of channels. I really like the fast pass station--it has a lot of the music from Disneyland's rides and shows. I also like the new age stuff- I'm a sucker for a thunder storm in the background of classical-- that sort of thing lol. Theres some awesome shag and bluegrass channels too.
Which brings me to today's QOTD: What is one thing that you can do today to motivate yourself? It can be from the list or something that you've thought of for yourself. Tell us what it is and then do it

Well I was going to organize pictures in my photobucket today and seeing pictures of myself heavy and where I am now motivate me ;-)
Who is standing in your way? And more importantly, what are you going to do about it?

Yep, :wave: I am totally standing in my own way! I'm on track so far today, now I just have to get through this evening without eating too much. What am I going to do about it? Well, I guess I'm going to try to plan my evenings better, because that's where the downfall comes. I need to eat smaller amounts in the evening, and get back to getting to bed early so I can get up early to do my workouts! As for this week...the arrival of TOM helped me realize why I've been so hungry...popcorn:: I did end up with 2.5 hrs of brisk walking today between going places, etc., so I may consider that my exercise and let myself go to bed early, with the condition I don't go back to the kitchen after dinner! ::yes::

What is one thing that you can do today to motivate yourself? It can be from the list or something that you've thought of for yourself. Tell us what it is and then do it! :flower3:

Well, with all the talk of FlyLady, I'm going back to my FlyBaby roots and starting at the beginning, well, near the beginning...for me, that's the before bed routine and going to bed at a decent hour. Taryn (ok, I think it was Taryn, forgive me if I'm wrong) -- you can't stay up late cleaning for FlyLady! She is vehemently opposed to that! Going to bed at a decent hour is one of her ten basic rules. Set yourself up for success the next day, then go to sleep! Shine your sink, lay out your clothes for tomorrow, brush your teeth and crawl in bed. Tomorrow you will be able to clean a little more. Do what you can today, do another 15 minutes tomorrow. The system builds habits on top of others, you aren't supposed to do the entire thing in one day! :hug: You will be amazed what you can accomplish with just hitting a hot spot for 2 minutes, or a 5-minute room rescue! Maybe I'll read Sink Reflections again (that's FlyLady's book). It really helps me focus and that's something I seem to be lacking in general lately. I've also gotten away from following the daily e-mails, and it shows in my house...I don't get all the testimonials anymore, just the reminders. They're easy to delete from e-mail, and they're all I really need...

I know I've missed some big things this week -- Congratulations to JenAnderson! Lifetime at WW is a ginormous accomplishment! :yay:

This is so late, but Happy Anniversay, Dona!

:welcome: Back Pamela! Looking forward to a great week of your coaching -- I need a good kick in the pants!

:thanks: Lisa for a fabulous week of coaching! We really appreciate you stepping in to fill the breach!

CC -- My afternoon snack is either two wasa crackers with two wedges of light laughing cow cheese, or an orange with 2 tbsp. of raw cashews. Just a few options that might work for you -- I've also enjoyed a Babybel and an apple before, or even a Kashi Bar. You really can be creative, don't be tied down by what is a traditional "snack"! :goodvibes Some people have a small bowl of cereal...

Connie -- The beauty of the Flylady system is you only do one thing for awhile, then you build. It's good because it doesn't have to be overwhelming. And it does become rote after awhile. I don't even think about my morning routine anymore, I just do it. I end up reallocating a ton of time to things I'd rather do. :dance3:

Bree -- I too am ready for some Football -- but I like mine Patriots style! :woohoo: Looking forward to Sunday afternoons and yes, this year -- Thanksgiving Day! :cheer2:

Tracey -- Let me add my early wishes for a wonderful :bday:! I know it will be a fantastic celebration, and you have put a lot of effort and planning into it. :cake:

Rose -- :hug: However you spend the weekend, I hope you feel good about yourself and the wonderful young man you raised. That is a true accomplishment!

Maria :upsidedow
Thanks, Maria!

We just played Sorry Sliders and the girls are off to bed so DH and I can figure out the Chinese food we will be ordering on Saturday! Some final cleaning tomorrow. Not sure if we will go to Build A Bear tomorrow or Sunday.

Bacon and egg biscuits for breakfast! I didn't want anything too heavy since I'm going to eat a big lunch at the British Beer Co! SO excited about that!

Time to tuck DD2 in!

Please let me sleep in the morning!!!!!
Hi Everyone!

Thanks for all the great suggestions! I am going to start small and make my goal for the week to pack something for snack. It's so hard to accept and admit, but with me, I have to start small. I made my own behavior charts my senior year of high school. I may have to go back to do that to help me on my journal to a much, much healthier lifestyle.

Bree-Those articles were/are a huge help! Thanks so so so much.

Maria-I definitely need to incorporate more nuts in my diet. I work in a nut-free building, so I'll have to eat more of them over the weekend and maybe with dessert. I wonder if walnuts in chocolate pudding would resemble a brownie enough for me. Hmm...

I am good about having fiber, carbs, and protein at most meals. I would say about 90% of them, especially lately. I need to be better about eating all 3 at all meals.

QOTD for yesterday: It is definitely me standing in the way. I am constantly saying, "I can't." "Tomorrow." "Maybe" "If I do this..." etc. I am hoping to end this challenge below 150. That is between realistic and optimistic.

QOTD today: Well, I'll commit to something for tomorrow. I will eat 3 planned meals that have protein, fiber, and carbs in them.

COW Part 2: I am reading a book based on the "Potatoes Not Prozac" diet. It is designed to help decrease sugar cravings (I wonder why this book appealed to me :rolleyes1) and improve one's mood. So far, the biggest tip I picked up is that milk is not protein, at least not on this diet. Another good thing about this plan is that you start small. Again, :rolleyes1. I am working on the "have protein with breakfast" step. I'm not particularly thrilled with the idea of having a potato every night before bed, but rest of the plan really jives with me and I see it having high potential for really helping me. :goodvibes

Taryn-Glad the first day went well!

Have a great day tomorrow everyone! Hoping for great weigh-ins for everyone!

Good evening everyone!! It's funny, I haven't been on here much this week, and i have't been eating very well. Such a big correlation between the two. I got called in to work early this am because we had some sick calls, so we didn't get our run/walk in til after work. Michael was a little tired and we ran through a cemetary where he got off his scooter to jump over some streams and fell and hurt his leg, not bad, but overtired bad. Then on the way back he fell off the scooter accidently, onto his elbow, but luckily there was no blood, so he was fine. I mapmyrun-ed and we actually did just over 3 miles, which was pretty good with the drama. When we got back, I lit the grill and made a big salad with grilled chicken and sat out while the chicken cooked and read an article I printed out in february on motivation by Jeff Galloway.
I hadn't seen todays qotd yet, but it goes right along with it. I tried to find a link because it was a good article, but I think I had to subscribe to his newsletter, which I did, and it was emailed to me. This is the link to that if anyone is interested. The article was very positive, and made some good points. One I liked is the difference between a dream and a vision and one thing you should do to keep motivated is to have a goal or a vision that is realistic and we should write it on our calendars. The princess half is a dream for me, and I am making that my vision.

My goal is to finish this next week strong. I am going to journal every single day, and get out on my bike twice, run/walk 3 times, and head into my vacation on the right foot. I've been slacking this week, and almost getting into the old vacation eating mode, but this year, I'm not going to go completely off track.

Lisa- thanks for coaching this week. You always do such a great job, and I love the articles you post for us. I love today's list for getting motivated. The princess is a huge motivator for me too. I almost feel like I need to register for it to make it more definite. I don't know if I can wait til my original date of october first.

So, for today's qotd- I read that article, ran/walked, and made a healthy dinner, and I've got my food journal out and ready for tomorrow.

Yesterdays qotd- I am definintely the one standing in my way. I am the one who falls into old habits when I'm in situations where there are temptations. My family may have the unhealthy foods and blender drinks around this summer, but I am the one who makes the decision to eat and drink them. I know what to do to make healthier choices. I do not need to gain 5-10 pounds on my 2 week vacation, and I am determined not to. I need to make a plan and stick to it.

Ah, a pjlla plan is just what I need. Thanks for coaching this upcoming week, Pamela.

I'd love for the flylady to stop by my house and just do a quick overhaul.:rotfl: I invited a few friends from work over next wednesday, and that's my good motivation to really clean this weekend, and then I'll start vacation with a clean house. I definitely am putting the running ahead of housework this summer.

Have a super evening everyone!! Good luck with the scale tomorrow, and remember, it's just a number, with many factors that can affect it, so remember that if you're not happy with your number. You are here and giving it your all, and you are awesome!!!!
I wrote my resume today and applied for 2 jobs. That's a good start for me. Hopefully I'll feel less stress now that I'm getting things done.
What is one thing that you can do today to motivate yourself? It can be from the list or something that you've thought of for yourself. Tell us what it is and then do it! :flower3:

I'm slightly scared this week. I am exhausted from the stress of being back at school, and I know this will only get worse as gymnastics ramps back up, a new class starts, and we are approaching the 1 year anniversary of Daddy's death. I've had some bad habits sneaking back in. A few brownies last night. No journaling at all this week. Too tired to worry about a dinner, so mindless tv eating. Tonight, it was a turkey breast. Not terribly unhealthy, I know, but the sheer quantity of turkey I ate scares me.

I know I feel less stressed to lose, and that's not all bad. I am pretty sure I'll have a maintain this week. Since I met my goal for the challenge, I would love to hit it really hard next week and eek out a pound or two more.

Recognizing that I am backsliding, knowing why, should help. If I can get a meal plan for the rest of the week, and see what I can do at night to get it going would help. If it were cooler, I'd do more crockpot dinners. But all my crockpot meals are what I consider to be "cool weather meals".

Sorry for the book, but I have been a little introspective and thoughtful this week. I feel like I lost the momemtum this week.

Remember Flylady's mantra is baby steps, baby steps. You have a lot going on in your life already without adding a bunch of homekeeping tasks!

I know. But I am one of those weirdos that just functions better in a relatively tidy house.

Did my first back to back C25K days, stuck with 3-2 and 3-3 instead of going from 3-2 to 4-1 just in case. It wasn’t terrible but my legs were not very happy with me last night let me tell ya! They feel ok this morning so far, just a little twinge every now and then, more like sore muscles than actual pain though so not too bad. I have a break until Saturday so I hope they feel good by then for 4-1 – for some reason 4 looks a lot harder than 3 :confused3 ?
It's all mental. You can totally do this!

At this point, I am staying fairly motivated. Seeing my name on the Top Ten list makes me wanna challenge myself to stay there.

You are totally doing great. I wish I had that same motivation this week. Like you, I seem to only be able to focus on one thing at a time, and this week it has been school.

I'll save my gabbing for my coaching week... just want to say that I am glad to be back with you all..................P

Glad you made it home safely!

The mere thought of implementing a system should put DH over the moon! Score points for me!!! :rotfl2:

Until I started running, I had a great schedule. I'm struggling a bit to catch up now. I love systems!

Well, with all the talk of FlyLady, I'm going back to my FlyBaby roots and starting at the beginning, well, near the beginning...for me, that's the before bed routine and going to bed at a decent hour. Taryn (ok, I think it was Taryn, forgive me if I'm wrong) -- you can't stay up late cleaning for FlyLady! She is vehemently opposed to that! Maybe I'll read Sink Reflections again (that's FlyLady's book). It really helps me focus and that's something I seem to be lacking in general lately.
Wondered if that book was worth a read... might have to check into it. Thanks! The bad thing is, I don't think flylady has an hour nap every afternoon in her plans, and I've been crashing for an hour for the last few days. That offsets the staying up late, a bit.

Good evening everyone!! It's funny, I haven't been on here much this week, and i have't been eating very well.
Good luck with the scale tomorrow, and remember, it's just a number, with many factors that can affect it, so remember that if you're not happy with your number. You are here and giving it your all, and you are awesome!!!!

I agree Kathy. I've been skipping my evening BL check in, and just doing it in the am. It's showing in my habits. I am making it a point to get back on in the afternoons/early evenings starting today.

My run this am was soooo humid. I am kind of upset, b/c now that my mornings are shortened, I've had to keep my 2 during week runs to 3 miles, just for time. I would like for at least 1 of them to be a 4 miler. Maybe as I settle into a routine I can get up a bit earlier. I did run in the dark, but there were older people there that walk every morning, so I felt safe. If left 15 minutes earlier, I could do it. Just 15 minutes. I can do this.

Have a great night. Thank GOODNESS tomorrow is Friday!
Good morning everyone.

Finally finished the course. I am glad that that is done for now. Have somethings to do for the fall and spring but I don't have to think about those now.

Don't have much time this morning. Dh is insisting that we do something together. He wants to drive to the Cape May zoo. I love the place because it is small and easy to see the animals but I really don't want to do the drive. I have been in a car or sitting for the last 2 weeks but we are going and I know I will have a good time once we get there.

Just wanted to check in and say hello.

Ds has not heard about the job yet so please send as much PD as possible. It would be great for him.

Have a great day.
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