Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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This weekend marks my worst and longest-running binge since the beginning of this challenge. I ate basically non-stop from Friday evening until dinner last night. It wasn't even fun. I'm fine now. Something about Monday straightens me right out, but this weekend was SICK. I ended up with two sugar-coma naps yesterday and I am up 6.6 pounds this morning since my Friday weigh-in. I'm not gonna make excuses or rationalize it. It was just one seemingly un-controllable "unwise" decision after another. Actually "unwise" would have been an improvement; it was more like, "What can I eat that is the polar opposite of what I should should eat?". Self-inflicted abuse-by-food. I finally did get my energy focused about 7:00 last night - cleaned my kitchen, did all the laundry, put clean sheets on the beds, etc. I stayed up later than I meant to because I didn't want to leave anything half-done - I really needed to accomplish something before starting this week. Anyway... I just needed to confess all of that and get it out there. I'll psycho-analyze later and see what I can learn from this.

Thanks for sharing that with us. That sort of thing happens to all of us at some point in time. You started fresh and that is what counts!

DS went with me on Saturday’s C25K “run” – he took his scooter but it was more trouble than it was worth because of the hills. He kept saying how much fun he was having and that he wants to do this again, but next time he’ll just run/walk with me so he doesn’t have to wear all the pads and drag his scooter around. He was so funny! I was really surprised he kept up as well as he did, especially dragging that scooter along! It must’ve been family weekend – it looks like a lot of us had company during our workouts!

Sunday QOTD : What do you think is your WORST personality trait? What do you think is your BEST personality trait?

Worst : CC hit the nail on the head for me! I have very high expectations of myself and everyone else. I have to make a conscious effort to be OK with other people’s efforts even though they sometimes don’t live up to my expectations.

Best : This is hard… I think that I’m a pretty generous person. I like to help people in general, whatever I can do to help, you know.

Jen A – I really need to do some cleaning out like that. It feels so freeing to get rid of stuff! My DS is a packrat and getting him to get rid of anything is like cutting off a limb – it drives me insane! Have fun with your cruise party – we go on the Dream in May, I can’t wait :cool1: !

Monday’s QOTD : Oh no... it is 5pm and you have nothing planned. You have one hour to prep and cook and serve this meal... everyone is heading out to sports at 6pm. From your pantry/fridge/freezer basics, what are you serving?? It must be reasonably healthy and low-cal (no frozen pizza). It must have family-wide appeal.
Since DS is underweight I try to make dinners pretty substantial calorie wise and just eat a smaller portion of whatever it is we’re having and/or skip the side dish. We always have stuff for sandwiches on hand, so I guess for this situation I’d have to go with turkey or chicken breast sandwich, soup in addition for DS, and either a salad or canned veggies. Quick, relatively healthy, and filling.

Well, I know I missed a few things I wanted to say, but I really should get some work done today so I’m going to cut myself off! Hope everyone is having a great Monday!

How fun that DS came with you on his scooter. That is how my DS usually wants to come along, but I'd rather have him walk (he doesn't come on runs... just walks).

We don't keep much sandwich stuff on hand... I don't like the preservatives or nitrites or nitrates in most lunch meat.. plus it is so unbelievably expensive! But I do love the occasional Subway night!!

Didn't get any workouts in but did lots of cleaning! I had leftover veggie lo mein and most of an eggroll for lunch and then a dish of lite mint chip ice cream. Dinner is chicken tenderloins with leftover Sweet and Sour sauce on top of pork fried rice and then that's it for Chinese food! Then DH, DD1 and I are splitting a piece of Oreo Cheesecake.

I'll get up and workout in the morning and get back on trap. PMS is kicking in so I needed to get on the ball tomorrow! I'll do the BL Jump Start and the 3 mile Pilates WATP. I have a massage to give at 10 and another one tomorrow night at 6. DD1's BFF is spending the night tomorrow night as they are going away for 2 weeks and this will also give the girls something to do during the day on Wednesday while I clean my bedroom!
Enjoy the last piece of cheesecake! YUM! Enjoy your BL Jumpstart!

No Y today. Mike emailed me at work and asked if I wanted to run tonight since there is baseball the rest of the week. So in a bit we're going to go for a 4 mile or so run. This will be good because it will keep me off the dreadmill later this week. And it's a cold snap--only 90 today!:thumbsup2

Pamela--you took my QOTD for next week!:goodvibes If I were going to make a quick meal it would be veggie fajitas. Beans and whatever we have on hand, with the veggies sauteed in olive oil. I found some healthy tortillas that are made with olive oil that aren't too bad.

As for the contemplating going vegetarian--for me personally, it was one of the best things I ever did. I have stopped eating meat periodically for years, but last May after my Dad died, I lost my taste again. So I stopped for a couple of months, then in July I had chicken at a restaurant--it was raw in the middle. That was it for me. It did take me until October to give up bacon.:rotfl: Not that I would have pieces of bacon, but if it was on something I wouldn't pick it off. I haven't had bacon since October. I've known all along that all cheese is not vegetarian, but only recently have I started paying attention to it. I see the whole thing as a process. It's still hard, because I run out of ideas to cook and when our DS is home we end up eating out a lot. When he's home in December I am going to have a better plan in place, because eating out so much gets old. I just feel a lot healthier as a vegetarian. I pay a lot more attention to what I eat. I still have days where I eat garbage, but I know I need to get some protein in and watch what vitamins I am getting, so when I have junk now, it's combined with other stuff.

Mike is home, so I guess we'll get ready to run. I'll check in later!

Hope the run was good. Did you mean to call it the "dreadmill"? :rotfl: But I don't dread it nearly as much as I used to.

MMMM... I LOVE fajitas! I'm doing my meal planning for the next many weeks and I am definitely putting fajitas on the menu!!

Do you eat tofu? I read a good sounding tofu recipe recently and I am ready to try it... maybe later this week.

Happy Monday everyone! I have been so busy these past 2 days so I will have to catch up on reading what you all were sharing while I was off.

Sunday we had our DCL party. It was a great day. We listened to Disney music all day and had tons of fun. It is so exciting to be one year from our cruise date (we have already waited one year). :banana: Here is a photo of DH and I:


Today has been cray! I got up and did my 20 minute pilates DVD. Haven't done it in ages so it was a good workout. Then, I ran 3 miles in 28 minutes. I went and tutored and then went to the Y. I did the BodyPump class with my friend and finally came home to do some more cleaning. Didn't even get to the cleaning because there were computer things to do...a new teaching job was listed so I spent time working on a cover letter and sending all my application stuff to the principal. Finally, WDW released discounts for next year so I had to look at that some so that I could discuss it with DH when he got home. I have now come to the conclusion that the day is almost over and I have no clue where all the time went!

As for food and diet...I ate horrible yesterday with our Disney party. I knew I was going to and I am fine with it. I ate great today and know that it is fine. The scale did not change today after a bad day yesterday so I am not going to stress about the bad eating, I am only going to focus on the fact that I know what I need to do and do it when I have to. I was really happy to have lost 2 pounds last week and am fine with a very small loss or a maintain this week.

Chat with you all later - Jen

I love the idea of the party! It looks like you had fun. And the run time was impressive!

P- MENU PLANNING FOR THE next month and a half???? Girl you gotta share that. I can't come up with ideas for this week! Any good websites you use to help you with this? Hope you can get the tooth discolorations thing solved. Anna Kat has white spots on her teeth that I wondered if they were from over flouridation in water, turns out they were caused by a really bad flu she had on her 4th birthday when her fever was 103-104 for 3 days.


Not as tough as it seems, especially when school/sports are back in gear and I know pretty much when/where we will be each night.

I print out a blank weekly calendar from PrintMaster and then I just fill it in with the evening meal (main dish, side dish and starch). I also add notes as to what I could/should do to be prepared for later in the week (for example, I might put a note on Monday to remind myself to take Wednesday's meat from the freezer... or remind myself to dice extra onions for another night's meal).

I don't use any website, unless I am trying to plan something specific, like for a special occasion.

Lately I've been trying to use all of the recipes in my recipe box. It seemed like I had lots of stuff I had saved but never used/tried. So I've been trying to make the recipes. If it is good, it goes back in the box. Lousy... in the trash.

Plus I fill in around the edges with easy, quick stuff that I don't really need a recipe for.

I leave one night open about every 7 to 10 days to use up leftovers and just in case something comes up. And that way, if I have something prepped but plans change, at least I have a night to move it to.

I do a big shop about once every two weeks, using the menus to make the shopping lists. Then I stop by the market once or twice a week to pick up fresh produce and milk and anything else I missed.

Anyhow... it's not that tough. I'd be happy to share more about it if you are interested.... but it's pretty basic.

Dropping on to say I'm still around, just really busy. Once again no reminder post will be going out this week, but the results will be put out tomorrow. (If I get a chance tonight, I may do a reminder post, but probably won't happen).

Life is really busy trying to get the house packed up and fixed up for sale. I've decided to give myself an excused on weigh in last week, as I just didn't get it done, and probably won't weigh in again this week.

My last day at current job is this Friday and then its one week at home with DH to get the house ready for sale. Hopefully we can get everything done. I've got a realtor coming to look at the place next Monday morning.

Tomorrow night DH will be going to look at a few new houses, and we'll be going together on Saturday to look at more. We are giving the girls to my parents next Saturday and they'll stay up there for a week, before I head there. We decided it would be easiest for the girls to not be here in the last crazy week as we redo the bathroom and some flooring and painting.

:thumbsup2Hope everybody is doing great. Sorry I haven't been on much, I'm sure the fall challenge will be smoother for me :goodvibes

Life is CRAZY busy for you right now! I don't know how you have the time to even attempt to keep up with us! I sincerely hope that everything goes smoothly with the move and the new job. Are the girls excited about a new house???

Good evening friends! Sounds like we have all been busy lately!

I got my 5 miles done on the TM at the Y tonight while DD was swimming. I might have gone longer, but my darn weak bladder was causing issues... anyone else have this issue??

Anyhow, my run time wasn't spectacular, but this is only the 3rd time I've done a full 5 miles, so right now I am concentrating on completing the 5 mi rather than go for a record. But I did 55:54, which I think is respectable. I'm going to plan to attempt 5.5 mi on Friday... or should I try for 6??

Dinner was a healthy homemade meatloaf.. precooked and pulled from the freezer and dropped in the crockpot for a few hours to defrost and heat through. Side dishes... veggie stir-fry to use up some stuff (summer squash, onions, peppers, mushrooms, garlic), natural applesauce, and mashed potatoes for everyone else. Yummy and easy and filling... can't ask for more than that!

I'm going to get moving! I'm trying to not eat after 9 pm and I have a chocolate Vitamuffin waiting for me in the kitchen!

See you all tomorrow...............P
OKay, So I really want to open the bottle of wine that's in the fridge. I would probably drink the whole thing, which would NOT be good for my body, my mind, my weight, or my children since I'm home alone with them. :laughing:

I am so tired and crampy and BLAH! Still have to mop upstairs, but I'll wait until the girls are in the bed, and mop myself to bed. Getting ready to put them in the tub.:laundy:is done and put away, kitchen cleaned. Really want some more watermelon, but I think I'll stop. I've been grabbing a chunk each time I go throw the kitchen. Going to throw some spinach in a bowl with a dab of dressing and some string cheese and call it lunch tomorrow.

P- your plan sounds wonderful! I just looked at the calendar for the rest of August, and :scared1:. I think I'll take a quick inventory of freezer goods, we really need to defrost it, and it would be a lot easier to do if there was less in it! We're working on it, but maybe if I made a list of everything I have, I can plan around it! That might make tomorrow's to do list!

CC - Hang in there! If I run in the am, and come across a snack, I'll think "All that work I did to make sure I got a run in, not gonna cancel that out with those calories." Works sometimes. ;)

Lindsay - Haven't heard from you today, hope you are okay!

Night all!:grouphug:
Lindsay - Haven't heard from you today, hope you are okay!

Hi guys, Im here. I had quite a day again. I feel like a black cloud maybe hanging over my head lately. It just seems like nothing is going right for me. Im trying to stay positive and realize that there are worse things that can be going on in. I will just continue to deal with life and what it throws at me. Im sure it will get better soon.

We had a fun day yesterday at our family carnival. The kids got a kick out of all the games and prizes that my mom and aunt put together for them. We even had sack races. My ds1 won the race and got a little trophy. He is such a star:lovestruc My cousin and I decided we would join in the fun and we raced. I had a huge lead on her but then totally wiped out. It at least made for a funny picture.:lmao: Eating went ok. I did indulge a little too much in the buffalo chicken dip but otherwise kept to small proportions. I need to weigh in late tomorrow since I was off on friday and monday from work and that is where my official weigh in scale is.

I hope you all are having a great start to your work week. Sorry I dont have time to comment to everyone.

Taryn.....thanks for looking for me! I feel so loved.:lovestruc
Hi Everyone!

Thanks for the support Taryn!

I'm off to exercise now. I'm hoping to get in 45 minutes.

I'll try to update before I leave for work. :goodvibes

Hi guys, Im here. I had quite a day again. I feel like a black cloud maybe hanging over my head lately. It just seems like nothing is going right for me. Im trying to stay positive and realize that there are worse things that can be going on in. I will just continue to deal with life and what it throws at me. Im sure it will get better soon.
So sorry. :hug: We all have those black cloud moments, days, weeks, months. If you can get a run it, it will help clear your head. Try to stay busy, and just deal with one thing at a time. Focus on what needs to happen right now, and let the rest stay away while you are dealing with the moment. I try to put things in mental boxes, and not pull out a box until the other has been cleared and put away. If I can visualize that, it helps. It's hard, though, and I can't always manage it. Is your name Lindsey or Lindsay? I forget! ;)

Hi Everyone!

I'm off to exercise now. I'm hoping to get in 45 minutes.
Way to start the day off right!

Just did 25 minutes of arm strength and abs for the first time in a few weeks. I feel like rubber! Gonna feel it tomorrow! Off to shower!

Have a great day!
Way to start the day off right!

Just did 25 minutes of arm strength and abs for the first time in a few weeks. I feel like rubber! Gonna feel it tomorrow! Off to shower!

Have a great day!

Thanks Taryn! The first 18 minutes seemed to go on forever. I didn't think I'd make it to 30. I must have gotten some kind of 2nd wind or something, because I exercised for 66 minutes including warm-up and cool-down!

I think I'm going to feel it tomorrow too, Taryn!

Have a great day everyone! :)
Good morning. I miss getting on the computer every day, and catching up with everyone here. Summer has been fun, and it's nice to have Michael home with me later in the morning and drop him at camp on my way to work, and he's been staying up late most nights which he loves, but I miss my morning dis time, and my evening alone time. That's about the only reason I will be happy when school starts, that, and no more camp bills. I will not be happy when school starts because that will mean my vacation will be over, but it hasn't even started, so I'm still getting pumped for it.

I'm sticking with my plan and having a pretty good week eating wise. We were going to take walk/run this morning, but michael just woke up, so we'll go after work, and then I need to cut the lawn, and vacuum tonight. We're having some work friends over tomorrow night for a bbq, and then we'll walk to the library, about half a mile to watch a guy from works band play on the lawn. It's oldies music. When I told michael he was in the band, he asked if he was as famous as Shakira!:rotfl:

Qotd sunday- my best personality trait is that I am a positive person. I always try to see the good side of things and the good in everybody.
worst- I'm a bit scatterbrained at times, and my mind tends to wander from the tasks at hand. (which is why I never finished cleaning sunday) Also, sometimes when I'm listening to someone, I can zone out, and not really hear them, which is so bad, and I try not to let that happen. It is so aggravating to michael when I do it to him.

qotd monday- It would probably be grilled cheese and a can of soup. Or I might have a breakfast-dinner, scrambled eggs, fruit and yogurt.

Lindsay-:hug: I hope you're having a better day today. It's so hard to remain positive, but good to look at all the positives in our lives. Hang in there. :hug:

Connie-:hug: Glad you are off to a fresh start. I was talking at work yesterday about my neighbor who is thin as a rail, and she was simply saying, "I only eat when I am hungry, it's that easy" and I thought it is sooooo not that easy for me and so many others. You are not alone, and I hope yesterday was a good day, and the rest of the week follows.

CC- whoo hoo!!! 66 minutes is awesome!!

Taryn- Is that wine still unopened? One glass wouldn't hurt ya.;) Hope you're feeling better.

Sarahmay- YOu look fabulous in your pictures, and so happy and fit. THanks for sharing.

JenA- I love the picture!! Looks like you had such a fun day, and you look just amazing. Did you make your mickey tyedyes and the pirate hats? Very cute. I bought mickey tyedyes for us and we love wearing them in disney.

Lisa- hope you had fun torturing the law students, I mean teaching them. I'm sure some of them need a little scaring.

Shannon- Thank you for all you do for us as weightkeeper. Good luck with getting the house ready. I'm sure you will be able to get so much more done with the kids at your mom's.

Pjlla- I do have the bladder issue, and often make my route swing by the police station or library for a pit stop. It's way worse in the evening, after drinking water all day, in the morning, I can make the 3-5 miles ok, but at night, I can't even make 2 sometimes. Good luck at the dentist with dd.

Rose- Nice work taking some days off from exercise. I know that is hard for you and I hope you enjoyed them. I like hearing your thoughts about being vegetarian too. It is such a healthy lifestyle.

Maria- Did you say you're doing the princess too? It would be so great to get a bl dis meet together when we're down there.

Well, off to get ready for work. Only 4 more days til vacation!!!! Have a great day.:)
Connie, Lindsey and anyone else who needs one--:hug::hug:. I'm sorry you are having not so great days. I think the big thing I have learned is to hang in there, wait it out and jump right back in. Hang in there!:goodvibes

Shannon--good luck with all the house stuff!

Jen--looks like your party was fun! What a great run, and good luck with the job!

Pamela--yep, meant to call it the dreadmill. I would much rather run outside. My feet bother me on the treadmill. I think I may have to go back to the shoe store and find out if I'm running different on the treadmill. We eat some tofu. We are using silken tofu more. I actually am supposed to make a pasta dish tonight with silken tofu. I think tofu really needs to be seasoned well or it's kind of yucky. I'm not a big fan of all the substitute meat products, because I think they tend to be a little overprocessed, but I am trying to cook something with tofu once a week. And the bladder thing, I am starting to have the sudden urge issue. Usually I can still ignore it mostly when running, but it's hard sometimes. And that was a good time for 5 miles!:goodvibes

Taryn--hope you are making it through your crazy week.

CC--good job on the exercise!

Well we went for our run last night. It was a balmy 88. I started out too fast--I think the run/walk stuff spoiled me on Saturday, because when I run/walk I run a lot faster than when I just run. Anyhow we ended up at 45:15 for 4.05, 6 miles total with warmup and cool down. Not too bad in the heat. During our long cool down we messed around and sprinted a couple of times, not really a great cool down. I feel fine today, but last night I was exhausted. It just hit me when we got home, and I was so hungry I felt sick. I have to do better at having dinner ready on run nights so we don't end up eating so late. We had beet and carrot pancakes last night with dill yogurt sauce. First time I made them and they were really good.

Time to get ready for work. I'm going to go to the Y afterwork, but maybe for only 40 minutes. I'm becoming such a slacker!:rotfl:

Have a great day!
Rats! Foiled again! DD2 had me up during the night changing sheets and then my stomach was bothering me so I couldn't get back to sleep! Needless to say I slept in this morning so no Jump Start. Getting ready for work now. Taking kids with me and then we have to come back, go to the transfer station, pick up DD1 BFF for a sleepover, go get some lunch and then come home. I plan on working out then. I'll have the kids play upstairs. I have to go back to work at 5 so dinner will have to be early for me.

Back to getting ready. I am starting the day with my strawberry smoothie. I'll take my protein water with me and my water bottle.

I will not post again until after I have completed the Jump Start and 3 mile WATP!
Thanks Taryn! The first 18 minutes seemed to go on forever. I didn't think I'd make it to 30. I must have gotten some kind of 2nd wind or something, because I exercised for 66 minutes including warm-up and cool-down!

I think I'm going to feel it tomorrow too, Taryn!

Have a great day everyone! :)

Pamela--yep, meant to call it the dreadmill. I would much rather run outside. My feet bother me on the treadmill. I think I may have to go back to the shoe store and find out if I'm running different on the treadmill. We eat some tofu. We are using silken tofu more. I actually am supposed to make a pasta dish tonight with silken tofu. I think tofu really needs to be seasoned well or it's kind of yucky. I'm not a big fan of all the substitute meat products, because I think they tend to be a little overprocessed, but I am trying to cook something with tofu once a week. And the bladder thing, I am starting to have the sudden urge issue. Usually I can still ignore it mostly when running, but it's hard sometimes. And that was a good time for 5 miles!:goodvibes

I have to do better at having dinner ready on run nights so we don't end up eating so late. We had beet and carrot pancakes last night with dill yogurt sauce. First time I made them and they were really good.
Can you post the recipe for those beet/carrot pancakes? I think I would like something like that. I assume they are savory pancakes and not sweet. Not sure about the dill sauce... not a dill fan.

I think I definitely run differently on the TM than I do on a track or the road.

Well... Happy Tuesday everyone! I have just one minute to post today's QOTD and then DD and I are off for a long drive to the Foxwood's Casino in CT to see the Titanic Exhibit.

Tuesday's QOTD: What would your perfect day look like?

I'll try to catch up tonight!................P
Good Morning!
I am having a 'hungry' day. Ran 3km, then came home and had my 1/2 C oatmeal, stll hungry so had 1C watermelon, still hungry so had 1/3C trail trying to stay out of the kitchen! Sometimes that''s hard because I work from home. My first client should be here in 15minutes. Thank goodness:thumbsup2
What do you guys do on those day when you just aren't satisfied?
Last night after soccer, same thing. I was starving so I had a salad, didn't more trail mix, didnt work so finally a slice of toast with PB.....ugh! I need to zip my mouth!!!!!:scared1:popcorn:::scared1:popcorn::
Good morning all! :goodvibes

SarahMay, you look great in your running pictures and so happy and proud! :thumbsup2

Rose, sounds like a great plan for your meals and shopping. That is a big help when you are working full time again! I like to shop early in the morning. I can get in and out and fewer people. The only drawback is if the store hasn't had a chance to restock.

While I'm talking about recipes, here is today's QOTD:

Oh no... it is 5pm and you have nothing planned. You have one hour to prep and cook and serve this meal... everyone is heading out to sports at 6pm. From your pantry/fridge/freezer basics, what are you serving?? It must be reasonably healthy and low-cal (no frozen pizza). It must have family-wide appeal.

I'm going to go with Maria's plan, some frozen meat on the grill, a bag of frozen vegetables and probably a salad. I usually have all that on hand. Or I might do a little pasta salad, with pasta, veggies boiled in the water for the last couple of minutes, run under cold water, and serve with mozzarella cheese and hard salami, together with fat free italian dressing. If you don't dress the pasta, it keeps better and just dress as you go.

This weekend marks my worst and longest-running binge since the beginning of this challenge. I ate basically non-stop from Friday evening until dinner last night. It wasn't even fun. I'm fine now. Something about Monday straightens me right out, but this weekend was SICK. I ended up with two sugar-coma naps yesterday and I am up 6.6 pounds this morning since my Friday weigh-in. I'm not gonna make excuses or rationalize it. It was just one seemingly un-controllable "unwise" decision after another. Actually "unwise" would have been an improvement; it was more like, "What can I eat that is the polar opposite of what I should should eat?". Self-inflicted abuse-by-food. I finally did get my energy focused about 7:00 last night - cleaned my kitchen, did all the laundry, put clean sheets on the beds, etc. I stayed up later than I meant to because I didn't want to leave anything half-done - I really needed to accomplish something before starting this week. Anyway... I just needed to confess all of that and get it out there. I'll psycho-analyze later and see what I can learn from this.

:hug:, Connie. Some week-ends are like that. Glad that you got to enjoy an afternoon with your family. :goodvibes That will make you feel better no matter what.

Bree, sounds like you got your batteries recharged this week-end. :hug: Sorry about the noisy neighbors. I was going to suggest a fan for white noise but that doesn't do much for people throwing things at the wall. :confused3

Sunday we had our DCL party. It was a great day. We listened to Disney music all day and had tons of fun. It is so exciting to be one year from our cruise date (we have already waited one year). :banana:

jenanderson, loved your picture! How fun to think that you will be on the Dream this time next year! You look like a skinny minnie, even though I see it is a Daisy shirt! ;)

Hopefully you'll remember Dona and I posting our memories of class and not be a ROZ! The co op sounds cool!

I tried not to be a ROZ. I was teamed up with a justice of the supreme court so I can't say for sure. ;) It was a fun day and a very pretty drive with acres and acres of wheat waiting to be harvested, rolling hills and pine trees.

Dropping on to say I'm still around, just really busy. Once again no reminder post will be going out this week, but the results will be put out tomorrow. (If I get a chance tonight, I may do a reminder post, but probably won't happen).

Life is really busy trying to get the house packed up and fixed up for sale. I've decided to give myself an excused on weigh in last week, as I just didn't get it done, and probably won't weigh in again this week.

My last day at current job is this Friday and then its one week at home with DH to get the house ready for sale. Hopefully we can get everything done. I've got a realtor coming to look at the place next Monday morning.

Tomorrow night DH will be going to look at a few new houses, and we'll be going together on Saturday to look at more. We are giving the girls to my parents next Saturday and they'll stay up there for a week, before I head there. We decided it would be easiest for the girls to not be here in the last crazy week as we redo the bathroom and some flooring and painting.

:thumbsup2Hope everybody is doing great. Sorry I haven't been on much, I'm sure the fall challenge will be smoother for me :goodvibes

:hug:, Shannon, a move or a new job alone would be stressful -- both at the same time! :scared1: Let us know if you need any help with anything. We all appreciate all that you do for us! :flower3:

Can I skip posting tonight? I ate so much today. :scared1: I can't imagine not getting sick from eating so much. :sick: I ate lots of cookies, some ice cream, Sun Chips, regular BBQ chips, a 12-inch sub from Subway, and my usual breakfast and lunch. The worst part of all of this: I'm still hungry. I feel like I could eat a cow.:confused3

:hug:, no skipping if you have a bad day. Those are the days that you need support more than ever!

Hi guys, Im here. I had quite a day again. I feel like a black cloud maybe hanging over my head lately. It just seems like nothing is going right for me. Im trying to stay positive and realize that there are worse things that can be going on in. I will just continue to deal with life and what it throws at me. Im sure it will get better soon.

:hug:, Lindsay. Hope that things get better for you soon! :flower3:

Well, off to get ready for work. Only 4 more days til vacation!!!! Have a great day.:)

:woohoo: only 4 more days left until vacation!

Tuesday's QOTD: What would your perfect day look like?

Have fun at the Titanic exhibit, pjlla!

My perfect day would be getting up early, after a good night's sleep, and hitting early EMH at Epcot. We would ride as many rides as we could and have lunch in Italy. Then we would go back to our room at BCV, do a little swimming at Stormalong Bay, and take a little Illuminations cruise with champagne to finish it off. Actually any Disney day would work! :cool2:

Have a great day all!

Hey ladies. I just wanted to thank you for your support yesterday after my weekend meltdown. I'm back on track and feeling much better.:thumbsup2

Planning to have some fun tomorrow. I have some vacation days that I have to use or lose by Sept 1, so I'm taking a day off each week thru the end of the month including my bday and my anniversary. I'll be off tomorrow and, if everything works out, I'm planning to take DD to our local water park. They don't open until noon, so there's really no avoiding the excruciating heat. We haven't been swimming at all this summer, so I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm also looking forward to lunch today. I am just loving the salads at different restaurants this summer. Had the Apple Pecan Chicken Salad from Wendy's yesterday (no dressing). Meeting my mom for lunch today at a locally owned restaurant and I'm gonna have a spinach strawberry salad with grilled shrimp (also with little or no dressing). I also like the Fuji Apple Chicken Salad at Panera Bread and Sweet Chipotle Chicken Salad at McAlister's. Each of these (with little or no dressing) is in the 400-500 calorie range, so that fits pretty well into my plan for each day. And, they're just SO yummy! :lovestruc
Jen A – Great pic!

And here I thought we were your rock. sheez. So glad you signed up for the 10K. :banana:Taryn
Different rocks for different situations ;) – forgive me :flower3:? I'm glad too, it's definitely motivating to have on the horizon, let me tell you!

Shannon – Good luck with the house stuff!

Pamela – Organic chicken and turkey breast sliced from Whole Foods – no preservatives. I can’t complain about the cost – I work full time and am the only adult in the house so saving time by buying pre-sliced lunch meat is completely worth it to me. And it’s still cheaper and healthier than going out to eat :thumbsup2 .

CC – Great job with the exercising :cheer2: !

Lisa – Thanks! I actually think the guy may have been arrested; he hasn’t been back to the house from what I could tell as of this morning. The girl had left the house sometime last night or this morning, but last night when we got home all the cars were still in the same places from Sunday, no lights and not a peep all night last night. So I don’t know if they were both arrested and she was released first or if the police took her somewhere else Sunday night and she just made her way back to the house sometime last night to get her car? If she’s smart she’s moving all her stuff out today… But I already know she’s not very smart so what can you do :confused3 ? I just hope jail - or the threat of it - is enough to keep them quiet for awhile for my sanity's sake!

Connie – Those salads sound yummy – I love salads! Enjoy your days off!

Just a quick check in today, hope everyone has a great day!

So sorry. :hug: We all have those black cloud moments, days, weeks, months. If you can get a run it, it will help clear your head. Try to stay busy, and just deal with one thing at a time. Focus on what needs to happen right now, and let the rest stay away while you are dealing with the moment. I try to put things in mental boxes, and not pull out a box until the other has been cleared and put away. If I can visualize that, it helps. It's hard, though, and I can't always manage it. Is your name Lindsey or Lindsay? I forget! ;)

I would love to say my day today is better..... I will tell everyone the story once I comment to you guys. You got it right my name is Lindsay.

Good morning. I miss getting on the computer every day, and catching up with everyone here. Summer has been fun, and it's nice to have Michael home with me later in the morning and drop him at camp on my way to work, and he's been staying up late most nights which he loves, but I miss my morning dis time, and my evening alone time. That's about the only reason I will be happy when school starts, that, and no more camp bills. I will not be happy when school starts because that will mean my vacation will be over, but it hasn't even started, so I'm still getting pumped for it.

I'm sticking with my plan and having a pretty good week eating wise. We were going to take walk/run this morning, but michael just woke up, so we'll go after work, and then I need to cut the lawn, and vacuum tonight. We're having some work friends over tomorrow night for a bbq, and then we'll walk to the library, about half a mile to watch a guy from works band play on the lawn. It's oldies music. When I told michael he was in the band, he asked if he was as famous as Shakira!:rotfl:

I feel the same way its been so relaxed and non regimented around my house this summer. I really need to get the boys back into a good bedtime since Ryan starts kindergarten in less than 2 weeks :scared1:

I was :lmao: about shakira. Thats great. Have a fun time tomorrow.

Planning to have some fun tomorrow. I have some vacation days that I have to use or lose by Sept 1, so I'm taking a day off each week thru the end of the month including my bday and my anniversary. I'll be off tomorrow and, if everything works out, I'm planning to take DD to our local water park. They don't open until noon, so there's really no avoiding the excruciating heat. We haven't been swimming at all this summer, so I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm also looking forward to lunch today. I am just loving the salads at different restaurants this summer. Had the Apple Pecan Chicken Salad from Wendy's yesterday (no dressing). Meeting my mom for lunch today at a locally owned restaurant and I'm gonna have a spinach strawberry salad with grilled shrimp (also with little or no dressing). I also like the Fuji Apple Chicken Salad at Panera Bread and Sweet Chipotle Chicken Salad at McAlister's. Each of these (with little or no dressing) is in the 400-500 calorie range, so that fits pretty well into my plan for each day. And, they're just SO yummy! :lovestruc

Sounds like great plans, lots of fun! You are back OP and doing great keep up the good work.

Ok so this is how my day starts today at 6am:

dh "Lindsay, Lindsay"
me 1/2 asleep "where are you"
dh "down in the basement"

So I go down stairs and here he slipped down the stairs and over turned his ankle. His whole ankle is immediately swelling. I told him to just ice it and elevate and give it a few days since he probably just sprained it. No he cant take my advice. I had to take him to the doctor and then for an xray to find out he just sprained it. I missed the morning at work.

Then he just called me to tell me he vomited and thinks he has a stomach bug.:headache:

Im sure all of you know how men get when there sick and my dh is the worst. I dont know what I did to deserve this.:lmao:

So thats my day so far. Lets hope the rest of it goes ok.
I will check in with you later.
Hi Everyone,

I am so excited to share with you that I made it home from work today without stopping for food and bingeing! I am so proud of myself. Hoping to make it 2 in a row tomorrow!

I have no idea what we are having for dinner tonight. I should probably start talking to my mom about that. :rolleyes1

But, first it's catch up time.

I will not be happy when school starts because that will mean my vacation will be over, but it hasn't even started, so I'm still getting pumped for it.

CC- whoo hoo!!! 66 minutes is awesome!!

Only 4 more days til vacation!!!! Have a great day.:)

Thanks Kathy! Enjoy your trip! I can't believe it's down to 4 days. I'm sure you and Michael with have a great time! :)

CC--good job on the exercise!

Well we went for our run last night. It was a balmy 88. I started out too fast--I think the run/walk stuff spoiled me on Saturday, because when I run/walk I run a lot faster than when I just run. Anyhow we ended up at 45:15 for 4.05, 6 miles total with warmup and cool down. Not too bad in the heat.

Time to get ready for work. I'm going to go to the Y afterwork, but maybe for only 40 minutes. I'm becoming such a slacker!:rotfl:

Have a great day!

Thanks Rose! Nice job on the run. You have me thinking about adding tofu to my diet. And, I'm beginning to think about 2 workouts in a day. :worship:

Rats! Foiled again! DD2 had me up during the night changing sheets and then my stomach was bothering me so I couldn't get back to sleep! Needless to say I slept in this morning so no Jump Start. Getting ready for work now. Taking kids with me and then we have to come back, go to the transfer station, pick up DD1 BFF for a sleepover, go get some lunch and then come home. I plan on working out then. I'll have the kids play upstairs. I have to go back to work at 5 so dinner will have to be early for me.

Back to getting ready. I am starting the day with my strawberry smoothie. I'll take my protein water with me and my water bottle.

I will not post again until after I have completed the Jump Start and 3 mile WATP!

Tracey-How did you day turn out? I love the BL Jump Start workout. I've only made it through the cardio ones and boy do I feel them. :goodvibes


Well... Happy Tuesday everyone! I have just one minute to post today's QOTD and then DD and I are off for a long drive to the Foxwood's Casino in CT to see the Titanic Exhibit.

Tuesday's QOTD: What would your perfect day look like?

I'll try to catch up tonight!................P

Thanks! Hope you enjoyed your trip to the Titanic Exhibit. It's about 1.5 hours for me to get there. I need a "vacation." That might be just the thing.

QOTD: I'm with Lisah. Definitely Disney. A quick CS breakfast (I really want to try Tonga Toast) followed by EMH at MK. I love Fantasyland during morning EMH. Do as much as possible and I want at MK then someplace for lunch. Maybe back to Captain Cook's for a flatbread and a Dole Whip (another thing I've never tried). I'd spend the rest of the day in Epcot. I also love evening EMH at Epcot. Not sure where I'd pick for dinner. Maybe somewhere on the Boardwalk.

Great question!

Good Morning!
I am having a 'hungry' day. Ran 3km, then came home and had my 1/2 C oatmeal, stll hungry so had 1C watermelon, still hungry so had 1/3C trail trying to stay out of the kitchen! Sometimes that''s hard because I work from home. My first client should be here in 15minutes. Thank goodness:thumbsup2
What do you guys do on those day when you just aren't satisfied?
Last night after soccer, same thing. I was starving so I had a salad, didn't more trail mix, didnt work so finally a slice of toast with PB.....ugh! I need to zip my mouth!!!!!:scared1:popcorn:::scared1:popcorn::

:hug: Not sure if I'm helping here, but I hope I am. I add diced apples to my oatmeal. I think that really helps. I used to add canola or olive oil and that really satisfied me, but I was getting oils from dinner, so not really necessary.

:hug:, no skipping if you have a bad day. Those are the days that you need support more than ever!

Thanks Lisa! You are definitely right. I knew I wouldn't have worked out this morning if I didn't post that I would. The support here is endless and I wouldn't be doing nearly as well as I am without it.



All ready to post on the new thread on Friday morning!

Planning to have some fun tomorrow. I have some vacation days that I have to use or lose by Sept 1, so I'm taking a day off each week thru the end of the month including my bday and my anniversary. I'll be off tomorrow and, if everything works out, I'm planning to take DD to our local water park. They don't open until noon, so there's really no avoiding the excruciating heat. We haven't been swimming at all this summer, so I'm really looking forward to it.

Have fun at the water park!

Pamela – Organic chicken and turkey breast sliced from Whole Foods – no preservatives. I can’t complain about the cost – I work full time and am the only adult in the house so saving time by buying pre-sliced lunch meat is completely worth it to me. And it’s still cheaper and healthier than going out to eat :thumbsup2 .

CC – Great job with the exercising :cheer2: !

Thanks! That deli meat sounds great. We have a Whole Foods close by, may have to check it out.

Ok so this is how my day starts today at 6am:

dh "Lindsay, Lindsay"
me 1/2 asleep "where are you"
dh "down in the basement"

So I go down stairs and here he slipped down the stairs and over turned his ankle. His whole ankle is immediately swelling. I told him to just ice it and elevate and give it a few days since he probably just sprained it. No he cant take my advice. I had to take him to the doctor and then for an xray to find out he just sprained it. I missed the morning at work.

Then he just called me to tell me he vomited and thinks he has a stomach bug.:headache:

Im sure all of you know how men get when there sick and my dh is the worst. I dont know what I did to deserve this.:lmao:

So thats my day so far. Lets hope the rest of it goes ok.
I will check in with you later.

Geez. What a day! Hope it gets better! :hug:

To Everyone-:goodvibes for great weigh-ins. A little early, yes, but let's hit the last few weigh-ins hard this challenge!

Have a great evening! I'll try to check in again later!

Tuesday's QOTD: What would your perfect day look like?

Today has actually been pretty awesome -- I was in a "be by myself" mood, and I was able to do that! :yay: So, here's how my day went --up at 6:30 to make sure ds got off on his trip to Six Flags with close family friends (they're staying overnight since it's pretty far away), then send dh to work, had just a yogurt for breakfast and got a lot of home things done. I stayed home from work today to meet the TM repairman. I was originally going to go to the beach and run, but our friends decided to pick ds up at 7:30 rather than 6:30, and I couldn't be sure I'd be back before the TM guy came. Anyway, he came and was gone in less than half an hour, and I now know how to fix this issue myself. :thumbsup2 After TM guy left I was feeling pretty good -- so I did 10M on my freshly-repaired TM! It felt great, and afterwards I had a lovely recovery shower, and then ate lunch (my usual hummus and veggies, plus an orange, raw cashews and grapes) while I watched Tivo'd "Daily Show" and "Colbert Report". I've also been doing laundry throughout the day, and going over items for my packing list for our vacation. Anyway, I came to a good break point so I reclined with a new book, Stephenie Meyer's The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. I'm about half-way through it, and enjoying every word. My VS order just arrived, so now I have new undies for our trip :lovestruc The rest of my day will include dinner of a portion of cheese lasagna and salad followed by Jello Sugar-Free Dark Chocolate Pudding, finishing the laundry and the book, and watching a couple episodes of "General Hospital". My dh has a Board meeting tonight, so I'm on my own for dinner. I know it isn't a normal vacation or trip day, or a day when I did nothing, but for me, it's been pretty perfect! :goodvibes

Kathy -- Yes, I am now in for Princess princess:! I am always up for a DIS meet, what a great idea! It sounds like you have been enjoying yourself lately, getting in some exercise and spending a lot of time with your precious ds. :lovestruc

Pamela -- Let us know how the Titanic exhibit is! Believe it or not I am a trained historian, and I drive my family crazy wanting to see things like that...;)

Lindsay -- Oh my, I hope dh's illness doesn't last long...and your patience is infinite...:hug:

Connie -- Have a great time at the water park! I've tried to manage my time off better this year -- I ended up in your position last December -- use it or lose it by Jan. 1, so I used it all! :santa:

Lisa -- Your Disney day sounds lovely. I am a huge fan of Stormalong Bay, and I love the easy Epcot access from BC! :beach:

Rose -- The last thing you are is a slacker! I can't believe the mileage you put in with the awful heat :worship: I hope you are very proud of your accomplishments! :yay:

Ok, I'm going back to my "perfect day" (love that song!), everyone have a fabulous evening!

Maria :upsidedow
Remember when I said I was going to post when I felt like bingeing? Well, now I think I'm going to post when I haven't binged. Yes, I am very proud of myself for being able to report to my BL friends that I did not binge at dinner. I ate a reasonable amount and "splurged" on a 2nd helping of salad. :rotfl:

Drank my water, got in my fruits/veggies, and flossed too!

Might check in later.

Have a great night!
Hey CC! Thanks for asking! I did the 10 minute JumpStart with Tara leading. I was dying after 2 minutes! That was the only part available on demand. Then I did a Leslie Sansone 2 mile workout that was also on demand. Either I'm getting a cold or I've taken too much time off as I was DYING 5 minutes into it! I did finish it and felt good. I had a burger for supper and then had a piece of b'day cake. Haven't had all my water but I'm getting started slowly!

Went to work this morning and my client brought me a b'day card and gift. Then he came out and gave me a nice tip! My client tonight never showed so I came home early and finished reading a story to DD2. I am happy to say I have 3 more clients so far this week so it's going to be a good week!

Need to make the girls some popcorn and finish reading my book!

Good night all! Staying home to clean my room tomorrow. DH has to work most of the night so I won't sleep too well and he will sleep in tomorrow morning. I may go out for a walk when I get up. Can't do my workouts until DD1 and her BFF get up.
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