The Rumors Are True! Goodbye River Country and TCD Barn!

First, thanks TCD for the reports & maps.

I had also spoke to some of the Tri Circle D folks who had told me also about breaking ground in January for the new stable complex. They too, had a lot of different speculation on what was being built & the logistics around it.

I agree that even though I wish they could bring back River Country, they aren't and it is an eyesore that should be torn down. (or move part of it to my house). They might as well do away with the pony rides also. During this past week, I checked on it several times while we were there in the 100 loop & never saw anyone taking a ride. I noticed the same thing in May. If they did decide to relocate it, it would be nice if they brought back the petting zoo. I think the petting zoo and the pony rides fed off of each other, which made it more of a success.

As far as what it is they are going to build, only "they" know until it is released, but I can't imagine Disney buliding anything half way or something that does not blend in. I would definately think we would be sharing the same bus system and probably boat dock. As far as the distance is concerned, their DVC resort might even include a golf cart (who knows?). I have always wanted to see the main bus stop moved from Outpost back to Settlement. Of course it would have to be completely redone. Since we share most of the routes with WL, it would only be logical to move it to Settlement, then take the road that goes by Creekside, straighten it out, and connect it directly to Vista Blvd for the bus transportation (restricted entry). That way the buses could 'loop' through WL, the new DVC, & FW, without going in, out & around as they do now.

If they do move the Pavillion to where Shan Man says, it will be interesting to see what they do about the bug problem. I remember getting eaten alive during the Marshmallow Marsh program.

I don't believe they will do away with the golf carts. The rentals are becoming increasingly more popular and they make $$$ off of it, even considering the amount of persons bringing their own carts and other places renting carts.

I also wonder if they are going to have a separate carraige trail from the new stables to the Settlement area. I can't imagine them bringing the carraiges all the way from there to Settlement (over a mile), not to mention the horse poop (do they make horse poopie bags?) :rotfl:

However, I may not be staying in the 100 loop on my next 2 trips, just to stay away from the construction until more is found out.

I can't wait to see the full details when someone finds out.
To me, it looks like the red, white and blue ribbons are there to catch the attention of other workers who will be doing additional work in the area. They seem to mark the place of stakes and small flags that would be hard to see through the foliage.

I think you’re right about the flags, they are probably some attention getters for their own crews.

Is it possible that what we are seeing now is being done in order to prepare the permits? Things like soil sampling, utility location, etc? I can't imagine that there is some big permit that has already been approved but not noticed by anyone.

The more I think about it I don’t think there are any permits they could be working under, I’ve looked back at least 10 years and haven’t found anything that shows that area, well none that we don’t already know about. I know one thing though even though all the permits and plans are public information, Disney’s engineers are good about only submitting the bare minimum that’s required to keep the public info limited, they even give projects code names to keep them hidden, like NERP (North East Resort Property or as we know it Golden Oaks). Anyway I keep checking online for clearing and excavating permits and haven’t found one yet.

I believe that everything we are seeing around the Settlement area is more related to preparing the plans and permit applications. I don't think they will start anything major around the Settlement until the new barn has been built and everything has been relocated out of the area.

The sign in the very first post on this thread says information about the location of next year's Haunted Carriage Rides will be available on-line in July, 2011. I am guessing that the new barn construction will begin before then, and that all the horse operations will be moved some time over the summer.

January seems to be when major projects begin at the Fort (I am thinking of the pool renovation in January, 2009). I'll bet that's when ground gets broken for the new barn.

I think you have the right idea that they are doing all the prep work now that they can do without a permit, that way when it does come out they can get right to work. And I think the timing goes along perfect with what you said, they could start all the prep work now and around January they could officially break ground and have the barns done for the summer or fall.
Just got back from both the Fort and Oldkeywest,which I visit as often as possible.Have stayed at FW since 1978 and have been a DVC member since Oct.5.1991 the day it opened to the public.I too have talked to many CM's and manager's and the one answer I got more then once was that Disney was going to build a Third(3rd)waterpark in this area.It was explained that with the other waterparks running at full cap. and having to close down for maintaince,this park would benifit the Fort /WildernessLodge and whatever else comes by boat.Just have to wait and see..Have a Magical Day
Just got back from both the Fort and Oldkeywest,which I visit as often as possible.Have stayed at FW since 1978 and have been a DVC member since Oct.5.1991 the day it opened to the public.I too have talked to many CM's and manager's and the one answer I got more then once was that Disney was going to build a Third(3rd)waterpark in this area.It was explained that with the other waterparks running at full cap. and having to close down for maintaince,this park would benifit the Fort /WildernessLodge and whatever else comes by boat.Just have to wait and see..Have a Magical Day

Now that's a new one. I would be very happy with that even if I had to go back to a premium annual pass to keep from going to the crappy pool they gave us.
Just got back from both the Fort and Oldkeywest,which I visit as often as possible.Have stayed at FW since 1978 and have been a DVC member since Oct.5.1991 the day it opened to the public.I too have talked to many CM's and manager's and the one answer I got more then once was that Disney was going to build a Third(3rd)waterpark in this area.It was explained that with the other waterparks running at full cap. and having to close down for maintaince,this park would benifit the Fort /WildernessLodge and whatever else comes by boat.Just have to wait and see..Have a Magical Day

Doubt it, there are dozens of spaces on property that are better suited (read easier to get to) than the old river Country site.
Okay.... I have an acquaintance that actually works as an accountant at "Team Disney", and has for about 20 years. I don't see her often, but we were both at the same event on Sunday & I was able to chat with her a while.

(1) She has heard nothing "official" about a new DVC and has seen nothing budgeted for one - as of yet. But - she said not everything crosses her desk, and the CM's in accounting don't sit around all day talking about impending changes, because something is changing every day. That's just business as usual for them.

(2) She has seen budgeting for remodeling at FtW, but because she works with so much of this stuff, she didn't pay attention to the details. Most of what she saw were line item budgets for construction expenses, and that was a couple of years ago. She couldn't recall and/or didn't pay much attention to what the $$ was for as she was just crunching numbers.

(3) She knows that concepts are being thrown around for a 5th theme park, but it is just in the early planning stages. She knows that budgets have been discussed, but she is not in that "loop" and really wasn't knowledgeable in that area.

(4) The major remodels of the MK will be starting soon - as in - after the 1st of the year.

That's the best I could do as, we had about 5 years of catching up to do. She was amazed that I knew so much about the inside workings of Disney. I told her that I'm just obsessed and in need of an intervention!! :laughing:
Doubt it, there are dozens of spaces on property that are better suited (read easier to get to) than the old river Country site.


This rebirth of River Country rumor has been floating around a long time.

One of the biggest challenges they faced with River Country was its location. It was hard to get to.

If there was going to be a third waterpark, which I doubt, there are many better potential locations.

It is interesting that this rumor has resurfaced.

A DVC resort sounds much more plausible to me.

It's all about the bottom line.

Okay.... I have an acquaintance that actually works as an accountant at "Team Disney", and has for about 20 years. I don't see her often, but we were both at the same event on Sunday & I was able to chat with her a while.

(4) The major remodels of the MK will be starting soon - as in - after the 1st of the year.


Have you seen the MK lately?

The "major remodel" is in full swing already.

Big time.

I have never seen so many construction walls and painted tarps. There is a major structure already being framed-up where the 20K ride used to be.

It's always amazing to me that WDW employees who should be in the know are often completely clueless.

It's always amazing to me that WDW employees who should be in the know are often completely clueless.


This is so true on one of our trips a CM asked where we were stating I said at the campgrounds. He say's you should have stayed on disney property. I said we did Fort wilderness. He say oh no disney does not have campgrounds. Whatever and we walked on. I was not in the mood to teach him.
All I know is the Bus drivers and Life guards are always in the know and always right.
All I know is the Bus drivers and Life guards are always in the know and always right.

So true.

This reminded me of a story I have yet to share.

It's from my July 4, 2010 trip.

DD and I were chilling in the Meadow Pool.

It was very crowded.

A loud gentleman from NJ (based on his accent) engages the lifeguard up in the chair in conversation. He asks if this is the only pool in the campground. The lifeguard says yes. :confused3 But, in a helpful tone tells our friend from NJ that FW guests are free to use the pool at WL, since they are sister resorts.

I'm sure the WL fans out there would love to hear about this.

I assume that the lifeguards go through some type of training. I guess nobody told this fellow that the Fort has two pools, or that FW guests are not free to use the WL pool. I believe that the lifeguards rotate between the pools, and that is probably where the lifeguard got the idea that FW and WL share pools. Also, there are no lifeguards on duty at the cabin pool, so this guy must never have seen it or heard about it.

The lifeguard was probably just trying to get rid of the guy. If he's at WL, he's somebody elses problem.
Have you seen the MK lately?

The "major remodel" is in full swing already.

Big time.

I have never seen so many construction walls and painted tarps. There is a major structure already being framed-up where the 20K ride used to be.

It's always amazing to me that WDW employees who should be in the know are often completely clueless.


Yes, I've seen those walls. What I'm talking about is the removal of Mickey's Toontown. Supposedly, it's a goner, and will pave the way for a big expansion.

When I had my brief employment with Disney, it was stressed repeatedly at Disney University that every CM needs to be prepared to answer any and all questions about the parks/resorts/stores/history, etc, that a guest can throw at you. Now, this was directed primarily at the CM's that would encounter the public, and this was also back in 2003. "I don't know," or a made up answer was not acceptable. If you didn't know the answer, you were to make an attempt to discern how serious the guest was at wanting an answer (interpret this as how long they were willing to wait) while you sought out the answer to their question. The lifeguard at FW pool obviously knew nothing about the Fort or about the "no-no's" of pool hopping. In his defense, he may have been a lifeguard that was an employee that went to whatever resort needed him that particular day and not dedicated to work at the Fort. They do have "floater" CM's, and, CM's have opportunities to pick up hours at other locations other than their home base.
eh, i really don't either. What scares me is if it IS attached to the fort in any way, unless you buy in exclusively at this new DVC, we will no longer be able to use our points for the regular campsites as we do now.

I have owned DVC for 14 yrs and always loved it UNTIL I stayed at the fort, which i love even MORE! I've never really experienced any "look downs" from other guests but I have had questions asked about my DVC purse and why am I staying in an RV when I can stay at a DVC resort! um, cause I can sleep in my own bed, take my dogs many reasons! If i can no longer use my points at the fort, i really see no reason to own dvc! :rotfl:

Totally agree with you, Donna. I've never experienced the "look downs" or heard any negative comments about staying at the Fort. If they take away the option to use points for a campsite, we will definitely be selling our points!!!
I've found something that should be of great interest to FW and River Country fans. RC may not be being leveled after all. I want to post the link, but I can't until I get 10 posts. So stay tuned...
I've found something that should be of great interest to FW and River Country fans. RC may not be being leveled after all. I want to post the link, but I can't until I get 10 posts. So stay tuned...

Go to the "i" thread on the community board and post a couple of words! Don't keep us hanging!
This rebirth of River Country rumor has been floating around a long time.

One of the biggest challenges they faced with River Country was its location. It was hard to get to.

If there was going to be a third waterpark, which I doubt, there are many better potential locations.

It is interesting that this rumor has resurfaced.

A DVC resort sounds much more plausible to me.

It's all about the bottom line.

OK, I think I have the minimum number of posts to post links now, so let's give it a try!

I think, perhaps, we've been limiting our thinking about this. We've all been theorizing that a DVC is being built in between FW and WL and that spells certain doom for RC...but maybe not!

Maybe not!

What if the DVC breathes new life into RC?!

What if RC becomes the main draw for the DVC?!

Think it's impossible? Well check this out:

Disney's River Country to become future resort?

Read the whole article!

This, in particular, makes perfect sense:

“They are trying to look at it from an extended-stay viewpoint — having more for guests to do on-site in addition to the parks,” said Speigel, noting the timeshare project might even absorb the existing infrastructure of River Country and resurrect the park as an additional amenity for resort guests.

Think about it -- a resort needs a themed swimming area...River Country is already there! Why level it and start anew when it's already built and already has a built-in fanbase?

Perhaps this explains what they're doing with TCD's blue tanks!


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