Halloween 2010 at the Fort with the TCD Gang!

What a boring FSU cart! And with so many possibilities, very disappointing.

My favorite has to be the first Flinstones cart.

Keep it coming.
believe it or not tcd we started the wave. we had our fire dept camping group up there and when you look from the front we were the second stand from the left. we were all joking about how we did not see a single football game that day because we were all busy. so we came up with the idea to start the wave. my daughter had a friend with her from her high school. it was her first fort trip with us and she couldnt stop writing all over facebook about how embarassingly funny the group was for starting a wave at a kids campfire. needless to say we also had been having some adult beverages all day to give us a crazy idea like that. it was fun and the crowd got into it really quick.
The first Flintstones cart was my favorite too. We saw it all over the place all weekend and the Flintstone crew was in character everytime I saw the cart. It was a blast.

Anxiously awaiting an update from TCD.popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::
Great TR as usual! There's always a little bit of something for everyone! My favorite part so far are the moon pie owls!!!!
I am waiting to see "Rocky Balboa" and from your foreshadowing his trophy belt.

Don't worry, every dog has its day, and Rocky certainly had his.

There will be a thorough report regarding Rocky's big victory at the pet parade on Halloween morning.

We are getting there!


I am so excited to be mentioned in your TR. Yep, I was the dead bride! Our neighbors back home in Clearwater are Halloween obsessed, until this year they would put up a haunted house in their front yard. They are now best friends and RV traveling buddies... This was their first time at the fort for Halloween! We wanted to do something Disney with the trailer but since they already had all the scary decorations we went with that theme due to a lack of time.

Yes the Hannibal moves and talks but he is not real. Here is a close up of him


I can't believe that is a mannequin!

That thing is seriously scary-especially close up.

I guess my DD did see it move.

What a boring FSU cart! And with so many possibilities, very disappointing.

My favorite has to be the first Flinstones cart.

Keep it coming.

Hey, at least it's a start for FSU.

I don't recall ever even seeing an FSU cart at the Fort before.

The next thing you know, the Nole fans are going to decorate!

The FSU guy was a lot of fun though. He rode by our site several times, and always made a comment about the Gators. My DD told him that we were a blended family, so he always would give her a chop when he came by.

And in the football story department, make sure you keep reading to hear about what happened when a group of boys showed up to Trick-or-treat at the TCD site wearing Crimson Tide jerseys.

believe it or not tcd we started the wave. we had our fire dept camping group up there and when you look from the front we were the second stand from the left. we were all joking about how we did not see a single football game that day because we were all busy. so we came up with the idea to start the wave. my daughter had a friend with her from her high school. it was her first fort trip with us and she couldnt stop writing all over facebook about how embarassingly funny the group was for starting a wave at a kids campfire. needless to say we also had been having some adult beverages all day to give us a crazy idea like that. it was fun and the crowd got into it really quick.

Hey, great job!

I have never seen the audience perform the wave at the campfire, but you guys pulled it off.

I thought it was hilarious!

The fact that you embarrassed your kids earns you bonus points!!!

The first Flintstones cart was my favorite too. We saw it all over the place all weekend and the Flintstone crew was in character everytime I saw the cart. It was a blast.

Anxiously awaiting an update from TCD.popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::

An update will be coming right along.

I think y'all have had enough popcorn.

Great TR as usual! There's always a little bit of something for everyone! My favorite part so far are the moon pie owls!!!!

Well, thanks.

My DD will be happy to hear her moon pie owls were a hit.

Thanks for the pics TCD, :thumbsup2 I truly enjoy everyones pics,,but you manage to get some shots that seem to get missed.
As I am a lousy picture taker, it's good to have folk like you around.
Thanks for the pics TCD, :thumbsup2 I truly enjoy everyones pics,,but you manage to get some shots that seem to get missed.
As I am a lousy picture taker, it's good to have folk like you around.

Well, thanks Frank.

Speaking of unique photos, I just happen to have a few more coming.

Actually, it's a lot more.

We are at over 170 photos so far in this report, and I don't think we are at the half-way point yet!

And, just so we are clear, I consider myself to be a lousy picture taker too. But, I make up for it in volume.

That’s it I’m giving up on my Picture posting. My Pic post gets hijack and now you post and get all the props
OK, I promised an update, and by golly, here it is!

It is still Saturday night, October 30th.

We have just left the campfire area, and escaped the Headless Horseman!

On the way back to our cart, we took a detour through the Meadow Trading Post.

Earlier in this report, we looked at the castmember pumpkins carved by the castmembers at the Polynesian Resort.

Well, the Fort has a castmember pumpkin carving contest, too.

And, the entries were on display at the Meadow Trading post.

This year, there were only three entries.

Bad show, Fort castmembers!

Here they are . . .

I'm not sure what happened here, but it looks like we have what those in the industry call a pumpkin malfunction:


The entry from the front desk castmembers illustrates that none of the castmembers there were English majors (notice how they spelled cemetery):


I'm not even sure that they needed to count the votes, because here is the entry from the merchandise castmembers:



We spent the rest of our evening watching football, and looping.

There was a pretty wild bunch of partiers right at the exit of the 700 loop:


As you can see, they blatantly violated the no campfire rule that was posted on all of the bulletin boards around the Fort. And, they wore their Halloween costumes early. I knew that they were troublemakers. I saw security stop at their site several times asking them to stop with the shenanigans. But, as soon as security left, they were right back at it!

We called it a night at around midnight. It was Halloween tomorrow, and we had a big day of fun planned!

Here is a happily worn-out Rocky ready to call it a night:



As is my habit, I was up before the sun on Sunday morning.

Rocky was too.

So, I took him for a walk.

We headed down to the pet walk entrance on the 700 loop.

From here, the pet walk extends behind the 800, 900 and 1000 loop. You can even keep on going behind the 1100 loop, and then up to the 2100 loop.

As I mentioned, the sun wasn't even up when we began our walk.

But, I did snap a few photos.

This is my favorite time of day at the Fort.

It is quiet.

And cool.

Most folks are still asleep.

But the birds are beginning to move about and chirp.

This morning, we were treated to the cries of a couple of hawks who were out looking for breakfast.

Here is some of what we saw . . .

Since the clearing, a lot of folks set up tents way out back behind the pads on their sites.

Here's one on the 800 loop:


In case you've never been back here, here's how things look along the pet walk:





On the 900 loop, there is a path that leads to a footbridge which crosses the ditch between the 900 loop and the group camping area. Here's what the path looks like from near the bridge:


And here's the bridge:


Here's another tent behind a campsite on the 900 loop:


This is a photo of a walkway someone built across the ditch between the 1000 loop and the 2000 loop. As you can see, the ditch was dry here. It did not rain at all in the entire month of October:


This ditch that we are looking at is one of the beautiful creeks that you see depicted on the Fort Wilderness maps. On occasion, newbies post questions asking about whether you can fish in these creeks, or whether their kids are allowed to play in them, or questions to that effect. Well, I think these photos show you what the situation is. When it rains a lot, these ditches do fill up. But, not very often.

This is the 2000 loop from across the ditch:


The bridge builders have been at work here, too:


Some more shots from along the pet walk:




This tall tree stands just across the canal behind the 800 loop:


As you can see, the air potato vines still have a stranglehold back here.

The group camping area was full!:


And, here's a couple more ditch photos just to show you that the Fort Wilderness map maker is a liar:



We have reached our photo limit for this post.

But things pick up from here.

In the next post, you will meet the winner of the TCD Real Man of Genius Award for this trip.

And, see a couple photos of some honest to goodness Tom Foolery. In fact, the first Tom Foolery of the day!

That’s it I’m giving up on my Picture posting. My Pic post gets hijack and now you post and get all the props

Dude, I know that I gave you props on your Scary Weekend thread.

Of course, you might not have seen the compliments amid all of the bickering and troll activity.

But, you did have some amazing shots.

So, don't give up.

You are just a troll magnet or something.

Me, I'm a hippie magnet.

We all have our burdens to bear.

Sorry your thread got hilaked. You did have some amazing photos though.

Agreed! :thumbsup2

Sorry bout your pic thread,it got treated wrong,,
but I do enjoy your pics too.:thumbsup2

See, Discamper?

A lot of people like you.

Even non-trolls!

As I walked along the pet walk behind the 800 loop, I could not help but admire how much space there is behind the 800 loop campsites here:


Many of the people who have these sites seem to be pros at how to utilize this space.

Like these folks, who put their picnic table back so they could enjoy some of the wilderness:


But the TCD Real Man of Genius Award for this trip goes to these campers, who went ahead and just took over all the space behind their campsite:




Make sure to notice the screen room, and dog run, and the No Trespassing Sign!

And, so Mr. Campsite Overflow Expert, I salute you! And, congratulations on your award!

I mentioned that I was a witness to some Tom Foolery this morning.

And, here it is . . .

If you look in the center background of these next two photos, you will see a group surrounding a small tent. Apparently, a couple of youngsters from this group were camped back here, and the adults took it upon themselves to awaken them by shaking their tent and making a ruckus. Note that the Mom is holding a camera to document the whole thing:



Good times!

As we returned to the 700 loop, the sky was finally starting to lighten up.

It was going to be another beautiful day at the Fort (look at the sky):


Here is one last shot of the pet walk, heading toward the 700 loop:


After the sun was up, I took Rocky for some playtime at the dog park.

He had a good time there, and made a couple of new dog friends.

Then, it was back to base camp, where TCD whipped up a great breakfast for the gang, and we got ready for our first official Halloween event- the 2010 Fort Wilderness Pet Parade!

It wasn't long after we got old Rocky that the TCD gang began to debate what costume Rocky would be wearing for his first Halloween Pet Parade.

I wanted him to go as Musket Mickey.

But, Mrs. TCD suggested that we dress him as Rocky Balboa.

As usual, I was outnumbered, and so Rocky Balboa it was.

Here we are getting ready for the competition.

A back view:


And a front view:


Here we are in line for the competition:


And here we are primping before it was our turn to walk past the judge's table:


Notice that TCD DD is wearing a robe (which said "BALBOA" across the back), and is holding her portable ipod speakers. At the appropriate time, she will be playing the theme for Rocky from the movie.

Now, here we are at the judges' table. Note that DD placed the ipod speakers right on the table, and note that at one point, Rocky was up on his hind legs flexing. Make sure to look at the judges' faces, they will give you a good indication on how we did:




From here, we walked around the inside perimeter of the dog park, and then headed out and walked around the 300 loop, and then came back to hear them announce the winners.

There were a lot of dogs (and a few cats) in the competition.

Some folks really did a great job.

Like, this bulldog dressed as the tooth fairy:


As we stood among the crowd of competitors, waiting for the winners to be announced, I told DD that we probably wouldn't place. There were some really good costumes here. And, a lot of folks wore costumes that matched their pet's costume.

The first category was announced: Best Disney Theme. The winner was a couple who had dressed their little dog as Dumbo, with the female owner dressing as Dumbo's mother, and the make owner dressing as Timothy the Circus Mouse. The costumes looked home made, and the man did not look very happy to be dressed as a mouse.

Next up, was the prize for best family costume. This went to a family who had dressed up as characters from the Nightmare Before Christmas movie. They decorated a stroller to go with this theme, and their little dog was pushed around in the stroller. Here's a photo of them being awarded their prize:


Next up was the prize for most original. This went to a family who had dressed their cat as a cat fish. The man in this party dressed as a fisherman, with a fishing vest and hat:


So, they had awarded three prizes, and the judges were holding one more goodie bag. I looked around. The tooth fairy dog was there. There were a couple of dogs in great Headless Horseman costumes. And, more. I told DD that we had tried our best, but we would need to step it up next year.

Then they announced that they would be awarding the prize for best in show.

Up to this point, when they announced the winner, they just read off the contestant number of the winner.

But, for this award, they announced both the number and the name. They said best in show went to (number), Rocky!

We hooted and hollered!

Those around us offered their congratulations.

But, as we headed up from the crowd to claim our prize, another family walked in front of us.

Their dog was named Rocky, too.

But, he was dressed as a cowboy.

And, they didn't have the right number.


As we stood back, one of the castmembers gave me a sign to hold on a minute.

These folks had not won.

And the judges broke the bad news to them, but told them that they would bring a goodie bad by their site later.

And, after the impostors were shooed away, Rocky came to the winner's platform.

Best In Show!!!!

Here we are getting our award:



And, here is the Best In Show:


Rocky took it all in stride.

He just wanted his costume taken off, and then he hung out around the dog park enjoying all of the attention:



You might be wondering what Rocky won.

Notice that the goodie bag was provided by Best Friends Pet Care.

That's the company that runs the new kennel.

In past years, I heard that the prizes were rentals from the Fort Wilderness Marina.

Which kind of stinks, because dogs aren't allowed on the boats.

This year, the prizes were different.

We won a free cruise on the Disney Cruise Line!

Just kidding.

You didn't believe that, did you?

Actually, what we won was: a Halloween dog leash, a Best Friends Tennis Ball, the bag, a bunch of brochures, and a coupon for a free one night stay at the Best Friends resort.

Not bad.

The coupon doesn't say that it was for one of the VIP suites. But, I think one night there is around $35, so its a decent prize.

We will be sure to use it on some future visit.

In the meantime, here's Rocky's new leash:


After this, Rocky was a bit of a celebrity.

When he rode around with us on our cart for the rest of the weekend, folks would call out his name. And, later that night during trick-or-treating, a lot of people recognized him.

So, that's the story on Rocky's big win.

No prize belt.

But, Best In Show!

And, we are already planning for next year!

Next up . . .

Some daytime Halloween photos.

And then, Halloween night at the Fort.

Including a lot of trick-or-treat photos!

Congratulations to Rocky. Good job.

I am thinking I need to enter my two dogs next year. They could go as Dumb and Dumber. And if you think I am being mean, you haven't met my dogs.
TCD, the campsites on the backside of loop 800 IMO is the reason we fell in love with that loop. It has so much room and really gives you the feeling of camping in the woods. I guess as you know, you need to view these sites from the dog walk or experince them first hand to see how cool they are.
GRRRRRREAT trip report!

I'm torn between the first Flintstone Cart and the Hearse Cart. Both were amazing!!

Kudo's to the Rockster!!! He is "Top Dog" at the Fort!
I have to say I'm glad you were outnumbered on Rocky's costume. As much as Musket Mickey would have been cool, Rocky Balboa is hilarious. I love it!

Great Report so far. Can't wait for TOT photos.
Just got home from the Fort, was there for my second Halloween as TCD said at the start this was the best so far. Sorry did not introduce myself to the others was to busy with 2 little ones and getting caught in the cart traffic jam in the 600 and 700 loop during the trick or treating festivities.


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