Just Back from 1st BLT visit - TR, Pictures and Video-Misc-Critters


If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remembe
Dec 29, 2010
Remember me from my 30 day pre-trip countdown? Went silent for a bit while I enjoyed a great 8 day vacation at BLT.

So, Let's get on with a post-trip report!

I took notes along the way so I could remember as much as possible. I took a lot of pictures and video. You know that feeling you have that you forgot to pack something? DW had that feeling on way to airport. I was confident we were in good shape because we both had lists and all checked off. Come to find out, half way through she realized she didn't bring the camera recharger. :mad: Then, while packing on last day, she found it in the shoe bag. No worries. I just switched memory cards with DD's camera and I made it all the way through with plenty of pictures. We bought a new video camera and it has a 80 gb hard drive. Haven't read directions yet so I don't know how much space I used or have left. :)

Random picture of trip start to keep your interest:
Obligatory Airport Breakfast photo complete with food in my mouth

By null at 2011-08-16

Some random general comments of trip before I get into daily details:

- ME Rocks - This bus and airport service totally worked for us. We had a car rental for last couple days but ended up canceling it. We were at BLT(walked to MK a lot) and used monorail. Buses weren't too bad either.

- Two-Bedroom dedicated suite is AWESOME! Truly enjoyed the space. 3 full bathrooms. I can do a whole post with pictures later.

- Initial issues with room at BLT - I had concerns after reading negative postings about room conditions. I like to steer from negativity but I just want to state the issues and get on with my life. It was not big deal as the maintenance staff fixed straight away
1) TV in master bedroom did not work. I think it was unplugged but I couldn't reach without moving the whole entertainment console. I was a bit disturbed about this because I wanted to watch the Red Sox/Yankees Sunday night game.
2) Sink backed up in master bath - How does that get missed? Not sure why someone before us would not report it.
3) Balcony door wouldn't lock - Not a big deal to me cause who's gonna climb in but still.
4) Cold shower - DSIL could not get her shower warm and we couldn't get ours warm unless it ran for at least 10 minutes in morning.
5) Clock radio did not work in second bedroom

I called maintenance first evening and all was fixed by the time we came back to room next day.

- No major furniture issues - Only thing I noticed was a small dent in refrigerator.

- We were a bit disappointed at first at our lake view. Maybe we thought with a request of an even number we'd get a peak at MK. We were on the marina side. Later in the week we laughed at ourself. It's a gorgeous view! We'd kill for this view at another location. It's beautiful and interesting. We were first disappointed with 5th floor. It was cool too because we could just walk to Sky Bridge to CR. Very convenient.

- Remember by smells post? Water in sink smells like Pirates ride. Funny. :laughing:

Bonding begins with arrival at MCO

By null at 2011-08-16

- We got the usually kid whining even though my kids are getting a bit old for the whining. No temper tantrums like little ones but it's disappointing to listen to negativity after all you've invested in time and treasure.
But, they did tell us later in trip they loved the vacation.

- IT'S HOT IN AUGUST !!! - Now if one more person complains about the heat, I may lose it. :rotfl: I got it the first 100 times it was mentioned. Deal with it family ! Actually, I think we dealt with it just fine. In contrast, it's like 20 degrees cooler in CT now.

- Crowd damage report (PreWarning - I'm totally joking here)
- I sort of forgot about the issues I have with crowds. I'm not a big fan. Sorry, it's an issue I'm working on. I like my space. I decided to laugh off the heal stepped on, stroller run-ins, full family cutoffs (that's when another family cuts you off from your family as your making your way through crowd) and full body collisions. I think I did remarkably well, thank you very much. :lovestruc
But, for the sake of reporting, here a small accounting of damage.
Heal stepped on - I'm estimating about 12. I'm studying this a bit closer because I'm still stumped how only about a 1/2 inch is available to step on from the back of my flip flop. Yet, I had 10 step on's from behind and 2 really good ones from left and right respectively. (I hope your hearing my sarcasm)
Only one stroller run-in - But, it was a good one. I saw it all the way. DW stopped on the way from DinoLand to It's Tough To Be a Bug. I thought she gave plenty of space but stroller lady rammed her but good. Oops. Not bad for a busy August trip.:rolleyes1
Full Family Cutoffs - I would say this was a very common event. Maybe I don't look like anyone in my family because I seem to always get cutoff from them. I need a lesson in aggressive walking. :hippie:
Full Body Collisions - It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't sweating like a pig and smelled like one. It's embarrassing but I had one of these and one really close call.

ME happy lady


By null at 2011-08-16

Flip flops were better than sneakers - At least for my aching plantar fasciitis. Weird I never discovered this before. Of course, I almost fell on my duppa about 20 times from slippery floors. You know the type of stumble where you look like a dope but you don't actually hit the pavement? Still hurts a bit. Lucky I didn't pull a muscle. :rotfl2:

First look at BLT. Welcome Home !


By null at 2011-08-16

Next post: Day 1 details

P.S. Oh yea, I can't keep a secret. We witnessed the grand reopening of the Tiki Room on our last day. :banana:
WHOO-HOO! I love the Lotusphere backpack! We have plenty of those, too ... and have put many miles on them. Rock on!

Edited: Is that an '09?
WHOO-HOO! I love the Lotusphere backpack! We have plenty of those, too ... and have put many miles on them. Rock on!

Edited: Is that an '09?

Why of course it's a Lotusphere Bumble Bee Bag. Vintage '09
Lotusphere Rocks!

Weird to cruise through Swan and Dolphin when Lotusphere is not going on.
Can't wait to see more of your pictures:thumbsup2
GO RED SOX!!:lmao:

DS, DW and I are Yankee fans. DS taught DW about baseball and got her hooked on the Yankees. Oldest DS doesn't care about sports but goes to school in MA and roots for Red Sox just to give us the business.
We wore our Yankee shirts on the way down. Go Yanks!
I'll be following along for three reasons. 1. You're from CT like us! 2. You used the word duppa 3. You promise to post lots of photos :)

Can't wait!
I'll be following along for three reasons. 1. You're from CT like us! 2. You used the word duppa 3. You promise to post lots of photos :)

Can't wait!
:rotfl: Glad you get my comedy.

BTW: Bradley Airport rocks for convenience. Initial check in line was long but moved fast. We flew Southwest. Funny crew. No problems on flight home. Got bags and on our way home fast.

Addition of issues with room(DW reminded me; I cracked up when she told me because I thought I was the only one who had noticed)
- Good news about master shower is it has a rain shower and regular head. Bad news is that when you used the regular head, two cold drips from the rain shower hits your head with a steady drip. Kind of like a Chinese water torture. I compromised and went with the rain shower. :wizard:

- The slider door from toilet to sink room in master bath would stick. I had to grab with two hands and yank with all I'm worth to get it started. Bathrooms did have locks but master bedroom did not. No embarrassing moments occurred that I'm aware of. (Unless someone in marina had binoculars because I never had the drapes closed) ;)
Looking at that first picture at the airport I was thinking i've been there before. Looking forward to you trip report and lets go YANKEES!!!!!
Good to read the report. I was worried that you fell over the balcony of the TOTWL after the Day 2 report :rotfl:

We were there the week before and it was HOT! My new tennis shoes ruined my feet after 1 day and I had to go to flip-flops, which did not help the matter. I ended up buying some of the Disney crocs ($$$:scared1:), but they worked better than any of the shoes I brought.

We are really looking forward to spending 4 night at BLT in October, even though it will be in a studio. We will be at the parks most of the time, so it is really only a place to sleep. I am looking forward to your TOTWL report.

PS -- I alway thought the word 'duppa' was a word that my Polish uncle made up -- it's nice to see others using the word appropriately!!!:rotfl2:
Good to read the report. I was worried that you fell over the balcony of the TOTWL after the Day 2 report :rotfl:

We were there the week before and it was HOT! My new tennis shoes ruined my feet after 1 day and I had to go to flip-flops, which did not help the matter. I ended up buying some of the Disney crocs ($$$:scared1:), but they worked better than any of the shoes I brought.

We are really looking forward to spending 4 night at BLT in October, even though it will be in a studio. We will be at the parks most of the time, so it is really only a place to sleep. I am looking forward to your TOTWL report.

PS -- I alway thought the word 'duppa' was a word that my Polish uncle made up -- it's nice to see others using the word appropriately!!!:rotfl2:

I thought about getting the Croc flip flops. $37 They look comfortable and I was getting success with my old Nike's but they're slippery. I asked my DW if they were just for girls. :rotfl2: She hesitated with her answer so I didn't pursue any further.

I did TOTWL three times. Once with young DS, once with whole family and once I did alone and taped it. Very cool.
I thought about getting the Croc flip flops. $37 They look comfortable and I was getting success with my old Nike's but they're slippery. I asked my DW if they were just for girls. :rotfl2: She hesitated with her answer so I didn't pursue any further.

I did TOTWL three times. Once with young DS, once with whole family and once I did alone and taped it. Very cool.

I have very cute girly Crocs flip flops....don't do it!! They are THE most comfortable shoes ever....but they are death traps!!! Seriously, I'm either gonna blow out a knee or knock myself unconscious!

Can't wait to hear about the Tiki Room.
Flip flops were better than sneakers - At least for my aching plantar fasciitis. Weird I never discovered this before. Of course, I almost fell on my duppa about 20 times from slippery floors. You know the type of stumble where you look like a dope but you don't actually hit the pavement? Still hurts a bit. Lucky I didn't pull a muscle. :rotfl2:

You got me on this one!!! Totally bursted out laughing!! I would stay away from the croc's flip flops if this is a problem for you. They are soooo hard to walk in when it is wet outside. I have slipped MANY times, you think after the first few I would have learned. Nope! Just lucky I haven't broken anything yet!!!

When I saw your post I was sad to see that your trip was over already!!! Can't wait to hear more about it!!!


You got me on this one!!! Totally bursted out laughing!! I would stay away from the croc's flip flops if this is a problem for you. They are soooo hard to walk in when it is wet outside. I have slipped MANY times, you think after the first few I would have learned. Nope! Just lucky I haven't broken anything yet!!!

When I saw your post I was sad to see that your trip was over already!!! Can't wait to hear more about it!!!



This stuck in my mind because DW and MIL laugh hysterically when people stumble or fall. There most favorite show is 'America's Funniest Videos'. So when I do it, it's much fun for her.
I couldn't believe I did one of these going into Space Mountain. Never expected it to be wet it there.
Thanks for the Croc tip.
Doesn't time fly faster at WDW than any other place on the planet?

Can't believe it's over already. Time to start dreaming about next trip.
Totally agree with you about flip-flops & space/crowd issues. An example of the latter - my local liquor store is remodeling and to bring in some business they emailed 15% off coupons for all wine & spirits last weekend. I can't resist a good deal like that....but the aisles were narrower than usual and the coupon brought in quite a crowd. By the time I left, I was practically having an panic attack. It's funny - I can handle being in an elevator, but don't put me in an elevator full of people. The ride lines at Disney make me equally anxious. I need a big plastic bubble for protection!!!!

And be thankful you didn't get the Crocs flip flops. Most uncomfortable shoes I've ever worn. Walked only from BCV to Le Cellier and back, and ended up with painful blisters between my toes. I returned them and got my $37 back! Love my Teva Katavi's:

http://www.teva.com/productdetails.aspx?g=m&productID=4136&model=Katavi Thong

That's the men's version and they replaced a previous style I loved. The best features are the wider than usual padded strap & the ultra comfortable contoured sole. I strongly recommend them.

Looking forward to reading more and seeing more of your pictures.
We left the 11th and returned yesterday (the 16th). We were in 8021/23. How nuts were the elevators by Tuesday morning? We were glad to get the heck out of dodge.

We were a little nervous about the kitchen and bathroom floors in the villas (going with the falling theme). We chose to walk barefoot instead of with socks. Much safer.

Keep going. Sounds great so far....
We left the 11th and returned yesterday (the 16th). We were in 8021/23. How nuts were the elevators by Tuesday morning? We were glad to get the heck out of dodge.

We were a little nervous about the kitchen and bathroom floors in the villas (going with the falling theme). We chose to walk barefoot instead of with socks. Much safer.

Keep going. Sounds great so far....

Our elevator rides were a bit less than some others would experience because we were on the 5th floor. For those who don't know, 5th floor is same floor as Sky Bridge. Very nice location for connection to the CR lifeline. (food and drinks). When I did use elevator, they're fast unless you have to stop every other floor.
For kicks, here's one of my panoramic shots from Sky Bridge.

By dvc_dreamer at 2011-08-17


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