Disboutiquers Part 26 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

I soaked it last night and I checked it again this morning. Much softer! It should be fine to wear now. It doesn't feel scratchy anymore. I think these would make great teacher gifts for the holidays. I am thinking that I will have my girls make up a couple to give out.

I wanted to let everybody know that I saw my oncologist today and my scan showed no signs of cancer at the present time. We are extremely happy! Usually my DH goes with me to the appointments but he didn't feel well today so I had to go alone. We couldn't take any chances of him passing something on to somebody in waiting room there. Poor DH, he was so upset he couldn't go and had to wait at home on pins and needles until I called him with the results. As a treat for myself, I bought some elastic thread and I am going to play around a little bit with shirring and I am going to ignore all the laundry and unfinished projects.
I'm glad the scarf softened up with more soaking. I hope mine does -- I now need to locate what I did with the scarf b/f I can soak it again! If I had more space in my sewing area I wouldn't have this problem!

Super wonderful news on your oncologist's report! I am elated for you!

I seriously feel like I have been sucked off the surface of the earth! It has been a h** of a week for me. If anyone does not know - I work 7 12 hour shifts at work in a row. Normally that is all fine and dandy- because we are not "that" busy. (2-4 pts a night). Well, the YK delta is currently in the middle of a population explosion and I got caught in it! Plus two travel nurses quit. Makes for a scary :scared1::scared1: situation staffing wise. I have run my booty off for 8 13-14 hour shifts in a row. To top it off, my husband is working extra the last 3 weeks so that he will be able to take time off for our cruise in Nov, and he has not been home to watch the kids during the day when I sleep. I am exhasted! Waking up every 30 mins to tend to a two year old does nothing for your beauty sleep.

I hope everyone is working on Project Runway stuff. I am fixing to make mine - and if I can get one done after the last week, surely others can too! I will refind on post the rules to remind everone.
Sorry you've had such a rough week. I am so glad I'm no longer a nurse. They once scheduled me for ten days in a row and I had two 16 hour shifts in there -- I had to call in one of the days -- I really had no choice -- I wouldn't have been safe to work such long hours for that many days.

My fabric has arrived so hopefully I can get my project done. I worked on it yesterday and it's a rainy day today so I think some of our plans will be canceled and it will be a stay at home day.

We are on page 220 now...I'm guessing we will get to 250 while I am at Disney...so, if you don't mind, can we please move it along a bit? I'd like to make the move with you...I haven't missed one in a little over 2 years! I've always made it to the first 10 pages.

First thing we need to do is harass Teresa so we get changed over to a new thread before page 250! We don't want to get shut down like we did last time.

Hi Everyone~

So, in the spirit of helping move us along and because I can't spell, I am going to ask again.

I got my Brother 780D in May and I have been embroidering along on mostly cotton that I then use to make dresses. I am going to embroider my first t-shirt this weekend and I wanted to check in with you all on which stabilizer you use. I think you answered this question before, but I saved that answer on my work computer (which is thankfully still at work for the work part, not the sewing part) and I have tried searching, but I must not be spelling stabilizer right or something.

Also, I have been putting heat and bond light under every piece of fabric I use for the embroidery machine, Did I read somewhere (maybe Facebook?) that you all don't do that? Just hold in place? That would save some money and time if I didn't do that.

I am really afraid it will pucker or shrink up after it has been washed. I had that happen before when I used my mom's machine.

Thanks in advance!
For appliques, my method is to hoop Floriani medium weight cut away. I then use Dritz spray to attach the t-shirt and I pin it. I float one of two pieces of tear away under everything. I do not spray my fabric pieces and I definitely do NOT put heat and bond under them -- I just hold them in place. I don't have any issues with puckering or shrinking. I prewash everything -- the appliques do look shriveled when they come out of the wash and do need to be ironed, but I iron everything anyway.

Okay - in an effort to move things along for Nini, I'll ask the question I've been pondering all day . . .


I've suggested pirates, but Phalen says "No"
I suggested Peter Pan & Company, but Phalen says "No"

Last year we were The Gators

The year before that Dave & I didn't dress up, but Phalen was Luke Skywalker and Finn was an Ewok


The year before that Phalen was Super Why and Finn was a very pitiful Alpha Pig (cute, but pitiful costume)


So - I'm at a loss. . .
I've been asked to go in a "group costume" with Amber & her girls (the girls would be Elphaba & Galinda and Amber would be older Elphaba and I'd be Glinda from WICKED) . . . Dave doesn't care if he dresses up or not, but he would if the boys asked him to . . . I'm not sure I can pull off Glinda's gown or not anyway, but I could if that's the route I went . . .

BUT WHAT DO THE BOYS DRESS UP AS??? I really wanted to have their costumes tie in to our Disney trip so it'd be one less additional thing I need to sew between now and then, but Pirates & Peter Pan were already nixed by Phalen, so I don't know what other options there might be . . .

Finn makes an ADORABLE afro dude, so maybe a "Peace, Love & Mickey" theme? I don't know if Phalen would go for that . . .

I made a whole BOARD of pins on Pinterest of homemade DIY costume links, but nothing jumped out at me . . . :rolleyes1
Cute outfits from the past!

I am having the same dilemma. My kids always want to be things that are difficult to make. Ben was Thomas one year and then had to be Hiro the next year. The costumes are huge and then he can't sit in them. Offhand I have the Hiro pic handy:

Last year the kids were a shark and dolphin which were a bit tricky to make as well:

I dressed as a scuba diver for a party we all went to together (and we won best costume!).

This year dd wants to be a Harp Seal and ds wants to be either a Naso Tang or Catfish!!!! I asked them to kindly come up with something not involving any more fins!

What about doing something from Toy Story?

DH wanted all of us to dress up as The Beatles (dh NEVER dresses up) but he will be out of town so that's probably the only reason he suggested it -- he knew it couldn't come to fruition. I also thought it would be cute to dress as Cruella and have the kids be dalmatians.

I would just have the boys loo at some Dis movies or TV shows and see what interests Mr. Cool.

The shirring went really well... Getting the machine back to normal afterwards, on the other hand, was a bit of a challenge! I have a cheapie Brother and changing the bobbin tension was simple enough after watching a couple YouTube vids on how to shirr with a Brother, but it took a lot of tweaking to get it back to right for regular sewing afterwards.
Maybe that's where I went wrong -- I did not adjust my bobbin tension at all. And like I said, sometimes it worked perfect and other times it didn't and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what I was doing different each time. I like the look though so I will be doing more of it in the future.

Hello Friends

We are back from a wonderful trip, my grandchildren are amazing little people. We had so much fun together, here are a few quick pictures.

Emily and Belle

Emily at Epcot

Edward riding Dumbo

Edward sleeping in the AK

Edward and his Dad (my son) waiting for dinner at Ohana

Lunch with Mommy (my DDIL)

I can't tell you how hard it was to leave them! I miss them soo much and hope we have an opportunity to see them again before we all meet up in Disney next Sept.
Adorable pics! How far away do the grandbabies live? They are so cute and you made some fabulous outfits for them!

We have a cash stash in our kitchen. Or I should say HAD a cash stash. Some time between yesterday afternoon and this evening, a 100 dollar bill left our kitchen and walked out of the house. Unfortunately it was from my Disney money.

I am now $100 short having enough for all the things I need to have...I am heart broken! Not to mention devastated! No one has been in our house except for my immediate family. The only thing we can think of is it must have somehow fallen and accidentally been thrown away...and of course, the garbage man came this morning!

So, I need to find a way to make $100 quick! Know anyone who wants to buy a cute baby boy quilt with lots of embroidery on it? Sheesh!

Maybe NOW a certain hubby will believe me when I tell him it is not a good idea to keep cash in the kitchen!

I think it is seriously time for bed!

Ugh! I worry about keeping cash around as well, especially when the kids have friends in the house. Our tutor's son was missing a $50 bill and one of his friends mysteriously *found it* in their hallway. The tutor is quite sure the friend took it and then felt guilty and returned it. You just never know. I also had a neighbor whose child would steal from her wallet. I hope it shows up. I accidentally threw away plane tickets once (back in the days b/f they were computer issued).

I think Phalen is totally rebelling on the whole "GROUP" thing this year. . . He even tried to get us to buy him one of the cheapy-cheap costumes at Target tonight . . . I thought homeschooling him we wouldn't have to deal with the "what's cool and all my friends do it this way" stuff - but sadly, that is NOT the case with Mr Cool :cool2: :headache:

So . . . while waiting for DH to get home from work (an hour and a half AFTER he was supposed to be home tonight) I tried getting the boys to look at pictures online with me for some costume inspiration . . . Phalen is still stuck on some costume that will get him a new weapon <insert eyeroll here>
But guess what Finn is adamant he wants to be . . .

Gil from Bubble Guppies!!!

I can actually kind of picture it . . . nude color bodysuit . . . green mermaid tail . . . blue hair spray . . . Anyone have a good mermaid tail tutorial??? He wants DH to be Mr Grouper :lmao:
I have no idea who Bubble Guppies are, but I think that would be a pretty simple costume to make!
Hello Friends

We are back from a wonderful trip, my grandchildren are amazing little people. We had so much fun together, here are a few quick pictures.


Edward riding Dumbo

Edward sleeping in the AK

I can't tell you how hard it was to leave them! I miss them soo much and hope we have an opportunity to see them again before we all meet up in Disney next Sept.
I love the pictures and I am sure it was super hard to leave them.

We have a cash stash in our kitchen. Or I should say HAD a cash stash. Some time between yesterday afternoon and this evening, a 100 dollar bill left our kitchen and walked out of the house. Unfortunately it was from my Disney money.

I am now $100 short having enough for all the things I need to have...I am heart broken! Not to mention devastated! No one has been in our house except for my immediate family. The only thing we can think of is it must have somehow fallen and accidentally been thrown away...and of course, the garbage man came this morning!

So, I need to find a way to make $100 quick! Know anyone who wants to buy a cute baby boy quilt with lots of embroidery on it? Sheesh!

Maybe NOW a certain hubby will believe me when I tell him it is not a good idea to keep cash in the kitchen!

I think it is seriously time for bed!


Oh no Nini. I hope it is found
I suspect I'm going to be busy the next month and will be slacking on dis. Just wanted to let you know in advance that I probably will be doing hit or miss posting, so please don't post anything fabulous in the next month or I may miss it.

The person who was going to do costumes for my son's film has had to back out. The difference between MGM and my son is that he doesn't have a budget. So, in the next month I'll be working on

I am going to miss you... Who else is going to inspire me when I don't put photos up in a timely manner?

I can't believe I just found this thread.I did look when I saw it mentioned on another thread...As much as I collect fabric and sew I feel like there is ,finally,others that have caught the same bug I have had for years!
Sadly, my DD is old now, 27..and is not talking to me...
But on a happy note, DN is 9 3/4 yo, and always has an order for a new Disney dress.. Started making them for her when she was 2, she has Verbal Displaxia, kinda like Disylexia(which I also have...as you can tell with the spelling..), and when she could get across the Character/Princess name she got the dress. First one was" No Wipe", she had to act the entire Snow White movie out befor I got it...But I went home and she had the dress next morning!
Cinderell was next, for her first MNSSHP, had to use ladies nylon knee hi socks to make glove/mitts, and I forgot to make the black neck ribbion. Thank Goodness there is a JoAnnes close to WDW, and it is a big one!

Is there a seperate post/thread that has lists of all the patterns, techniques, machines, and digatizaled embrod. designs? It would be a lot of work, but helpfull. I really want to know about the machine Dig. embrodiery, just bought a new program cause I am tired of working with my old one!

If anyone has info on stuff, please let me know...and if I can help anyone PM me. I do a lot of theater costuming and Renn/Civil war garments. And some Bridal stuff. Kids are WAY more fun! AG dolls rock, but I have made Disney for Barbie...pure hades!
I also do a bit of quilting, 3D work in fiber, dying, and so on...a bit of tailoring. I just play with fabric....

Love ALL the stuff, if I wasn't so Pooh sized I would have so much more Disney stuff. I am trying to sneak some into my DS and DDIL s wedding in Nov, they got engaged last MNSSHP.

Thanks, and please let me know if/when this thread is moved or restarted...
Bless you all!

I am so glad you made it over here! :lovestruc I really hope you'll post pictures of some of the items you have made.

Okay this just makes me laugh. :rotfl2::rotfl:

It also amazes me how many people do not know how to sew a button on. I met a guy once who used to glue his back on.:rolleyes:

OK - I really hate to ROFL - but this was me a year ago.

I am so excited :yay::yay::yay: I just did our online check in. We leave in one week. I think my ticker is a little off.

Quick question. If I want to add another day to our tickets do I just have to do it before we use our last day ticket?

Oooh - I am so excited for you! Yes, you can add more days.

Someone told me I should take a day at US (as much as we would LOVE to see WWOHP)... Financially, that would be impossible - cab ride over there + tickets into the park + food for the day would easily cost me $300 - when I could do an extra day on my tickets for $12. Disney makes it way too easy to keep the business in their parks. But I am not complaining. <--- sorry that had nothing to do with your post.

I seriously feel like I have been sucked off the surface of the earth! It has been a h** of a week for me. If anyone does not know - I work 7 12 hour shifts at work in a row. Normally that is all fine and dandy- because we are not "that" busy. (2-4 pts a night). Well, the YK delta is currently in the middle of a population explosion and I got caught in it! Plus two travel nurses quit. Makes for a scary :scared1::scared1: situation staffing wise. I have run my booty off for 8 13-14 hour shifts in a row. To top it off, my husband is working extra the last 3 weeks so that he will be able to take time off for our cruise in Nov, and he has not been home to watch the kids during the day when I sleep. I am exhasted! Waking up every 30 mins to tend to a two year old does nothing for your beauty sleep.

I hope everyone is working on Project Runway stuff. I am fixing to make mine - and if I can get one done after the last week, surely others can too! I will refind on post the rules to remind everone.

So sorry about your rough week... I hope you're able to get back in the swing of things soon.

Okay - in an effort to move things along for Nini, I'll ask the question I've been pondering all day . . .


I've suggested pirates, but Phalen says "No" :sad2:
I suggested Peter Pan & Company, but Phalen says "No" :sad2:

Last year we were The Gators

This is super cute! I love this idea.


I made a whole BOARD of pins on Pinterest of homemade DIY costume links, but nothing jumped out at me . . . :rolleyes1

OK - I am soooo sorry - but I vote for this shirt... How totally adorable is that Donald shirt? I am :lovestruc.

And I loved seeing pics of your adorable boys through the years. CUTE!

Hello Friends

We are back from a wonderful trip, my grandchildren are amazing little people. We had so much fun together, here are a few quick pictures.

Emily and Belle

Emily at Epcot

Edward riding Dumbo

Edward sleeping in the AK

Edward and his Dad (my son) waiting for dinner at Ohana

Lunch with Mommy (my DDIL)

I can't tell you how hard it was to leave them! I miss them soo much and hope we have an opportunity to see them again before we all meet up in Disney next Sept.

Your grandchildren are just precious. I loved seeing all the customs you've made in action. I especially loved that picture of your DGD and DGS sitting on your dd's lap for lunch in their matching shirts - so adorable.

We have a cash stash in our kitchen. Or I should say HAD a cash stash. Some time between yesterday afternoon and this evening, a 100 dollar bill left our kitchen and walked out of the house. Unfortunately it was from my Disney money.

I am now $100 short having enough for all the things I need to have...I am heart broken! Not to mention devastated! No one has been in our house except for my immediate family. The only thing we can think of is it must have somehow fallen and accidentally been thrown away...and of course, the garbage man came this morning!

So, I need to find a way to make $100 quick! Know anyone who wants to buy a cute baby boy quilt with lots of embroidery on it? Sheesh!

Maybe NOW a certain hubby will believe me when I tell him it is not a good idea to keep cash in the kitchen!

I think it is seriously time for bed!


Oh no... This is so awful! I am so sorry Nini. I wish I had a baby boy to buy a quilt for - it is an adorable quilt. :lovestruc

I am having the same dilemma. My kids always want to be things that are difficult to make. Ben was Thomas one year and then had to be Hiro the next year. The costumes are huge and then he can't sit in them. Offhand I have the Hiro pic handy:

Last year the kids were a shark and dolphin which were a bit tricky to make as well:

I dressed as a scuba diver for a party we all went to together (and we won best costume!).

These are adorable! :thumbsup2

Oh - I can't remember where I left off posting here with my outfits that I've been making for my competition with myself... I don't think I've posted any of these yet.

And I apologize some of your are seeing these twice (or more because of Facebook) - but I know that not everyone is following my PTR. :lovestruc






D~ I will say it again. I want to be you when I grow up :)

You know...the problem I have with that statement is...Are you really intending to grow up???!!! I'm NOT!

D- I really wish you would stop posting those fab five Felizes....I have that pattern (in human size) and have NEVER used it. I want to make it so bad, but my DD is now 11 and has outgrown it, and my DIL does not like it so my GD will never get to wear one...

(just kidding! I love them!)

Well, time for me to stop whinning about the missing money and get back to happy planning! In a little over 5 days I will be at Disney... We might have to forgo the bounce back this year but we will be at Disney!

Of course I will really have to get busy when I get home if I expect to have Christmas money! Sheesh...there I go again....Disney! Disney! Disney! All better now!

Hello Friends

We are back from a wonderful trip, my grandchildren are amazing little people. We had so much fun together, here are a few quick pictures.

Emily and Belle

Emily at Epcot

Edward riding Dumbo

Edward sleeping in the AK

Edward and his Dad (my son) waiting for dinner at Ohana

Lunch with Mommy (my DDIL)

I can't tell you how hard it was to leave them! I miss them soo much and hope we have an opportunity to see them again before we all meet up in Disney next Sept.
So cute! You must have had a fabulous time with your little ones! I love seeing your adorable outfits in action.

We have a cash stash in our kitchen. Or I should say HAD a cash stash. Some time between yesterday afternoon and this evening, a 100 dollar bill left our kitchen and walked out of the house. Unfortunately it was from my Disney money.

I am now $100 short having enough for all the things I need to have...I am heart broken! Not to mention devastated! No one has been in our house except for my immediate family. The only thing we can think of is it must have somehow fallen and accidentally been thrown away...and of course, the garbage man came this morning!

So, I need to find a way to make $100 quick! Know anyone who wants to buy a cute baby boy quilt with lots of embroidery on it? Sheesh!

Maybe NOW a certain hubby will believe me when I tell him it is not a good idea to keep cash in the kitchen!

I think it is seriously time for bed!

Oh no! How terrible! I hope that it turns up!


I can actually kind of picture it . . . nude color bodysuit . . . green mermaid tail . . . blue hair spray . . . Anyone have a good mermaid tail tutorial??? He wants DH to be Mr Grouper :lmao:
I did a mermaid outfit for my niece because she just adores mermaids. It was really easy. I didn't use a tutorial. I had a mermaid costume from McCalls and I looked at it for some ideas but it was just crazy difficult. This is what I came up with:

This was a breeze to make. I whipped it up in about an hour.

Oh - I can't remember where I left off posting here with my outfits that I've been making for my competition with myself... I don't think I've posted any of these yet.

And I apologize some of your are seeing these twice (or more because of Facebook) - but I know that not everyone is following my PTR. :lovestruc






I know that I've said it before but these are incredible! Can't wait to see what you create next!!!
Did anyone get the email on the new Brother Quattro 2 machine? I want one now but I can't even imagine what the price tag is. :scared1:
But it looks so cool!!!

Hi Everyone~

So, in the spirit of helping move us along and because I can't spell, I am going to ask again.

I got my Brother 780D in May and I have been embroidering along on mostly cotton that I then use to make dresses. I am going to embroider my first t-shirt this weekend and I wanted to check in with you all on which stabilizer you use. I think you answered this question before, but I saved that answer on my work computer (which is thankfully still at work for the work part, not the sewing part) and I have tried searching, but I must not be spelling stabilizer right or something.

Also, I have been putting heat and bond light under every piece of fabric I use for the embroidery machine, Did I read somewhere (maybe Facebook?) that you all don't do that? Just hold in place? That would save some money and time if I didn't do that.

I am really afraid it will pucker or shrink up after it has been washed. I had that happen before when I used my mom's machine.

Thanks in advance!

I use cut away and spray adhesive and float the Tshirt. And I just hold the fabric down when I am appliquing. I am a fabric scrap hoarder too so I don't like anything on my fabric scraps:lmao:

Okay - in an effort to move things along for Nini, I'll ask the question I've been pondering all day . . .


I've suggested pirates, but Phalen says "No" :sad2:
I suggested Peter Pan & Company, but Phalen says "No" :sad2:

Last year we were The Gators

The year before that Dave & I didn't dress up, but Phalen was Luke Skywalker and Finn was an Ewok


So - I'm at a loss. . .
I've been asked to go in a "group costume" with Amber & her girls (the girls would be Elphaba & Galinda and Amber would be older Elphaba and I'd be Glinda from WICKED) . . . Dave doesn't care if he dresses up or not, but he would if the boys asked him to . . . I'm not sure I can pull off Glinda's gown or not anyway, but I could if that's the route I went . . .

BUT WHAT DO THE BOYS DRESS UP AS??? I really wanted to have their costumes tie in to our Disney trip so it'd be one less additional thing I need to sew between now and then, but Pirates & Peter Pan were already nixed by Phalen, so I don't know what other options there might be . . .

I made a whole BOARD of pins on Pinterest of homemade DIY costume links, but nothing jumped out at me . . . :rolleyes1

I loved doing themed Halloween costume. Last year they went as Woody, Jesse and Buzz. This year we have a Ghostbuster, SwampFire (from Ben10) and a Vampire Girl.:confused3 All store bought as I don't have time to make them.

If you did a Wizard of Oz theme they wouldn't be the Scarecrow, TinMan and Lion?:goodvibes

She can never have enough Ariel dresses!

We leave in 11 days. We will spend the night in Seattle and then fly out in the morning. My ticker is wrong as I added an extra night to the beginning of our trip as it was about the same price for a night at Pop as the extra in airfare to leave the next day.

:lmao: Nope never enough Ariel dresses.

Soon you can do the single digit dance:woohoo:

Hello Friends

We are back from a wonderful trip, my grandchildren are amazing little people. We had so much fun together, here are a few quick pictures.

Emily at Epcot

Edward sleeping in the AK

Lunch with Mommy (my DDIL)

I can't tell you how hard it was to leave them! I miss them soo much and hope we have an opportunity to see them again before we all meet up in Disney next Sept.

What a bunch of cutie pies. It must be so sad to leave them.
We are fortunate that both my mother and mother in law babysit each one day a week so I can work and they get to spend time with them.

We have a cash stash in our kitchen. Or I should say HAD a cash stash. Some time between yesterday afternoon and this evening, a 100 dollar bill left our kitchen and walked out of the house. Unfortunately it was from my Disney money.

I am now $100 short having enough for all the things I need to have...I am heart broken! Not to mention devastated! No one has been in our house except for my immediate family. The only thing we can think of is it must have somehow fallen and accidentally been thrown away...and of course, the garbage man came this morning!

So, I need to find a way to make $100 quick! Know anyone who wants to buy a cute baby boy quilt with lots of embroidery on it? Sheesh!

Maybe NOW a certain hubby will believe me when I tell him it is not a good idea to keep cash in the kitchen!

I think it is seriously time for bed!


I hope it turns up soon. And I saw the quilt on FB and it is beautiful.:goodvibes

Arrgh! You know you've stayed up too late sewing when you run out of bobbin thread, yet don't notice and keep sewing a ruffle that took 45 minutes to gather and pin. Sheesh! :rolleyes:

Well, it's pinned back together and I'll tackle it later when I've had some sleep.


:headache: Get some rest. A nice feature on my machine is it tells me when I am running out of bobbin thread.
oh that's right....thought it was 225
sorry about you losing the $$, keep looking it might show up :goodvibes

remember me with the

think there is a problem with our link to the Big Give site.....or is it just my computer.....someone please try and see what happens to you.....when I click on the siggie button I get an ad for Go Daddy :confused3
think there is a problem with our link to the Big Give site.....or is it just my computer.....someone please try and see what happens to you.....when I click on the siggie button I get an ad for Go Daddy :confused3

ACK! Me too!

Hopefully it is just a short term boo boo!

Mine works. I think it's because you still are using the old link from before we changed boards.
Hi Everyone~

So, in the spirit of helping move us along and because I can't spell, I am going to ask again.

I got my Brother 780D in May and I have been embroidering along on mostly cotton that I then use to make dresses. I am going to embroider my first t-shirt this weekend and I wanted to check in with you all on which stabilizer you use. I think you answered this question before, but I saved that answer on my work computer (which is thankfully still at work for the work part, not the sewing part) and I have tried searching, but I must not be spelling stabilizer right or something.

Also, I have been putting heat and bond light under every piece of fabric I use for the embroidery machine, Did I read somewhere (maybe Facebook?) that you all don't do that? Just hold in place? That would save some money and time if I didn't do that.

I am really afraid it will pucker or shrink up after it has been washed. I had that happen before when I used my mom's machine.

Thanks in advance!

I use super sulky iron on and a peice of tear away to float underneath. I also use a spray adhesive for the appliques. You can clean your hoop with non asatone nail polish remover.

Oh - I can't remember where I left off posting here with my outfits that I've been making for my competition with myself... I don't think I've posted any of these yet.

And I apologize some of your are seeing these twice (or more because of Facebook) - but I know that not everyone is following my PTR. :lovestruc







I always love your doll dresses. I think that might be my next venture. My kid is growing up.
think there is a problem with our link to the Big Give site.....or is it just my computer.....someone please try and see what happens to you.....when I click on the siggie button I get an ad for Go Daddy :confused3
My link is messed up as well and the site it goes to positively doesn't advertise what I promote! Mine used to work correctly too -- wonder why Tricia's still works?

I use super sulky iron on and a peice of tear away to float underneath. I also use a spray adhesive for the appliques. You can clean your hoop with non asatone nail polish remover.
I clean my hoop with rubbing alcohol -- is that safe to do? It works great and alcohol evaporates quickly so I'm hoping it's OK.

My link is messed up as well and the site it goes to positively doesn't advertise what I promote! Mine used to work correctly too -- wonder why Tricia's still works?

I clean my hoop with rubbing alcohol -- is that safe to do? It works great and alcohol evaporates quickly so I'm hoping it's OK.


Very, very strange...when I click on Tricia's it works....but when I wen to my saved favorite it did not. At least I know it is not just me! (which 99% of the time it IS!)

For instance, my network printer does not like it when I use the new laptop. It refuses to print unless I am physically linked via usb cable. (kind of takes away the whole purpose of having a wireless printer!) My son in law came over to look at it and all of a sudden it started printing out PAGES of stuff form the past several days!

He did not press any buttons, just sat down at the printer! He leaves and it will no longer print for me. Last night we came home and more pages had print in the hour we were gone....from two nights ago! Again, he comes over and it prints perfectly...

So nice to know someone else is having trouble with the link.....

The reason mine still works is that it is a link directly to the proboards server. The one in mommy2mrb's signature is to a domain name that 'we' paid for it to direct everyone over to the proboards site. Evidently, someone did not renew the 'ownership' of that domain name.

Clear as mud right?
I let Wendy know...she said her link worked for her, but when I clicked on her's it took me to go daddy too :confused3 so we will have to see if she can figure it out or we might have to wait for Teresa to get back!


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