Can't wait to be walking down the middle of Main Street U.S.A COMPLETED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After Annettes Dave and I decided to take Elsie round the shops in the village as it was so quiet almost no one else around!

We told mum we would text her as when we got to studios but as we were walking in we saw Sammi and Dave they said every one was near tower of terror so off we trecked!

But before we got there we were distracted by the Stars in Cars and stopped to take a few pictures!













As we were heading towards Tower of Terror we bumped in to mum and every one else they were heading for Toy Story Land


Now this is my first time in Toy Story land and I have to say I'm not that impressed! I much prefer the Pixar area in Hollywood Studios WDW and there is only one ride there! It just seemed so cramped this was a really quiet day in the park but in here it felt hectic as there was no where to move!

Every one went on Slinky but the three of us watched and took some more pictures.




Ride is very short it felt like they only just got on and they were getting off!

Sammi asked me to go and add a birthday cake to our reservation at cafe mickeys for her Davids birthday so off Dave, Elsie and I went to the other park to book the cake!

Elsie was center off attention in there every one was coming over to see her and saying how cute she was! Cake booked off we head back to the Studios to meet the at Light Motor Action!

We got there and couldn't see them any where so we just took a seat on the front row on the furthest row from the entrance. About four or five families behind they all followed they had only just got off R.C that they went on when we left them that was showing a 15 minute wait!

We love this show I know its terrible to say but I just wish they did an English showing I know some parts are said in English but the man talking had such a strong accent you couldn't tell what he was saying! Just feel like may be we miss out on so much information there! I have seen in WDW in English but can't remember everything they say!


I love that lightening is in it now very good :D

I was really worried about Elsie watching this one of the reasons we sat at the front if we did need to make a quick exit we could explain that we needed to get out. She didn't flinch all the loud banging all the fire she was happy just sat on Dave's lap she even fell asleep for a little bit! Bless her!
After the show a few of them had fast passes for Tower of Terror we were due to change and feed Elsie again so we said we would just meet them after the parade in the main park! We also just wanted to get out of the crowd from the show.

We found a pretty good spot opposite City hall on the corner and sat and waited there after a while dad spotted us and said we had a better spot then they did so he was going to get mum. We still had a little wait till the parade so mum went to get Elsie a minnie mouse balloon which she loves! She loves pulling the string and hitting the balloon very entertaining to watch her with it!

This is the first time I have seen the whole of this parade I have always been to busy doing all the rides!







Elsie was getting so much attention it was so lovely :D


Eeyore come over to us and Elsie grab his paw and just wouldn't let go! We had decided we were going to buy Elsie an Eeyore on the trip and earlier that day when I was looking at the Key rings Elsie picked up a Eeyore teddy key ring! I took it off her and David told her we would buy her a bigger one just not yet lol! Like she understands what we were saying lol! We just thought it was so funny how she had proper hold of Eeyore we told her we would get her a bigger one we didnt mean the real one though. She even had a handful of fur when he finally got free so if you see Eeyore he may have a bald paw!










Dave's arms were aching from holding Elsie so a got to have a cuddle with her and just in time for the princess float Dave was under very strict instructions not to miss a single Princess lol!

Elsie is bouncing up in down in my arms legs going every where she loves music she doesn't sit still when I play her music at home and here where its nice and loud she loved it!

Ariel first and she sang looking straight at Elsie waving and smiling at her






All of the princess' are so beautiful so very jealous!

Then finally Snow White here she was !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But she was looking the wrong way but just as she was right in front of she turned round and spotted Elsie her reaction was perfect so magical and I was close to crying I know it sounds silly but the attention Elsie got at the parade out of all the people watching was just so lovely true Pixie Dust!



After all the excitement it was nearly 6 o'clock we were exhausted so we headed back to the car to return to the lodge. Elsie wouldnt settle in her cot again so back in bed with me I was asleep by 9 so was Dave.

Becky and Richard had a reservation at Blue Lagoon that night and they said they had a great time and the food was brilliant.

Sammi and Dave ate at rainforest cafe and also had a very good time!
Checking in for the ride....popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::

Keep it coming. Great start :) I love how you talk about Elsie as an adult sometimes. Makes me laugh, lol! Like "Elsie came to Casey's too but she didnt fancy a hotdog". :rotfl2::thumbsup2

Sorry only just seen your comment. lol I know I always talk about her like I am reading her mind :rotfl:
Another good update. I love photo filled reports. Looks like you had some great weather :thumbsup2

What was the most special character interaction of your trip? Thats my question popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::
Elsie is so cute- no wonder she gets so much attention!! Love her princess dress!

Also liked all the Disney t shirts on the grown ups too!
loving your TR the photos are brillitant and Elsie looks so cute can't wait to read more xx

Thanks we have about 500 photos of our own plus mums, Sammi's, Becky's, Richard's and both the Dave's probably well over 2,000 photos lol

Another good update. I love photo filled reports. Looks like you had some great weather :thumbsup2

What was the most special character interaction of your trip? Thats my question popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::

Thank you! Our best character interaction will be coming up at the end of the trip don't want to give anything away!

Elsie is so cute- no wonder she gets so much attention!! Love her princess dress!

Also liked all the Disney t shirts on the grown ups too!

Thank you! Dave and I wore Disney t-shirts every day lol! x
Elsie slept a little better only woke once then slept again till 6 so I managed to get a bit of sleep and I needed it!

Again whilst every one was getting showered and dressed mum and dad headed down to get breakfast.

Elsie was going to be Cinderella today!

We arrived at the park a little bit later about 9.40am. Mum had invited us to go in to Salon Mickey with her and dad for a drink so Mum, Dad, Dave, Elsie and I headed there for a drink and cake whilst Sammi and Dave made there way to the Studios to get on Crush first thing.

Salon Mickey really isn't what I expected I thought it would be much bigger and for some reason I thought there were characters in there I really don't know why! I had a coffee and a chocolate Mickey brioche which was disappointing to see they aren't in the shape of Mickey any more just have a small picture of him on there. Dave had a coffee, croissant and cookie, Mum had a tea and cookie and Dad had a coffee and some funny fruit and nut thing. Dave and Dad took a carton of Orange juice and bottle of water with them and we left to get on with our day in the park.


First stop City Hall after having waiting in line for dumbo yesterday and not being aloud on I thought I would go and ask in city hall what Elsie was aloud on. When I was in there the woman I spoke to said that the only things she wouldn't be aloud on is anything with a height restriction everything else would be up to me if I thought she was happy enough to go on then the CM's wouldn't stop me! I explained to her about what happened with dumbo and she said there was no such rule :/ very confusing.

Whilst I was in there Dave had rang Rich to say we were in the park and asked where they were, they were in Discoveryland so we were heading that way any way for a ride on Buzz so we said we would meet them there.


We arrived at Buzz and I asked the ride operator there if Elsie could ride. Now I am not stupid I know Elsie couldn't actually shoot any thing but I thought she would love all the bright colour's and lights in there! No too young too loud in there she would be scared! Must be 1 year or older to ride!


Dad and I waited with Elsie whilst Dave and Mum went on. Dave won by quiet a few points.


Love Walle and Eve

Rich and Becky were on Star Tours so we went to go and wait for them at the exit of the ride.

Dave, Elsie and I were going to go and head for the story book ride as we were guessing Elsie would be aloud on there as its only like it's a small world, Rich and Becky decided to come with us whilst Mum and Dad went to go back on Buzz whilst it was still showing a 5 minute wait.

Earlier we had talked about doing a princess meal as we really wanted to get Elsie's pictures with some princess's but really didn't want to wait in those huge lines. But we were so lucky as on our way to the stort book ride we saw Tiana by Bella Notte with four or five families with her wanting a picture so we decided to go and have a look. I remembered Elsies autograph book this time :D and her first autograph was Tiana YAY we watch princess and the frog most morning I love the sound track.


As we carried on towards the story book ride we saw another crowd who is it? We couldn't see then the princess stood up and we could see. It was Ariel :0 Elsie has an Ariel who comes every where with us so we had to go and see her.




After having a few photos, an autograph and a chat with Ariel we were beaming so excited it is amazing how much happiness it brings just seeing some one dressed up lol!

A character was being walked over by a CM followed by a crowd of 20 or so people asking for pictures but the CM was saying "no not now she has to go"
It was Cinderella as we were walking by the CM noticed Elsie dressed as Cinderella and pointed at her Cinderella stopped and asked could she stop and have her photo! I was so touched when the CM said yes it was so amazing! Sorry to every one in that crowd that was told no though!


We didn't get an autograph but we did get some pictures and she had a lovely little chat with Elsie! Another bit of Pixie Dust :D
So we finally made it to the story book ride, I love this ride and love they have added Tangled but it could of had a better location then just shoved on the side in a group of a load of others!







When we got of the ride we saw a few people to the right of the exit so we decided to go and see what was going on. There were loads of characters there,

Mr Smee










Sheriff of Nottingham


and Friar Tuck

Aaaaaaaaaaaw the pic with Cinderella is soooo cute!! I love love love Elsies dresses!
I am loving your trip report! Elsie looks so cute in her princess outfits! You all look like you are having a fantastic time! I am looking forward to reading and seeing much much more!! :cheer2:
Aaaaaaaaaaaw the pic with Cinderella is soooo cute!! I love love love Elsies dresses!

Thanks I will be so upset when she grows out of them :sad1:

I am loving your trip report! Elsie looks so cute in her princess outfits! You all look like you are having a fantastic time! I am looking forward to reading and seeing much much more!! :cheer2:

Thanks for reading :D
So i was going to do an update, I wrote every thing went to photo bucket to upload my pictures when I remembered they are all on Dave's phone as I couldn't find the camera any where Dave hadn't seen it even though it was on his pocket :rolleyes:
We had all arranged to meet up at Earl of Sandwich for lunch. I was very excited about going here as we enjoy it so much in WDW. Walking over to Earl Elsie fell asleep on me she is so much heavier now and made my arms ache but was lovely to have a cuddle with her she is normally so wriggly and too busy looking around to want to cuddle! That's the reason for lack of pictures for a while as haven't quiet got the multitasking perfected yet.

Earl didn't disappoint I had the Hawiian BBQ and it was GOOD! Dave had a meatball one not sure what it was called he said it was very good too! Dad and Sammi also had the Hawiian BBQ and Richard also had the meatball I think Dave had a club but not sure what mum and Becky had but every one was very satisfied once we left. Earl was a thumbs up from all good food, filling and good value for money.

Sammi, Dave, Rich and Becky were all going to Buffalo Bills that night so they were going to book their tickets. Mum and dad went with them as they were using mums share holders card for discount. Dave, Elsie and I decided to have another look round the shops and then head back to the park.

We thought we would go and have a look at the castle and admire how beautiful it is, now it has been painted it was perfect.


Dave said about trying our luck with Elsie going on Pirates of the Caribbean. Our luck was in the CM said she aloud on. So we parked up the push chair and got on.


Elsie wasn't bothered by the noises or any thing she liked the drops with the wind blowing on her. Her little laugh was so cute.





When we got off we had a walk round Frontierland and Adventureland with Phantom Manor and The Tree House being closed and Big Thunder Mountain and Indiana Jones were off limits to us we felt like these two areas were a bit pointless to us. There was no one at the meet and greet and no show on in the theater. Such a shame! I didn't really enjoy it over here apart from finally finding Halloween merchandise! We are planning a Halloween party this year and I was desperate for the Mickey Mouse trick or treat bucket and a lantern!


The park was really quiet and I really wanted to see Rapunzel and walked that way to see what the wait was like. Well no wonder the park was quiet every one was in the line to see Rapunzel or in the princess line. I really couldn't keep Elsie entertained that long standing still waiting for a photo so still no Rapunzel photo!


We did see Rapunzel walking back from her break though and she did stop and wave and blow kisses at Elsie!

It was starting to cloud over and the three of us were very tired we thought we would go and have a look around the Disneyland Hotel and imagine how amazing it would be to stay here! One day I hope even if it is just for one night!

We planned on treating ourselves and having a drink in there but we ran in to mum and dad as we were walking in and they were also happy to head back after going in to have a look round the hotel.

There was a lot of work being done to hallways by the shop and restaurants very noisy and very strong smell of paint every where! So I didn't get to smell that signature scent :(

We headed back to the car we talked about may be going swimming that night before we go for a meal. Elsie fell straight to sleep in the car bless her she was exhausted.

Back at the lodge Elsie had her 20 minute power nap and was wide awake no rest for mummy and daddy lol!
Dave said he was bit too tired for swimming so we decided we would just go in the morning before we go to the park. We thought we would just go and look at the animals play in the park and have a look round the shops. Just before we left mum said it was recommended to make a reservation for tonight at the hotel buffet.

We did that straight away and had a look round the shop.

We had a lot of fun in the park we went on the swings.





the slide, the sea saw

and the bouncy bee




Check out her minnie mouse ears so cute :) and I know she is missing a sock she never keeps them on!

After looking at the animals. I remember reading on here that the reindeer arent with the farm animals so I went back in the shop and asked where they were! This was very difficult lol as they didn't understand what I was saying and then thought I wanted to buy a reindeer :/

We walked back to the lodge and had a little rest we booked our meal for 6.30 so we had about an hour to sit down.

We walked to the desk at the restaurant and said we had reservations but were 5 mins early he said he would check if there was space for us yet. Was he joking there was one other family in there and they sat us right next to them that was only a table for four and next to a pole so no room for a high chair when we asked if we could move tables he got really funny with us! After being sat at a more reasonable table we were told we had to pay first and order our drinks first so Dave went to pay we were treating mum and dad tonight after treating us twice.

The food was really good really enjoyed it more then what I expected to as well. The only thing I found really odd was there were snails on the salad table :0 I know where we were and they aren't uncommon there but I was just very very shocked lol!


On our way out Goofy was outside having photos and Elsie hadn't met him yet so we went to go and say hello. Elsie loved him his ears especially lol!



There was a camera man there taking photos but for 15 Euros for eac photo :0 Dave stood next to him taking the same photos if not better because Elsie was actually looking at daddy not the strange photographer.

We headed back home and were in bed again by 9 mum and dad had to pick Sammi and Dave up at 10 they decided to go early and have a look round a supermarket

What a fab report! I'm getting very jealous reading it ;)

Lovely pictures of Elsie, and you look so happy too :goodvibes

Keep it up :)


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