Desiree's There and Back Again Journal - Comments welcome!

Drag - dont I know it! I'd be right there with you. Trips seem to get fewer and far between when you have to actually pay for them! LOL But alas, hoping that will change now. We've been in our house a few years now so just adding some padding to the ole savings account and hoping that I can start going more regularly. I have a dream to one day run one of the Disney races!

But, ironically enough my dad called me this morning and we are all going to gather at mom and dad's tonight to discuss our plans and hopefully (*fingers crossed*) go ahead and book our trip! :worship::worship: I think choirs of angels just started singing! :laughing: So now to get down to business. Is 50 pounds too much to lose by May?! :eek:

I know you posted on my journal, but didn't know if you read the first post. I was 255lbs just before Christmas 2010. By my trip at the end of May, I was down to 205 and have kept it off ever since. In my opinion, it's not too much if you're focused and dedicated. Most importantly, even if you fall a litlte short, you're still a heck of a lot better off than you were. That's what I kept telling myself over and over again. I stopped focusing so much on the scale and more on how I felt and looked and how my clothes fit!

I'm not sad to say, I had to buy an entirely new wardrobe earlier this year. Down 4 pants sizes and 1 shirt size will do that!
Wow that is fantastic, Drag! And you are so right. In the end, the only thing that really matters is how you feel. And already now I'm feeling so much better than I did 2 months ago.
Today was w3d3 for me. I did pretty good and got it in before the rain hit this morning. Planning on doing weights tonight at the gym and then tomorrow morning either walking around the LSU lakes or going to the gym. Depends on how cold it is (We've got a cold front coming thru today).

In other news, the scale just isnt moving. I'm back hovering around 221-223. I just can't seem to get in that next decade. Why does it seem like you drop weight on the high end of the numbers but when you are trying to get in the next group it seems like it stalls out.

I'm discouraged a bit but I will keep going on.
I'm sorry the scale is frustrating you right now. :hug: You are doing a GREAT job eating OP and working out. The scale will definitely start to cooperate soon! ::yes:: Are you weighing daily or once a week?

Keep up the good work, my friend! :cheer2:

I hope you have a nice weekend!:hug:
Thanks Tracy! Hope your weekend is great too!

:rolleyes1 I've been weighing every day :rolleyes1

I know I shouldn't but it's too tempting. My "official" weigh in day is Sundays but I do weigh in on Fridays for the BL challenge here. Maybe by Sunday I will see a downward turn.
Morning everyone!

Not much new going on here. I've finally seemed to have broken the 222-221 numbers, only just though. Today I am 220.6. Which I'm proud to say is exactly 20 pounds down from my actual recommitting date on 8/22/11. So I'm pleased about that. Now next week I want to see some numbers in the 2 - teens!

I also went to Academy yesterday and got some new tennis shoes. Needed them badly apparently. I was reading some websites that say you should change your shoes out about every 6 months. (My old pair, I had them for 2 years!!). I noticed yesterday while I was doing my c25k thing that I was slipping a little during an area where I ran thru a small patch of sand. So I checked the bottoms of my shoes, and they were quite worn down. So I got me some new Asics, new socks and 3 long sleeved tees. I got 2XL thinking that since that's the size I'm wearing now, that would be a good guess. Well got them home and ugh, too tight. I know I"ll be in them soon but that was a little discouraging. Speaking of discouraging, they just do not have any good selections for ahem, "bigger" people who are TRYING to lose weight! Apparently Academy only caters to size 2-6's. UGH ok vent over.

Where do you all buy your exercise clothes? Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Ok off to the gym and then a ton of errands, housework and laundry. Ugh. Have a great Saturday everyone!
Oh. My. God. Just got on the scale this morning and AGAIN I see that same number I've seen the last 3 weeks. I burned 2500 calories this week between c25k and at the gym and maintained 1200 eating calories each day this week (with the exception of Friday, when I consumed 1550.) What is going on here?

I'm frustrated with the scale. But in lieu of that, I feel better than I've felt in a long time. I'm so proud of myself. I got up this morning in 39º weather here in South Louisiana and I did w4d1 of Couch to 5 K. I'm completely stoked about doing this. I was really nervous last week about running 5 minutes at a time but I did it. It felt good and I feel stronger than I have in a long time.

So I guess there is really nothing else I can do but keep pushing on. I was really hoping to see Onederland by Jan 1st but now that may not happen.
Sending a great big :hug: your way. I know that the scale is frustrating you right now, but try and focus on all of the progress you have made so far:

1. You have lost 20 pounds since your journey began. :cheer2:

2. You are working out (even in 39º weather!:thumbsup2) on a daily basis and you are doing an AMAZING job!:cheer2:

3. You are making healthy food choices. :cheer2:

4. You are feeling good!:thumbsup2:cheer2:

With all of the positive things you are doing, that scale will cooperate with you soon. ::yes::

Keep up the good work, my friend!:cheer2: You will be in Onederland before you know it!:woohoo:

Have a great Sunday!:wizard:
Tracy, you are awesome. Thank you so much for that. :flower3:

And you are exactly right about everything.

Today was w4d2 of C25K and I did good! I'm really pleased with how this is going. I only made it to the gym last night just to do weights yesterday but I guess that's something. I'm hoping I can get to go today but I have to pick up dd from bowling and a friend may be dropping her laptop off tonight for me to remove a virus on it for her. It all will depend on what time she is planning on coming over and the timing of it all. Even if I can only get 20 min on the elliptical I'd be happy with that.

I really would like to see 5 pounds gone before Thanksgiving. I've got to find a way to bust thru this plateau. I'm thinking that even though I drink water for each meal that maybe I'm not getting enough of it in? So today I'm really gonna work hard and drink 48 oz at work today then if I have 2 more glasses tonight (working on one now too) that will put me at around the 80 - 90 oz range for the day. Also I'm thinking that I need to be working better on portion control in addition to the calorie count. Maybe my portions are too big and I'm miscalculating? :confused3

Ok well I'll think on this some more. I need to go and take a shower and get ready for bloodwork then go to work. If I don't pop back in later, have a nice day everyone!
Desiree, don't get discouraged!!! You're doing great and that loss is going to come:woohoo:. I love Tracy's progress list! Anytime you start to feel discouraged, just keep reading it, and think how badly you will feel if you fall back into your old habits. I HATE that feeling after a bad day, so keep up the good work and you will soon be rewarded:thumbsup2
Woohoo!!!:woohoo: You're on week 4 of C25K!!! Way to go!!!:cheer2: I am so proud of you for all that you have accomplished! :hug: You are doing an AMAZING job! Keep up the good work!!!:cheer2:
Hey there! Thanks guys! I've decided that I'm so over feeling bummed about that number. I feel better about myself and that should be all that matters in the end!
We had a big ole eating FAIL yesterday. I'm back on track today. This is exactly what happens when I stray off our plans for the week. I was supposed to do a Shredded Mexican Pork roast in our crock pot yesterday, but the pork wasn't thawed by the time I got up yesterday morning and I was running later than usual after doing my c25k, soooo, last night we had no dinner planned going into the evening. And with the new video game we got (Uncharted 3), we opted for the easy way out and ordered Chinese delivery. And I ate it ALL. OMG I felt awful afterwards. And the fact that it put me over on calories for the day by about 500. Oh my. So yea, it was a bad eating day. Back on plan today though. Pork is defrosting in microwave and I'm about to throw it in the crock pot in a few. And the rest of our meals are planned thru the weekend. I really find that is the best way for us to stay on the straight and narrow.

So today's line up for food (an example of what I eat)
B- Special K Red Berries with 2 % milk (can't do skim - *shudder*)
S- Handful of grapes/carrots/fat free jello/yogurt - whatever is on hand (not all combined though.. just one of those things lol)
L- Turkey sandwich on wheat with light mayo and 1 slice of colby jack
S- banana
D- Mexican Shredded pork over a little rice

All that usually rounds up to roughly 1200 calories.

Exercise may be dicey today. I woke up too late to do a dvd and have to pick Dev up from Drama today. Hoping to squeeze in gym this afternoon.
We had a big ole eating FAIL yesterday. I'm back on track today. This is exactly what happens when I stray off our plans for the week. I was supposed to do a Shredded Mexican Pork roast in our crock pot yesterday, but the pork wasn't thawed by the time I got up yesterday morning and I was running later than usual after doing my c25k, soooo, last night we had no dinner planned going into the evening. And with the new video game we got (Uncharted 3), we opted for the easy way out and ordered Chinese delivery. And I ate it ALL. OMG I felt awful afterwards. And the fact that it put me over on calories for the day by about 500. Oh my. So yea, it was a bad eating day. Back on plan today though. Pork is defrosting in microwave and I'm about to throw it in the crock pot in a few. And the rest of our meals are planned thru the weekend. I really find that is the best way for us to stay on the straight and narrow.

So today's line up for food (an example of what I eat)
B- Special K Red Berries with 2 % milk (can't do skim - *shudder*)
S- Handful of grapes/carrots/fat free jello/yogurt - whatever is on hand (not all combined though.. just one of those things lol)
L- Turkey sandwich on wheat with light mayo and 1 slice of colby jack
S- banana
D- Mexican Shredded pork over a little rice

All that usually rounds up to roughly 1200 calories.

Exercise may be dicey today. I woke up too late to do a dvd and have to pick Dev up from Drama today. Hoping to squeeze in gym this afternoon.

Can I come over for dinner? I LOOOOOOOVE Mexican food! :love:
We had a big ole eating FAIL yesterday. I'm back on track today. This is exactly what happens when I stray off our plans for the week. I was supposed to do a Shredded Mexican Pork roast in our crock pot yesterday, but the pork wasn't thawed by the time I got up yesterday morning and I was running later than usual after doing my c25k, soooo, last night we had no dinner planned going into the evening. And with the new video game we got (Uncharted 3), we opted for the easy way out and ordered Chinese delivery. And I ate it ALL. OMG I felt awful afterwards. And the fact that it put me over on calories for the day by about 500. Oh my. So yea, it was a bad eating day. Back on plan today though. Pork is defrosting in microwave and I'm about to throw it in the crock pot in a few. And the rest of our meals are planned thru the weekend. I really find that is the best way for us to stay on the straight and narrow.

So today's line up for food (an example of what I eat)
B- Special K Red Berries with 2 % milk (can't do skim - *shudder*)
S- Handful of grapes/carrots/fat free jello/yogurt - whatever is on hand (not all combined though.. just one of those things lol)
L- Turkey sandwich on wheat with light mayo and 1 slice of colby jack
S- banana
D- Mexican Shredded pork over a little rice

All that usually rounds up to roughly 1200 calories.

Exercise may be dicey today. I woke up too late to do a dvd and have to pick Dev up from Drama today. Hoping to squeeze in gym this afternoon.

The important thing is that you're back in the saddle again:thumbsup2!!!! Sounds like you have a great plan for today.

I agree with the skim, very hard to do. I compromise and do 1%.

One thing I cannot give up is half and half in my coffee. Worth every calorie in my opinion. I don't get how people can put skim milk in their coffee, why bother?
absolutely! LOL

That pork is delicious too!. I posted the recipe on my bog before. It's one of our go-to meals each week and it makes a ton of leftovers so most days lunches are taken care of!

Here's the link in case you are interested. Mexican Shredded Pork
I printed that recipe and we'll definitely be using that! I'm hoping we do that next week actually!
Tracy - Thanks hun!!!

Drag - great! Let me know how it comes out and if you guys like it. We tend to use the salsa rather than the chipolte.

Lurker - sorry I must have missed your post from earlier. Thanks!! And I completely agree on the coffee issue. I have to have creamer and suger. But I've managed to wean myself to only drink coffee on the weekends so the way I figure is that I'm already doing ALOT less coffee drinking than what I normally do. Now.... that being said, in the winter I may drink it more. I need to see if I can do 1 tsp of sugar rather than my normal 2 and see if I can manage to cut down the creamer as well. I've never been one to drink my coffee black. Bleck!
Haven't had a chance to do a full report today so here I am finally taking my lunch break. Yesterday and today so far so good on eating. I didn't make it to the gym or to walk yesterday afternoon. I remembered that the crock pot was on and that I needed to turn it to warm before I went to go pick up dd. And of course with the play coming up they ran late so I had to rush home and make sure there were no accidents on the floor by certain dogs before company came over! :rotfl:

But I don't have any Devyn committments today so I am going to the gym and then depending on how I feel, I may do my c25k tonight or if not then definitely in the morning. The app that I use on my phone to track when I need to run/walk posts to facebook after I finish each day so I am kinda keeping myself accountable that way. Plus I feel so so much better and accomplished as I finish each one.

So I also signed up on the DIS for a November Exercise challenge. I haven't done one of those in YEARS! I probably set my sights a little high.... 2500 minutes in Nov. But I also feel like I need to be doing a bit more cardio anyway so maybe this will give me incentive to get over this hump. Theoretically I'd love to see 5 pounds (or more) gone by Thanksgiving.

Well that's about all for now. Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!


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