B&P's VR 11/10/2012 UK/AAP/UKDP Day 1 Arrival & Epcot 6/10

Bethie... The clutch is beautiful! Love the stitched in Date and Names inside! Tres Cute! :)

Just jumping in here - I have to say, you had me at "Bruce fan".

I was already in love with you and your husband - we speak the same language! :lmao:

Okay, I have to go back and read every detail now!

Thanks! We do speak the same language. We used mostly used Bruce music for our first ceremony. It was awesome.

OMG Bethie, I love the clutch!!!! It's SO pretty! The color is perfect, and the lining is amazing. She did a great job.

I definitely think you should get a pashmina. I wonder if you could find a pink one with little silver streaks in it? Or have someone on etsy make that for you? Just a little bit of silver to make it SPARKLE, you know? I'm an enabler, what can I say?

Thanks, Jackie! I am so excited to see it! I can't wait till it gets here.

I am now looking for a pashmina. I love, love, love the the idea with the silver streaks. That would be awesome! You are an enabler, but I love you anyway (or maybe because of that!). :hug:

I agree, the clutch is gorgeous!

Thanks! I will post pictures when it comes in.

Bethie... The clutch is beautiful! Love the stitched in Date and Names inside! Tres Cute! :)


Thanks, Fay! The tag gives it just the perfect touch.

Happy New Year to you too! 2012 is going to be a great year!
The clutch turned out beautiful! It's so stunning. That'll be a wonderful accessory in the years to come, for sure. Happy 2012! :)
The clutch turned out beautiful! It's so stunning. That'll be a wonderful accessory in the years to come, for sure. Happy 2012! :)

Thanks, Danielle! I am so excited to see the clutch in person. I hope it gets here soon. :) I really want to put it the hair flowers and see how they will look together. I will be sure to post more pictures.

Happy 2012 to you as well!
The clutch came out just beautiful! I love that your names are in it too, that makes it even more special :goodvibes
I have learned during this whole planning process that I am really good at starting or suggesting projects, but not really finishing them. :rolleyes1 Actually, I have known this for a long time, but it is really hitting home now. I am great at buying stuff for projects and never even taking them out of the bags. Really bad, but need to turn that bad habit around now.

Since Paul was off this week, I really wanted to get some stuff done that required his help. He is very good at helping me when I need it, which is awesome. He also excels at stuff that I have no patience for. We make a pretty good team. :)

One of my most vexing projects has been door hangers. I so desperately want them, have even designed a prototype and just can't seem to get them right. My two biggest problems are the actual cutting of the cardstock and the getting the Mickey punch right. It sounds really lame, but I am just not good at it. Paul on the other hand is. :cool1:

So, yesterday I asked Paul if he could cut the cardstock for me and then I would print the artwork and assemble them soon. He did them all for me. We need some more materials, but I know that he can cut them for me when I need them and that makes it easier. Here is my Prince working hard.


Here is what the one for our room should eventually look like. It is the perfect clipart of Donald and Daisy since Paul and I love nothing more than sitting around reading together. I even mention this in my vows.


This is what I am hoping everyone else's ends up looking like.


I have about 3 projects that I have finished the design, but just need to complete the printing.

The first is a lovely idea that I am blatantly stealing from Danielle (Thank you!). I loved when she posted her welcome bags and she had these packets with goodies from the Grand Floridian and the Boardwalk (her 2 location sites). I decided to take the idea and flip it to the two resorts our guests are staying at The Beach Club and Coronado Springs. The Beach Club bag will have some salt water taffy and the Coronado bag will have 3 flavors of jelly bellys (margarita, strawberry daiquiri and maybe mango). They will have these tags attached. I will get the tags done now and wait until September or October to do the actual bags.


The second is our Hidden Mickey brochure. It is done and ready to go (has been for a while). I just need to sit down and print them. I like crossing stuff off the list, so don't know what the holdup is. :lmao:



The third is an Epcot passport. A wonderful Disigner (patnl) made the personalized cover for me and it is her book design as well. It is a pain to try to get the pages right, but once I sit down and devote some time to it, it should go smoothly. Sadly, since there are so many Mickey's on it, I have to print it myself.



Sorry the photos are so big, I just wanted to make sure people can read them, if they want to.

I have more, but will do it in another post....coming right up.
I'm loving all of your DIY projects!! I was the same way about finishing stuff though. The thought of having the items is so nice....then the act of making the items isn't so nice!!! :rotfl2:

How sweet of your DH to help you. Charley helped me as much as I would let him. :rotfl:

That's the same pic we used on our guests door hangers!
Oohh I LOVE all of your DIY! They all look GREAT!!!! Now, don't wait until the last minute to get them done... OR ELSE!!!! Mmmhmm. That's right.
Eppp each thing looks great! Think of getting things done now this way....Each item that's done now will be one less thing distracting you in the fall! :)

And again...EPPP the Winter Classic is tomorrow. Say a prayer Chris and I don't get stuff thrown at us, We're the only Rangers fans in my house. Everyone else likes the Flyers!

And I'm making cupcakes right now :)
I'm loving all of your DIY projects!! I was the same way about finishing stuff though. The thought of having the items is so nice....then the act of making the items isn't so nice!!! :rotfl2:

How sweet of your DH to help you. Charley helped me as much as I would let him. :rotfl:

That's the same pic we used on our guests door hangers!

Thanks, Jennifer! I love that line about making them not so nice. That's a good one and sadly true.

Paul worries he is going to do it wrong, but he still does it for me. I have been very lucky for the past almost 12 years of being together. I really did find the perfect guy for me.

I had to use artwork that included Daisy. She is my girl! I even named my car after her. :lovestruc

Oohh I LOVE all of your DIY! They all look GREAT!!!! Now, don't wait until the last minute to get them done... OR ELSE!!!! Mmmhmm. That's right.

M'am, yes m'am! I will get these items done and done well before hand! Don't want to anger the woman who is walking down the aisle THIS FRIDAY!!! :banana:
I have two more projects to share. One is 100% completed and the other is being sent back to the drawing board to be revamped.

The project that is getting revamped are our Tears of Joy packets. Back in the fall, I found on Project Wedding DIY Tears of Joy packets that seemed a breeze to put together. And they are! I put a few together and was so proud of myself and still am. They look great.


I sent a picture to Shelley of Impressions (who is doing all of our paper stuff) and she planted the seed in my head that they would look better if I was able to trim the label or get the label to print to the edge. Decided (at the time) it didn't really matter and let it go for months.

So, this week I was thinking that for the Savor the Flavor labels, I bought print to the edge labels, so what if I used those instead. Then, I was thinking that the next thing on Shelley's list for us is to develop a logo for our event. Wouldn't that be even better to have the logo on these??

I emailed and Shelley and she said that, hopefully, by the end of the week we should have a logo. :banana: I have decided to wait for that and then play around with the square label. I put a Beach Club label on a packet, just to see the layout.


It's not ideal, but what does everyone think? Rectangle with white edge or play with the square label and logo? As soon as I have a real one, I will post it.

The project that is 100% completed are our memorial candles. This was an easy project in execution, but difficult emotionally. Sadly, Paul and I need 4 of these - one for each of his parents, one for my Nana and one for my Mom. Seeing the names and dates was very hard, especially for me, when it comes to my Mom.

She died suddenly when I was 20 and now that I am 41, I have lived more than half my life without her. It is something I try not to dwell on, but things like the candle make me think about it and very sad. She wasn't here for our first wedding and she won't be here for this. She also never got a chance to meet Paul, who I know she would have loved. Didn't mean to be a downer, but needed to get it out, I guess.

Our plans for the candles are to have them on a table at the reception with photos next to them. The photo of Paul's parents and of my Nana will be from our wedding. I think I will go with a photo of my Mom from when I was a baby and she is holding an infant me.

I found LED tea lights online from David Tutera and they work perfectly. I think I found the instructions on weddingbee.com, if anyone is looking for them. I decided they were a little plain and needed a little sparkle. Let me know what you think.

All four together

Our Moms

Paul's parents without the tea lights lit

I am so happy to have something 100% done and crossed off the list, especially something that makes me so sad.

Next post will be happier! I promise! Not sure what yet, maybe some ideas for what Paul is going to wear. :)

Happy New Year everyone!!! Thank you for all the support and advice along this journey. You are all the best!

Those candles look amazing and beautiful yet honor your loved ones perfectly. I don't know how you do it without your mom. I'm 21 and if my mom dies anytime soon on me, I probably would fall apart for several weeks if not months.
Bethie!!!! I just read through your entire PJ and I LOVE everything. :love:
Your jewelry is stunning!!!
I love the lanyards!
I can’t believe they made such a big deal about honoring your dj request only for it to be confirmed. Definitely unnecessary stress!!!
I love your Etsy purchases!
The clutch is soooooooooooooooooooo pretty! Love the customization!!!
Your projects are so cool! They turned out great!!! I tried to DIY stuff for the wedding but it didn’t work out. I ended up frustrated and threw things away.
The memorial candles are beautiful. I know it must be hard even though so much time has passed.
Bethie sweetie - The clutch is stunning!!!
I know what a task all the DIY projects become. I did all of mine myself as Paul is not very good at that sort of stuff (to be honest, he doesn't really try - bless him!!). It does become a bit of a chore, but there is a great feeling of achievement when it is all done!!! My guests all really appreciated my efforts with my DIY projects, and I know yours will too!!
I have made Epcot passports for trips in the past and the children had a ball getting them all completed - well worth the effort!!

Those candles look amazing and beautiful yet honor your loved ones perfectly. I don't know how you do it without your mom. I'm 21 and if my mom dies anytime soon on me, I probably would fall apart for several weeks if not months.


Thanks so much! Paul and I both love how they turned out.

I was a couple months shy of 21 when she died. I was a wreck for at least a year. Eventually, it seemed to get easier. I am almost at 21 years that she has been gone and it still hits me hard some days.

On a happy note, 24/7 was awesome! We finished watching it tonight. Love me some Henrik!

Bethie!!!! I just read through your entire PJ and I LOVE everything. :love:
Your jewelry is stunning!!!
I love the lanyards!
I can’t believe they made such a big deal about honoring your dj request only for it to be confirmed. Definitely unnecessary stress!!!
I love your Etsy purchases!
The clutch is soooooooooooooooooooo pretty! Love the customization!!!
Your projects are so cool! They turned out great!!! I tried to DIY stuff for the wedding but it didn’t work out. I ended up frustrated and threw things away.
The memorial candles are beautiful. I know it must be hard even though so much time has passed.


Thanks for all of your compliments. I didn't think I would do alot of DIY, until Paul pointed out how much I did the first time around. I think I am definitely crazy this time, so we will see how it turns out. Hopefully, I will have more to put up soon.

Bethie sweetie - The clutch is stunning!!!
I know what a task all the DIY projects become. I did all of mine myself as Paul is not very good at that sort of stuff (to be honest, he doesn't really try - bless him!!). It does become a bit of a chore, but there is a great feeling of achievement when it is all done!!! My guests all really appreciated my efforts with my DIY projects, and I know yours will too!!
I have made Epcot passports for trips in the past and the children had a ball getting them all completed - well worth the effort!!

Thanks, Joanne!

I love the clutch too. Can't wait till it gets here from Ireland. Hope it gets here soon.

I know all the DIY stuff will be worth it, just wish they didn't take so long. :rotfl: My Paul doesn't mind helping. He just needs specific instructions. :lmao: I am actually making the passports for everyone. This is a group that loves to Drink Around the World, so I think they will like it. For those who don't want to drink, we can call it dessert around the world.
Since I already posted about the PS drama on facebook, I won't bore everyone with it again. For those who didn't see it, here is a quick summary.

On Tuesday, Paul called from work and told me that the timeline for the big project he has coming up work had come out. The week that we had picked for our PS trip, instead of being safe like we thought, was now the worst possible week and the new system was going live that week. :mad: I was angry, but hoped we could make it work.

When Paul came home with the schedule, we targeted 2 potential weeks that he could most likely do. I left a message with DFTW about switching and Paul said he would talk to his boss. By lunchtime on Wednesday, we had it all switched around and settled.

Our new time to go down is April 25th to 29th. This works out great for me, since the 26th is my birthday! :banana: Paul felt really badly and decided we could totally splurge for the trip and told me to book our trip at my all-time dream/wish list resort...THE POLYNESIAN!! I am beyond excited.

Here are the new plans...

Wednesday, April 25th

Fly down to Orlando around 6:30 out of Boston. Arrive around 9:30. Pick up the rental car and head to The Polynesian.

Thursday, April, 26th (BIRTHDAY!!)

7:30 Breakfast at GF Cafe (I need to eat to function in the morning and Paul is a diabetic so he has to eat, but I think there is plenty of time before the tasting)
9-1 Planning Session with Kathy
2:15-4 Tasting in Epcot central kitchen
After tasting head to MK, so I can say I was there on my birthday. :cloud9:
Head back to Poly to get ready for...
9:15 Birthday Dinner at California Grill (fireworks are at 10, perfect!)

Friday, April 27th

8am - Hair and Makeup trial run with Janet Mednick
10am - Photoshoot with DPS at Polynesian
11:30 - 2:45 At some point in this window, we will meet with Shelley from Impressions to work out our invitations and the other projects we would like done.
3:30 - Carolyn Allen's to figure out what Paul is going to wear.
7:00 - Dinner at Narcoosee's.

Saturday, April 28th

8:40 - breakfast at Crystal Palace
Spend the morning at MK. Then head back and relax at the pool for the rest of the day.
6:50 - dinner at Ohana
Maybe head back to MK after dinner, since they are open till 10.

Sunday, April 29th

8:15 - breakfast at Kona Cafe
9:30ish leave for airport and 11:50 flight back to Boston.

We also need to fit a trip to DTD in there, especially to go to Christmas store, but we will play that by ear. This trip has turned out even better than the first one planned for June. Woohoo!

Thanks to everyone who posted support and suggestions on facebook. I really appreciate it! You all helped me keep my cool and think through it all. :grouphug:
I'm sorry you had some drama in the beginning, but everything sounds like it worked out for the better! It's fate, if you ask me! :) I'm so excited for you, Beth--Your birthday sounds like it will be perfect. Poly+VR planning+yummy food+MK= :cloud9:


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