BAD BOYS BAD BOYS!! Undercover Security

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My crazy Disney moment was at Pop Century when I was checking out and driving my car up to pick up my wife and girls and I saw....

a man by his minivan with the passenger door open and his sons about 10, 12 and 14 were glancing around and then the "dad" urinated in the parking lot.

I was in shock. He was in about the 12th spot from the front circle at about 7pm. It's not like I hadn't seen and dealt with that before but I was so in the Disney mindset...

Anyway, I parked and went directly inside to the check in desk, right up to a CM and told her what was going on. I don't think she believed me at first. Anyway she made a call and...

5 minutes later a security vehicle drove by.

I'm sure they used cameras and saw the guy and his delinquents drove off but still... Bizarre to say the least.

In May the crowds weren't heavy but I did notice a nice mix of uniformed and UC security in the parks.

Thanks so much for the thread and all th eposts, very interesting!

I guess you have never worked construction. ;) This is pretty much SOP.
Two years ago my wife, son, and I had an interesting Disney security experience. We were at the park at open, and went straight to the Small world ride after entry. Just as we were going to board the boat, a young man (around 15yo) got in line beside us. (there were very few people in line and the four of us were the only ones boarding the boat.) He was oddly talkative to us, but we were polite. During the ride, he was taking photos with his Iphone, and looking around. Just before the end of the ride, I thought I saw him take a pic of my son. I tried to act like I didn't see it, and hugged my son tight to me. As the ride came to a halt, he stood up very quickly and as he jumped out of the boat, I did see my son's face on his screen display. Incensed, I took off after him as I got outside, I spotted him heading toward the Dumbo Ride (old location). I oddly enough had my video camera on and decided that I would get footage as much as I could. I was only 20 feet from him when it appeared he was heading for a restroom so I called out to him. He turned, looked at me, and then bolted for the Cast member door just to the right of the restrooms. Since I had just gotten his face on video, I decided I would return to where I left my wife and ask for security. I had only begun to walk back to Small world ride, when a CM noticed me and asked if I needed any help. I told her I needed to talk to security, and literally within 30 seconds there were two "tourists" (disney security) helping out. Within minutes I has showed them the footage, and the central security people that watch the video monitors tracked the guy, found him and took care of business.
The security folks were very caring and understanding. During the hour or so that I wasted during this event, my wife, and son, along with my aunt and uncle were taken to the front of nearly every ride in the fantasyland area. After I finished talking with them, they gave us about 20 fastpasses, business cards for about 5-6 of the security guys at MK, and wished us well.
To top it off, when we arrived that evening at our resort (AKV), there was fresh cookies and milk with a handwritten note from Mickey.
My son had no idea what went on, but he had a wonderful time.
I would say that I was pleased not only with the efficiency of the Disney Security folks, but with their ability to spread around a little of the magic helped sooth things with my wife.


Can you clarify for me the issue here? It sounds like so some random guy takes a photo of your son and then you have security run him down? I'm kind of shocked at this. I mean, it's not like I want strangers to take a photo of my kid, but I'm not sure it warrants a hunting of this person down? Was there more to this story?
Can you clarify for me the issue here? It sounds like so some random guy takes a photo of your son and then you have security run him down? I'm kind of shocked at this. I mean, it's not like I want strangers to take a photo of my kid, but I'm not sure it warrants a hunting of this person down? Was there more to this story?
The issue is this guy could be a predator. That he would take a picture of a random kid then run when he knows the kids father saw it is defintely suspicous and I feel the OP's actions are completely warranted. Who knows what other photos were on the phone? Bathroom photos of kids, waterpark photos of kids, or maybe he was looking to do more if he had the opportunity on a dark ride to a kid with no parent there. It couldve been nothing but I think based on the facts the OP shared, his reaction was completely warranted, and needed to be looked into with no further story needed. Where was this photo takers parents?:confused3 Maybe he just looked like he was 15:confused3 Maybe he is 15 and it does not matter. Kid could have issues.
The issue is this guy could be a predator. That he would take a picture of a random kid then run when he knows the kids father saw it is defintely suspicous and I feel the OP's actions are completely warranted. Who knows what other photos were on the phone? Bathroom photos of kids, waterpark photos of kids, or maybe he was looking to do more if he had the opportunity on a dark ride to a kid with no parent there. It couldve been nothing but I think based on the facts the OP shared, his reaction was completely warranted, and needed to be looked into with no further story needed. Where was this photo takers parents?:confused3 Maybe he just looked like he was 15:confused3 Maybe he is 15 and it does not matter. Kid could have issues.

I agree completely. you can never be too safe with these kinds of people anymore
btwiceborn, so he was a cast member????

This story is extremely creepy to me as I had a similar experience.

My daughters were playing in the "main" sprinkler at Epcot, in the walkway straight down the middle. As per usual, we bring bathing suits most times when we know we'll be letting them do that. There were a bunch of other children there though in various attire ranging from fully clothed to a baby boy in only a diaper and a 2 or 3 year old girl in only underwear (ugh.) Well a man came up with a professional looking camera and began taking pics. He was smiling and getting all sorts of different angles and a cast member walked up and told him he would need to stop. As the conversation progressed, there were at least 5 suits and a few "tourists" gathered around and the realization came to be that it was a CM that worked there, from China. From what I could tell, they did look through the pics but I didn't see them confiscate the film (and it did not look like a digital camera.)

By the end of it, the guy wasn't in trouble but I was totally sickened and still felt it was wrong. Even if he was taking pics of Epcot for back home or something and truly embracing the innocent moment of children playing in a water fountain, I felt uneasy about it. :sad2:
Bumping bc I find this thread fascinating and don't have time to read it.

And :lmao: just because I love that little fun smiley guy
i actually have the opposite- a "where's security" question!

In SEpt 2001 (we were there over 9/11 so this was about on 9/4) my mother slipped, in the pouring rain, on the tile area near innoventions in Epcot (at least I think that is where we were). She fell right on her back, in front of a CM. The CM stopped to help her up, then told her where first aid was. We asked that she show us and she said no, she can't, because she would be late for her shift in one of the gift shops.

No offer to find someone to help lead us (or better yet- come get her- she was flat on her back). However, after my mother reported the incident that night, they called us repeatedly- but clearly only to protect Disney from a lawsuit, they mentioned a settlement repeatedly, not to apologize for their lack of response on the scene.

I imagine things changed quite a bit after 9/11. Having been there for the actual day, I would say they went on high alert immediately. I doubt a fall like that would go unnoticed now!

I know this is old..but SERIOUSLY?! As a Cast member myself, we have a grace period of 15 minutes before our clock-in time. If we are late due to helping a guest, they can simply tell a manager and they will fix it, especially in circumstances of safety such as this.
Isn't exactly security related, but it made enough of an impression on me that I had to post it.

Remember when The Living Seas actually had a tram ride where you rode through the aquarium? I must have been about 8 years old, and decided to drag my foot outside the ride vehicle... because, you know... 8 year olds have bright ideas like that. There were sensor mats on the ground to detect people getting off the ride or something (I even remember seeing the big black mats) The ride instantly stopped and a cast member walked up to our car and GLARED at me. My parents didn't know what happened, but I was so close to pooping my pants thinking I'd be in big trouble. I'm 25 now, and that memory still haunts me!

I guess I didn't learn too well because when they added on the doors to the tram a few years back, I decided to test if they actually were monitored or not. I held it ever so slightly open with my foot, and a cast member came and gave me the same glare. I guess I'll keep my arms and feet to myself now :-)
Isn't exactly security related, but it made enough of an impression on me that I had to post it.

Remember when The Living Seas actually had a tram ride where you rode through the aquarium? I must have been about 8 years old, and decided to drag my foot outside the ride vehicle... because, you know... 8 year olds have bright ideas like that. There were sensor mats on the ground to detect people getting off the ride or something (I even remember seeing the big black mats) The ride instantly stopped and a cast member walked up to our car and GLARED at me. My parents didn't know what happened, but I was so close to pooping my pants thinking I'd be in big trouble. I'm 25 now, and that memory still haunts me!

I guess I didn't learn too well because when they added on the doors to the tram a few years back, I decided to test if they actually were monitored or not. I held it ever so slightly open with my foot, and a cast member came and gave me the same glare. I guess I'll keep my arms and feet to myself now :-)

:rotfl2: Awesome!
We stopped an undercover CM at the entrance to AK at rope drop. He had this Samuel L. Jackson vibe. Standing just on the other side of the turnstiles looking out,with military bearing. I pointed him out to DH. He said this guy wasn't very undercover!
The issue is this guy could be a predator. That he would take a picture of a random kid then run when he knows the kids father saw it is defintely suspicous and I feel the OP's actions are completely warranted. Who knows what other photos were on the phone? Bathroom photos of kids, waterpark photos of kids, or maybe he was looking to do more if he had the opportunity on a dark ride to a kid with no parent there. It couldve been nothing but I think based on the facts the OP shared, his reaction was completely warranted, and needed to be looked into with no further story needed. Where was this photo takers parents?:confused3 Maybe he just looked like he was 15:confused3 Maybe he is 15 and it does not matter. Kid could have issues.

That's ridiculous! If you go out in public, then you may have your photo taken. Chasing down someone that took a picture of your kid is borderline psycho. Especially if it was just the kid's face! Amateur and pro photographers take pictures of strangers all the time.
btwiceborn, so he was a cast member????

This story is extremely creepy to me as I had a similar experience.

My daughters were playing in the "main" sprinkler at Epcot, in the walkway straight down the middle. As per usual, we bring bathing suits most times when we know we'll be letting them do that. There were a bunch of other children there though in various attire ranging from fully clothed to a baby boy in only a diaper and a 2 or 3 year old girl in only underwear (ugh.) Well a man came up with a professional looking camera and began taking pics. He was smiling and getting all sorts of different angles and a cast member walked up and told him he would need to stop. As the conversation progressed, there were at least 5 suits and a few "tourists" gathered around and the realization came to be that it was a CM that worked there, from China. From what I could tell, they did look through the pics but I didn't see them confiscate the film (and it did not look like a digital camera.)

By the end of it, the guy wasn't in trouble but I was totally sickened and still felt it was wrong. Even if he was taking pics of Epcot for back home or something and truly embracing the innocent moment of children playing in a water fountain, I felt uneasy about it. :sad2:

Okay... if it wasn't a digital camera then there's no way anyone could "look through the pics". Film has to be developed in order to be viewed. Only digital cameras allow previews. I'm guessing if they previewed his photos, they found nothing offensive.

Also, while it is not the culture in the United States to take pictures of other people's children, because of exactly your reaction ("a 2 or 3 year old girl in only underwear (ugh.)" "uneasy" "sickened"), in many parts of the world people don't see the problem with taking photos of children playing. Sometimes they even post them online.

Google "Casey Jr. Splash and Soak" and you'll see plenty, mostly from bloggers and news sources (some of which will have had proper media releases, some of which won't).

Dateline NBC hid behind shrubbery to take a picture of the kiddies splashing in the water! Nothing at all creepy about that... :rotfl2:


Returning to the topic: I'm so grateful this old thread was resurrected!

Last year, very early one morning at DHS, I saw a young woman/older teen try to jump the rope to get a fastpass for TSM. When the CM stopped her, she pointed at me and said, "I'm with her!" The CM asked me, "Is this true?" When I said, "I don't know her," the girl stormed off in a huff.

A few minutes later, I went to the plaza in front of the big Mickey hat to meet my family, who were off getting coffees. There I saw the same girl screaming at an older woman - basically having a full out tantrum. When the girl shoved/smacked the older woman in the chest, making her stumble back, I ran to get a CM (bottom of the stairs, in front of One Man's Dream). By the time I got back with the CM, the plaza was empty and the CM told me not to worry about it.

It seemed strange to me that they'd disappear so quickly - I wasn't gone more than a few seconds and there were very few other people in the plaza. They couldn't have gotten far, especially if they were arguing. But now that I've read this thread, I do recall that I wasn't the only person watching the interaction. There were about three other adults watching intently as well. No kids in sight.

Now I'm thinking they were likely undercover security and as soon as the young lady laid hands on the other woman, they were both escorted out of sight. Pretty cool! :thumbsup2
Slightly :offtopic: but I can't resist.

The very first thing I did on my last trip, was to hit the Emporium on Main Street to pick up autograph books for my two quasi-nieces. I was standing outside at a trash can opening them up and slipping in my big, clickable Sharpies when I realized I was so excited about being there, I completely forgot to pay for them. :scared: I rushed back in to the register and told the CM working there what I'd just done. :blush: She laughed and rang me up. I wonder if the nice folks in touristy shirts were on their way or not. :lmao:
My mother and I were in Epcot earlier this year, and we were walking in Italy. It wasn't very crowded, so we were taking our time looking at the detail carved in the top of the building and the statues with the alligator or dragon. My mom was looking up at the statue and a guy in plain clothes walked up and was like "we call that the sky" trying to be funny. I walked off and went in the gift shop thinking he was just flirting with my mom lol. When she came into the shop, she started telling me that he said he was an undercover security guard and he was talking about how years and years ago there was a bomb threat at one of the parks and what they had to do. I still don't know if he was telling the truth or not. I wouldn't have thought that he could talk about that sort of thing, but he had a wire and a phone and everything, so who knows. :confused3
Slightly :offtopic: but I can't resist.

The very first thing I did on my last trip, was to hit the Emporium on Main Street to pick up autograph books for my two quasi-nieces. I was standing outside at a trash can opening them up and slipping in my big, clickable Sharpies when I realized I was so excited about being there, I completely forgot to pay for them. :scared: I rushed back in to the register and told the CM working there what I'd just done. :blush: She laughed and rang me up. I wonder if the nice folks in touristy shirts were on their way or not. :lmao:

The shoplifting police almost got me too!!!

It was almost closing time and our last night there so I was rushing through the shops on main st. I love how you can go from one shop to the next without leaving and that's what I did :) anyway I needed earrings, a magnet, a shirt, some vinylmations and some rice krispie treats. I was walking store to store with everything in my hand kind of fast heading towards the last store towards the exit and I finally jumped in line to pay. Well I noticed that DH wasn't with me anymore so I paid and went to find him. He was outside laughing at me.

Apparently the shoplifting police thought I was in a mad dash to head out with an armful of stuff and had been following me through every store. :confused3 I was so involved in my shopping I had no clue I was being followed. DH said he just walked outside watching me go from store to store waiting to see if I got stopped.:scared: he said he would have jumped in if they broke out the handcuffs:furious:

So....note to self do not make a mad shopping rush through the main st. shops at closing time :rotfl:
We were in Epcot 2011 and we had just gone thought the world showcase entrance as we were close to UK a men approached us he was wearing a polo, shorts and a hat. He asked politely if DH could lift his shirt. Dh and I started laughing, because we were just talking about it. Dh said to him that he wanted his job. He asked him if he was a police officer. DH told him what he does in the military and he told him they can use someone like him and that he should apply and then he left. We actually consider it, but we decided we will try once he retires from the military.
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