DIS Dads disABILITIES Thread

I should probably post my own update as well, since DS4 started new meds recently. We had felt like we were seeing progress with the Intuniv, but after an initial adjustment period, it seemed that once DS shrugged off the med making him sleepy, it also became ineffective in helping him manage his behavior. As summer camp was ending, he had a couple of really explosive incidents (including one where he picked up another kid and actually threw him in the trash can :scared1:). So we finally took the "ultimate" step with his meds and started him on Adderall. This is essentially the medication of last resort at this stage. Our doctor isn't comfortable prescribing anything else to a child DS's age. He is still taking his Intuniv as well. More on that in a moment.

For the most part, the Adderall has been a good thing. He's doing much better at school. He started a new school year last Wednesday, and we haven't had a single report of a violent outburst (though it's admittedly only been three days). One of the big things I've noticed is that the Adderall appears to allow DS to process empathy in a way he couldn't before. I don't want to give away spoilers, but we watched a couple of different movies since the medication change, and he actually gets choked up/teary at emotionally appropriate moments - something he's never really done before.

The down side is that Adderall has screwed up his sleep cycle. It's very difficult for him to nap (it is, after all, essentially pure amphetamine). And because it is amphetamine, you have to let it "wear off" before bed. And it's pretty obvious when he's "coming down" from his meds. His behavior after the Adderall wears off is very difficult to manage. As I mentioned above, he's still taking his Intuniv. I'm considering suggesting that we delay giving that to him until he gets home from school, and see if that helps him as he's coming down from his Adderall.

Glad to hear that's helping! I have a couple of friends locally who rave about the effects of Adderall on their kids. One of them has complained that it contributes to weight gain, so FYI

We haven't started school yet (next week), so keeping our fingers crossed! Our DS doesn't have his best 2 friends in his class or team this year, but he's handling it well and the kids and parents have agreed to do lots of sleepovers. He went through this once in 4th grade, so he's familiar with it. All in all, I'm impressed with how he's handling things. But I don't have to tell you guys that you're always waiting for that second shoe to drop...
Glad to hear that's helping! I have a couple of friends locally who rave about the effects of Adderall on their kids. One of them has complained that it contributes to weight gain, so FYI

We haven't started school yet (next week), so keeping our fingers crossed! Our DS doesn't have his best 2 friends in his class or team this year, but he's handling it well and the kids and parents have agreed to do lots of sleepovers. He went through this once in 4th grade, so he's familiar with it. All in all, I'm impressed with how he's handling things. But I don't have to tell you guys that you're always waiting for that second shoe to drop...

DS had his best day yet yesterday! Only one minor meltdown at bedtime. Most importantly, another kid took his recently-acquired Perry the Platypus plush, and colored on Perry's bill and tail. In the past, this would be caused an impulse reaction that almost certainly would have involved a call from the school to come and pick him up. (Even if the other kid deserves it, you just can't smack another kid in the head). But instead, he kept it together and remained calm while Perry got a "bath" when he got home and (luckily) came out all clean. Yay!

Interesting about the weight gain thing. Most of what I've read (and seen, based on DS' response) suggests that Adderall usually leads to weight loss (amphetamine amps up metabolism, and contributes to loss of appetite). Though I could see some weight gain being caused simply by the fact that the kid is capable of sitting at the table at mealtime!
DS had his best day yet yesterday! Only one minor meltdown at bedtime. Most importantly, another kid took his recently-acquired Perry the Platypus plush, and colored on Perry's bill and tail. In the past, this would be caused an impulse reaction that almost certainly would have involved a call from the school to come and pick him up. (Even if the other kid deserves it, you just can't smack another kid in the head). But instead, he kept it together and remained calm while Perry got a "bath" when he got home and (luckily) came out all clean. Yay!

Great news, he did better than I would have if someone defaced (or de-billed, or de-tailed, you get the idea) my Perry!

That's been one of the rough spots with DS, getting him to realize that even if someone does something to him, if he retaliates, he will probably be the one who is blamed. Is it fair? no, but it's pretty much the rules he will have to live with his whole life since he will likely always be the tallest/biggest kid in his class.
Interesting about the weight gain thing. Most of what I've read (and seen, based on DS' response) suggests that Adderall usually leads to weight loss (amphetamine amps up metabolism, and contributes to loss of appetite). Though I could see some weight gain being caused simply by the fact that the kid is capable of sitting at the table at mealtime!

Yes, you would think that wouldn't be the case (although you'd think that a stimulant wouldn't calm kids down, too!), but I think that's exactly it for this one! His weight gain has been dramatic. He finally sits still and can eat!
Hope everyone is well

Has anyone see this thread - i'm glad the little girl is OK but I have never read so many ignorant comments regarding Autism/Disablities in my life!!


This thread is horrifying! There are some bad people out there on the internet. Really makes you appreciate what we have hear. I hope they banned most of the commenters on that thread.
Holding in there! yourself?

I can't even finish reading that thread. :sad2: :sad1:

All good thanks - Tomas is progressing well in reception and we are getting good reports

Thread is a joke - I was half dissapointed that it was closed when I come across it, may have had one or two things to say:mad:

How are everyones families?
Well DS had his check-in yesterday for us to go over his IEP (Improvised Education Plan) and for the most part it went very well. His teacher is awsome this year and the addition of him spending a couple of minutes each morning with with a social group to get him focused and review anything that might have gone wrong the previous day sems to have resolved a lot of issues.

We were able to break out his daily behavior chart by month and it showed a consistant improvement. At the begining of the year he was having about 50% of his days catagorized as good, it jumped up to the 60's in October, 65% in November and 80% in December:cool1:. I was pretty impresssed with that concidering the chaos that the holiday season takes on the "normal routine".

It was a bit strange, we thanked his teacher for being so strict with him and holding him to his classroom behavior promises, she actually started to tear up.
Well DS had his check-in yesterday for us to go over his IEP (Improvised Education Plan) and for the most part it went very well. His teacher is awsome this year and the addition of him spending a couple of minutes each morning with with a social group to get him focused and review anything that might have gone wrong the previous day sems to have resolved a lot of issues.

We were able to break out his daily behavior chart by month and it showed a consistant improvement. At the begining of the year he was having about 50% of his days catagorized as good, it jumped up to the 60's in October, 65% in November and 80% in December:cool1:. I was pretty impresssed with that concidering the chaos that the holiday season takes on the "normal routine".

It was a bit strange, we thanked his teacher for being so strict with him and holding him to his classroom behavior promises, she actually started to tear up.

Nice! Great news! We had our PPT today as well (must be that time of year). Also went very well! And even more rewarding was how all the teachers went out of their way to tell us what an inspiration and help he has been to the other kids in special ed. Then it got pretty dusty...
Nice! Great news! We had our PPT today as well (must be that time of year). Also went very well! And even more rewarding was how all the teachers went out of their way to tell us what an inspiration and help he has been to the other kids in special ed. Then it got pretty dusty...

Good news all around, now we don't have to return their gifts!!!!
How did I miss this entire thread until now?

Bookmarking to catch up later...

I goes inactive for long periods, Brian, so it probably dropped off the screen. Good alternative to the disABILITIES thread, which the mods do a good job with but can get pretty wild sometimes... :confused3
I goes inactive for long periods, Brian, so it probably dropped off the screen. Good alternative to the disABILITIES thread, which the mods do a good job with but can get pretty wild sometimes... :confused3

Yeah - I prefer getting my info from this group - I have learned to avoid mod's as much as possible lately ;)

My son is currently timing himself on how long it will take him to run from the living room, to the refrigerator in the kitchen. So I may need some info on transferring a 7 year old from a tile floor to the emergency room with a broken leg.
Bumped for PPT meeting coming up!

Hope it goes well!

DS has had a rough time since the 2nd week of January. Playing phone tag between his pediatrician and psychologist today trying to get him set up on meds. His behaviors have been showing improvement but he just can't keep it together at school anymore and we are worried about the long term damage it is having on his self esteem.
I am glad I found this thread. One of my sons is PDD-NOS. And he can be a handfull. We were giving him medication that is usually used for ADHD but we had to stop because he was losing weight. He has a hard time focusing on the task at hand and someone (us, teachers, support staff) always has to keep his focus on what he is doing. Sometimes it can get very frustrated with this situation, but then there are times when its all worth it.

Let me stop, cause I feel like I am starting to ramble.

I am still glad I found this thread.
I am glad I found this thread. One of my sons is PDD-NOS. And he can be a handfull. We were giving him medication that is usually used for ADHD but we had to stop because he was losing weight. He has a hard time focusing on the task at hand and someone (us, teachers, support staff) always has to keep his focus on what he is doing. Sometimes it can get very frustrated with this situation, but then there are times when its all worth it.

Let me stop, cause I feel like I am starting to ramble.

I am still glad I found this thread.

Welcome! Glad you found us! Hope things start to get better. Spring is tough for everyone
good luck, we recently had our IEP meeting went really well. she has met all her goals and we had to write all new ones.:thumbsup2

Great news! Ours was supposed to be today (hence my day at home today), but got moved at the last minute until April 12th. Spoke to his doctor on the phone today and I think we're all set for a strategy to transition to a new school next year. Just need the school to agree ...


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