Moms to be Part 4

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Prenatals made me so sick!!!!!

Here our a few pics....

4 days old

2 1/2 days, coming home from the hospital

Congrats! What a cutie!
NEVERENOUGHWDW: He is such a cutie!! Enjoy every moment...they grow and change so fast and so much that first year!
We found out yesterday we are having a boy!

We are both excited and thrilled, although I'll admit I am a tad nervous about having a son. We have had all baby girls in my family for a long time, so our little guy will be quite the novelty! I'm looking forward to all of the special things about being a mother to a son. :goodvibes
NEVERENOUGHWDW - He's adorable. Congratulations!

We found out yesterday we are having a boy!

We are both excited and thrilled, although I'll admit I am a tad nervous about having a son. We have had all baby girls in my family for a long time, so our little guy will be quite the novelty! I'm looking forward to all of the special things about being a mother to a son. :goodvibes

I'm in the same boat. We have a 4 year old DD and this little one is a boy. I was kinda hoping for another girl bc I know what to expect from a princess and I'm prepared with baby girl stuff but I'm thrilled to have a son! Raising one of each should be interesting :)
We found out yesterday we are having a boy!

We are both excited and thrilled, although I'll admit I am a tad nervous about having a son. We have had all baby girls in my family for a long time, so our little guy will be quite the novelty! I'm looking forward to all of the special things about being a mother to a son. :goodvibes

amyren :thumbsup2

Yea BOYS!!!!!! We always had little girls in our family but know couldn't imagine my life with out our baby boy. He is 3 weeks today:cloud9:
I'm in the same boat. We have a 4 year old DD and this little one is a boy. I was kinda hoping for another girl bc I know what to expect from a princess and I'm prepared with baby girl stuff but I'm thrilled to have a son! Raising one of each should be interesting :)

We have a 3 1/2 yr old DD. She is insistent that neither of our twins are girls. She does not want sisters. :lmao: I don't know what we are going to do if both of these babies end of being girls. Our next ultrasound is June 11 so we'll find out the genders then.

Yesterday reality hit BIG time. I think its cause the babies were SUPER active:yay::yay:. I just got really overwhelmed with the whole situation. The biggest problem is that we don't have a vehicle to transport everyone at once. We are staying at my mom's until the babies are born since I'm not working & don't really have room to put everyone. Its going to be so cramped.

I saved all of DD's baby gear & luckily its all gender neutral, but we will still need more. Another swing, bouncer, carseat, double stroller, crib. I warned my mom yesterday not to go nuts buying clothes when we find out genders. She basically bought out Carters store before DD was even born... this time there is no closet space to do that.

We have a plan tho:teacher: DH just got a 2nd job :cheer2: I'm so proud of him, but hopefully it won't be for too long. Just till I can start working again. We are starting car shopping but everyone tells me to wait till August/Sept to buy because that is when they bring out next year models so this years models will be cheaper. We also have a friend that has a 3yr & 1 yr old boys. She is going to sell me her gear, I just have to wait to see how much she wants for it.:rolleyes1

Now if I could just get that panicky feeling to go away...:rolleyes:
Quinn Avery Rose was born at 12:54 am on May 23rd at 39 weeks 3 days. I need to get pictures off my camera (still haven't found the cord yet - we're still unpacking after moving into our new house!). Anyway, she's an absolute darling and I'm in love - I just need to convince her big brother Callum that she's here to stay! ;)

I won't get into the whole crazy birth story here, but I will just say that it was 2.5 hours in TOTAL (from the first regular contraction to birth) and I went from 5 cm dilated to time of birth in 20 minutes. No kidding. It also involved a scary case of shoulder dystocia, where poor Quinn got stuck on the way out with her cord compressed, and she had to be manually turned and twisted to get her out quickly. It hurt. A lot. But luckily Quinn wasn't any worse for wear (broken arms and collarbones are a common birth injury in shoulder dystocia) and neither was I, after she was out. Let's just say that Quinn-bug and I were a bit of a curiosity in the Mom and Baby Unit for the couple days that we were there after the delivery. :D

Hope everyone is still doing well!
Quinn Avery Rose was born at 12:54 am on May 23rd at 39 weeks 3 days. I need to get pictures off my camera (still haven't found the cord yet - we're still unpacking after moving into our new house!). Anyway, she's an absolute darling and I'm in love - I just need to convince her big brother Callum that she's here to stay! ;)

Hope everyone is still doing well!

Congrats!!!! So glad Mommy & baby are well!!!!
Can't wait to see some photos:)
We found out yesterday we are having a boy!

Little boys are so much fun! I'm having my third. :) Other people always sound so sad when they hear I'm having another boy, but I'm not sad at all. I'd much rather have 3 boys than 3 girls!!

I saved all of DD's baby gear & luckily its all gender neutral, but we will still need more. Another swing, bouncer, carseat, double stroller, crib. I warned my mom yesterday not to go nuts buying clothes when we find out genders. She basically bought out Carters store before DD was even born... this time there is no closet space to do that.

I wouldn't stress about the gear. The car seat, of course, is most important. Do you have a pack N play from your DD? If so, you could use that as a crib for a while. As for another swing and bouncer, couldn't you just put on in the swing and one in the bouncer and see if that works? I wouldn't rush out to buy another one of each of those right away. You may be able to just let them take turns. Check Craig's list for used items, too. It'll all come together. :goodvibes

Quinn Avery Rose was born at 12:54 am on May 23rd at 39 weeks 3 days. I need to get pictures off my camera (still haven't found the cord yet - we're still unpacking after moving into our new house!). Anyway, she's an absolute darling and I'm in love - I just need to convince her big brother Callum that she's here to stay! ;)

Congratulations! Welcome baby Quinn! Sure sounds like you had an exciting delivery!! Glad you both are doing well. can't wait to see pictures. :)
We found out yesterday we are having a boy!
Congrats on your little boy! :goodvibes

Quinn Avery Rose was born at 12:54 am on May 23rd at 39 weeks 3 days.
Congratulations on your little girl! I'm glad everything turned out well.

All's well here. We're about 25 1/2 weeks now. Can't believe how fast the second trimester is going! I have my first flight-while-pregnant coming up next weekend, when we go to Vancouver, so hopefully that will go well. It will be fun to get away.

Last week, I had one day where I nearly passed out and the next day I had spotting, but neither was a cause for concern at my appointment later in the week. Pregnancy really can mess with you. I've started carrying a small "emergency" bottle of water in my purse now, just in case I feel like passing out again. Baby's been very active and I can feel and actually SEE movement now...very exciting and reassuring!

Hope everyone is doing well and had a great Memorial Day weekend!
We found out yesterday we are having a boy!

We are both excited and thrilled, although I'll admit I am a tad nervous about having a son. We have had all baby girls in my family for a long time, so our little guy will be quite the novelty! I'm looking forward to all of the special things about being a mother to a son. :goodvibes

congrats on your little prince!

Quinn Avery Rose was born at 12:54 am on May 23rd at 39 weeks 3 days. I need to get pictures off my camera (still haven't found the cord yet - we're still unpacking after moving into our new house!). Anyway, she's an absolute darling and I'm in love - I just need to convince her big brother Callum that she's here to stay! ;)

I won't get into the whole crazy birth story here, but I will just say that it was 2.5 hours in TOTAL (from the first regular contraction to birth) and I went from 5 cm dilated to time of birth in 20 minutes. No kidding. It also involved a scary case of shoulder dystocia, where poor Quinn got stuck on the way out with her cord compressed, and she had to be manually turned and twisted to get her out quickly. It hurt. A lot. But luckily Quinn wasn't any worse for wear (broken arms and collarbones are a common birth injury in shoulder dystocia) and neither was I, after she was out. Let's just say that Quinn-bug and I were a bit of a curiosity in the Mom and Baby Unit for the couple days that we were there after the delivery. :D

Hope everyone is still doing well!

wow what a whirlwind! So glad she's here and safe. Congratulations!!
Hey ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. Can't believe it's already JUNE!! Time is flying by!!

We leave Wednesday for the beach. Hoping I don't regret planning this trip at 28/29 weeks pregnant and a 16 month old! Part of me is already exhausted just thinking about it! LOL!

Had my monthly check-up last week and I go back again at the end of this month. Then I'll start going every other week. We will also schedule a sizing U/S at my next visit, so I'll get to see our little guy again. I''m excited to see him again, to confirm he's still a boy!
Hey ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. Can't believe it's already JUNE!! Time is flying by!!

We leave Wednesday for the beach. Hoping I don't regret planning this trip at 28/29 weeks pregnant and a 16 month old! Part of me is already exhausted just thinking about it! LOL!

Had my monthly check-up last week and I go back again at the end of this month. Then I'll start going every other week. We will also schedule a sizing U/S at my next visit, so I'll get to see our little guy again. I''m excited to see him again, to confirm he's still a boy!

I just got back from my beach trip at 31 weeks pregnant. I survived! LOL And had a good time. But no other children to chase after. Good luck! I hope you enjoy it :goodvibes
Hi ladies! I was hoping I could (tentatively) join!

I'm 12 weeks 4 days pregnant, so still early days but we haven't told a lot of people yet so it would be nice to have people to share with!

We had an ultrasound yesterday for NT screening and got to see the baby bouncing around everywhere! The minute we tried to record the screen with our camera though, the baby went to sleep! We tried poking and prodding but nothing worked - at least we have a sound sleeper in there, lol!
Hi, ladies! I'm stopping back in after quite some time. My baby boy is 8 months old today! I never actually made it back to this thread after he was born to post my story...he just really kept me busy. I had him on Oct 9th, 4 days after his due date. I had contractions starting on Friday all the way up until we went in on Sunday morning. My water broke right before we left the house. When we arrived at the hospital, AJ's heart rate was very high, then went low during contractions so they immediately decided I needed a c-section. It wasn't "emergency" so DH was in with me and he was able to be with DS through all the weighing, etc while I was being stitched up.

Even though I did not want a c-section, it turned out fine. I was up walking very quickly and healed fast. The only sucky part was not holding him for about 30 minutes. The doc did such a good job thoug, at 8 months, my scar looks great. In fact, when we have another (we'll start trying next summer) I'll just do a repeat c-section.

Anyway, just wanted to say congrats to all those whose babies are here and are on the way!
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