

DIS Veteran
Aug 8, 2009
So we watched the movie.
Cute, very cute but honestly it felt like it is not complete. Plot was not deep enough and I kept thinking when adventure will start already.
The way they presented movie makes you feel like something huge, but it is just domestic problems between mother and daughter, nothing else.
Did we enjoy it, yes, but once is enough. it is not kind of movie I would watch again unless there is nothing else on TV.
One good thing about it, we got new princess in parks, who is absolutely adorable with all the hair and cute accent.
We saw it a few days ago, and I thought the same thing! The previews were setting you up for something epic and it wasn't. It was really cute and I think Merida might be my new favorite princess, but not the experience I thought it was going to be.
I agree. It lacked Disney magic. It also did not feel like a Pixar movie. The characters were not well developed and the plot was not compelling. Once is enough.

When Disney bought Pixar years ago, there was fear that Pixar would be "Disney-fied"--that they would apply the Disney formula (princess, magic, spell, side-kick characters, climax, resolution) to Pixar's art. Up until this movie, I thought that Pixar had retained the art and maintained their creativity. However, Brave seems like it was pushed through the Disney machine and rushed out as a summer movie, just to make some money. It did not feel like a Pixar movie or a Disney movie...
Yeah I guess I would agree. It wasn't what I thought it was going to be. Not quite sure where she was brave. More stubborn. Mulan was brave :).

I loved the movie but I understand what everyone is talking about.
I thought the movies was cute. I took a 6 y/o and a 3 y/o and they loved it. The 6 y/o wants to see it again.
Yeah I guess I would agree. It wasn't what I thought it was going to be. Not quite sure where she was brave. More stubborn. Mulan was brave :).

I loved the movie but I understand what everyone is talking about.

I was thinking same thing, what was bravery about. She rebeled against her mother, not like she saved China.:)
In a setting like Scotland, I expected something epic, huge, land itself calls for that but all they did cute accents and red hair.
I agree as well. I think I've been so spoiled by Pixar's amazing storytelling and animation that each new movie has to be absolutely earth-shattering to match up. I had hoped Brave would be a return to Nemo/Up/Wall-E quality and it just wasn't. It was cute, but it felt more on par with Dreamworks-type animation....cute and funny (in places) but not a lot of the depth I associate with Pixar. Oh well, maybe next time...
My family LOVED it--myself, DH and DS4. We even saw it twice! For YEARS people have been clamoring that Disney's princesses are not good role models for girls. And while I disagree with that assessment to a point, I have to concede a few things. The ultimate goal of every single princess movie, up to this point, has been to get the guy. Get the guy, and everything is peachy. Even if the guy has been an abusive jerk (Beast) or a thief who has completely lied to you about who he is (Aladdin). Even if you have to drastically change your appearance and give up everything you know and love to get him (Little Mermaid). Brave is a total departure. It is the first time we see a real relationship--with flaws and all--between a princess and her mother. It's the first time a princess's assets are tied to something besides her beauty. It's the first time the goal is not just to get married.

Also, it is the very first full-length movie my DS4 has ever sat all the way through in the theater. To me, that speaks volumes. Especially for a princess movie. (He's usually more of the Cars type.)
My family LOVED it--myself, DH and DS4. We even saw it twice! For YEARS people have been clamoring that Disney's princesses are not good role models for girls. And while I disagree with that assessment to a point, I have to concede a few things. The ultimate goal of every single princess movie, up to this point, has been to get the guy. Get the guy, and everything is peachy. Even if the guy has been an abusive jerk (Beast) or a thief who has completely lied to you about who he is (Aladdin). Even if you have to drastically change your appearance and give up everything you know and love to get him (Little Mermaid). Brave is a total departure. It is the first time we see a real relationship--with flaws and all--between a princess and her mother. It's the first time a princess's assets are tied to something besides her beauty. It's the first time the goal is not just to get married.

Also, it is the very first full-length movie my DS4 has ever sat all the way through in the theater. To me, that speaks volumes. Especially for a princess movie. (He's usually more of the Cars type.)

I agree with you that it's nice to see Disney create a princess who has something more than physical beauty and wants more out of life than to fall in love. However, comparing the movie Princess and the Frog to Brave, it's obvious to see the plot was not well developed. They hit the highlights but they could have done so much more. For example, the story of how the King was chosen for the Queen was reduced to a 2 minute re-inactment. They could have explained better the regime in which the Queen grew up and why she expected that of Meridia. They decided they need magic for the storyline, so they had a witch pop in-and-out without making her a real character. The Stonehenge-esque location seems like just another neat backdrop but is implied to be a mystical, magical place. Why couldn't they develop the significance of that location a bit more?

While my kids liked it, I don't personally feel a connection to the movie.
My family LOVED it--myself, DH and DS4. We even saw it twice! For YEARS people have been clamoring that Disney's princesses are not good role models for girls. And while I disagree with that assessment to a point, I have to concede a few things. The ultimate goal of every single princess movie, up to this point, has been to get the guy. Get the guy, and everything is peachy. Even if the guy has been an abusive jerk (Beast) or a thief who has completely lied to you about who he is (Aladdin). Even if you have to drastically change your appearance and give up everything you know and love to get him (Little Mermaid). Brave is a total departure. It is the first time we see a real relationship--with flaws and all--between a princess and her mother. It's the first time a princess's assets are tied to something besides her beauty. It's the first time the goal is not just to get married.

Also, it is the very first full-length movie my DS4 has ever sat all the way through in the theater. To me, that speaks volumes. Especially for a princess movie. (He's usually more of the Cars type.)

Like I said I loved the movie. I believe it was just mistitled. When I heard BRAVE I was expecting something totally different than what it was.
I was quite under the assumption that only the father knew of her archery skills and she was going to win a war or something. Not a mother and daughter squabble. I remember thinking "wow this is a totally different than what I expected". I liked it a lot but I was surprised.
Saw it opening weeked with my son. I thought it was a good movie, although better suited for a mother and daughter to watch together, lol :)
I think the 'brave' part came in with Merida standing up for herself, making a mistake, and not shying away from trying to correct what was wrong.
I do love her hair tho!
My family LOVED it--myself, DH and DS4. We even saw it twice! For YEARS people have been clamoring that Disney's princesses are not good role models for girls. And while I disagree with that assessment to a point, I have to concede a few things. The ultimate goal of every single princess movie, up to this point, has been to get the guy. Get the guy, and everything is peachy. Even if the guy has been an abusive jerk (Beast) or a thief who has completely lied to you about who he is (Aladdin). Even if you have to drastically change your appearance and give up everything you know and love to get him (Little Mermaid). Brave is a total departure. It is the first time we see a real relationship--with flaws and all--between a princess and her mother. It's the first time a princess's assets are tied to something besides her beauty. It's the first time the goal is not just to get married.

Also, it is the very first full-length movie my DS4 has ever sat all the way through in the theater. To me, that speaks volumes. Especially for a princess movie. (He's usually more of the Cars type.)

I totally agree with this!! My DH and I saw this movie and loved it!! And I loved that it didn't revolve about finding a man, like that's all that's important in life!! It's good, but not life itself .. sorry honey!! ... :thumbsup2
We thought it was a GREAT movie and so wlecome it. Saw it opening day with my two DGD age 10 and 8 and friends. I will watch again many time.:goodvibes
Like I said I loved the movie. I believe it was just mistitled. When I heard BRAVE I was expecting something totally different than what it was.
I was quite under the assumption that only the father knew of her archery skills and she was going to win a war or something. Not a mother and daughter squabble. I remember thinking "wow this is a totally different than what I thought". I liked it a lot but I was surprised.

I believe the original title was something like The Bear and the Bow. I'm not sure why they changed it to Brave. I can definitely see the point that Brave is perhaps not the best title--the main ideas of the film are the role of destiny/fate versus the choices one makes, not necessarily bravery. So I can definitely see that argument.

I also agree that I would have liked to have seen a little hint of what the stone circle structure was about. I didn't need a full-on explanation, but some hint of the significance.

Maybe it's because I read a lot of historical fiction and enjoy learning about history, but I didn't find a need for an explanation of why Eleanor expected Merida to fulfill her duties as she had. I realize this is in no way a historically accurate movie (ha!), but there would have been no reason for her to explain things--it was simply the role of a woman to obey, get married and fulfill her duties. There really wouldn't have been any reason for any daughter to expect anything else. We see it differently today because we can't fathom NOT having choices. So I guess that's why that bit made total sense to me.

It really was exactly what I expected, and I loved it. :goodvibes But we all have different tastes and opinions, and that's what makes life interesting!
My family LOVED it--myself, DH and DS4. We even saw it twice! For YEARS people have been clamoring that Disney's princesses are not good role models for girls. And while I disagree with that assessment to a point, I have to concede a few things. The ultimate goal of every single princess movie, up to this point, has been to get the guy. Get the guy, and everything is peachy. Even if the guy has been an abusive jerk (Beast) or a thief who has completely lied to you about who he is (Aladdin). Even if you have to drastically change your appearance and give up everything you know and love to get him (Little Mermaid). Brave is a total departure. It is the first time we see a real relationship--with flaws and all--between a princess and her mother. It's the first time a princess's assets are tied to something besides her beauty. It's the first time the goal is not just to get married.

Bravo!! I concur to all the above. The ending was REFRESHING.
Though, I will add that I think Rapunzel was a pretty cool princess too! She saved the dude!
I went and saw Brave with my DD (21) last night. Ironically, we had a big fight earlier in the evening;) Before going I had no idea what it was going to be ironic?! I really enjoyed it! I am soooo ready for our trip to the world in just 3 weeks! Our plan is to watch a Disney movie every other get in the spirit! ( not that we need any help with that, LOL)

I loved Merida's red locks and blue eyes, the accents and the setting. I never felt like the plot was lacking...sometimes I just want to watch, enjoy , and feel happy.
The Stonehenge-esque location seems like just another neat backdrop but is implied to be a mystical, magical place. Why couldn't they develop the significance of that location a bit more?

FYI Stonehenge is in England. Brave is set in Scotland. The Callanish Standing Stones on the Isle of Lewis were the inspiration for this film. Please don't confuse the two. They have very different stories.

Not being a Debbie downer but as a scot who has roots from the Isle of Lewis it is something close to my heart and it irks me when people confuse the two. :flower3:
FYI Stonehenge is in England. Brave is set in Scotland. The Callanish Standing Stones on the Isle of Lewis were the inspiration for this film. Please don't confuse the two. They have very different stories.

Not being a Debbie downer but as a scot who has roots from the Isle of Lewis it is something close to my heart and it irks me when people confuse the two. :flower3:

To be fair, she did say Stonehenge-esque, realizing it was not, in fact, Stonehenge itself. :)
So we watched the movie.
Cute, very cute but honestly it felt like it is not complete. Plot was not deep enough and I kept thinking when adventure will start already.
The way they presented movie makes you feel like something huge, but it is just domestic problems between mother and daughter, nothing else.
Did we enjoy it, yes, but once is enough. it is not kind of movie I would watch again unless there is nothing else on TV.
One good thing about it, we got new princess in parks, who is absolutely adorable with all the hair and cute accent.

I felt the same way. I liked the movie but I felt somewhat disappointed afterward.

Going in I was asking my wife where Brave would ranks among Pixar films. We guesstimated around #3. It wasn't a bad guesstimate:

1. The Incredibles
2. Finding Nemo
3. Toy Story
4. Brave

This is just my personal list, I love most of the Pixar movies. However, my list changes occasionally. Brave is up there now but it may fall lower eventually. I thought it was going to compete with The Incredibles but no chance.

Anyway, my kids loved it. My wife thought it was great. And I, thought it was pretty good. I have to admit, the girl's hair was the best!
FYI Stonehenge is in England. Brave is set in Scotland. The Callanish Standing Stones on the Isle of Lewis were the inspiration for this film. Please don't confuse the two. They have very different stories.

Not being a Debbie downer but as a scot who has roots from the Isle of Lewis it is something close to my heart and it irks me when people confuse the two. :flower3:

Fortunately, I did know it was not Stonehenge but I did not know it was a real place call the Callanish Standing Stones. Thank you for passing that information along. Now I can look it up and completely impress my kids with how much I seem to know about everything. Sadly, the day will come when they realize that it is not I but the Wonderful Wizard of Wiki who is the all-knowing one.


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