The Art Of Timing It Right (days 2, 3, 4 & 5 added)


Jul 20, 2012
The Art of Timing it Right TR

Just a warning…this will be long. I am unable to write concisely!

The day before- Sunday 2nd September 2012

We all had work today, so afterwards, in the evening at around 8 o'clock, Beth came to our house because we needed to get up early to get to St Pancras the next morning. Pretty much straight away Charlotte said that we needed to go to the kitchen because she had a surprise for us. I knew that she had been making something for the past few months but I had no idea what it was because she had been doing her secret project in the spare bedroom and I was banned from entry every time she was in there! So needless to say that I was excited to finally find out what it was. She had bought a photo album/scrap book from Paperchase and on every other page she had done a little illustration of Disney related things or something that means something to us all as friends. It is amazing! We couldn't believe that she had taken the time and effort to draw on every single page. She had also bought a little pink (and sparkly!) notebook for us to carry around and document exciting/funny things that happened so that we could transfer in to the big book when we got home instead of carrying around a big scrapbook.

(I have photos of this but I haven't uploaded them yet, I'll add them later on)

Then we had to start getting ready for bed because of needing to wake up at 4:15! We painted our nails (a kind of ritual…we do it all the time) and then tried to go to sleep. In the end me and Beth (my room is bigger so she stays in my room and Charlotte sleeps alone in hers) had to literally ban ourselves from talking because we knew that if we didn't it would struggle to get up more than we would already!

So anyway 4:15 (ish!) came, I got up, Charl was already awake, then came the task of waking Beth. She is not one for waking up! We got ready in a bit of a daze, it was slightly difficult because our parents were still in bed so we had to keep the lights and noise low. We packed the last things like make up and chargers then went to have breakfast. Just as I started eating, Gordon (our family friend who owns a chauffeur company and so was taking us to and from St Pancras for a discounted price- yay!) arrived ten minutes early, so there were an awkward few minutes whilst he sat on our sofa and I ate my golden nuggets. We loaded the car with our suitcases and left on time at 5:30.


part of the reason why our cases were so heavy!

The journey was fine, we only had to slow down a few times on the motorway due to congestion and then when we hit London of course it was Monday morning rush hour time so there was a bit of traffic but nothing momentous so we got to St Pancras in plenty of time. I think it took us about two and a half hours. I didn't really get to sleep on the way down but I didn't feel tired. Gordon had dropped us off right near the doors to the Eurostar check in and after a moment of confusion (I realised that King's Cross and St Pancras are sort of the same station after about 30 seconds) we went in to the station. Visiting the toilets was a task with three suitcases and hand luggage.
A tip for anyone visiting St Pancras: if you can, designate a luggage watcher so that you don't have to battle the inevitable queues for the Women's toilets with your bags.

The cases

It was still a little early to check in so we sat just opposite and had some flap jack! We weren't waiting for long when the tannoy came on saying that check in had opened for our train. We had to go to the desk to get our tickets reprinted because we rang Eurostar a couple of weeks before to request a table and by the time we had done that it was too late to reprint our original tickets before they sent them out. There were no problems and we were soon through to security then passport control. This was a strange experience for Beth who has never been on a plane or train abroad before and for me too when the metal detectors went off on me and I was searched! Don't know what I could possibly have been hiding under leggings and a top, but at least you know the checks are adequate. Then man at passport control who checked my sister's passport said "thank you Charlotte" as we left which we thought was really nice because he had taken the time to read her name, and usually the people seem really grumpy at passport checks.

We found a seat conveniently located opposite WHSmiths and Cafe Nero so Charl and Beth went to buy drinks. This was exciting because we normally never spend so much money on a beverage, haha. Charlotte got tea and Beth and I had an ice blend. We sat for a while then went to WHSmiths to buy all the trashy magazines. Someone had left their passports and travel documents on top of one of the aisles! A lady picked them up and asked if they were ours which they weren't. We didn't mind that because she was just taking care that they had actually been misplaced by somebody but then the cashier asked if we knew where our passports were because "we looked like the kind of people…" he didn't finish because we were adamant that they weren't ours but I was a bit offended…looked like what? A teenager? So therefore I am going to lose my passport? Okay!



a bit blurry...sorry


on the travelators...the drink was freezing my hand!

Soon after we were able to board even though it was before the time on the screens. Up the travelators we went and then we had to walk what felt like 6 miles to carriage 17. It was quite a struggle trying to lift three very heavy suitcases up the steps of the train - it was at this point we truly realised how beneficial adults can be when going on holiday! We were soon on the second leg of our journey to the Happiest Place on Earth! A man got on at Ashford and we were convinced that he was a cast member. Unfortunately he wasn't because he got off at Lille. Pretty soon after stopping at Ebbsfleet and Ashford the Cast Member came round with our Disney Express tickets. I gave him the conformation letter (that he kept) and he gave us our park tickets, a form to fill in and give to reception upon arrival, and our luggage tickets for the Express service. They are three tickets joined together like raffle tickets of which you rip one off and put the other two on your case. Then when you go to the luggage room at your hotel you give them the first ticket that you kept and they identify your case. Then when you are leaving you keep the second ticket and leave the third on your case! Phew.
A tip: label your cases with your name and destination hotel BEFORE you get on the train! We didn't think that we needed to do this but we did.

Then Charlotte had another surprise for us! She suddenly produced two little paper boxes that she had made from her bag. Inside were Beauty and the Beast Squinkies which of course we are too old to play with (!!) but we like because they are so tiny and cute. Plus my nick name is Belle so they are appropriate! There was more…two little pink tissue paper packages were inside. We opened them and found a necklace with a heart on and a bracelet from Accessorise each. We loved them but felt rubbish that we hadn't done anything for her!




I tried to sleep but it didn't work, and then all of a sudden we were in France! We didn't believe it and had to check that the number plates on the cars were foreign before we would accept that we had indeed been under the Channel and were out the other side. Soon after, though, there were problems with the power supply lines and so we were delayed for about forty five minutes. We wanted to get to Disney! It wasn't a big deal but we lost forty five minutes of park time, hey ho, there are worse things.


on the train

We finally arrived (loved seeing Space Mountain as we approached!) and then we had to try and get our suitcases off the train. They were really very heavy! We thought that a man was helping us but actually he just wanted us to get out of the way so that he could retrieve his final case that we hadn't realised was there. Because of the delay it was a little later than we had anticipated so we decided not to go to the Parks but straight to our hotel instead to wait for check-in. It was very easy to find Sequoia Lodge and took less than ten minutes to get there from the train station. The hardest thing was finding the Disney Express desk in the train station to drop our luggage off!
Another tip: it is on the very very top floor of the station! Also use the toilets on the train or pay a euro for the privilege in the station.


In the village!

Anyway we had walked through the village and past Hotel New York. Newport Bay looks amazing from across the lake, almost surreal. Then in to SL. Reception is straight past the restaurants, left, up the stairs, right, then down the hallway! We couldn't find it to begin with.


on the way to our hotel for the first time

I was a bit anxious about not speaking French, but we got in the queue and a lovely lady called Jenifer approached us with "bonjour" so we replied in English and she continued by speaking English to us. At first she thought my rucksack was in the 20th anniversary design but it isn't, unfortunately! She pointed us over to another lady who checked us in. We meant to write on the little card in the room about how nice and helpful Jenifer was during our stay but completely forgot. Sorry, Jenifer! We asked for 7am breakfast but got given 7.30. Maybe she thought we wouldn't get up for 7 as it was only just 3 o'clock so I doubt that all the slots had ran out! Oh well. We signed all the necessary documents and then followed the map to our room (South Wing 7215 I think). It was on the very top floor close to the lifts and we were astounded by the view. We could clearly see the Village, Tower of Terror, the DLH and even the top of the castle. Perhaps we were given this room because we sent an email to Guest Relations and if so then I am so glad that we did it. I would never have thought that having a good view would make such a difference but waking up and seeing the castle was amazing not to mention being able to see them (presumably) testing Dreams at about midnight before we went to sleep. I think we will miss that sight more than anything else! We had two large double beds, a table, two chairs, complimentary water etc etc. The sink is indeed separate from the bathroom just opposite a rail with hangers and the (very easy to use) safe but this was actually better for us when we were getting ready in the mornings. Everything was clean and the beds really are very comfy!


Can you spot Pascal in the window?

Of course we were excited by the chocolate coins and welcome message on the TV (how annoying is Sophie on the Disney TV? I'm so sorry if that's offensive to anyone but we are cheery people and she was just too much!) We offloaded some of the unnecessary stuff from our bags and set off for the Parks! We were a bit overwhelmed and probably should have taken a moment to soak everything in but we went straight on over to Small World after having walked down Main Street. I have read TRs of people saying that they feel at home when they walk down Main Street and now I know what they mean. I have definitely left half of my soul in Disney land!

Small World was practically a walk on and we we particularly fond of one of the statues that looked like a surf-boarding Nick Jonas. IASW was the first and last ride we went on during this trip! And I managed to acquire the Vinylmation during a trade. We were sat at the front of the boat too which was nice for Beth's first experience. Afterwards we were going to do the Story book boats but the queue was immense so we went to Pirates. This is where the title for this TR comes from: for almost the whole trip we seemed to time everything right. From arriving for parades to queuing for rides and seeing characters, the clock seemed to be on our side. Unfortunately for us, we ended up sitting behind a group of lads who thought it was really funny to flick water at all the other people in the boat. Needless to say we didn't agree.

Next we were going to go and unpack but we decided to do Snow White on the way out because we hadn't done it before. The queue was about half an hour and I wouldn't queue for it again but I am glad that we have finally done it. On the way out we got distracted by the shops. We didn't buy anything though I did see a vinylmation lanyard I liked and later wished I had bought. We went in to World of Disney in the Village. I chose a Parks vinylmation and a twentieth pin with Minnie on, then when I got to the till the man said I could choose an Animation Vinylamtion for 2 euros so obviously I had to! The vinylmations were Chicken Little and the only one I didn't want in the Parks' collection- the weird thing with the hat. We also got a Toy Story Alien mug for our friend who is obsessed with Toy Story.

Then we went to Earl of Sandwich! Yay! We were stupid and didn't read the step-by-step of what to do on the wall so we were a bit confused but I chose cannonballs, we ordered, then went to someone else and paid, then waited for our buzzer to go off. We sat downstairs because we couldn't be bothered to go up! I loved my sandwich and we immediately decided that we had to eat there as often as possible! Beth proclaimed that her tuna melt was "the best sandwich ever".


Only remembered to take a picture when we were nearly done!

Back at our hotel we collected our luggage. We were still a little baffled about where to go but soon figured out that luggage collection is just outside past reception and to the right. The man there was very nice and reminded us to take our cases back before 11 on departure day.

Then we unpacked! We had taken a suitcase full of food and it all but exploded. We unpacked our clothes, hanging some but putting most on the bench where I presume cases are supposed to go but we liked to be able to see our clothes when deciding what to wear. I forgot to pack socks! Ridiculous.



We loved the little rose by the sink. A nice touch!

Then we got ready for DREAMS! I changed in to my jumper which I was glad about because it did get quite chilly when the sun went down. Initially we found a spot on Main Street just after Casey's Corner but Beth and Charl went off on a mission to find a better place. This was just before 8 o'clock if I remember rightly and it soon got very very busy!
Yet another tip: if you want a decent spot for Dreams don't leave it until late because Main Street was packed full of people by 8:30.
On the way under the 20th anniversary gold sign a couple asked us to take a photo for them and they returned the favour. The lady had the best glittery nails I have seen! The photo of us all is on Beth's camera and we don't have those pictures yet. This also explains why there aren't many pictures of Charlotte because she was always the one behind the camera!


Beth & Charl found a great place just opposite the Disabled area on a grassy bank. We felt very wrong climbing over the fences but lots of other people had done it and no body was saying anything. Everything was great apart from people smoking. After waiting and the obligatory announcements in what felt like 20 different languages it began! I was very excited and I feel bad saying that it didn't live up to my expectations. I did enjoy it but I just wasn't astounded like I thought I would be. Saying that, though, I watched DLRP magic's video of it on youtube today and I now think that it wasn't working on full capacity the three times that we saw it because it seemed quite different on the film. I don't know, but if so it would explain why there were projections on to the castle at midnight!


waiting for Dreams

We decided to brave the rush on the way back and just followed the crowd out of the park. We couldn't believe that people were queuing outside Cafe Mickey at nearly ten o'clock but then we realised that it is customary in some countries to eat late, isn't it? It also explains why when we ate at about 5 o'clock there weren't many people about.

Charlotte had given us yet another surprise when we were unpacking our suitcases: Tinkerbelle PJs and a Blue Nose Friend (we are 5 years old at heart)! So we changed in to the pyjamas and got ready for bed, watching the test for Dreams running as we did so.


part of the view from our window

There we go! Day one is over! Congratulations if you made it this far. After day two I stopped writing my diary properly because I was too tired when we got back each night and just started making notes instead, so maybe day three onwards will be shorter! Just as a last note- Beth has more photos on her camera that I haven't uploaded to my computer yet. I will probably add them in a couple of posts at the very end!
Loving your trip report I thought we took a lot of food with us but not half as much as you :goodvibes I have Sophie and The Tens things to know before you go added to my favourites which I play to my DD's quite regularly their respose is similar to yours :rotfl2: but I love it just gets me more excited for our trip.The view from your room is amazing.
We didn't want ourselves getting peckish! :rotfl2: in the end we were eating tinned fruit at 10:30 am on departure day because we couldn't fit it in our cases. I liked watching her tips but she is just crazy. :rotfl: it really was brilliant, I have my friend's camera now so more pictures to come :)
Really looking forward to reading more, :)
Totally agree about Sophie! But I'd miss her if they changed it lol
Great fun, it read like a roller coaster :woohoo:

Also can't get over the food, you'd think you were off somewhere where food was rationned or something :lmao:

Waiting for next bit :goodvibes
Great fun, it read like a roller coaster :woohoo:

Also can't get over the food, you'd think you were off somewhere where food was rationned or something :lmao:

Waiting for next bit :goodvibes

Haha well our thoughts were the less money we spend on food the more we will have for things to bring home! :rotfl:
TR Day Two

We were a bit late for breakfast this morning because we couldn't get up! Only by about ten minutes so there was no problem letting us in to eat. We didn't have to wait and the lady took us to a table and drew the number 3 on the table cloth with a Mickey face around.


a bit halfhearted...

As everyone says, the selection was plentiful; we had pain au chocolat, croissants, yogurts and juice, all very nice and there were never any shortages. This first morning it wasn't very busy when we were there. After we had eaten we went back up to our room to put jumpers on as the mornings were quite chilly until the sun broke through. We quite liked this though because the sun soon got warm!



Extra Magic Hours are brilliant, there weren't many people around even though during the day it got quite busy. We were going to head straight for Dumbo but the board on Main Street reminded us that Peter Pan is open during EMH which was exciting for Beth because she is rather fond of Peter! The wait time said 5 minutes but it was next to nothing- it was like this every morning at about 8:15 when we were there. Definitely the best time to do it and save yourselves queueing for half an hour or more! We loved it but some of the lights weren't on so we couldn't see London town and the stars we dimmed too.


Afterwards we went on Dumbo which had a bit of a queue but again nothing compared to those in the day. Charlotte rode alone and was not very happy that she was sliding around! Then we took a few photos at the Alice meet and greet point. We must have hesitated for a second too long because a family decided that they didn't want to wait! We got our turn soon enough though.


Next we saw Perla and Mary doing a M & G, we just love the interaction that goes on between the characters and little children. :lovestruc We then stumbled across the Rapunzel meet and greet setting near IASW. We had wanted to find this because we love the film and especially Pascal but we did feel silly taking pictures straight after little girls in their princess outfits! :blush:



We wanted to get a fast pass for BTM so we did that next and went in to the Frontierland shop whilst we waited for the time to lapse. We bought quite a few things here and the Cast Member ended up offering my sister a basket because of the collection of stuff she was trying to hold which was nice of her. I will do a big round up of all our purchases at the very end with pictures, but some of the things we bought that I can remember are:
An anniversary pin each for Charlotte and I
A minnie mug
A pin lanyard each
Anniversary tea towels and a box set of 2 mugs
A couple of postcards
We sent all of this to our hotel! However we didn't know that you can't collect it until after 8 o'clock which was a little awkward due to how busy everywhere is after Dreams.

Then it was time for BTM! We haven't been since 2009 and Beth hasn't ever been before and so of course we loved it! Along with Peter Pan we rode BTM pretty much every day making as much use as we could of the fast passes. I think we only queued 'normally' once and it wasn't for very long.


planning after BTM

Afterwards we went to Discoveryland to go on Buzz. Didn't there used to be a statue of Buzz in the queue area or am I imagining that? It seemed very cramped in the queue and I don't recall that from last time. In the end we just sat and looked around because we were not very good at the more competitive side of the ride!! It also stopped a couple of times on the way around and I remember that happening the last time we were there. Is it a frequent occurrence?! We then went in the Constellations shop where we bought:
a booster pack of cupcake pins to share between us.
Minnie ears for our cousin
A few more postcards for our scrapbook
Some tins of sweets as presents
Again we sent these to our hotel to pick up later. The man that served us spoke to us about seeing Dreams and said he would be waiting for us to come back at Christmas to see Fantillusion! But it's not going to be on now, is it?



apparently I shouldn't take photos. Can't imagine why.

We decided to go to the Studios next to make use of our Park Hopper tickets. We could have stayed in the Disneyland Park but as we had paid for two parks we thought it would be a waste to not go over! I was quite tired and started to moan (sorry Charlotte and Beth). Just before we went in to Studio One we saw Lilo and Stitch messing around together. Charlotte was looking the other way so we told her to turn around because Stitch was there and she said "what REAL Stitch?!" They were brilliant, knocking on one of the food carts because it was closed and just making everyone laugh.

We decided to do Flying Carpets just because it's something you have to do. Glad we didn't queue for it though! Then we went to find Blockbuster cafe because we (are a little obsessed with) like High School Musical. We literally walked in and out again because it was really busy but I did feel like bursting in to song and dance…not something that would have been enjoyed by the other guests I am sure.

We also went over to Toy Story Playland but to be honest it was a little underwhelming and very busy so we didn't stay for long.


there was a finger print on Beth's lens for the entire day.

Then we did some shopping in Studio One, I bought an Animation Vinylmation and a Small World keyring. I got Alice and a bit of an odd keyring. Beth really wanted her Vinylmation to be Peter but it was Dodger from Oliver and Company. In the end she decided to keep him and not swap as it was her very first Vinylmation.

Then we randomly saw Ariel, Snow White's stepmother, Snow White, Mulan, Cruella, Jasmine and Daisy just walking through the studios! There are photos of this but I can't seem to find them

More shopping next! This time in the village. Disney Fashion and the Christmas shop were closed until 2 o'clock so we went in the ones that were open, though every shop is very similar really. When the other shops opened we went to those and although we found fashion quite disappointing the Christmas shop was lovely and we bought:
A decoration for our auntie in the shape of Mickey
A decoration for our mum with the castle inside
A shopping bag for our nan
Three little Mickey shaped dip bowls for us, our mum and auntie


on the way through the arcade to go to the Village


Resting in Disney Fashion

We popped to the train station shop on the way to the village and picked up an ice lolly from the train station because we were melting in the heat. A man stopped us on the way back over to ask if we already had our park tickets and we didn't think to keep walking and ignore him but luckily he didn't hassle us.

Then time for food at EOS again. This time I had Best BLT and it was the one I enjoyed most on the entire trip. We sat upstairs this time and it was really nice. If you do go to EOS then try to sit upstairs because the view is great. Some children were playing on the stairs outside though which made it difficult for us to get down them because they are not particularly wide.



Back to the hotel and we relaxed for a little while before going swimming. It wasn't too difficult to find nor far away because we find it by just walking around for a few minutes! The life guards ask for your easy pass and room number when you go in. The changing rooms weren't too small for us though I imagine that when it is really busy then two cubicles are not enough for everyone! And if we had children with us it would have been difficult. The lockers didn't require a euro as we had first thought which was good because we hadn't taken any money along. The water was a little chilly at first but not cold enough for it to be uncomfortable, apart from when we went from the jacuzzi back to the pool and then it was the coldest thing ever experienced! The outside part wasn't open even though it was really warm outside.

Has anybody even known of it being open? It got busier as time progressed so we got out at about 6 o'clock, by which time Charlotte had had enough anyway. We didn't take the cameras to the pool so no pictures but there are plenty of the pool around I'm sure.

On the way back a French family asked us where the pool was and we told them, but afterwards Beth figured out how to say it in French and wished she hadn't replied in English!

At reception we tried to change our breakfast reservation for the next morning at Plaza Gardens to a later time so that we could do EMH first but there weren't any slots left. Jenifer, the lady from check in the day before, told us that we could probably go at any time and they would let us in but we didn't want to risk being turned away!

Back in our room we dried our hair etc and then went back to the parks to ride BTM again. People were getting ready for Dreams at 7:30! After slight deliberation we decided not to fast pass BTM and just queued. The wait time said 45 minutes but it was more like 15! The ride was great but the pictures were awful. We never did get a good picture from Big Thunder.



Then we went for a walk around Frontierland then Adventureland. Hakuna Matata was closed so no chicken strips for us (yet!) We wanted to climb the Robinson's tree house but found the caves which we escaped because we didn't like being trapped! Then we found the tree house so went up it. It was okay but nothing special really. Beth got some good pictures when we were near the top.



Charlotte didn't enjoy it because she is afraid of heights! I bought the white tshirt with Disneyland Paris on it from the shop in Adventureland near the entrance.

Fantasyland closed at 7:45 so we decided to head back and give Dreams a miss so we could sort out our purchases and have an "early night"! We went in the Story book shop on Main Street on the way out and I bought the 20th Anniversary book. It was very expensive at 50 euros but I'm really glad I got it now that we are home and I have had the chance to look at it properly. The park looked amazing as the daylight faded and there were people everywhere waiting for Dreams! Crazy. On the way out we had a quick rest on a bench near the DLH and dreamed about staying there one day. :lovestruc


on the way out



Looking more than a little tired!

We decided to go in World of Disney again and they had the Sequoia Lodge pin badges! Yay! Every shop we had been in thus far seemed to have every hotel apart from ours. Jean Paul at the till was odd and laughed at the "reserve food money" in my purse. Well you've got to to be prepared! We got chips from Annette's take out for 2.50 euros. They were gone by the time we got to EOS! The man that served us was very friendly.

Back at the hotel we collected our purchases from the shop where we had to make sure that everything was there before we left which was embarrassing because we had to get everything out to cross reference it with the receipts! I saw a Dopey pin badge that I wanted but didn't buy it.

In the room we watched Disney channel (the programme about the teenage vampires is AWFUL!) and then we tidied up because the room was ridiculous. It didn't take very long so then we watched Wizards of Waverely Place like sophisticated adults.

According to my notebook I had also bought a Mickey 20th anniversary pin and a BTM pin by this time too.

I stayed awake writing my diary and Beth and Charlotte soon fell asleep! Again I watched the castle light up and in my notebook I have written "I do not want to go home!"

I should also add that I have Beth's pictures now :)
Christieand said:
Oh good! Thank you! I was a bit worried that it would be far too much but I am writing it as a kind of diary for myself too so I thought I would just go for it. :goodvibes

No detail is great at least you get one day in one post mine take like 3 posts lol x
Loving reading about your trip! You guys must be great at taking notes because the detail is awesome! Love the photos too! :)
Loving reading about your trip! You guys must be great at taking notes because the detail is awesome! Love the photos too! :)

Haha thankyou! I wrote an actual "diary" for the first two days but it was taking me about two hours each night to write it so for the rest of the days I just did bullet points.
Day Three

We had breakfast booked at Plaza Gardens this morning for 8:15.


We were going to ride Peter Pan as per morning tradition but decided to just go straight in for breakfast. As the title of this TR would suggest, we timed it right! We were there for about ten minutes before it started to get busy. As everyone else says, the selection was the same as in the hotels just in a nicer setting. We said that we would have had breakfast in there every morning if we had known how nice it was! We particularly liked the Nutella dispenser.


The only thing here is that they don't use table cloths, so once you have sat down it may be worth leaving one or two members of your party to 'watch' your table if you want to stay where you are because as members of staff swap over they don't know which tables have been allocated. Of course it didn't matter too much for us because there was only three of us, but if there are more it might be a bit trickier to find another table to fit you.




On the way to Fantasyland

So after breakfast we did Peter Pan (of course). It was quite chilly this morning so it was nice to warm up for a few minutes! There was no wait at all this morning even though it was about 9 o'clock ish. Then we decided we ought to do the carousel because we hadn't yet and what is a trip to Fantasyland without the carousel?


Beth took this picture of the horse I went on. Apparently it looks like me?!



the tea cups weren't working this morning

Next we were going to do Dumbo but the queue was too long (by long I mean in excess of twenty minutes! We had been so lucky with queueing so far I think we were getting a bit spoilt). Then over to Discovery land where we sat on one of the benches near Orbitron and people watched for a few minutes, before heading over to Constellations to pick up a few more gifts.
We got:
A 20th anniversary 'plate' for two of our cousins
A 'mickey' keyring for another cousin
two packs of sweets to take to work

Then we decided to head to the studios to do Parachute drop as we had wanted to do it yesterday but the queues were immense.


So, because it was just before ten o'clock (I think) we thought the wait wouldn't be too bad. It ended up being about half an hour so not too bad- the queueing area is okay but I don't think it is anything special.


We did, however, love the ride. Leaving our bags in the open felt a bit risky but of course everything was fine and you can see them the whole time, provided of course you aren't looking at what you can see from the top of the ride. Parachutes was what tempted us to try Tower of Terror the next day because "how different can it be?!" haha!

Unfortunately the Studio Tram Tour was closed which wasn't so much of a shame for me and my sister because we have done it twice before but it would have been nice for Beth to do. We will just have to go back! We thought it was warming up slightly so we changed in to our shorts then. However I think we were a bit optimistic because it never got all that hot!

Back to Disneyland Park next to see the celebration train. According to my notes we went on BTM before the train arrived using FP so we must have picked up the tickets before we left for the studios. We ate some snacks of chocolate and nuts in the short queue. Obviously our breakfast only a few hours earlier wasn't quite big enough! We were soon loaded on but in to separate carts so we didn't get the photo. I think we picked up another FP straight after…you would think we'd have had enough of BTM by now wouldn't you? Apparently not.


Blue sky anyone?


and again

The celebration train came and went, it must be brilliant if you want to meet the characters and the system they have of taking each character to a different area seems to minimalist chaos as much as possible! We loved how when the music comes on everyone runs down Main Street. It's like we are all conditioned to know that loud-ish music means something is going on on! It's also good how it's on three times a day to give you the chance to meet more characters.


We did the Story book boats next! Yay! Sorry I can't remember the actual name for it but I'm sure everyone knows what I mean. We loved this little ride and the queueing area is quite cute too. However, I was not too keen on the moving loading platform and made an idiot of myself when dismounting... but we'll leave that little anecdote there shall we? I think we could have done with going round at least three times to actually see everything! Loved Rapunzel's tower (of course) and the miniature Flynn.



BTM again next! Sorry to be boring and all that. Then we went to do Pirates again. We were behind a group of students in the queue who were a bit…enthusiastic! On the ride we ended up behind a group of girls who were convinced that the ride was like a log flume and were very concerned about their hair and belongings. Needless to say that they felt a bit better when we assured them that there is minimal water-splashing involved!


Pinnochio followed and although the queue was about half an hour we decided to do it anyway because it was one we hadn't done before. Queueing was not a pleasant experience and we all got a bit short-tempered because we were hot and tired, but it was okay once we were loaded on. I definitely wouldn't queue for it again though! We thought all the clocks at the end were cute- we were held there for a few seconds so got to properly look at them.

Gibson Girl provided us with some much needed sugar afterwards! We got some ice cream and because we all paid separately due to having our own money we all got a ticket for a free drink later on which was nice and unexpected. We sat down opposite Walt's and tried to eat before they melted! It must have been hotter than we thought. It also didn't help that we thought it would be a good idea to get three scoops each…


Then we decided to head back and picked up a few pens to add to our cousins' presents from the Storybook store. They are black with a subtle patter of the Parks on which we thought would be best for teenagers at the stage in life where they like to pretend that they are too cool for Disney!

In the village we popped in to see if Disney Fashion had a different size in a top that Charlotte saw and liked yesterday but they didn't so we went back to the hotel to sleep for a while.


I ended up finding it really hard to wake up which was really frustrating for Charlotte and Beth and made us later for the parade than we should have been. I still feel bad more than a week later! Here are my sincere to the two of them for being lazy, I really am sorry. To make matters worse, we were walking from the hotel to the village and I realised that I had forgotten our video camera which of course we wanted for the parade. Charlotte offered to go back for it even though it was my fault because I was the designated camera person for that day and I had forgotten to pick it up off the side. Of course this only made us later for the parade.. This was one of the occasions where we definitely did not time it right! Beth and I waited by Lake Disney for her to come back and then we were on our way, making it to the Park about ten minutes before the start of the parade instead of our planned half an hour.

We ended up stood behind a dustbin which wasn't too bad I suppose.


so many people!

We really enjoyed the parade and found ourselves wishing that we had seen it before. Today's Flynn and Rapunzel were great, at one point he pushed her on the swings as they went round the corner.


How brilliant is Peter Pan?!


Also, we want to know how the fairies wheel along like that because it looks like fun!

When the parade finished we headed through the shops instead of battling the insane crowds on Main Street to get to Adventureland.

Obviously we had to come out when we reached the last one and we were just near Central Plaza opposite Adventureland when we spotted an SD card lying on the pavement. We scooped it up and took it to Lost and Found in City Hall. We really hope that somebody realised and went to claim it! We know we'd be devastated if we lost (all 1000+ of) our photos so fingers crossed the people were reunited with their pictures. There was one of the little plastic cases that you store them in next to it so we think that it had fallen out of a bag when the camera was being taken out.

So the parade had finished and we had walked from Central Plaza to City Hall and back again. Surely this called for food? We headed to Hakuna Matata to try the elusive chicken strips and redeem our free drinks vouchers from earlier (has anyone else noticed that it says "goblet of carbonated soda" as the description for what you can have to drink?! Is this an average description for a fizzy drink?!) Charl had left hers in the room though so we shared two and also got two chicken strip portions to share. They were plenty big enough and we are still dreaming about them now. Probably not something I should admit to but we like to eat…


Then we just walked round Adventureland a little bit but we didn't really feel like doing any of the rides so we went over to Discoveryland to see what the queue for Star Tours was like but it was too long so we went in to the shop where you can trade Vinylmations. I don't quite know if we bought anything (sorry!) but as I said yesterday I will do a big round up of everything I bought at the end. I made a mental note to remember to take my Vinylmation tomorrow so that I could swap the ones I don't like as it was the only shop where we had seen the black trading boxes. Are there any other anywhere?

I went a bit mad next and spent near enough 30 Euros on a blanket. I got the 20th Anniversary one because I had been pondering on it since we arrived and finally made my decision. It ended up being a blessing because we were cold whilst watching Dreams so wrapped it around us! We must have looked very strange but there's nothing new there!


Charlotte took it upon herself to take the weirdest photo possible.

It was only about 7:45 but we decided that it was time to wait for Dreams and there wasn't anything that we felt like doing because Fantasyland had closed and there wasn't really enough time to queue for anything if we wanted to get a decent spot.


Our favourite princess

We happened to be opposite a couple who were quite public with their displays of affection towards one another which is fair enough but proved a little awkward for us each time we looked up!


Too many people to even think about

When Dreams was on there was a couple near us who we presumed had just got engaged because the lady was holding her hand up to the camera.

Of course after Dreams there is a huge amount of people all trying to get out of the Parks! We thought we would just wait for the majority to disperse but we ended up just going with everyone else, it wasn't too bad though I wouldn't like to do it with small children. Main Street just looks so pretty at night.

Back at the hotel there was the biggest queue for the lifts ever, but we were soon up to our room as everyone was patient and it was better than climbing stairs up to the seventh floor! That's if there are any stairs?! We certainly didn't know where they were and didn't fancy trying to locate them at such a busy time. There we had some soup as a late-night snack and watched the Disney channel again. Just as a tip to anyone who wants to perhaps take their own food as far as possible: you can get little sachets of Heinz tomato soup (they look a bit like clear versions of Frube yogurts) and you just add water in a mug to make soup. They are a lot tastier than your average cup a soups!

Only one full day left! Tales of Rainforest cafe, an interesting experience on Orbitron and first times on Crush and TOT are to follow!
Can't wait for the rest! I was so happy when I saw you'd updated, it gave me something entertaining to read while feeding my baby lol x
Wow I love how you are getting on with this TR well done you!


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