Official WDW Marathon Weekend 2013 Thread-Part 2

sunshine girl said:
Love all the photos!! Congrats again, everyone!

I stayed at WDW for several days after the race and wore my medal every day. Such a great time! Unfortunately, I came down with the flu (which may have started somewhere at Disney, but really kicked in when I got home)... probably due to overdoing it. Even though I did indeed get a flu shot. AND already had the flu back in October. Talk about post-race letdown!!

You got sick too? The minute I came home the sniffles started and this weekend has been hell. I've had the worst head cold.
You got sick too? The minute I came home the sniffles started and this weekend has been hell. I've had the worst head cold.

Me too! Came home to smiles that turned to dd waking up in the night with the stomach flu, I got it a few days later. Not the best post race recovery method...
Love all the pictures everyone is posting!!

I had a lot of fun doing the half, but I wont do Donald again.. too crowded! I did sign up for the Dumbo Double Dare at the expo though which I am excited about!

Anyone doing Princess next month? I am feverishly working on my costume for it!!
Laurabearz said:
Love all the pictures everyone is posting!!

I had a lot of fun doing the half, but I wont do Donald again.. too crowded! I did sign up for the Dumbo Double Dare at the expo though which I am excited about!

Anyone doing Princess next month? I am feverishly working on my costume for it!!

I will be at Princess! I am going to be dressing as Belle;). Can't wait, but it is a super quick trip for me, down Saturday and home Sunday:(.

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I'll be back for Princess! And I just signed up tonight for Dumbo! Yes, all my money will be going to Disney this year!!
Here is my DATW menu from Monday with FFigawi and the gang.

England – Welsh Dragon (3/4 ounce peach schnapps 3/4 ounce melon liqueur 1/2 ounce green crème de menthe)
France – Grand Mariner and Grey Goose Slush
Morocco – Habibi Daquiri
Japan – Sake (glass)
USA – Sutter Home Pinot Grigio (glass)
Italy – Limoncello (shot)
Germany – Jagermeister (shot)
Africa – thank goodness no alcohol served
China – Peach Snap (frozen drink with peach schnapps)
Norway – Linie Aquavit (shot)
Mexico – Blood Orange Margarita
Canada – only served beer so I didn’t get anything there.

I think this took around 6 hours or so.
Can't wait to do it again.
Love all the pictures everyone is posting!!

I had a lot of fun doing the half, but I wont do Donald again.. too crowded! I did sign up for the Dumbo Double Dare at the expo though which I am excited about!

Anyone doing Princess next month? I am feverishly working on my costume for it!!

I will be at Princess! I am going to be dressing as Belle;). Can't wait, but it is a super quick trip for me, down Saturday and home Sunday:(.

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards

I'll be back for Princess! And I just signed up tonight for Dumbo! Yes, all my money will be going to Disney this year!!
I'll be back for the Princess, too! Still working on the costume...thinking Snow White but that might change.

Didn't make it to DATW... but did get to have dinner at 'Ohana Saturday after the half.
CaptHomer said:
Here is my DATW menu from Monday with FFigawi and the gang.

England – Welsh Dragon (3/4 ounce peach schnapps 3/4 ounce melon liqueur 1/2 ounce green crème de menthe)
France – Grand Mariner and Grey Goose Slush
Morocco – Habibi Daquiri
Japan – Sake (glass)
USA – Sutter Home Pinot Grigio (glass)
Italy – Limoncello (shot)
Germany – Jagermeister (shot)
Africa – thank goodness no alcohol served
China – Peach Snap (frozen drink with peach schnapps)
Norway – Linie Aquavit (shot)
Mexico – Blood Orange Margarita
Canada – only served beer so I didn’t get anything there.

I think this took around 6 hours or so.
Can't wait to do it again.

Canada- had some of my mom's Torontopolitan and a Labatt beer.
Carl recommended the Bumblebee in the UK. Best beer ever!!
France champagne
Morocco Casa beer- okay
Japan Sapporo beer- love love
USA Sam Adams. I'm a fan but didn't like their spring seasonal.
Italy - White wine flight at Tutto Gusto. Hated the Sauvignon.
Germany- Oktoberfest beer YUM.
China - Cantoloopy
Norway - Carlsberg beer. Very good. Tasted the Aquavit and thought it was the worst thing ever.
Mexico - jalapeño margarita. That thing was gross. I don't know what everyone raves about. Should have just had a classic.

I can't believe it took you only 6 hours!! We basically spent an hour in each country. I guess that was good because I was able to walk on my own two feet. We left Mexico as Illuminations was starting.
Marathonfoto must have just added more pictures in the last day or so. I now have my full finish line pictures in there that weren't there the other day. I think all of my pics are there now.
Since we're sharing pictures.

Dead tired:

A finish line shot. Unfortunately, marathon foto didn't get a good shot of the three of us but my fried was able to catch this from the video she bought from them. Bad resolution, but I like it anyway.

And don't worry, we didn't run the race 3 abreast, but we did want to cross the finish line together.
Marathonfoto must have just added more pictures in the last day or so. I now have my full finish line pictures in there that weren't there the other day. I think all of my pics are there now.

Before the races I was planning on ordering the Goofy package but I don't think I will. There are just not as many photos as there were last year and out of both races I don't have any good "crossing the finish line" shots. :sad: I do think they added more videos for the marathon though (AK, WWoS, etc.).
Aw, bummer. I would love to buy my Goofy pics and video but for over $100...ugh. Just can't justify it.
Back home and officially a marathoner!
We stayed in WDW the week after the marathon, and already the race itself is blurring. I'm glad I took lots of pictures!

Here's my recap:
My plan going in was to have a fun race - high five spectators, cheer on others, stop for photos, run/walk at a good pace for me but not all out. Also, I was running with a good friend from home, "C", but we had never trained together. She is a slow runner and I am a moderately fast walker - she trains at faster paces but I have faster race times - so we were hoping it would kind of even out. Thought we could do a 6:10 including photos, but wasn't aiming for time really.

The day before I was a little nervous that we had spent too much time on our feet at the expo, kids race, and parks. But I think I was less anxious for this than I was for some of the halfs I've done. I put in the training, I had a plan for eating and pacing, my mentality was pretty much "ready or not, it's race time". The one other thing I was nervous about was how long we'd be awake before starting. Being in Corral F, I would be awake for 3.5 hours before starting the race - I was nervous I might be tired.

On race morning, I had no trouble getting up and getting ready. DH and I got on a bus somewhere around 3:30am. We met up with our friend "C" and were happy to see photographers in the pre-race area. DH went off to Corral B and we followed thru bag check shortly after. C and I sat in our corral until everyone started standing up. Best thing I brought was a throwaway towel - I think it was $3 on clearance. I sat on it for a while, then wore it around my shoulders until it was our corral's turn. I was a little chilly at the start and C reminded me how hot we'd be later.

My pace and C's pace didn't quite line up as well as we'd hoped, but we were determined to do this together. Feet started to get a little sore earlier than expected (mile 12?) but didn't get worse. Legs didn't want to go any faster about that same point, so it was just a focus on putting one foot in front of the other. I feel so fortunate that I never hit a wall. There were challenging spots, but I never felt so miserable or like I couldn't finish. If it's possible, I feel like I got stronger after mile 20. After that, the course was so enjoyable, the finish was nearing, and I had become a coach. C was really feeling the heat, so I was encouraging her and helping her as much as I could. I think it was helpful in a way, since it took me out of my own head. We found the energy for some silly photos in Epcot and managed to run in to the finish with a time of 6:52. 9 days later and I still can't believe I'm a marathoner!

I said this would be my only marathon, but I'm thinking I might do one again - just not in the next year!

Overall highlights:
Someone in our corral reminded us that as first timers, we'd be setting a PR no matter what the time!
On the way to MK, a little girl spectator yelled out "Go Little Mermaid!" (my costume)
Running through the castle
WISHers - you guys were amazing! Pretzels, Twizzlers, and salt packets!

Overall misses:
They were out of Clif shots at the first stop
Running by the waste area - pew!
No balloon for the back of the back at mile 20

And the infamous 20-mile surprise...I actually liked it and recognized the giant puppets as from DL, but it was less than I had imagined. It wasn't a let down during the race per se, but later when I was thinking about it, the mile 20 surprise was a factor in me registering!

Beating the heat - the heat wasn't great, but it didn't bother me nearly as much as others. I had pre-hydrated the whole week prior to the race, and took water or Powerade at every stop - sometimes 2 cups. I wore sunscreen and sunglasses as well. It may have helped me that I've been going to hot yoga 2x a week for the past 3 months - so even though my training runs have been in the winter, I'm still used to exerting myself in the heat. We used some imagery from our MN winters - "can't you just feel your snot freezing right now?!"

And I'll leave any hopeful 2014 or 2015 marathoners with this quote:
"Go as far as your dreams."
(It's from a Cinderella II song lyric of all places)

Anyone know where I can get the "pumped up" Disney classics they were playing before/during the races? I asked at several stores but the cast members were less than helpful...
If you go on iTunes and look at the Disney Mania CDs - that's what most of mine are from.
Here is my DATW menu from Monday with FFigawi and the gang.

England  Welsh Dragon (3/4 ounce peach schnapps 3/4 ounce melon liqueur 1/2 ounce green crème de menthe)
France  Grand Mariner and Grey Goose Slush
Morocco  Habibi Daquiri
Japan  Sake (glass)
USA  Sutter Home Pinot Grigio (glass)
Italy  Limoncello (shot)
Germany  Jagermeister (shot)
Africa  thank goodness no alcohol served
China  Peach Snap (frozen drink with peach schnapps)
Norway  Linie Aquavit (shot)
Mexico  Blood Orange Margarita
Canada  only served beer so I didnt get anything there.

I think this took around 6 hours or so.
Can't wait to do it again.

Here's my menu...
Canada - Labatt's (as someone said, it tastes like college)
England - Guinness
France - champagne
Morocco - beer
Japan - sake
USA - Sam Adams
Italy - limoncello
Germany - pilsner
China - ginger slush
Norway - aquavit
Mexico - jalapeno margarita

We had a great time! Looking forward to 2015!
[Addendum] I started this on the plane last Tuesday. I was going to post after proofing Wednesday then the flu hit. Holy Smack! I went from thinking of a run in the cool Houston weather to shivering in the fetal position in my bed in less than an hour. Today is day 8 and I still fight a slight fever. The feds in charge of mixing the flu shots this year missed this; BADLY. They went on to post stories about how the flu shot would ‘minimize’ the effects of the flu. I call BS and apparently others did as the shot is off the market according to the doc I saw. Poor lady went through the shot then 2 cases of flu. Back to the original…

This weekend was just that. I felt woefully underprepared for the weekend and my results showed that in the final results. Well that and a terrible step at mile 4 on Sunday.

The half felt hotter than the first 13 miles of the marathon. I ran it with my daughter. Our time was not spectacular but it was her first and a PR for her. We did go out on the day a little harder than we should have and I pulled her back in the second half of the race. I was cramping in the last half of the race so we did some walking to work wound the issue. At the line, she tried to out sprint me and Miranda crossed the finish just in front of me…. We ran into Betsy in the ‘secret’ portolet area pre-race. We also ran into Katie in the corral. Finally we walked a bit with Shelby around mile 10 of the race.

Sunday came early. We headed over to Epcot and were kind of late. We had a simple walk to the staging area, and then off to the corrals. I reset my run walk timer to a 2/1 ratio thinking I would use that as a way to slow up the race. The gun fired and I was feeling racy. I thought the first half of the race felt fairly cool and was hoping that the weather guys were wrong. I am sure the thing making it cool was the near 100% humidity. I had a misstep in the MK parking lot area. I found a spot in the pavement that had sloughed off and I wrenched my ankle. It was not all that bad at first and I was able to continue on. However, around the AK area, it forced me to mostly walk. I quickly did some math as I passed mile 14 and realized that I had the race in hand, maybe. I would add a jog here and there but was mostly averaging 17 mm.

Around mile 15 I noticed a gentleman with a very awkward stride and started chatting with him after playing tag for a mile or so. It was Perfect 20 runner Bill Terlop. He fessed up that that he wanted to finish this one as it would be his last. He was having a real knee issue and saying that at age 70, he thought this was enough. He added during the race that he thought there were maybe 20 of the 94 Perfects who would call this their last. Being a little brain stupid I was shocked until we discussed the ages of those with the streak. He did say that in 94, there was one in their group who was underage at the time. He thinks that guy will be the last survivor since he is only 37 today. I ran with Bill until the on stage portion of DHS where I wished him well and waddled off. It was time well spent.

I ran into Paul, another Perfectly Goofy in the Beach club area. We walked to the shade of Morocco where he sprinted off. I looked up in the area of Germany and a marvelous spectator was offering cups of beer. She had passed out two just in front of me. She was holding the cup up and I asked if it was for a friend. She said it was for anyone and I thanked her. MMMMMM beer, it cures all. I ran the last half mile into the finish, almost catching Paul.

Impressions of the new course.

I miss the first Epcot Loop. From a course crowding perspective, helped string out the crowding in before MK

I liked the Indy Track, but not the tunnel. I lost some time along the track with the cars of my generation and stopping to talk with a couple owners.

I liked hitting AK earlier in the race. I think it helped with the sun on Osceola. It also helped not having the spectators in the park in my opinion.

I did not like some of the WWoS loop. I found it nice to be able to run on grass, but really hated the warning track in the ball field – it was not friendly to the ankle. Victory Way was very cambered. I guess my thoughts are that they tried very hard to get every inch of WWoS into the race.

What was Mile 20 spectacular? Maybe it was the fact that I was only able to walk or the heat or the Japanese tour group who would stop for a photo and take half the course. I was less than impressed.

I loved the Green Army Guy again. He yelled out there would be NO walking on his hill and if you wanted to walk, you must have enough energy to give him 20. Three guys stopped and gave him 20 right there.

Final Thoughts.

I was happy to complete the weekend. The year leading into this race was less than banner for me personally. I am using this as a springboard to kickoff a new year. (OK I was until the flu).

I have not read all reports but want to offer some perspective on this race in particular. Of my 22 marathons, this was by far the toughest to complete. I CONGRATULATE all who finished. It is usually not this bad. But even more, I want to tell those who may have fallen by the wayside during the event that because this was so warm, you have nothing to hang your heads for. I saw a sag bus in the AK parking lot. It was not running as I passed but if it were running with the air on; I may have hopped it then and there. Maybe it was the virus, maybe it was the heat but I was toast then and there. I was late enough in the race as Bill and I were talking about the races through the years that we saw the lantern rouge. I could see the determination and drive in the eyes of most folks I met on the way out of the WWoS. You could also see that there were a few who were really waiting on the bus as well, though not many. I yelled and cheered as best I could from the other side of the cones. I hoped that helped.

Again, congrats to all who tried this weekend.
Looking at the spreadsheet of the results a couple of things pop out.

If bib numbers were indicators of what race one participated in then one can make a few observations

One person signed up for marathon and ran half (bib 15424)?
526 Goofy’s finished half, but didn’t do full
102 Goofy’s finished marathon, but didn’t do the half (and probably got a Goofy medal)


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