Casey Anthony Civil Trials Discussion

My mom agreed with myself that the movie wasn't very good.
Jeff Aston came off extremely too wealthy (with the house, wife) as well as young.
It also made him look like an arrogant jerk who did an awful job. It actually made me think I wouldn't have convicted Casey with that evidence.
My mom agreed with myself that the movie wasn't very good.
Jeff Aston came off extremely too wealthy (with the house, wife) as well as young.
It also made him look like an arrogant jerk who did an awful job. It actually made me think I wouldn't have convicted Casey with that evidence.

I didn;t get the opinion at all. Jeff, I didn't think he did a bad job at all
I didn;t get the opinion at all. Jeff, I didn't think he did a bad job at all

My mom agreed, so that is just our opinions.
I also didn't like the scenes where they were out and about eating, while discussing the case. I don't think that happens in real life.
They said Baez is handing several cases of the victims of the Auora CO moving shooting? When did he become a Prosecutor in CO LOL
Regarding the fool proof suffication search on computer

Yes, bozo himself wrote about in his book after the trial. Prosecution and state completely missed that. They never checked all the browsers on the computer. It was found on a browser that was not normally used. But it was used that day.
Sorry its so big. This was a pic taken by Adam Longo who did an interview with her.

Wonder who her new older mature looking friends are? No friends her own age any longer? Maybe financial supporters?
I know it's just how things are, but I find it hard to imagine that there are people who actually WANT to be in a picture with her - much less all smiling. Kind of makes you a little sick.

ETA: I just read that Adam Longo has a 2 year old daughter. I know he's a reporter, and Casey Anothony is a big story, but no way would I be taking a friendly photo with her.

2nd ETA: This interview doesn't look too popular.

3rd ETA:

Taken from the article:

Q. Why do you think you were able to break the story?

A. “I think I’ve established a good rapport with all of the people involved in this story in some form or fashion, including with Casey Anthony herself. She and I have had multiple conversations over the years that helped to establish a trust and a mutual respect. I have been able to break multiple exclusive stories over the years because I stick to my word, and other sources trust me to quote them accurately and not break their confidentiality. There’s a lot of negativity directed toward the media in regards to this case, and that’s because certain ‘journalists’ have decided to make themselves the centerpiece of the story. Or they misrepresent someone’s intentions and actions. Or they break their word to sources who have trusted them. Attorneys and others, including Casey Anthony, know that I am completely objective, and I have no agenda other than presenting the facts in the most fair and straightforward manner.”


Just popping to say that Jose Bozo is going to be on Dr Phil tomorrow talking about CA and her bankruptcy and whatever other BS comes up. I'll record it and probably leave it on my DVR for a while before deleting it. Still haven't watched the Ashton movie...I know how it ends and I don't like it.

Just popping to say that Jose Bozo is going to be on Dr Phil tomorrow talking about CA and her bankruptcy and whatever other BS comes up. I'll record it and probably leave it on my DVR for a while before deleting it. Still haven't watched the Ashton movie...I know how it ends and I don't like it.

And somehow its even worse the second time around!
Bozo: The jury listened to the evidence
Dr Phil: No they didn't, they listened to a story, there was no evidence of sexual abuse.

Watched the show. Opinion of Bozo hasn't changed, Dr Phil was decent. Seems like there are stories that CA and George have reconciled. :confused3 Guess she reconciled with her abuser and cause of her child's death.
Bozo: The jury listened to the evidence
Dr Phil: No they didn't, they listened to a story, there was no evidence of sexual abuse.

Watched the show. Opinion of Bozo hasn't changed, Dr Phil was decent. Seems like there are stories that CA and George have reconciled. :confused3 Guess she reconciled with her abuser and cause of her child's death.

I wonder if his opinion has changed against Cassey?


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