TTC thread take 2

I'm glad I've given you a bit of hope but I'm SO SORRY to hear about all of your issues and now that your RE isn't in your insurance network. Infertility is hard enough without the added crap. I will be praying your current RE can find someone in network for you that's willing to start IUI right away. My insurance doesn't cover infertility treatments at all so we have to pay for everything OOP. I'm actually getting a loan for our upcoming IVF. We also paid OOP for my IUI's to get pregnant with DS. Money sucks! Have you thought about possibly freezing some of your eggs and trying to use a surrogate instead? I know it's a hard thought to give up the possibility of carrying your own child. Another lady on here a year or so ago used a surrogate and has a beautiful DS from that.

Good luck with this cycle!! I'm surprised your Dr hasn't checked for Endo and all that before hand. Have you had an HSG and ultrasounds?

I have had an HSG, and I have had several ultrasounds(looked at by at least 3 mds). Yesterday, though, for the first time, he spotted what he thinks is an endometrial cyst. I need to call and ask if he thinks it is new or if he thinks it has been previously missed. Anyway, he said the most current thinking, given its size and other factors, is to go ahead w/ treatment rather than surgery, so starting with round 1 of follistim today.
I understand that everyone's infertility journey is different, but I'm just wondering if others feel the same way I do....

The Indiana lottery has just launched a 'What would you do?' campaign, where people talk about what they do if they won. One woman (who happens to be deaf) signs that she would love to have a baby, and if she won she could afford IVF.

Now, on the one hand, this woman chose to do this, and it's her story to tell...I just find myself pretty disgusted with the lottery-because in the end, they are using this woman's heartbreak to try and sell lottery tickets.

What do you think?
Why do people make drama where there doesn't need to be. My cousin's pregnant- doesn't bother me. My entire family keeping it from me- bothers me.
After months of low progesterone tests, and me saying 'why aren't we supplementing the progesterone if it's low?' they are finally supplementing it. Should have pushed harder.
Drama sucks. Especially when it's TTC drama from someone outside of the situation

Glad you finally got your supplements! Hope it works for you
Haven't posted in a long is everyone?

The past 2 months have been heck with the doctor's office (the staff, not the RE herself) and insurance. Lots of scrambling for last minute things and I've been far beyond angry at the whole process. But DH plowed through when I said forget it...

So today I had my CD2/3 baseline bloodwork and ultrasound and I start Gonal-F injections tonight. I already have 4 natural follicles on my left ovary; 3 of them are just under 10 (mm? I can't remember what they go by with sizing) and 1 is at 12. My right ovary was being shy and hiding behind my uterus again :rolleyes: The nurse just called and told me to raise the dose right away from 112.5 to 150, but it's nothing bad, don't worry (yeah, right). I do this through Sunday night, then I go back Monday morning for another US and BW and hopefully I start the Ganirelix that night. Praying for this all to go quickly...and for it to work!
Wow...can't believe what a friend of mine just said.

My journey to get pregnant is no where near the struggle of others. We didn't start trying until I was 38, so clearly that is on us. But it was still sad, and regrettable. When OPKs, etc didn't work, we did all those funfun fertility tests to see if anything was wrong. The only thing that came back was a "borderline" FSH. So we just kept trying (on our own, insurance didn't cover treatment) and about 18 months later we got our first positive. However, we lost the baby at 8 weeks. Thankfully, I was able to get pregnant again, and am currently 19 weeks (and admittedly nervous).

An old friend of mine truly had long-term fertility issues. She has PCOS, first trying to just get her on any kind of cycle, then years doing the injectables, multiple failed IUIs, then a one shot IVF that thankfully worked. She had another child a few years later. Didn't even try on their own this time, just went straight to an IUI which took immediately, to her shock. All this time I've been a sounding board, supporter, listened to her rant about the insensitivity of "helpful" people. And when my time came, she was happy to answer my questions about the process, and help me understand my options.


Just recently I was saying how ironic it was that when I got pregnant this current time, it was the only time I hadn't been able to "catch" a positive OPK. It had kind of been an accidental fluke after all those times of timing things.

Her response floored me.

"Well, it's not surprising. You probably just needed to relax."

After the years I heard her rant of that exact same ignorant crap from other so-called "helpful" people? How hurtful it was for her to have their struggle minimized?

All I could say was, "Did you, of all people, REALLY JUST SAY THAT?!?!" Her only response was to giggle and change the subject.

I wish I could understand how someone could go through this, then turn around and actually say that?
Ugh...people who speak without thinking...Saw this posted on Infertility Awareness's FB page and I really wanted to repost it:


My personal favorite is when people bring up "God's plan/will." I have a friend - incidentally, the one who responded to my infertility news with 50 photos of her ultrasound - who ALWAYS says "It will happen if it's God's will." I want to slap her when she says that. NOT COMFORTING.
Is this group still active? We are back TTC, this time for #2. DD1 was conceived via IUI but I am trying to avoid that this time if possible. I just got my D21 BW back and my progesterone was only 9 so my new OB said we can try Clomid. Anyone try Clomid? Experiences?
First of all, I wanted to let you ladies know that I'm still rooting for all of you. I keep track of this thread and cheer for each of you to get what you're waiting so long for. :hug:

Is this group still active? We are back TTC, this time for #2. DD1 was conceived via IUI but I am trying to avoid that this time if possible. I just got my D21 BW back and my progesterone was only 9 so my new OB said we can try Clomid. Anyone try Clomid? Experiences?

My DD was conceived via Clomid. It took 3 cycles to get pregnant taking Clomid--the first cycle I didn't ovulate, then they increased my dosage and I did ovulate the next 2 cycles and got pregnant on the 2nd one. I hope that helps!
I'm new to this group. My story is not too bad, although to me it is the most painful ordeal that I have ever gone though. Well, I guess this is generally the most painful thing that any of us have ever gone through. I apologize in advance for anything that's TMI. I am 25 and my DH is 28. We have been TTC for almost 2 years. All of my tests have come back as within normal range. My DH has had one analysis done and they said they wanted to do another because there was 1.2mL and they wanted 2mL, but that the motility was fine as well as the quality of the little guys. My OB was thinking about Clomid, but I guess now she doesn't want to because I seem ok. We have our second analysis scheduled for Thursday. Here's hoping it goes better than the first one. Right now IVF is out because of cost. That's as far as we have gotten. What is next? I do not know what to do or how to proceed. All of this hurry up and wait is driving me crazy! Side note our families are complicated. We are not telling anyone at all that we have been trying because (his family) they have told us that they think we are too young to have kids and need to wait until we are older. But that's a whole 'nother story. We don't even want to bring up the subject with them. Sorry to ramble.
It's hard for everyone; What tests have been done on you that your ob thinks are 'normal'? FSH, and multiple progesterone levels? Once I got to the fertility specialist it seemed the OB didn't really know what they were doing and I wish I'd not wasted so much time there.
My personal favorite is when people bring up "God's plan/will." I have a friend - incidentally, the one who responded to my infertility news with 50 photos of her ultrasound - who ALWAYS says "It will happen if it's God's will." I want to slap her when she says that. NOT COMFORTING.

Nothing bothers me more. Like it is in "God's plan" for some women to have 8+ kids and others none????
My other favorite one is "God must think you are a great mother to bless you with so many children." Like what - the rest God thinks would make bad mothers???? :sad2:
After four years, we finally got our BFP. I hope this brings you who are still trying hope, and not despair!
After four years, we finally got our BFP. I hope this brings you who are still trying hope, and not despair!

Haven't posted in awhile, but I lurk often.... Had to post....


Sending prayers good thoughts & sticky pixie dust your way!
Glad I stumbled upon this thread. I think reading some of these posts might help me out. My DH and I have been TTC for almost a year now. We did get pregnant on our honeymoon last October, but lost the baby just before Christmas. I think I'm still depressed over that. I have never felt like such a failure. To top that off, my little sister (who never wanted kids) is pregnant with her second child now. Her first turns 1 year this Friday. It's been difficult to watch and to hear about her pregnancy and having a child when that's all I've ever wanted.


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