A Fistful of Fastpasses: Disneyland with the DIS and ABD! (Final Day post #205-10/4)

Great pictures, Pete!! This made me really really miss Disneyland. I hope it isn't too long before we get to go back! It's really amazing to see it ACTUALLY empty with only those from your group milling around. Now at WDW it's like the cat has gotten out of the bag with those pre-park opening ADR's, so Main Street isn't all that empty anymore. And DW looks so adorable holding the sign! She looks so excited! :goodvibes
Great updates Pete.

How nice to bump into a Disney celebrity and he being gracious enough to have pictures taken.

Your two days into the park are like chalk and cheese.....er....crowd and empty! How cool to have the park almost to yourself.
DATW = Drinks Around The World. It was AFTER the 2.0 cruise. What a hoot that was! :rotfl:

That definitely would've been cool. He was so nice to take his picture with all of us.

I am just loving your TR and reliving our trip through it. I remember the feeling of walking down an empty Main Street in DL, it was incredidible. I wanna go again! :-). I think I'll stow away in Christy's luggage in December. :rotfl2:

Incredidible? :thumbsup2

Glad you are enjoying it! So much great stuff on the trip. (It gets better than this...right?)

Enjoying your TR. It is great to read all about the trip.

Glad you are enjoying! I really appreciate when folks post to say that!

Great pictures, Pete!! This made me really really miss Disneyland. I hope it isn't too long before we get to go back! It's really amazing to see it ACTUALLY empty with only those from your group milling around. Now at WDW it's like the cat has gotten out of the bag with those pre-park opening ADR's, so Main Street isn't all that empty anymore. And DW looks so adorable holding the sign! She looks so excited! :goodvibes

Funny that I have been thinking the opposite. I really miss WDW. It's been almost two years now! I am definitely a WDW guy.

As far as DW looking happy...there were many times on this trip where we were just kind of giddy with glee. This was definitely one of them! I think it's why though many people complained about it, I never felt tired on the whole trip until the day we went home. I was HIGH on the experience.

Great updates Pete.

How nice to bump into a Disney celebrity and he being gracious enough to have pictures taken.

Your two days into the park are like chalk and cheese.....er....crowd and empty! How cool to have the park almost to yourself.

Oh, the crowds definitely grow as the day goes on. Not that they really affect you much on this trip, that's for sure!

"Chalk and Cheese" that's a new one on me! I think that's a similar idiom to "Like Night and Day" right?
Your comment about the covered chairs at Grand Californian reminded me of my biggest pet peeve regarding DL (vs. DW). The first day we went- it POURED.. ALL. DAY. LONG. And so we donned our Mickey Mouse ponchos like the good little tourists we are and headed out to do the parks in rain. Much to our dismay we found EVERYTHING closes in DL (and everything seems to be OUTSIDE vs. INSIDE). And there were very FEW inside eateries as well- to sit down and dry off. I guess we were just spoiled where DW was built to go on in the frequent summer rains & DL was abosolutely not planned well in that regards.

Great pictures of an empty park. My favorite is the nice picture of your wife and you and the castle... and the cast members rear end as he bends over. That's a keeper. :)
Your comment about the covered chairs at Grand Californian reminded me of my biggest pet peeve regarding DL (vs. DW). The first day we went- it POURED.. ALL. DAY. LONG. And so we donned our Mickey Mouse ponchos like the good little tourists we are and headed out to do the parks in rain. Much to our dismay we found EVERYTHING closes in DL (and everything seems to be OUTSIDE vs. INSIDE). And there were very FEW inside eateries as well- to sit down and dry off. I guess we were just spoiled where DW was built to go on in the frequent summer rains & DL was abosolutely not planned well in that regards.

The park is really designed for being outside. Most queues are outside, and as you say many more rides are set up outside. I definitely can see where they would close much of the park in the rain. Californians are also pretty paralyzed in the rain. I think they expect the hills to come sliding down on them or something.

Great pictures of an empty park. My favorite is the nice picture of your wife and you and the castle... and the cast members rear end as he bends over. That's a keeper. :)

Yeah, I blame the ABD guides for that one. They couldn't have told us to slide over a little bit?
So, before I go into my next update, you may have noticed that this week’s podcast talks about the ABD trip. If you are enjoying this trip report – I highly recommend at least watching Dustin’s video on the trip, as well as Craig’s “Beyond the Parks” overview. DW and I are seen in both videos!

It’s funny that the DIS folks want us to keep many parts about the trip hush-hush, but one aspect of the trip that ABD actually keeps hush-hush – partly because they can’t necessarily do it everytime – is what comes next. I actually considered avoiding talking about it, but since it’s all over the Podcast this week, you may know what’s coming next…a trip to Club 33! (The guides play coy about this, saying that a breakfast at the Plaza is planned…before the big “reveal”.)

I’m am not sure how everyone else on the trip felt about this, but this to me was a HUGE highlight. Mostly because before hearing about this trip, I’d never even thought of the idea of touring Imagineering or being backstage at Disneyland…but the dream of visiting Club 33 is part of so many Disney fans DNA. I was just so psyched for this.

As we walked by all the people standing around waiting for the rope to drop I shouted out, “Don’t worry, we’re just checking things out, they’ll be letting you all in shortly!” Obnoxious I know, right!

But first, the walk over to New Orleans square had me working out my camera shutter for more empty park pictures. The Mark Twain at the dock:

Golden Horseshoe:

Empty Frontierland:

The story behind the petrified tree stump. Walt was traveling through Arizona and saw this at a shop somewhere. He bought it as a present for Lillian. (Seems like Walt was as tone deaf as most men regarding gifts for his wife.) She told him that she liked it better in the park. Walt and Lillian are gone – the petrified tree stump is still here…

Tom Sawyer Island

The seating area for Fantasmic with at least 10,000 less people than the night before:

Entering New Orleans square:

Stairs to the Dream Suite – more on that later:

For those that have never been to Disneyland – New Orleans square is narrow streets and shops...not really like anything at Disney World

The secret to getting into Club 33: Ring the Doorbell!

You can either take the stairs or the elevator up to the main area:

The artwork on the wall is themed to New Orleans Square / Pirates of the Caribbean, with a lot of it being concept art from the early days of the park.

Club 33 was not completed before Walt died, but you certainly feel his influence here!

However, regardless of the exclusivity of the location, you can’t get into a location at Disneyland without coming across a store!

There are two movie props in Club 33, at least that’s what they told us. This piano is from the Disney movie “The Happiest Millionaire”

They had a buffet set up for us.

Not surprisingly, the food was AMAZING! The highlight should’ve been the bacon, which was possibly the best bacon I’ve ever had, but they also had a steak portion that was so amazingly prepared I felt I could’ve eaten 30 pieces of it except that I wouldn’t have been able to move. The rest was all great as well. Man, I wish I could’ve eaten more!

All the ladies said “you have to go and see the women’s room!” So I got some pictures:

THIS is actually the toilet! Seat down….

Seat up….

The men's room wasn't so impressive, no pictures there!

There was another room called the “Trophy Room”.

Original concept artwork from Mary Poppins:

The main room didn’t have a lot of stuff on the walls because it all has glass doors and windows to the balconies.

What I found kind of amazing is that no-one out and about around Disneyland ever looked up at us. I would probably make a lousy Club 33 member, because every time I would go, I would be yelling out to people to say "Want to come on up to Club 33!"

The main dining area:

I like this picture of all of our bags of souvenirs propped up around the statue of Zeus.

Some of the wait staff – who treated us probably as well (or almost as well) as they treat the members! I actually wonder what members think of the fact Disney is doing this with the ABD groups. I know that the members have first shot and if they want to come in for something they can bump the ABD group - which would totally suck for that group - but I still wonder if they find it annoying that kind of "anyone" can get in now.

Remember I mention TWO pieces of furniture that were props from movies. Anyone recognize this second one?

How about this one, a view to the door to Club 33 – from inside Club 33!

Craig from the podcast crew got stuck in a phone booth on the way out. (I think he just didn’t want to leave.)

I saw this picture/drawing tucked away near the entrance. It’s also used as the cover of one of the Walt Disney biographies that DW got me last year to prepare for this trip.

This was a great experience that there's a good chance I will never get to do again. I really consider it an honor that they let us ABD folks experience this.
I really didn’t want to leave….knowing going out that door I couldn’t come back in. But I knew more adventures awaited us today, so I had to go.

Next up - a bunch of stuff I can't tell you about! :goodvibes
It’s funny that the DIS folks want us to keep many parts about the trip hush-hush, but one aspect of the trip that ABD actually keeps hush-hush – partly because they can’t necessarily do it everytime – is what comes next. I actually considered avoiding talking about it, but since it’s all over the Podcast this week, you may know what’s coming next…a trip to Club 33! (The guides play coy about this, saying that a breakfast at the Plaza is planned…before the big “reveal”.)

While we were all taking pictures at the castle right before this, Pete Werner asked me if I was looking forward to breakfast at the Plaza. I told him I though it would be perfectly lovely. I don't think he bought it... ;)

The secret to getting into Club 33: Ring the Doorbell!

And I was the one lucky enough to actually ring the doorbell! :goodvibes I'm pretty sure that's something that will never happen to me again.

As always, this was a great update, Pete. :)
While we were all taking pictures at the castle right before this, Pete Werner asked me if I was looking forward to breakfast at the Plaza. I told him I though it would be perfectly lovely. I don't think he bought it... ;)

And I was the one lucky enough to actually ring the doorbell! :goodvibes I'm pretty sure that's something that will never happen to me again.

As always, this was a great update, Pete. :)

Angie, you probably can ring the door bell again but...they may not let you in so easily next time. :rotfl2:

Keep it coming Pete, enjoying your trip report!
Great pics Pete

what a wonderful way to start our day wasnt it? That food was so yummy - I felt quite strange having steak for brekkie but couldnt resist and it was delicious!

Cause of the wheelchair access we got a rather different entrance to the club so missed all those artworks etc and the lift so its great to see it through your report. We got an exclusive tour of the kitchen and the food/freight lift :)

Not quite so grand but added to the adventure thats for sure and at least there was access :cool1:

Angie it was very cool you got to ring the bell.
You got in!!!!! Looks like you had a great time! Love your pictures of the inside and how special to have gotten a ABD only session set up for you at Club 33.
While we were all taking pictures at the castle right before this, Pete Werner asked me if I was looking forward to breakfast at the Plaza. I told him I though it would be perfectly lovely. I don't think he bought it... ;)

How far back did he roll his eyes...:rolleyes:

And I was the one lucky enough to actually ring the doorbell! :goodvibes I'm pretty sure that's something that will never happen to me again.

Oh, Lucky you.

Angie, you probably can ring the door bell again but...they may not let you in so easily next time. :rotfl2:

I wouldn't do that....I've heard if you ring the doorbell and your not allowed in, a trap door opens up and drops you into the water in the Pirates of the Carribean ride. Ewwww!

Great pics Pete

what a wonderful way to start our day wasnt it? That food was so yummy - I felt quite strange having steak for brekkie but couldnt resist and it was delicious!

Cause of the wheelchair access we got a rather different entrance to the club so missed all those artworks etc and the lift so its great to see it through your report. We got an exclusive tour of the kitchen and the food/freight lift :)

Not quite so grand but added to the adventure thats for sure and at least there was access :cool1:

Angie it was very cool you got to ring the bell.

It was really so great that you were able to do pretty much everything. What a bummer it would've been to come all that way and not get into Club 33.

You got in!!!!! Looks like you had a great time! Love your pictures of the inside and how special to have gotten a ABD only session set up for you at Club 33.

I know you've seen it in person...gotta know it's impressive.

It really was nice being in there with a bunch of people you know. I think if I ever got invited to go by a member (fat chance of that ever happening!) I would probably be looking around the whole time waiting for them to come and kick me out.

"Hey, what are you doing here!" :faint: :rotfl2:
I am really considering doing this as a treat to myself in the future but having a hard time deciding. I love all the pictures.
I am really considering doing this as a treat to myself in the future but having a hard time deciding. I love all the pictures.

If you are thinking of doing it solo but are concerned about the extra cost of doing it that way, go to the ABD boards and see if you can find someone else to split a room with. I think our trip was around $3,500 for a solo traveler, and $2,600 per person for a shared room.

I was actually surprised that there seemed to be a lot of people like us on the trip - middle class folks that had to stretch their dollar a bit (or a lot) to make the trip. And I would say that there wasn't a single one of them that regretted spending the money. It may be only 4 days, but it so jammed-pack it feels like a week!
I am really considering doing this as a treat to myself in the future but having a hard time deciding. I love all the pictures.

2 words....DO IT!
We've done it twice now. It is an expensive trip but a Disney lovers dream trip.

Great job on the updates Pete! I love your picture of the door of Club 33 from inside the club. That was such an amazing experience & one that I have had to brag about just a bit to people that get it like my little brother who loves to one up me on everything. Don't think he'll be able to one up me on that one! :)
Club 33!!! :faint::banana::woohoo::yay: That's AMAZING!!!! Okay, now I need to start figuring out when we can afford this BSM Trip because this sounds like something I need to do in my life. :lmao: I'm really hoping our Italy ABD will get DH hooked because there are sooo many ABD itineraries that look just incredible. The BSM should be palatable since it's a lot cheaper than the European itineraries. :thumbsup2
2 words....DO IT!
We've done it twice now. It is an expensive trip but a Disney lovers dream trip.

Great job on the updates Pete! I love your picture of the door of Club 33 from inside the club. That was such an amazing experience & one that I have had to brag about just a bit to people that get it like my little brother who loves to one up me on everything. Don't think he'll be able to one up me on that one! :)

That may be the worst part about doing this tour. You brag to your friends "We got to eat in Club 33." and most them go "What's that?" :confused3 Darn you non-Disney obsessed friends! :rotfl: Glad you found someone you could hold it over.

Club 33!!! :faint::banana::woohoo::yay: That's AMAZING!!!! Okay, now I need to start figuring out when we can afford this BSM Trip because this sounds like something I need to do in my life. :lmao: I'm really hoping our Italy ABD will get DH hooked because there are sooo many ABD itineraries that look just incredible. The BSM should be palatable since it's a lot cheaper than the European itineraries. :thumbsup2

Ya know, a lot of people said this trip is the one that starts you on the ABD path, but honestly I still don't feel any desire to spend money at that level on vacation. I mean the level of service the guides give you is fantastic, and you can see where any other trips would be great, but one aspect of traveling I really enjoy is that level of the unknown that greets you with visiting a strange new land. For instance, I am soooo glad we did Australia on our own last year rather than with a tour. Guided tours are just generally not my thing...

BUT...I COULD foresee doing this one again when DD is 18 or so.


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