iOS 7 Now Available

On my iPhone 4 it says I have one flagged email. But when I go in the folder it shows No Flagged Mail. But then on that same screen in the tool tray at the bottom it says 1 Flagged?:confused3 There is no email in the folder and I can't make it stop showing 1 flagged email.
Where is "private browsing" in settings . . . I can't find it.

So far, about a hour of use I'm not wowed.
Has anyone else had their Newsstand disappear? Everything looks great but I can't find my magazines and a new People should be available for downloading this morning :).

Also, the charging looks different than what I am used to. If it has the little zigzag icon to the far right of the battery indicator does that mean it is charging? I'm using the connector from my computer which has successfully charged it before, but things look different and it hasn't been charging long enough to change percentages - although it did go from 7 to 8% charged when I plugged it in.

Oh, just went to 9% so it must be working :). But didn't it look different before?
OMG that is exactly why I couldn't find it!! I even moved that icon to another page of seldom used apps because I didn't recognize it hahaha. Thank you so much!!
The one thing I haven't figured out, how do you kill all the apps playing in the background?
The one thing I haven't figured out, how do you kill all the apps playing in the background?

Do the same thing you used to do by double clicking the home button. When all the apps come up, simply swipe upwards and it will disappear. Do that to all the apps you want to close.
Thanks, I'm loving it. Playing the new radio right now. Still need to update DH and DS tonight, wanted to figure out most everything before updating them.
I had been looking forward to this update for a while and I'm not disapointed! I love it! I love the control panel and daily info swipes. I love the new itunes. I like the way open apps show up with the double click. Safari seems so much faster and I like the multiple page view. And I like the camera filters. All around I give it 2 thumbs up.
I was texting DBF about lunch tomorrow and it showed up in the text as lunch tomorrow, when I clicked it I was asked if I wanted to "Create Event" "Show in Calendar" or "Cancel". I selected create event and it added it to my calendar for tomorrow from 12-1. Cool! :cool1: The more I play with this the more I like it.
OK, I need HELP!!! I've been trying to update this darn thing since I arrived at work at 7:45 AM and it is still trying... my question, is there any way to stop the process once it is going? I don't have wifi at home, and I'm afraid, will I have to leave my phone at work tonight :confused3

(I'm technologically inept, but trying to get better!)
I have a 5 and will either download the upgrade tonight or over the weekend. I am a little concerned about iOS7 being more if a battery drain. A friend of mine has the 4 and the download crashed her phone. I will be curious to hear he outcome.
I have a 5 and will either download the upgrade tonight or over the weekend. I am a little concerned about iOS7 being more if a battery drain. A friend of mine has the 4 and the download crashed her phone. I will be curious to hear he outcome.

Oh no, I have the 4.... I'm scared now...
I have a 5 and will either download the upgrade tonight or over the weekend. I am a little concerned about iOS7 being more if a battery drain. A friend of mine has the 4 and the download crashed her phone. I will be curious to hear he outcome.

I have the 4. The download didn't crash my phone but to be honest everything seems much slower. I wish I had read the reviews that said this was a problem before updated. Many of the features are not available for the 4. My battery went from 98% to 70% with 2 posts here.


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