Current Youth Activities CM -- Ask me anything!


Oceaneer forever
Oct 15, 2013
Hello, I recently met some of you lovely Disboards folk during my last contract on board, and they encouraged me to set up a Q&A for prospective guests & parents! (We found that there's A LOT of information that isn't quite as readily available, that could potentially make your trip better for allll of us. :angel:)

I just came back fresh from the ship (We can't access Disboards or many blogs on our crew internet on board!) , so feel free to ask away!

(It's a long thread, so why don't I save many of you from asking again!)

My child is under 11, can they go to Edge?
The answer to this doesn't quite matter if your kid is 10 1/2, or 10 3/4 or 10 6/9ths, nor does it matter too much if there will be older siblings of Edge age range (11-14) in the space. The managers will be the first and final say on whether youth aged under 11 will be given any flexibility to be accepted into Edge, which can change from cruise to cruise depending on the age group populations currently on board. Note that some managers may be more lenient towards this age requirement and instruct the Counselors to allow them in right away, and some may be more strictly compliant with the age limits and instruct Counselors to inform guests that we cannot allow them into the space. Counselor CMs are trained to first encourage the child to try out the Oceaneer Lab activities, and inform a manager before making any decisions! Also consider: is my 10-year old mature enough to keep up with 13 year olds on scavenger hunts around the ship? Will they feel comfortable at the homecoming teen dance? Are they naturally outgoing with older children?

My child is under 14, can they go to Vibe?
Similar to the Edge question above, it will ultimately be up to the management. What tends to happen is that prospective Vibe 13-year olds will be asked to spend time in Edge and demonstrate maturity and show that they may be a bit more advanced than what Edge can provide, especially if the current Edge population for the cruise is mostly 11 year-olds. Consider whether your 13 year old will fare well hanging out with high school aged kids, and will fit in at the Vibe social nights. Do they tend to maintain good relationships with older teenagers? Will they still enjoy themselves if for that cruise, Vibe is mostly 17 year olds discussing and preparing for college? Are you comfortable with the idea of your 13 year old dancing with 17 year olds? However, once your child turns 18, they will no longer be allowed to remain in the space. They will be considered an "Adult" and thus no longer eligible for Vibe. If this happens during the cruise, this has been contested in the past with varying results, depending on when they turned 18 and how adamant the parents were to the Cruise Director and the MYA -Manager of Youth Activities (you can read about it in the thread).

My child is under 3, can they go to the Oceaneer Club or Lab?

**UPDATE** NO child under 3 may be admitted into the Oceaneer Club nor Lab. Additional counselors have been specifically tasked with meeting their entertainment needs in the Nursery, allowing them to still enjoy their time without having to be an infant.

{Not unless they fulfill the following requirements:
-Are fully potty trained (can use a toilet and undress themselves independently, must not wear diapers or pull-ups.)
-Are capable of speaking and communicating their needs to an adult who is not in their family
-Are independent (i.e.: will not spend the entire time in the space crying and waiting by the front gate due to separation anxiety)
-Are well socialized and do not demonstrate any fear of Counselors and will be able to follow instructions.
-Are generally within 2 months of turning 3 years old.

This is the general guideline we follow when approving children under the age requirement into the space - which might seem like a tall order for toddlers, but there are indeed tons of 2-year olds who possess all of these qualities and have matured and grown quite rapidly! So don't fret if your 2-year old doesn't quite match up, kids mature at different rates. :) If a Counselor is ever in doubt about the eligibility of an under-3 into the space, they will ask for a Manager to come speak with the family and have a look at the child.}

My child is over the age of 3 and is not fully potty-trained, can they still go into the space?
We are required to accept any child between 3- 12, regardless of whether they are potty trained. Once they fall within our age group, you may have them in diapers and pullups (we have had many cases of children with bowel issues, or late potty-training, or developmental delays needing this!). We will ask you to check on them frequently as we aren't allowed to change them ourselves.

My child is allergic to peanuts/sensitive to gluten/cannot eat pork products/cannot come into contact with eggs/is allergic to shellfish/cannot touch synthetic fibers/reacts negatively to fluorescent lighting/has asthma/is temperature sensitive to cold water/is prone to seizures/will have an anxiety attack when in contact with the color red
*Note all of the above are actual things that have been listed under our medical alerts!
Make sure that when you register your child, that you indicate anything you can think of that you need to cover your bases. Counselors who feel a parent hasn't been thorough enough will double-check with you whether it's ingestion or tactile, or by proximity. The severity -whether anaphylaxis or mild sensitivity. If it's acceptable while it's in the room. Whether an Epipen or inhaler is required or administered (an additional form will have to be filled out to keep it in the space). Can your child make or eat baked goods? Can they eat ice cream desserts? Can they touch marshmallows or playdough? The more information you can provide, the better (and it saves a CM calling you up later on to check!)

*For more severe or dire medical alerts it is best to get your Mickey bands early on embarkation day so that Counselors have time to relay vital information to the rest of the team at our meeting, prior to Sail away*

*Disboards members requested I make this, so here's a link if you wanted to read: *

The 5 Successful ways to Prepare your Child for their first time in the Club
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Do the crew members like gifts? Candy? What are things that are hard fro the crew to get?
"Can us 31 yr old kids come to the How To Be A Princess lessons? Are they ever during open houses? (I don't have any kids)"

Sadly, nope!

I don't even think that's a program that we officially offer - I know on the classic ships we pitched the idea to the managers who quickly vetoed the idea. (The reasoning was that guests would assume that the Princesses would be present for it, which logistically couldn't happen, if you've seen how crazy Princess Gatherings can be!)

THAT SAID! We do have Snow White's Do-Si-Do, the Royal Ball, and Storytime with Belle during Open House on occasion. We actually love it when there's adults around who are equally just as into it as the wee ones.

-But if that might make you feel creepy, on our longer cruises (like 14-night Panama Canal, for example) - there are always the superfun Adult-Exclusive programs (the same thing we do with the kids, but without the kids. Occasionally the host might try to make it funnier/adult-friendly, that is if they don't get in serious trouble for deviating from guidelines) :sad2:
Do the crew members like gifts? Candy? What are things that are hard fro the crew to get?

Nothing brightens up our day quite like candy, or cookies. Anything that isn't Disney-candy (that's all we really get on board, and it's just as expensive for us!) would make us love you so much. One time guests made us these little Halloween baggies with British/Canadian candy and a whole bunch of us just cried in the back from the thought. (It's different when you don't see your beloved brands for months)

Quite honestly speaking, the candy we tend to get from the department are cheap hard-candies and tootsie rolls (they don't like to spend much).

-other great things we've received have been.... international calling cards, gift certificates/coupons to places to eat on land, magazines telling us what life's like in the outside world

-A neat idea would be to burn a CD of all the current top music on the radio just before your trip. If there's one thing we're absolutely starved for besides news, it's CURRENT MUSIC. Our internet won't let us download much/we listen to Disney Channel music alll day. :guilty:

Just please, please don't hand us money. We're expected to hand it to our managers. All of it goes straight to the managers.
*To be used for parties that the management organises, it doesn't go into their pockets. :)
Hello Wonderful CM!!! My daughter is a little bummed because I told her that she cannot move up to the tween club on the cruise because she is 10 (birthday not until June). She seems to like to hang out with a slightly older crowd, are there a lot of fun things for girls her age in the kids club? (She is also not happy because she won't be able to torment her older brother in the tween club! lol) She's afraid it will be too 'babyish' for her. Are there many children her age that go to the clubs? Thanks so much for answering all of our crazy questions. :wave2:
Similar question to above. Our son will be ten when we cruise. He acts older (looks older, he's 5'4") and tends to be a bit more advanced than a lot of kids his age. We're a little concerned he may get bored in a program geared to younger kids.
Hello Wonderful CM!!! My daughter is a little bummed because I told her that she cannot move up to the tween club on the cruise because she is 10 (birthday not until June). She seems to like to hang out with a slightly older crowd, are there a lot of fun things for girls her age in the kids club? (She is also not happy because she won't be able to torment her older brother in the tween club! lol) She's afraid it will be too 'babyish' for her. Are there many children her age that go to the clubs? Thanks so much for answering all of our crazy questions. :wave2:

Similar question to above. Our son will be ten when we cruise. He acts older (looks older, he's 5'4") and tends to be a bit more advanced than a lot of kids his age. We're a little concerned he may get bored in a program geared to younger kids.

Hiiii -believe me, we get asked this question a lot. A lot. A lot a lot alot! :)

What I've personally experienced first-hand, is that 10 year olds prior to their vacation tend to see mostly pictures of the Oceaneer Club (yay kiddie whale slide!:cheer2: Yay blocks!) And that obviously, looks super babyish. Heck if I was her age, a slide and a mini-kitchen playset wouldn't be selling points to be in a kids club.

But then they all end up in the Oceaneer Lab and hunker down there for the rest of the cruise. Make sure she goes there on the first evening to get oriented and meet people her age. Ask the counselors if there are any other 10 year olds in the space (we can easily check our computer screens). You can even call us via wavephone to ask us to check the current age demographic in the room before she goes. 10-11 year olds pretty much dominate our crafts, cooking school, and science programs. What we found is key is giving them Self-Check privileges so they feel independent and not like a "baby" :)

NOTE: That doesn't mean we haven't had some verrrry pushy guests :mad: demand that their child be in Edge (with the tweens). Hate to say it, but with anything really, make enough of a stink and bring it to the Cruise Director, then they start making exceptions. The managers will never offer this to you outright, and it would have to be after continued proof that your child tried to like the Lab/Club for more than an hour and had zero fun. Sad to say, but making a big scene and screaming at our gate in front of other parents also tends to do the trick. And then you have these 10 year olds at the homecoming dance sitting in the corner. Happens quite often!
First thank you for taking the time and thank you for all that you and your colleagues do! It is most appreciated.

I am intrigued by your answer to the candy question...

Can you be more specific on the magazines that would be welcomed as well as the types of candy... is it chocolate or gummy bears or what? Any other thoughts that don't way down or bulk out our luggage too much would be helpful.

We enjoy giving back to all the CM's but really want to make sure the "what" is "what" you really want and need!

NOTE: That doesn't mean we haven't had some verrrry pushy guests :mad: demand that their child be in Edge (with the tweens). Hate to say it, but with anything really, make enough of a stink and bring it to the Cruise Director, then they start making exceptions. The managers will never offer this to you outright, and it would have to be after continued proof that your child tried to like the Lab/Club for more than an hour and had zero fun. Sad to say, but making a big scene and screaming at our gate in front of other parents also tends to do the trick. And then you have these 10 year olds at the homecoming dance sitting in the corner. Happens quite often!

Thanks for the info. I have been trying to convince her that she is going like it (and we will be there with her cousin who is the same age, as well. Luckily I am not one of those parents that would ever, ever act like this. I really don't want my 10 year old daughter hanging around older boys. I firmly believe that there is a reason for the rule. Thanks so much for your answers! I greatly appreciate it! :):goodvibes:banana:
First thank you for taking the time and thank you for all that you and your colleagues do! It is most appreciated.

I am intrigued by your answer to the candy question...

Can you be more specific on the magazines that would be welcomed as well as the types of candy... is it chocolate or gummy bears or what? Any other thoughts that don't way down or bulk out our luggage too much would be helpful.

We enjoy giving back to all the CM's but really want to make sure the "what" is "what" you really want and need!


Ahhhh! guests like you are what we smile all day for! :thumbsup2 (I mean, we have to anyway, but when we're thought about, it makes everything worthwhile.)

As far as magazines go - ANYTHING. :goodvibes We're all in our mid-twenties, stuck on a ship, and we really have no way of knowing world events or pop culture. One week we passed around a Bridal Magazine a guest left in our trash bin, that's how starved we are for literature. Even a Time/Newsweek/Cosmopolitan/US Weekly/Anything from last month would make us happy! We don't quite look things up on the internet as it's so expensive we budget our time for family/emails. When we go shopping, it's for our underwear/hygiene essentials as opposed to things to read.

With candy, chocolate bars alll the way. Those mini-chocolate bars like kit-kats, reeses, O-henrys, etc. are awesome because they're small and we can sneak them in our pockets to go eat in a closet somewhere (we can never be seen eating anything where a guest might see us!). Starburst is a huge deal because they're portable and individually packaged. Really stuff we can shove into our pockets for a little-pick-me-up at the end of a 10-hour shift are faaaantastic!
A little something extra:

If you really want to go above and beyond and thank a youth counselor (for free! Without having to pack anything!), it's by giving them a Mickey Bar.

Did you know you can have as many of these as you want on the ships - for free? Did you also know that we as CMs never ever get to have them unless a guest directly gives us one? In fact, when the kids get to have them for a program/activity and there are a bunch left over - we have to toss them all in the trash.

Heartbreaking. Mickey Bars are actually a big deal for us. We dream up clever ways to sneak one on our last day but never obviously do it. But one time, a pair of guests asked for a whole bunch of Mickey Bars from room service and promptly brought it down to us at closing time in the Club. You should've heard the cheering that ensued around the room.

A little something extra:

If you really want to go above and beyond and thank a youth counselor (for free! Without having to pack anything!), it's by giving them a Mickey Bar.

Did you know you can have as many of these as you want on the ships - for free? Did you also know that we as CMs never ever get to have them unless a guest directly gives us one? In fact, when the kids get to have them for a program/activity and there are a bunch left over - we have to toss them all in the trash.

Heartbreaking. Mickey Bars are actually a big deal for us. We dream up clever ways to sneak one on our last day but never obviously do it. But one time, a pair of guests asked for a whole bunch of Mickey Bars from room service and promptly brought it down to us at closing time in the Club. You should've heard the cheering that ensued around the room.


I'm SO going to do this.
We cruise on the Dream 11/3 and I will bring anything for the counselors. You wouldn't happen to be on our ship then? I can bring you something special!!! I'm trying to get my hands on Salt Water Taffy from the Jersey Shore where I live. And I had already planned on candy bars because they are always a hit. I even send a box backstage for the entertainment group since they work so hard to provide those awesome shows and hand out treats to the cleaning staff on the decks and in bathrooms since they are over looked. I always have treats in my bag for them. :thumbsup2

I'm making a list now of the magazines and other items you never get. I honestly would lose my mind if I was away from the real world as long as you are. But you all make lasting impressions on my children and for that I am forever grateful.

This year my kids separate for the first time. My 12yo in the Edge and 9 yo in the Lab. I think it will be good for them not to be in each others faces all the time but the 9 yo is extremely jealous at this point. I'm hoping that will pass. ;)

One question.......I need to know the items for lunch at the kids club on Castaway Cay. My 9 yo is a very picky eater and will eat nothing at Cookies but cookies. :)

Please update me with anything you find helpful :goodvibes
We cruise on the Dream 11/3 and I will bring anything for the counselors. You wouldn't happen to be on our ship then? I can bring you something special!!! I'm trying to get my hands on Salt Water Taffy from the Jersey Shore where I live. And I had already planned on candy bars because they are always a hit. I even send a box backstage for the entertainment group since they work so hard to provide those awesome shows and hand out treats to the cleaning staff on the decks and in bathrooms since they are over looked. I always have treats in my bag for them. :thumbsup2

I'm making a list now of the magazines and other items you never get. I honestly would lose my mind if I was away from the real world as long as you are. But you all make lasting impressions on my children and for that I am forever grateful.

This year my kids separate for the first time. My 12yo in the Edge and 9 yo in the Lab. I think it will be good for them not to be in each others faces all the time but the 9 yo is extremely jealous at this point. I'm hoping that will pass. ;)

One question.......I need to know the items for lunch at the kids club on Castaway Cay. My 9 yo is a very picky eater and will eat nothing at Cookies but cookies. :)

Please update me with anything you find helpful :goodvibes

Awww why thank you! I sadly won't be on the Dream, but those Counselors would looove that :).

As far as sending candy to the Entertainment team - many of our Mainstage singers/dancers do receive their share of snacks unlike many of the other departments on board (far more time/use of guest priveleges). What would really make their day/cruise would be if you spotted them on deck and asked for a photo/autograph. Or while they were on duty greeting a line for a character. Far too often their character gets applause after a show, but no recognition as a person in real life! I'd send candy directly to Mickey + the gang, they work very, very hard. Characters arguably have much more on their plate (and are paid much less!) than our stage performers.

And as for Castaway Lunch - what we serve at Pop's Props to the kids are:

Chicken Tenders - Hamburgers/Hotdogs (also Veggie!) - French Fries - Apple Juice - Bag of Chips

*Cookies <--might not happen, a lot of parents raised allergy concerns specifically ABOUT the cookies served on Castaway Cay for them to be removed at one point.
*About picky eaters! We aren't allowed to make any kids eat anything they don't want to at the time; a lot of parents look into requesting special meals arranged by your head server for any mealtimes they'll be spending while in our care! It happens fairly often, had one kid who always got ice cream and chicken fingers no matter what the other kids were having.
A little something extra:

If you really want to go above and beyond and thank a youth counselor (for free! Without having to pack anything!), it's by giving them a Mickey Bar.

Did you know you can have as many of these as you want on the ships - for free? Did you also know that we as CMs never ever get to have them unless a guest directly gives us one? In fact, when the kids get to have them for a program/activity and there are a bunch left over - we have to toss them all in the trash.

Heartbreaking. Mickey Bars are actually a big deal for us. We dream up clever ways to sneak one on our last day but never obviously do it. But one time, a pair of guests asked for a whole bunch of Mickey Bars from room service and promptly brought it down to us at closing time in the Club. You should've heard the cheering that ensued around the room.


It's so nice for you to take the time (off from your day job!) to share your experiences with us... can you tell some of us are starved for some real information from an actual CM?! :)

Thanks for all you and your colleagues do to make our vacations as enjoyable as possible. It's hard for me to believe sometimes how some tourists treat the CM's. I enjoy talking to the CM's on board and learning about your homes, etc. It is hard to know that you are working so hard to provide a good time while all at the same time missing home.

Where are you from? A quick question, if we wanted to bring treats for our room stewards, and you all that try so hard, should i just bring them to Guest services so they can go into a public area to share?

Thanks greatly!!! Mickey and the Gang it is!!! :)

I'll try to ask our server about lunch then. He just a grilled cheese and fries kind of kid. He sensory issues cause him too many problems with meat so I guess he's a vegetarian without the veggies LOL :rotfl2:
Thanks greatly!!! Mickey and the Gang it is!!! :)

I'll try to ask our server about lunch then. He just a grilled cheese and fries kind of kid. He sensory issues cause him too many problems with meat so I guess he's a vegetarian without the veggies LOL :rotfl2:

I've met a lot of vegetarians who are like that! :)
It's so nice for you to take the time (off from your day job!) to share your experiences with us... can you tell some of us are starved for some real information from an actual CM?! :)


Where are you from? A quick question, if we wanted to bring treats for our room stewards, and you all that try so hard, should i just bring them to Guest services so they can go into a public area to share?


Oh not a problem! When I met these lovely Disboards families at work, we heard the same thing.

I'm really not sure about the room stewards - I know that as a tipping position, many of them generally want cash more than snacks or trinkets. :confused3 Sadly I don't quite see them all gathering and sharing things as a department like others might (it might be a cultural thing!)

And I'm half American/half English! Which is I suppose a fairly general representation of our department ::yes::
But wait, there's more! :cool1:

I'm so glad to hear all kinds of appreciation from everyone! :) The thing is, we don't quite hear it at work - at the end of every cruise the Cruise Director tends to come out at the end of the last show and ask everyone to thank all of your CMs on board with a big round of applause. Sadly, none of us ever really hear that applause. The first time I was off work and got to see the show on my own and hear everyone clapping - for us - I could've cried in my seat!

What we REALLY value most -or rather, what our supervisors/managers value - beyond sweet treats and things, are those Comment Cards. Yep, innocuous little things with a little area to scribble "Who made your trip enjoyable".
Please, please try your best to remember our names. And write our names down.

These count for so much more than you'll ever know. Maybe it's a dinner in a guest dining room, maybe it's a voucher in the merchandise shop, maybe it's an excursion, maybe it's just for that feeling of pride you get when your manager reads it out at the team meeting at the end of every cruise.
(annnd if you're going to use that space to thank a Disney character, also make sure to remember what day/time it was - so that we know ...who to recognize, if you catch my drift)

Keep those questions comin, everyone! They're great! :blush:


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