

Earning My Ears
Jul 5, 2014
Has anyone done the breakfast with shamu at seaworld? What was the cost and was it worth it??

It breaks my heart that people still support SeaWorld. :sad:

Save your money and do an extra something special at Disney! Don't support orca captivity and cruelty :(
I did the breakfast on my 8th grade trip (five years ago). It was great, but I have heard they changed it and it just isn't the same with the trainers not able to swim in the water with the whales.

I was just at Seaworld three weeks ago. It was great. I'd save my money from the Breakfast with Shamu and buy the all-day dining pass instead, which allows you to eat as many times as you want at some other restaurants.
I love SeaWorld. It'is my favorite park. I agree with pp to do the all day dining especially if you're spending the whole day.
We have done the dine with Shamu before but not the breakfast. The dining was good, buffet style, enough choices. It's close up but not that close. Depending on the ages, younger kids will like it, older kids would rather eat.

For the same price the dine all day is a better deal. Eat at off times and there won't be too big a line up. My teenaged son would eat five meals in a day and still see everything and every show and then get a snack on the way out. It's around 32$ for the dining deal.

If you have an annual pass you get a discount.
I'm with you Rainforest Elf!

It perplexes me when people claim they love orcas so much, yet support an Entertainment Company that exploits them and make them live miserable lives so the corporation can keep making money.

Just last night, I heard that Southwest Airlines just cut ties with SeaWorld (after a 25 year partnership) and will be re-painting their "Shamu" planes.

The momentum keeps going in the right direction. This is BIG. SeaWorld is a sinking ship and I hope to see the orca/dolphin/Beluga captivity cruelty get phased out.

I would consider supporting SeaWorld one day, IF they change their business model, phase out the large marine mammal displays/shows, and focus more on really helping animals instead of making money off of them.

Somebody mentioned a pets show at SeaWorld. This is something I can support. It's a cute little show that features rescued domesticated animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, etc.
I'm not an activist by any means, and I have so many positive memories of SeaWorld as a kid. Like many of my friends, I dreamed about someday working with marine mammals and thought SeaWorld was doing so much good.

As much good as SeaWorld has done with animal rescue and science, more people are changing their opinion on the breeding and captivity of intelligent marine mammals such as orcas. I've followed the story of Tilikum (known as Shamu in Orlando), who had serious issues even before SeaWorld purchased him.

Despite my great childhood memories, we've evolved our understanding of orcas now. Unfortunately, SeaWorld (NYSE: SEAS) is a publicly traded company with too many billions of dollars in revenue at stake. I think they HAVE to believe they're still doing good, even when the evidence has suggested otherwise.
I agree^^^^.

I do admit, that as a child born in the 70's and raised in the 80's, I had my share of visits to places like Marine World (the San Francisco Bay Area's version of SeaWorld, that no longer exists) as well as SeaWorld, and other marine parks (I saw Tillikum in Victoria B.C. before his first incident). I "loved" orcas so much that I wanted to work with them too. I was too young and immature to realize that it was such a selfish dream. Once I grew older and wiser, I changed my mind because I did my own research (long before the days of Blackfish, and wide spread internet use) and realized just how bad captivity was for these animals.

I do understand the argument that if it wasn't for places like SeaWorld, we wouldn't have fallen in love with these animals and wanted to save them. That may be true, but now that we know what we know about them, such as their social structure and intelligence, and the truth behind how they were captured as well as the cover-ups by SeaWorld and other aquaria, how can we consciously be okay with allowing this to continue? I hope that 25 years from now, we, as humans can look back and wonder how we could have been so barbaric to allow/support such a thing.

SeaWorld may have not actively captured a wild orca in many years, which is a step in the right direction, but their breeding program is morally questionable. If orca/cetacean display could be gradually phased out, and the wild-caught orcas (there are only a handful left) be returned to the ocean (in a responsible manner, i.e. - seapens, and gradual re-introduction to the wild, while still supervised by trainers/scientists - not just thrown back into the ocean) and the ones that were born in captivity be allowed to live out their lives in better conditions, and not have to perform cheesy tricks, and the captive breeding programs be outlawed, in time, this cruel practice will be a thing of the past that our grandkids will only read about in books.

My 6 year old son even understands that it's wrong, and does not want to go to SeaWorld. He gets upset when he is watching something on Nickelodeon and that awful SeaWorld commercial comes on. I let him watch Blackfish with me and explained everything to him and he totally gets it.
We did the dining with Shamu (lunch). It was neat. We bought our tickets on Black Friday and got adults for the kids price. The buffet was good and it was neat to see the whales up that close - they mostly just told us a little about them and let them do their own thing. I would have a hard time doing it again at full price (we have 4 adults and 2 kids), but would do it again if they run that promo again.
Orca and dolphins are not being "exploited". They actually love learning and working with human trainers. Even the Movie Blackfish has that mentioned in a few places. I used to volunteer at a place called the Dolphin Research Center in the Florida Keys (was it Grassy Key?). The pens of these bottlenose dolphins were attached to the ocean, separated only by a chain-link fence short enough for them to easily jump over. The full-timers there were telling me a story about it. They said that they sometimes bring a boat around to the outside of the pen and have the dolphins follow them out just for a fun stroll. Then the dolphins jump back into their pens and, guess what? The stay there. The pens are open and jumpable day and night, and the dolphins are very capable of jumping it... but they don't. These dolphins put on shows, "paint" pictures and swim with paying visitors. In other words, they are "exploited". Some types of dolphins do not do well in these environments. They don't enjoy the interaction and don't cooperate. Bottlenose dolphins and orca, however, DO enjoy their human interactions and eagerly participate.

Is anyone old enough to remember Keiko, the whale from the movie Free Willy? This is an animal that was taken from the wild and spent most of its life in conditions that truly are terrible. It moved around a bit and grew to love its new trainers. When the world decided they wanted to "free willy" for real, we all watched in anticipation and hope. But you know what? Keiko didn't want to be freed. They spent tons of money and time to get him to his birth pod, but Keiko didn't want anything but to be with the trainers, who were there until the end trying to wean him away. In the end, Keiko died before becoming truly free. They say he died of pneumonia, but its likely the stress involved in the change and doing what he didn't want to do was the primary contributing factor.

The primary problem Sea World has is separating families and forcing different whales together. They should breed their own families and separate out different families. If they do this, the love and bond between the animals will be good and strong, instead of forcing different animals from different families with different cultures and languages to co-habituate.

Tillikum came from a very abusive history, prior to his joining Sea World. His is a very unfortunate story. I think the best they can do is put him down. He has no life where he is, and he's too traumatized to be sent into the wild.

When it comes to his final kill, I, and others, believe Tillikum didn't hear the whistle from his trainer. That's why he didn't stop his skill. She never repeated her whistle then gave him the "3-minute wait" showing him that he did the wrong thing. Actually, he did the RIGHT thing, he just didn't hear her command to stop. Then he got in trouble for something he didn't understand. It pushed him over the edge with her and he took her.

Whatever the case, these animals in places like Sea World have touched the hearts and lives of so many people in ways that documentaries and distant whale watching could never do. They enjoy working with us and we are enriched by being so close to them. I will always support Sea World, although I hope they can make some ultimately easy changes as far as which whales live together.

Maybe now some of you can understand why some of us continue to support them.
We loved the breakfast with Shamu. We went last month on our 2 week vacation to Southern Cali. We went to Sea World for 2 days, did the breakfast,all day dining, quick queue, dolphin encounter and penguin encounter. We enjoyed Sea World the most even after our 3 days at Disneyland. Get the extras they are well worth it.
Agreed with many PPs about people still supporting SeaWorld. (Tilikum killed Ms. Brancheau during a Dine with Shamu show)

I went to SeaWorld a lot as a kid and had mixed feelings about it, but I did enjoy the breakfast! Maybe because I really like breakfast :lmao: The breakfast has the classics you would find at a standard breakfast establishment. Because it is nothing special, you'll want to consider if that is the best use of your vacation budget. For a family of four (two adults, two kids) it would be $84 + tip!!
Beyond the orca captivity issues, the way they treated my special needs daughter was horrific. It started by them asking me what was wrong with her. Then continued to ask us incredibly invasive questions, and even said that her leg braces were dangerous and when we refused to answer, they refused to let her on the rides, creating a huge meltdown. Now, this was when she was 18 months and we wanted to go on a ride like Dumbo and a ride like the tea cups. Wasn't trying to get on any roller coasters. When I called to discuss this with them, they were even more horrific, going as far to say that maybe I should just keep her at home because it's better for everybody. I will stick with Disney who treated her like a princess and never once questioned us except to ask if we were getting enough help for our daughter.
Wow, lovebug. That is awful. I am so sorry that your princess was treated so terribly. Nobody should have to deal with such insensitivity. I can't believe that they would tell you to just keep her home. Wow......
We loved the breakfast with Shamu. We went last month on our 2 week vacation to Southern Cali. We went to Sea World for 2 days, did the breakfast,all day dining, quick queue, dolphin encounter and penguin encounter. We enjoyed Sea World the most even after our 3 days at Disneyland. Get the extras they are well worth it.

I would love to hear more about the penguin encounter! Our beluga whale tour got cancelled due to the trainers not being around since they're saving wild sealions and they moved us to the penguins. Did you enjoy it? Also, would you recommend the all you can eat? We'll be at the park all day.
Sorry it took so long to get back with you. For some reason I just got the notification....We loved the Penguin Encounter. First you start out going through the normal exhibit and they talk to you about it. Next you go behind the scenes where they will split you into 2 groups..You will switch off again later so you can see both areas...One will go into the actual penguin habitat and the other will stay and hear a presentation where they will bring out a baby penguin to pet and look at. It is so adorable. You spend about 10 minutes there and have an opportunity to ask questions.. The other group walks past the baby penguin nursery and they talk about it alittle bit. You then go behind the glass of the exhibit into the penguin habitat....They discuss the different types of penguins as well as some other information.Some of the penguins will walk up to where you are just depends on how they feel. It is cold, however it feels great if you have been in the heat for a while.. Next you go to the end of the exhibit and it is pretty much over. We loved it. Its good for all ages and you learn some interesting stuff. I had my 8, 10, and 17 yr plus my husband with me.....I highly recommend it.......The all you can eat dining is great! You do save a ton of money. The food is good and you have a pretty good selection to chose from..Just note that you can only go to select places and everything is not on the plan....I think we may have actually over ate :)
Wow that sounds so much fun, I hope there are baby penguins when we are there. Thanks for sharing your experience. I'll definitely check out the all you can eat deal.


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