I-fer? What in the World is an I-fer? Universal/Legoland/Sea World Feb 2015 Updated 5/26x3! The End!


DIS Veteran
Jan 25, 2012
Yes I am slightly crazy and am starting yet another TR. Right now I have three going so I may not get the two to three updates a week that I usually do. The other two are in my signature if you want to join in on those. It’s the “Taking it Easy” one and the “How Many Times” one.

So, since this is in the Universal forum, some of you may not know me. My name is Ariana, I’m 41 and live outside of Atlanta, GA.

I’m a huge Disney (and Pluto) nut and went to WDW 4 times in 2014. But I’ve also been intrigued by the other parks in Orlando and really wanted to try them. I did go to Universal in 2012 because I love Harry Potter but I obviously needed to go back and see the new stuff. Legoland, Sea World, an airboat tour and Downtown Disney rounded out this trip.

I travel with a variety of people but my partner in crime this trip was my Husband of 16 years, Jim. He is not as big of a Disney fan as I am but I’m slowly converting him. He is really into meeting the characters, his favorite guy is Donald Duck.

We don’t have any children but we do have 4 dogs that we consider our “kids”. Our oldest child is Eddie. He’s a 13 year old Miniature Schnauzer. I have the worse time getting photos of him because of his dark coloring and the fact that he has no eyes. Yep, poor guy lost both of his eyes to glaucoma. He’s also getting a bit senile but he’ll always be my baby. We’ve had him since he was 6 weeks old.

Next in line is Alex. I volunteer at a local animal shelter every Saturday and he “followed” me home from there 8 years ago. Luckily (or maybe unluckily?) Jim is allergic to cats and dogs that shed or I’m sure many more would have come home with me over the years. Alex’s mom was a Schnauzer who when for a walk one day and came back pregnant. We have no idea what his dad was but he has the Schnauzer fur which Jim can handle. Alex is a momma’s boy and is almost always in the same room as me.

Sierra is next in line even though she is a few months younger than our final baby. We’ve had her longer though because we brought her home as a puppy. She’s a 5 year old Schnauzer and the love of Jim’s life. She hates being separated from her “daddy” and will pitch a fit if he leaves the room and she can’t follow. Here’s a picture of her looking adorable.

She is quite the hunter though and as a result, her nickname is Miss Piggy because she often looks like this.

Our last child is Remy. During the Christmas holiday in 2013, one of the employees who is a good friend of mine talked me into taking home this pathetic little Yorkshire Terrier so he wouldn’t be alone while the shelter was closed for 5 days (they of course still come in to clean cages and feed the animals but for the most part they are alone for those five days). He was severely underweight, covered with fleas and had a broken ear. You can probably guess what happened when he got into our home and our hearts. Yeah, he stayed. He’s also 5 years old, just a few months older than Sierra. He believes he is a huge dog and loves getting into it with the dogs in the houses on either side of us. He has the Pitbull mix on one side absolutely terrified of him.

So let’s talk about a few details from the trip and then I will get on with the telling.

Thursday, February 5th, 2015 - We flew down in the afternoon and checked into the Hard Rock Hotel at Universal. That night we explored City Walk a bit and had dinner at Bubba Gumps.

Friday, February 6th, 2015 – Universal and Islands of Adventure all day

Saturday, February 7th, 2015 – We checked out of the Hard Rock and moved to Coco Key on International Drive. We did an airboat tour in the morning then spent the afternoon at Theme Park Connection and Downtown Disney.

Sunday, February 8th, 2015 – Jim loves Legos so we spent the day at Legoland mostly for him

Monday, February 9th, 2015 – This was my day and was spent at Sea World. I could look at animals all day but Jim is not really a fan.

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 – We had a Noon flight home.

Up Next: I’m in Orlando and NOT Going to Disney?
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Chapter Links

Thursday, February 5th, 2015
I'm in Orlando and NOT Going to Disney?
Run Forrest Run! Part 1
Run Forrest Run! Part 2

Friday, February 6th, 2015
I Solemnly Swear I am Up to No Good Part 1
I Solemnly Swear I am Up to No Good Part 2
A First Glimpse of Diagon Alley Part 1
A First Glimpse of Diagon Alley Part 2
Take Two for Escape From Gringots Part 1
Take Two for Escape From Gringots Part 2
Back to Hogmeade One More Time
Touring the Rest of IOA
Welcome to Springfield Part 1
Welcome to Springfield Part 2
Round 2 in Diagon Alley Part 1
Round 2 in Diagon Alley Part 2
Round 2 in Diagon Alley Part 3
Jim is an Evil Scientist and Gets Killed by Rocks
My Brain Screams "Enough!" and Shuts Down Part 1
My Brain Screams "Enough!" and Shuts Down Part 2
Finishing Off the Night

Saturday, February 7th, 2015
Wild Willy's Airboat Tour Part 1
Wild Willy's Airboat Tour Part 2
Wild Willy's Airboat Tour Part 3
A Brief Visit to the Disney Bubble Part 1
A Brief Visit to the Disney Bubble Part 2

Sunday, February 8th, 2015
Everything is Awesome Part 1
Everything is Awesome Part 2
We Get Quite a Workout Part 1
We Get Quite a Workout Part 2
Miniland USA Part 1
Miniland USA Part 2
Miniland USA Part 3
Miniland USA Part 4
Water Skiing Lego Men Part 1
Water Skiing Lego Men Part 2
Big Test Live Show
Cypress Gardens
Did That Raccoon Just Fart?

Monday, February 9th, 2015
Manta, Penguins and Sea Lions Part 1
Manta, Penguins and Sea Lions Part 2
I Throw a Temper Tantrum and We Visit Some Sharks Part 1
I Throw a Temper Tantrum and We Visit Some Sharks Part 2
Shamu Show: One Ocean
Wild Arctic and Blue Horizons Part 1
Wild Arctic and Blue Horizons Part 2
Turtle Trek and Pets Ahoy Part 1
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I'm in Orlando and NOT Going to Disney?

As the installment title implies, this trip was a lot of fun but also sad for me. It was very hard to land in Orlando and not proceed directly to the Magical Express. But let’s back up a bit to the start of the day.

Our flight was not till 2:30 pm so I had the chance to actually sleep in a bit! We did have to take the dogs to our vets where they stay in an extra-large luxury suite that has a TV (yes they are spoiled) so I wanted to leave the house around 10:30 am. While I slept in till about 7 am, Jim got up and went to the gym and got his hair cut. We ended up getting out the door almost at the time I wanted. I was in the car and ready but Jim was still running around. I have no idea what he was doing.

I tried to get a few pictures of the dogs but they move around a lot. Alex and Eddie both love riding in the car.

Remy and Sierra on the other hand are not fans and ended up in my lap for the trip. Luckily our vet’s office is only 5 minutes from our house.

Jim was actually really excited about this trip since he wanted to see Legoland. He tried to give me his signature devil horns but Alex photobombed him.

It took about 20 minutes to drop off the dogs and get all of their paperwork in order then we were on our way. Well, we did have to make a quick stop for gasoline because I forgot to stop the night before on my way home.

The airport is about 45 minutes from our house and we drop our car off at one of the parking lots outside of the airport. By the time we checked our bags and got through security we were starving. We talked about sitting down at a TGI Fridays but realized we only had about 45 minutes. Instead we got Popeye’s chicken.

This turned out to not be the best idea as I have a bit of a sensitive stomach and the Popeye’s came back to haunt me later that night. There really was nothing else near our gate though.

Our flight was uneventful, I read while Jim listened to his I-Pod. He gets claustrophobic so he has to have an aisle seat. That of course puts me in the middle seat most times. At least the flight to Orlando is only an hour.

Once we landed, I sent him on ahead to get the rental car while I picked up our bags. I had heard nightmare stories about the lines at the car rental places at the Orlando Airport so I wanted him to get down there quickly. There wasn’t much need this time, I was still waiting for one of the bags when he called and said he was done and waiting for me. We met back up and headed out to find our car. I put Jim in charge of the car rental since he would be doing all of the driving. He’s a bit cheap and we ended up with a Toyota Yaris. We immediately dubbed it the “clown car” since it was so small. We had to put the back seats down just to get our suitcases in.

We certainly didn’t have any problems finding parking spaces that were big enough for the car!

We were using our phones for directions but it took a bit to find a satellite. Luckily, there were lots of signs so we managed to find our way out of the airport and onto the highway. The GPS kicked in pretty quickly and we didn’t have any problem finding our way to the Hard Rock Hotel.

Our room was ready and after Jim parked the car we headed up to find our room. So I guess you want some room pictures, right? I’m not sure why these turned out a little blurry but here you go.

As you can see in this next picture, Jim already had his work computer up and running. The boy can’t go more than 5 minutes without checking his work e-mail.

There was a mirror in the room that had the names of different musicians and indicated how tall each one was. You could check and see who was the same height as you.

And our view out the window was the parking lot. We paid for a standard room so that was no surprise.

I really liked this wall decoration made out of drum sticks and took several pictures.

Jim worked for a few minutes then we headed back out to get some dinner at City Walk.

Oh look, here’s a photo I took on my cell phone that’s not as blurry as the one’s from my camera. I think I may have bumped the dial on my camera and had it on the wrong setting.

Up Next: Run Forrest Run!
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What did you think about the Hard Rock? Going to US/IOA is on my bucket list. I too would have a hard time going to Orlando and not going to WDW.
Joining in!

Your dogs are too funny on the ride to the vet. They don't want to miss a trick!

Yay for an uneventful flight. We rented a clown car on one of our trips, too! At least it got good gas mileage but it had a super small tank so it was hard to appreciate the cost savings.

Cute room at the hard rock. That drumstick decoration is pretty darn cool.

Looking forward to more.
Okay, I'm back. Great introductions of you and your fur babies as always.

Mark has that same problem now with chicken...but it is due to when he had his gallbladder out (we don't get chicken unless we are going right home and have no plans the next day).

Nice room. Did you like it? We've looked at Hard Rock's in other places but have never gone and booked it.

Looking forward to more.
I think i made the first page! YAY!
Love the into's. you always do a great job!

I am so excited to hear all about this trip! How did you like the hotel?
Here!! Can't wait to hear about the trip, even though I know it was bittersweet without going to Disney :(

I understand the trouble with a sensitive stomach. It's hard when there are not many options and you have to settle on something even if it's not the best idea.

The hotel looks realyl nice!
I'm joining in!

I'm spending a few days at Universal during my Orlando vacation this year, and I look forward to hear what you thought about staying on property and the theme parks themselves. :D
Subscribing...be back to read later

Hi Kathy! :wave: Thanks for being here!

Yay! Another UOR TR to watch...er read.

:welcome: Thanks for joining in! The first part will be about UOR but then we moved on to other parks.

Subbing in! Can't wait to hear about the other side! The room looks great.

Hi Ryan! :wave2: The room was pretty awesome.

What did you think about the Hard Rock? Going to US/IOA is on my bucket list. I too would have a hard time going to Orlando and not going to WDW.

:welcome: Thanks for following! Several people asked about the Hard Rock so I'm going to start the next installment with a quick review.

Joining in!

Hi Mary Ellen! :wave: Thanks for stopping by.

Your dogs are too funny on the ride to the vet. They don't want to miss a trick!

They definitely don't! It always amazes me at their different personalities.

Yay for an uneventful flight. We rented a clown car on one of our trips, too! At least it got good gas mileage but it had a super small tank so it was hard to appreciate the cost savings.

That car was soooo small! We joked about it the whole trip. Surprisingly we didn't have to fill up the gas tank even one time which was nice.

Cute room at the hard rock. That drumstick decoration is pretty darn cool.

I really wanted to bring that home with me! I bet it wouldn't be hard to make but I have no place to hang one.

Looking forward to more.

Coming up shortly!

Okay, I'm back. Great introductions of you and your fur babies as always.

Thanks, they are pretty easy to write about!

Mark has that same problem now with chicken...but it is due to when he had his gallbladder out (we don't get chicken unless we are going right home and have no plans the next day).

I usually don't have problems with chicken, I eat it a lot. I think it was some of the spices that Popeye's uses.

Nice room. Did you like it? We've looked at Hard Rock's in other places but have never gone and booked it.

I'm going to do a quick review of the Hard Rock in the next installment.

Looking forward to more.

Working on the next installment right now!

I think i made the first page! YAY!
Love the into's. you always do a great job!

I am so excited to hear all about this trip! How did you like the hotel?

Hi Mo! :wave2: Glad you are here! I'm going to do a review in the next update.

Yay! I always enjoy reading your reports! Subscribing.

:welcome: Thanks for joining in!

Here!! Can't wait to hear about the trip, even though I know it was bittersweet without going to Disney :(

Hi Alexis! :wave: Yeah the trip was fun although a little bittersweet too.

I understand the trouble with a sensitive stomach. It's hard when there are not many options and you have to settle on something even if it's not the best idea.

That was the first time I've actually eaten at Popeye's, we don't have one near our house. I don't think I'll be going back any time soon.

The hotel looks realyl nice!

It was, we really enjoyed our time there.

I'm joining in!

:welcome: Thanks for following along!

I'm spending a few days at Universal during my Orlando vacation this year, and I look forward to hear what you thought about staying on property and the theme parks themselves. :D

Coming right up!

OK, if you insist! I wasn't going to do an update on this one till tomorrow or Friday but since you asked......
Run Forrest Run! Part 1

So several people asked how we liked the Hard Rock so I thought I’d give a quick review before moving on. Simply said, we loved the Hard Rock! This was our second time staying there and we didn’t even think about the other hotels at Universal. Well I did look at Cabana Bay since it was new but it is considered a value hotel and doesn’t include all of the perks you get at the Hard Rock. That being said, the Hard Rock is pretty pricy. That’s part of the reason we only stayed there two nights before switching. We actually paid more for the two nights at Hard Rock than for all three nights of our Coco Key package which included our Sea World tickets. So keep that in mind if you think about staying there. It was well worth it for us though because of the benefits. We got free Unlimited Express Pass and one hour early entry to the Harry Potter stuff. Plus the hotel is only a 5 minute walk to both parks. I’ll talk about the different perks as we go along.

When we left off, we were headed back out of our room to get some dinner at City Walk. Our room was at the very end of a hall and I took a picture as we left.

We had to walk two of those halls to get to the elevator. Like I said the hotel is huge but at least it’s all indoors.

There is Rock memorabilia all throughout the hotel.

Gosh my pictures on this day are blurry! I promise that once I fixed the setting on my camera they got much better. We stopped in the lobby because we needed to make our Express Passes for the next day. They have little kiosks that take you picture and print you out a pass. It took less than five minutes for us to print them. If you don’t stay at one of the Universal Deluxe resorts, you have to pay for the Express Pass and it can run from $60 to $150 a day per person depending on the time of year. All but a handful of the rides and shows at Universal accept the pass. Oh and the one you get at the Hotels is unlimited. I’m pretty sure the one you buy is good for only once on each ride. Anyway, here’s a picture of the lobby.

We headed down this beautiful staircase to walk to City Walk.

Cool light fixture!

You’ll see in this next picture The Kitchen which is a sit down restaurant. We didn’t eat there this time but did so in 2012 and it was very good. Next to The Kitchen is Emack & Bolio’s Marketplace which is a grab and go. There is also one other restaurant in the hotel called The Palm Restaurant but we haven’t eaten there.

We headed outside and I took three more blurry photos then realized my camera was on the wrong setting!

Here we go, this next one is so much better!

We were going to walk but the water taxi pulled up just then so we hopped on.

Here’s some pictures as we approached City Walk.

We spent some time walking around City Walk. Jim is always ten steps ahead of me so you will see him in a lot of my photos. Oh and it was pretty chilly that night, everyone is bundled up in these pictures.

I knew where we would end up for dinner but Jim wanted to check out all of the menus before he “decided”. So we walked around City Walk so Jim could read all of the menus.

Continued in Next Post
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Run Forrest Run Part 2

Continued From Previous Post

And we ended up right where I knew we would, Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

Jim loves this restaurant! We were there before both parks closed at 7 pm so there was no wait to be seated. I took some pictures as we walked to our booth.

For once I was proactive and took pictures of the menu items we ordered so I wouldn’t forget. I got this:

And Jim got:

Both of our meals were delicious and I ate every bite even though I was not feeling the best from lunch. Oh and no I didn’t eat the spinach from my meal (I’m extremely picky for those that haven’t read my other TRs) but Jim happily polished it off for me.

I had really wanted to have a Fat Tuesday’s frozen drink after dinner but with the way I was feeling and with how cold it was, I decided to pass. We did stop in the Universal store because I wanted to get a Harry Potter t-shirt to wear the next day. I bought one in 2012 but it was too small on me. I’m going with the option that it shrunk in the wash because outgrowing it is something I don’t want to consider. There were quite a few options but I ended up going with this one.

After that, we headed back to the resort and I took some night pictures as we walked.

The Hard Rock is such a pretty resort. It kind of reminds me of a certain hotel in Hollywood Studios.

Oh and despite the cold and the fact that I was not feeling well, I still decided I needed some ice cream from Emack and Bolios. Sigh, I am not the kindest to my body.

I was not a fan of the ice cream. It had a weird chewy texture to it. Jim had to point out that all ice cream was “chewy” but this was different. I’m not sure how to describe it but it just wasn’t the best.

We ended up watching a little TV and then called it a night because we had an early morning coming up.

Up Next: I Solemnly Swear I am Up to No Good
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The Unlimited Express Pass is definitely an awesome perk of staying at the Hard Rock!

Mmm I love Bubba Gump, both your meals look delicious.
The more and more I see universal the more I want to go and try it. I have no doubt that I would like it but my family is very disney. One day I'll get there. That hotel looks great as well.
Great review of Hard Rock. We will have to give one a try sometime (perhaps in Tampa or Vegas; we have no need in Orlando since it would be wasted on us as we don't go to Universal). It looks like a really nice hotel.

I enjoyed the pictures of City Walk. It looks as if they've added a new restaurant or two since we've been there.

Glad you enjoyed your meal at Bubba Gumps. The one time we ate there it was awful. But it was the one in Daytona Beach and it was greasy and just gross. I want to try a different one though because I love shrimp.


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