Surprise! We're going to Disneyland...with Cass, Rob & Kira

Sometime in the middle of the night (3am-ish, if I remember correctly?) I was awoken by some loud music. I immediately assumed it was one of our neighbours blaring their TV. I got up to check which neighbour it was, ready to pound on the wall just as Rob and Kira had woken up too :listen:

Kira says "Mommy, where is that music coming from?" just as I realized it was not coming from next door, it was actually coming from the front of the hotel, down below near the entrance. Then I realized that it was the soundtrack to Fantasmic!!

What the heck??? :confused3

For a few minutes I stood at the window, staring down at the front of the hotel trying to figure out what the heck was going on. After not seeing anything obvious, I had to assume that it was coming from the hotel's system. I called down to the front desk and asked them if they were aware that Fantasmic music was playing very loudly somewhere. The lady apologized and said I was the second person to call and complain. She said they were looking into it.

Only the second???:confused:

We were on the 9th floor and it was pretty loud, I couldn't imagine what it would be like on lower floors!

Here's a little clip I took on my phone. Obviously the iPhone doesn't have a great microphone, so you might need to turn up the volume.

It went on until the whole soundtrack was done, so about 20 ish minutes I would say? Don't get me wrong, I love the Fantasmic music, I play it almost daily at my desk while I am working, I just don't want to hear it as 3 AM when I am trying to sleep :rolleyes:

It took us all a little while to get back to sleep and we slept in a little later than usual because of the early morning music interlude :cool:

We still wanted to make it for Extra Magic Hours Rope Drop so we didn't sleep in much ::yes::

Second breakfast for my family! :p



We got to the park just after the big EE rush and Kira posed at the poster to one of her faves


I smiled as I spotted Marty Sklar's window


Nodded in respect at Walt's Apartment, with the ever illuminated lamp, honoring his residing presence.


And we walked down a lovely non crowded Main Street


Our first goal that morning was Star Tours as a family.


Followed by a ride on a yellow submarine :laughing:


I still remember (vaguely) riding 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea with my parents. Very tight quarters!


It was an enjoyable ride with cute Finding Nemo themed stuff!


Kira watched it all very intently!



It was now time to head over to Fantasyland as Kira's yet unknown appointment at Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique was quickly approaching.


I lead her right into the store and said "Guess what they have here?" :scratchin

Another surprise gone well and a happy girl made! :woohoo:

We checked her in and they said there would be a bit of a wait and handed us over a pager like you get at a restaurant. They told us that it would work almost anywhere in Fantasyland so I decided we should check out the Sleeping Beauty Castle Walk through!

I just LOVE this attraction!!! I love the Sleeping Beauty movie, one of my faves and I love that you get to actually walk through the castle! They did such an awesome job and I enjoyed it even more knowing some of the history of it. I wish I could see the original 1957 version!




This is my favourite window...



At the end the book features Aurora dancing in her dress that turns from pink to blue every few seconds


I took a peek into the Accessible version of the attraction that opened in 2008, what a gorgeous room!

Sorry about the blurriness!




After we finished the walk through, I magically pulled out Kira's Cinderella dress that I had brought from home and she put it on over her clothes. Another good surprise according to Kira :teeth:

Just before we left I got her to try on her princess dresses. This was the only one that still fit her but she had a meltdown because the fabric was really itchy! I had found a mostly-white tee from her closest that I could put under the dress that made her happy and I had made her wear it that morning ;)

Here she stands at the marker on the ground which once marked the geographical center of the park, I believe.


Love the Sleeping Beauty murals that hang here inside the castle


The buzzer finally went off and it was time to get purdy :lovestruc
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The Boutique is really quite small here but still very beautiful.

Beautiful stained glass window at the front!


Kira picked out the style that she wanted and they didn't limit her to any one style despite her hair not being really long and straight. I let her make her own choice even though it was not the one that I would have liked :rolleyes1


Definitely smaller than the one in Cinderella Castle at WDW but there's some really great touches here that I just love, like the fact that they have a little seat for the parents at each and every chair!


The one thing that I really disliked was that instead of having one special Fairy Godmother-in-training that spent time on her and focused just on her, she got two and they doubled up to do all the stuff. This felt like they were trying to hurry up and get her done and out of there as quickly as possible. Not as magical at the WDW one that's for sure!


I also didn't like that instead of removing her nail polish (that she got from A&E's the day before) like they do in WDW, and then letting her choose the colour she wanted, they just plastered on this sparkly stuff right over top! :worried:



Took some pics while she was getting all done up...






Before long, she was ready for her big reveal!

Here's the other great thing about this version, the reveal! Here they have curtains that open up by the birds from Cinderella and then the mirror has little fibre optic lights in it that look like pixie dust!




She loved the result! Happy girl, happy Momma :-)

Daddy snapped this while Momma paid.


This is where the size of this place was very noticeable. The stand where you pay is totally in the way of people walking by and I had to wait for 2 moms ahead of me to pay. o_O

I had read online how they will escort your little princess directly to the Princess Meet & Greet but as I was paying, the CM told me point blank that they only do that when you spend the big bucks on the packages, which are $200 :eek: :snooty:

Well, isn't that special!!! (read in your best Church lady voice :rotfl2:)

I think they should either do it for ALL the girls or do it for none of them! >:(
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Wow I would not have been happy about the 3 am wake up. I wonder why they let it go on for 20 mins. They should have stopped it earlier.
Well when we were there a couple of years ago they had millie cyris (how ever you spell her name) and her 16th bday. At the time I liked her, now I dislike her more than words can describe. Any ways when they had her there the parks closed early and we were sound asleep Then BOOOM BOOM BOOOM we jumped out bed to find the fireworks going off LOL.

I may also be biased but I liked the Anna and else hair style better and the place in the castle or close to the castle looks very cramped. Happy you had fun and happy she had fun too.
Love your trip report.
After finally paying for the BBB experience, we made our own way over to meet the princesses! :snooty:

This was the longest wait for something the entire week!

Sadly, we just timed it badly because after we were done, the posted wait time was only 5 minutes compared to the 30+ we waited in line :scared:


While I waited in that line, Rob and Kira went to another line to meet Merida


After joining me, we met a few princesses



Cindy was extra sweet to Kira :cloud9:




My fave...



Belle was more interested in looking at the PhotoPass Photographer than me!


Afterwards, we noticed that Rapunzel took Merida's place so we joined that line again. Well, Rob joined that line and I stayed in the shade while taking pics ;)






Love the details on the castle!



I just love the Fantasy Faire area!!! So well themed!!! Took some pics while Rob and Kira waited back in line for Rapunzel..

Through that breezeway are bathrooms and a shortcut into Frontierland!




I got a close up because these used to be my initials about 16 years ago :p

Anyone know their significance???



Finally made it!




It was time to head over to DCA for lunch!

Just as we were about to head up Main Street, we saw the horse pulled trolley and I noticed the little girl walking towards it.


She kept getting closer and closer like she was just mesmerized and the whole time I kept thinking in my head PEOPLE WATCH YOUR CHILDREN!!! :sad2:

She got so close I eventually yelled out to her "Watch out!" :eek: :faint:

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Just after we entered DCA, Rob spotted Oswald off to the right, all by his lonesome!


He spent lots of time with Kira, looking at her book, signing it, dancing and posing with her :love:



We had a little time to kill so we took a little tour under the sea!



Hidden Mickeys!!!! :p


Blurry but cute shot...



It was now time to go...

back under the sea, I suppose :p

Another surprise!


It's funny how I love to surprise other people but I HATE, LOATHE, DESPISE surprises myself :lmao:

When we checked in there was only 2 groups in the little upstairs waiting room but 5 minutes later that room was FULL!!! :scared1:


Our little buzzer went off about 10 minutes later and we headed down the spiral staircase..


Where we had to wait to meet Ariel


She was standing off to the side of the little rounded area, making the photos a little awkward because Kira had to stand in front of her a little.



Stunning restaurant and we totally lucked out with the table!


Kira got a cute little crown to decorate...


We were seated right near the door to the patio, right at the front where they announce the princesses!


I booked this meal 100% for the characters, knowing that she would be all dolled up after BBB. I knew from all of the reviews that this restaurant did not offer the best tasting food but it is the only Princess Character Meal and I figured that this might be the last trip where she would actually still be interested in the princesses.

I did warn Rob to have low expectations when it came to the food but he is pretty easy to please and ended up actually loving it :D

We started with some nice warm bread


And Kira got this...


Now I know I said that I really started to hate the character meals but overall this one was pretty awesome! The big difference here (good and bad) is that the food is brought to you, which makes this momma very happy :cloud9:

I guess the bad part of that is that you picked which entrée you wanted from a very limited selection instead of possibly enjoying a variety of foods.

The other thing I loved about this one was that each princess was brought out and announced so you knew who to expect and when! Total bonus points because we were seated at the table that all princesses visited first :thumbsup2

This made my life so much easier!!!

Here is the announcer guy (technical term :goodvibes)






I didn't care for the soup but Rob liked both of them...and the salad:rotfl:




Poor Jasmine must have been freezing because she was all wrapped up! :cold:



Kira's lunch...


Mine and Rob's lunch...


I don't like barbecue sauce and the meat was coated in it so I just ate the meat that didn't have the sauce on it. The potatoes were okay and I asked the waiter what the yellow things were and he didn't know :rotfl2:

In hindsight, I should have asked them to serve mine without the sauce!

Rob said he quite enjoyed his ;)



And Kira's dessert


And ours


While the food was not the greatest for me, I thought the experience overall was good and Rob and Kira really enjoyed it all so I guess money well spent. I have no desire to return anytime soon but I am glad we tried it at least once. ::yes::
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So many precious moments in these installments. :lovestruc Love it!!! Kira is obviously enjoying your suprises. She is one lucky girl!
Merida and Kira could be princess-sisters. Same "hair color" and both bright eyes. :goodvibes
Great pictures. Beautiful Mainstreet. It feels like coming home, when one walks there, doesn't it?:jumping3:
It's fun reading your report and seeing all the pictures of Kira! I laughed too with little missy's attitude at the train station, I could clearly hear her voice telling you she could hear you. At least it wasn't like the meltdown in the minivan years ago when you both had to get out of it. LOL

Love Kira dressed up as Cinderella and the hair she picked made me LOL! She looked like Cinderstasia! Hahahahahaha

So, what are the significance of the letters? I feel like I should know this, but I'm coming up blank.

I always wanted to do a TR, but who's gonna read it, and I don't take enough pics, methinks! I'll share my trip with you. Can't wait to see Dooties little face as she reads her letters at YYC and YUL!
I think that CPG refers to Carnation Plaza Gardens, which makes sense because the Fantasy Faire was built over the Carnation Plaza area.
I'm really enjoying your trip report. Great photos, and your descriptions are funny and enjoyable to read!
Just after we entered DCA, Rob spotted Oswald off to the right, all by his lonesome!


He spent lots of time with Kira, looking at her book, signing it, dancing and posing with her :love:



We had a little time to kill so we took a little tour under the sea!



Hidden Mickeys!!!! :p


Blurry but cute shot...



It was now time to go...

back under the sea, I suppose :p

Another surprise!


It's funny how I love to surprise other people but I HATE, LOATHE, DESPISE surprises myself :lmao:

When we checked in there was only 2 groups in the little upstairs waiting room but 5 minutes later that room was FULL!!! :scared1:


Our little buzzer went off about 10 minutes later and we headed down the spiral staircase..


Where we had to wait to meet Ariel


She was standing off to the side of the little rounded area, making the photos a little awkward because Kira had to stand in front of her a little.



Stunning restaurant and we totally lucked out with the table!


Kira got a cute little crown to decorate...


We were seated right near the door to the patio, right at the front where they announce the princesses!


I booked this meal 100% for the characters, knowing that she would be all dolled up after BBB. I knew from all of the reviews that this restaurant did not offer the best tasting food but it is the only Princess Character Meal and I figured that this might be the last trip where she would actually still be interested in the princesses.

I did warn Rob to have low expectations when it came to the food but he is pretty easy to please and ended up actually loving it :D

We started with some nice warm bread


And Kira got this...


Now I know I said that I really started to hate the character meals but overall this one was pretty awesome! The big difference here (good and bad) is that the food is brought to you, which makes this momma very happy :cloud9:

I guess the bad part of that is that you picked which entrée you wanted from a very limited selection instead of possibly enjoying a variety of foods.

The other thing I loved about this one was that each princess was brought out and announced so you knew who to expect and when! Total bonus points because we were seated at the table that all princesses visited first :thumbsup2

This made my life so much easier!!!

Here is the announcer guy (technical term :goodvibes)






I didn't care for the soup but Rob liked both of them...and the salad:rotfl:




Poor Jasmine must have been freezing because she was all wrapped up! :cold:



Kira's lunch...


Mine and Rob's lunch...


I don't like barbecue sauce and the meat was coated in it so I just ate the meat that didn't have the sauce on it. The potatoes were okay and I asked the waiter what the yellow things were and he didn't know :rotfl2:

In hindsight, I should have asked them to serve mine without the sauce!

Rob said he quite enjoyed his ;)



And Kira's dessert


And ours


While the food was not the greatest for me, I thought the experience overall was good and Rob and Kira really enjoyed it all so I guess money well spent. I have no desire to return anytime soon but I am glad we tried it at least once. ::yes::

what did you order from Ariel's Grotto? I have not found anything that looks good.
Awesome thank you, and you guys look like you had a lot of fun. Sorry for the little ones melt down, but even my ds has had a melt down or two. I just have to sit him down, and do just about the same thing you did. Good job.

Yeah, I'm 43 and even I have my own little momma meltdowns :rolleyes: :lmao:

"I explained to her that she was a very lucky girl to be at Disneyland and that a lot of little girls would love to take her place right now".

AND...big girls too!

Yes, big girls too :laughing:

I love that you connect with your Mom on It's a Small World. Such a great story! If you do ever do a character meal again, you should feed Rob a snack beforehand and let him man the camera, so you can go for food first! It's so hard to deal with characters when you're hungry!

Hahaha! The thing is Rob doesn't care about the pics, he cares about the food :rolleyes1

Oh my goodness!! Kira is getting so grown up - she's crushing on boys already (and who can blame her if she has a crush on Thor and Captain America, I mean who doesn't) and she's riding rides on her own. Wow!! I would have been grumpy if they tied my hair that tight too. How do little girls deal with it? She looked beautiful as always though - what a fantastic experience you have created for her Cass! You are such an amazing Mom!

Thanks Heather :hug:

I know! 8 and crushing on boys!!! UGH :sad1:

I think lady is already sleeping on the bed...:magnify::P

Sometimes it seems that everything is just fine and the next moment there is a bad attitude or crying out of nowhere. That happens daily at our home. My firstborn almost lives on the time-out stairs.:rotfl:
You dealt with the situation very well. :hug:

Hahahah! Thankfully she doesn't really cry much anymore! I remember back when she was 2 and 3 and 4 and even 5 thinking "Dear Lord! Is this crying ever going to stop???" :rolleyes2

The Grump!! Baaaa ha ha!!
That many people and that much stimulation would make me have a grumpy day too!

She was doing great until that day! And we went during a quiet week :scared:

Love ALL the pics and the trip report, great job by the way! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time. I am from BC (Van Island) so we drive down to DL all the time and LOVE it.. we are going to WDW for the first time in a few weeks and I hope that I love it there too!

Thanks, we had a BLAST!!! :cool1:

I am sure you will LOVE WDW!!! They are both so very awesome in their own special ways :love:

Wow I would not have been happy about the 3 am wake up. I wonder why they let it go on for 20 mins. They should have stopped it earlier.
Well when we were there a couple of years ago they had millie cyris (how ever you spell her name) and her 16th bday. At the time I liked her, now I dislike her more than words can describe. Any ways when they had her there the parks closed early and we were sound asleep Then BOOOM BOOM BOOOM we jumped out bed to find the fireworks going off LOL.

I may also be biased but I liked the Anna and else hair style better and the place in the castle or close to the castle looks very cramped. Happy you had fun and happy she had fun too.
Love your trip report.

Ack, I have other reasons to dislike Miley but that would have really cemented my hatred :crazy2:

I liked the Anna & Elsa one too :lovestruc

I agree they should escort everyone. BUT love the red hair!

I think I would have loved the red hair more if she was dressed as Ariel :o

So many precious moments in these installments. :lovestruc Love it!!! Kira is obviously enjoying your suprises. She is one lucky girl!
Merida and Kira could be princess-sisters. Same "hair color" and both bright eyes. :goodvibes
Great pictures. Beautiful Mainstreet. It feels like coming home, when one walks there, doesn't it?:jumping3:

Yeah it's a lot of princess packed into a small amount of time :rotfl2:

Let's just say that I cannot WAIT to get back there!!!! :goodvibes

It's fun reading your report and seeing all the pictures of Kira! I laughed too with little missy's attitude at the train station, I could clearly hear her voice telling you she could hear you. At least it wasn't like the meltdown in the minivan years ago when you both had to get out of it. LOL

Love Kira dressed up as Cinderella and the hair she picked made me LOL! She looked like Cinderstasia! Hahahahahaha

So, what are the significance of the letters? I feel like I should know this, but I'm coming up blank.

I always wanted to do a TR, but who's gonna read it, and I don't take enough pics, methinks! I'll share my trip with you. Can't wait to see Dooties little face as she reads her letters at YYC and YUL!

Oh that meltdown, on the way to our 2009 DCL cruise! That was the WORST one evah!!! :eek:

I don't know the answer, I was posting it as a question :scratchin

Mostly I write my reports for ME, to relive the fun, to remember all the details before I forget them but if it helps someone else out or entertains someone, then it's a bonus :thumbsup2 There's a LOT of peeps on the DIS and people love reading trip reports, you would be surprised at who reads them ::yes:: Plus, I have met some of the most amazing people through my trip reports :disrocks:

You should try your hand at one, I personally would love to read ALL about your next trip :rolleyes1

I think that CPG refers to Carnation Plaza Gardens, which makes sense because the Fantasy Faire was built over the Carnation Plaza area.

Ahhhh that totally makes sense! And after I read what you wrote, I looked really close and what I originally thought was part of someone's Coat of Arms looks actually like three carnations so yeah, you are totally right! Thanks!!! :worship:

Could you tell me what camera lens you are using for your photos? Thank you!

Canon 18-135mm. That help? ;)

I'm really enjoying your trip report. Great photos, and your descriptions are funny and enjoyable to read!

Why thanks! It's nice having you read along :woohoo:

what did you order from Ariel's Grotto? I have not found anything that looks good.

Rob and I both got the Whiskey BBQ Beef dish. Wasn't bad and probably much better if you actually like bbq sauce :rolleyes:
Lol we took pics of Millieys limo driving in the back way the night of her bday. I didn't hate it but wow it sure was loud that night.
We didn't even make it out of the restaurant before the hairdo came down :lmao:


We had gone to the bathroom there and she asked me to take it all out. I kind of figured that would happen anyway, I'm just so glad she lasted through all the princesses ::yes::

Quick pic at Cars Land and I'm thinking we even took a ride on Maters. Then we grabbed some FP's for RSR so we could ride it at night.


We stopped for a quick pic with me and the kiddo


Here's the wait times board as we were leaving the park. Like I said, except for the Friday, crowds were manageable, especially if you toured smartly and made use of FP.


Back to Disneyland!


We spotted Cruella as we passed the Opera House so we just had to stop!


She was the BEST!!!! She looked ALL of Kira's book and totally dissed every single character in there!!! "Ohhh, I don't like her at all!" and other funny quips as she thumbed through it :lmao:


Then she asked Kira where her page was. Now, I actually had her in Kira's WDW version of the autograph book but I didn't think she met in DL so I didn't include that page when I got the book printed.


She asked Kira if she made the book and she said no and then Cruella asked who made the book and she totally gave me up!!! :rotfl2:


And then I got in total trouble for not including her!


She did some great poses with Kira


And then she said goodbye to Kira and called on the next person to "adore" her LOL!

It's that kind of magic that keeps me coming back to Disney again and again :smickey:

A quick visit with Donald before continuing on...


Then we headed over to Big Thunder because Kira said she was thinking that she might try it!!! I was in shock when those words came out of her mouth!!! Thrilled but shocked!!:earboy2:

So we went over and grabbed some Fast Passes for Big Thunder!

Then we grabbed some FP's for the Frozen show in Fantasy Faire and then we were on the hunt for Aurora because she was the last Disney princess Kira needed to finish off her autograph! We found out she was currently near the Dumbo entrance but she was leaving as we got there. She said she was going to be back in less than 10 minutes so we just chilled.



While waiting for Aurora, who fibbed about only being 10 minutes, by the way, we found Ariel!


about 10 minutes after the first 10 minutes :rolleyes:


It was a pretty hot day so we were in need of a nice cool treat break!

I just love the water fountains here, no one-size-fits-all thing at this park :p



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We took one last long look at the ride before getting on, she looks a little nervous here :rolleyes:


Then we headed to the entrance...


The FP return sign is totally hidden behind that umbrella!

I wasn't sure if she would go through with it but she did and she loved it! So much so that she asked to go again so we grabbed another set of FP's before leaving.

It was almost time for the Frozen show so we joined the line and waited until they opened up the little theatre.

It was a very cute, fun show! I love that they made it entertaining for the adults too! Gotta love Disney :lovestruc



Kira sat on the floor at the very front


She really enjoyed the show!


By then, it was time for BT again!

Big Thunder selfie!!! Oh my, Cass...what a giant head you have there! :lmao:


Here is that second turn on BT caught by Rob's iPhone

She wanted to go again but had reservations for dinner so we had to head out. We had the brilliant idea to take the monorail back again ::yes::

And we hit it once again just at sunset!


AND we were able to ride the front again!!!

Last time I was camcording so this time I was able to take a video with my iPhone, so sit back, relax and enjoy the ride to Downtown Disney :goodvibes

Set to 1080HD peeps! :thumbsup2

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