Surprise! We're going to Disneyland...with Cass, Rob & Kira

I just love all your photos, what an amazing time you guys had! I am really hoping the Frozen stuff stays for our trip in October. Do you recommend using EE to go into the snow area early? I guess need to weigh up what else we might miss out on, perhaps if it is still around for when we go I may need to work out a strategy. We are only staying onsite at the Grand Cal for 4 nights, then heading offsite for 6 nights, I will have 1 MM also. Oh I just can't wait, I'll be losing sleep at the thought of my vacation very soon! I tried my first corn dog on the weekend at our Sydney Royal Easter Show here in Aus, and I got to say whilst I enjoyed the crunch of the outside, I'm not sure I can say it tasted like anything at all! Bit disappointed actually but I know US does this type of food way better so I shall still try a corn dog when I visit :goodvibes
Looks like fun! Glad to know the boutique can do stuff for girls with shorter hair. Thinking of taking my niece this fall.
Great TR, Jun! Loving all the fantastic pics of Kira and Rob... not so many of you though :rolleyes2

I laughed out loud when I saw Turks in the cone hat! LOL The Frozen makeover place looks awesome and sooooo quiet. What I wouldn't give for that experience at BBB next month!!! Kira looked so cute with her hair and I loved the close up pics of her after she was done up... inside and outside. She is a cutie. :love:

The Ironman suit was a bit freaky and I was waiting for it to come to life, it looked so real! Rob must have loved all the stuff.

Kira looked like she was having a blast sliding down that little snow hill. And also love her new shades, they look so cute on LB
Oh gosh - I suddenly like that sign a little less now! For that price I might be better off getting some awesome artworks etc especially after I convert it to AUD, add 30% ouch! I was so glad to read your postives on BB, I wasn't sure whether to try it but now I know I must give it a go, not to mention to get a great spot for Fantasmic. Its the only Disney show I don't remember from my last trip, thanks to the rather tall people seated in front of me but DH says it is the best! HEy heres a thought, I can forget BB and get the DL sign :hyper: !!

Yeah, that's what I said when I saw the price of that sign :p

Blue Bayou is a MUST :worship:

Kira looks so cute, sounds like she really liked the experience!

Only my youngest would want this done, and she has a mop of super curly hair. Not sure if it would work. But...I'm definitely looking into it for our trip in 2 weeks.

We did BBB at WDW in 2013 and Kira's hair was really short and curly and they did a great job! I have pics in my 2013 Trip Report, link in signature :thumbsup2

That's actually part of the tree. I think it's called a silk floss tree.

I'm really enjoying your trip report!

Thank you rwu!!!! It was creeping me out, thinking it was full of spiders :scared:

Oh wow I loved The frozen fun area. I pray it comes back this nov-dec time. Pleassseee Disney Gods hear my pleee

Hard to say, there's new stuff planned for the 60th but I will cross my fingers and toes for you! :teeth:

That's great she was okay to do single rider line.... Am hoping my daughter will give this option a try on our trip. In my experience your usually in the same car !!!

Yes, I was totally shocked and surprised actually! I was so proud of her :-)

I have a question, do they allow adults in to the snow area, and on the sleds? Is there an extra cost or is it all free?

Yes, the adults are allowed on all of it and it is all free :yay:

I just love all your photos, what an amazing time you guys had! I am really hoping the Frozen stuff stays for our trip in October. Do you recommend using EE to go into the snow area early? I guess need to weigh up what else we might miss out on, perhaps if it is still around for when we go I may need to work out a strategy. We are only staying onsite at the Grand Cal for 4 nights, then heading offsite for 6 nights, I will have 1 MM also. Oh I just can't wait, I'll be losing sleep at the thought of my vacation very soon! I tried my first corn dog on the weekend at our Sydney Royal Easter Show here in Aus, and I got to say whilst I enjoyed the crunch of the outside, I'm not sure I can say it tasted like anything at all! Bit disappointed actually but I know US does this type of food way better so I shall still try a corn dog when I visit :goodvibes

Yes, do the Snowfest during EE if you can! It got crazy busy just after regular park opening!

Definitely try to corndogs at Corn Dog Castle at DCA, Soooooo good!!!! I could go for one right now actually...or 2 or 3 :rolleyes1

Great TR, Jun! Loving all the fantastic pics of Kira and Rob... not so many of you though :rolleyes2

I laughed out loud when I saw Turks in the cone hat! LOL The Frozen makeover place looks awesome and sooooo quiet. What I wouldn't give for that experience at BBB next month!!! Kira looked so cute with her hair and I loved the close up pics of her after she was done up... inside and outside. She is a cutie. :love:

The Ironman suit was a bit freaky and I was waiting for it to come to life, it looked so real! Rob must have loved all the stuff.

Kira looked like she was having a blast sliding down that little snow hill. And also love her new shades, they look so cute on LB

There's plenty of pics of me there, we don't need any more :rolleyes:

Actually, it was Kira that :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc all the Marvel stuff LOL!

And thems aren't new shades, I think we got them last summer after her prescription changed. She doesn't like to wear them but when it's really sunny out, her Daddy insists on it so she doesn't damage her eyes. ::yes::
Looks like fun! Glad to know the boutique can do stuff for girls with shorter hair. Thinking of taking my niece this fall.

Yes, at least they have options for short hair, they do a great job :thumbsup2
Awesome trip report! Loved Kiras Frozen-styling! That sleek look suits her.:goodvibes
Before leaving DCA, we grabbed some FP's for RSR so we could ride it at night.

We hopped over to Disneyland and made our way to the Silhouette Studio. By now, Kira was full-on GRUMPY!!!

We got in line, with 3 people ahead of us. The lady who does the silhouettes is talented and very quick!
I told Kira that this was something I wanted to do and that all she had to do was just sit there. Well, she even managed to complain about just sitting there :sad2:


She kept complaining about wanting to ride stuff so we headed for the Train station because we hadn't been able to ride that yet.

Inside the station, we spotted a pressed quarter machine, the first one we spied this trip.


Rob decided to see what happens when we put a Canadian quarter in there...


Surprisingly, it made quite a difference! US on left, CDN on right..


By then, Kira's attitude just SUCKED! I mean, the worst I have ever seen it! I don't know what triggered it really. Yes, we've been going all day for a few days now but we've been getting lots of sleep, eating regularly...maybe it was the heat? Whatever it was, it was getting intolerable and I was not taking any more of it!

I told her that we were not going on the train and to go for a time-out on the bench across from us. She was not happy about that at all so she turned the other way :rolleyes:


Earlier in the week, I had jokingly talked about dropping her off at Pinocchio's (kids club) while Rob and I went and had some sass-free fun in the parks by ourselves. Well, as we sat on that bench, shaking our heads in disbelief at her recent attitude, we started talking about actually doing it and how her complaining and whining and bad attitude was sucking the magic out of the day.

Kira turns around and says "I can hear you, you know!!!"


I was still mad on the outside but I was laughing my butt off on the inside :p

We sat there for a good 10-15 minutes, just to give her a little cool down period. During this time, all the people that had boarded the train while we sat there were now being removed as there was some kind of issue on the track and they weren't running any trains. Well, guess the whole train ride wasn't meant to be anyway!

We then had a big talk with our little princess. I told her that the way she was acting today was not acceptable and that if it kept up, we would end our day and head back to the hotel. I explained to her that she was a very lucky girl to be at Disneyland and that a lot of little girls would love to take her place right now. I also told her that there will be no more purchases for her made by either us or her and any money she had left could be spent on Friday evening IF her attitude improved.

That seemed to help the situation. By now, there was no time for any other rides before our reservation at Carnation Café. A few minutes early, we checked in and asked for a table outside on the patio so we could get a glimpse of the parade.


Rob and I both ordered the baked potato soup...the whole reason I wanted to eat here :love:


It was as good as everyone says it is and I ate every single bite!

Kira had an amazing meal! I wish they offered the make-your-own-pb-and-j-sandwich at every single restaurant! She loved this meal and ate almost everything! The bread was a little big and not very soft, if they would just change it, I think this would be the best kid food on property!


Rob had the chicken fried chicken, which he said was good but made him long for the fried chicken at The Plaza Inn


I had the cheeseburger because people say that it is the best burger on Disney property...


They lied!!!!

The meat was okay but the bun was gross! It was not fresh at all! It was flaking and coming apart! Nothing like a bad bun ruining a burger :worried:

The fries were good and I was half full from that delicious soup anyway!

In the middle of our meal, the parade passed by and Kira LOVED being able to watch it from our table. It kept her entertained and helped to hugely improve her attitude :flower:



We ended up talking to one of the bus boys for quite a long time. He was super nice and chatty and Rob ended up giving him some Canadian coins. :rolleyes2

Kira was wanting to make a return trip on pirates but I was done with pirates by now so Rob and Kira went and I took a spin on my fave...


I decided to take a few pics this time and despite just using my camera phone, they turned out decent enough!

I love that this stretching room actually has a purpose and you can tell that you are really going down.


When I am alone, I tend to straggle behind everyone else to enjoy the details



I tried to spot the spider and his web on the glass but I couldn't find it. Rumour has it that someone pelted the glass with a BB guns years ago and the cost and work required to fix it was just not feasible, so they decided to put a fake spider near the damaged glass as it looks like a web.



The new window at the end of the attic...


Grim Grinning Ghosts!


Don't pick up hitchhikers people!


After my solo ride, I met back up with my family and we did a HM ride together. We were debating about actually using our FP's for RSR but I felt like we should do it another night.

At that point, we decided to call it a day. I figured we could take the train over to Tomorrowland and then the Monorail to DD. That would save us a LOT of walking and we could hit two new attractions that way :thumbsup2

This was the only time I got a glimpse of Toontown!

Stopped on the bridge over the Toontown entrance...


We got to the Monorail platform just as the sun was setting behind the Matterhorn.


With the Monorail in the background :goodvibes


We had just missed the monorail but that was okay because I knew we would have a good chance at riding up front on the next one. As the next one approached, I asked a CM and he directed us to the front, yay! :cool1:


Fantastic view all the way to Downtown Disney, lucky us!!

Loved the view as we approached the front of the Grand Californian!


Kira and I managed a quick swim together since we got back early and then we hit the sack.

Here's her bed made by Mousekeeping :lovestruc


Oh, I almost forgot! Here's the finished product from the Silhouette Studio...


They give you two copies of the silhouette but they didn't do a good job finalizing the second one, you can see the glue they used and where it is not flat :guilty:


I love the one in the frame and I am glad we did it! We call this new piece of art, "The Grump"
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Could You tell me how much the silhouette's are? That looks so neat and something we have not ever done.
Thank you I can't wait to play in the snow if it is there lol

Crossing fingers for you :thumbsup2

Love how the characters couldn't get enough of the book

Yeah, it was a really good investment ::yes::

Awesome trip report! Loved Kiras Frozen-styling! That sleek look suits her.:goodvibes

Thanks :goodvibes :hug:

Could You tell me how much the silhouette's are? That looks so neat and something we have not ever done.

I don't have my receipts handy but I looked at the photo again and it shows prices in the background.:groom:

Looks like about $10 for the silhouette and another $17 for the frame :thumbsup2
Awesome thank you, and you guys look like you had a lot of fun. Sorry for the little ones melt down, but even my ds has had a melt down or two. I just have to sit him down, and do just about the same thing you did. Good job.
"I explained to her that she was a very lucky girl to be at Disneyland and that a lot of little girls would love to take her place right now".

AND...big girls too!
I love that you connect with your Mom on It's a Small World. Such a great story! If you do ever do a character meal again, you should feed Rob a snack beforehand and let him man the camera, so you can go for food first! It's so hard to deal with characters when you're hungry!
Oh my goodness!! Kira is getting so grown up - she's crushing on boys already (and who can blame her if she has a crush on Thor and Captain America, I mean who doesn't) and she's riding rides on her own. Wow!! I would have been grumpy if they tied my hair that tight too. How do little girls deal with it? She looked beautiful as always though - what a fantastic experience you have created for her Cass! You are such an amazing Mom!
I think lady is already sleeping on the bed...:magnify::P

Sometimes it seems that everything is just fine and the next moment there is a bad attitude or crying out of nowhere. That happens daily at our home. My firstborn almost lives on the time-out stairs.:rotfl:
You dealt with the situation very well. :hug:
The Grump!! Baaaa ha ha!!
That many people and that much stimulation would make me have a grumpy day too!
Love ALL the pics and the trip report, great job by the way! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time. I am from BC (Van Island) so we drive down to DL all the time and LOVE it.. we are going to WDW for the first time in a few weeks and I hope that I love it there too!


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