Nurses....what is the MOST painful Shot given

MinnieM3 said:
DH (hospital pharmacist) says it might have been Rocephin, but he also says it should have been mixed with lidocaine to make the pain less intense. Sounds like yours was not. Sorry!

Thats what we do in our outpatient department and it makes a big difference.
MScott1851 said:
I've heard people say that Depo hurts, but I've given it to myself before and didn't notice.

I've never had any pain with Depo because of the shot. Now my OB's nurse has been guilty of just giving a crummy shot, and that's hurt! :rotfl:

The most painful shot I've ever had was a cortizone shot in the bottom of my foot for plantar faciatus (sorry about the spelling) and heel spur. My Dr actually gave it to me and not the nurse. Although it took 2 nurse to make sure I didn't jump off the table. My Dr. said he has actually had women tell him that labor was easier than that shot. I don't know about that, but it really hurt!
Ouch!! I've never had anything other than a basic shot but my poor dd had an antibiotic shot for strep when she was 6. They put it in her butt and she was screaming. Even the nurse teared up b/c she felt so bad, lol. That poor kid cried for an hour. A year later when she was in the Dr's office, he said 'ok, time for your flu shot" She flew across the room and tried to hide under the desk-she thought it was the butt shot again, lol!
DW's had lots of shots and the one she says hurt the most by far was Fragmin(anti-coagulant). I had to give her the injections every day for most of 3 pregnancies. It was subcutaneous though, so not a lot of soreness other than bruising. Just a couple minutes of excruciating burning that made her cry.
Not a nurse but I just got the Tetanus booster shot a few minutes ago. It's painful but tolerable - I think it hurts the most afterwards rather than when they're actually doing it, and it's a burning sort of pain. However, it wasn't as bad as the Gardasil (HPV) shots. Those were probably the most painful ever. I actually almost passed out after one of them and had to sit down.
My guess is Rocephin (ceftraixone). It's soooo thick, it hurts my hand to push it in, and plenty of patients have told me it hurts like...well, you know. Bicillin is also painful but I think Rocephin is the worst.


ETA - tetanus can make your arm sore, but it's not even in the same pain league with the big gun antibiotics. I've had patients say it feels like thier arm is being amputated :earseek:

Yep. Rocephin is the winner. I mean the loser. :(

My daughter had to get those often with her terrible ear infections. Then they always had to massage them in. Just awful.
My guess is Rocephin (ceftraixone). It's soooo thick, it hurts my hand to push it in, and plenty of patients have told me it hurts like...well, you know. Bicillin is also painful but I think Rocephin is the worst.


ETA - tetanus can make your arm sore, but it's not even in the same pain league with the big gun antibiotics. I've had patients say it feels like thier arm is being amputated :earseek:

I think that's the shot they gave me a couple of weeks ago. Yes it stings like the dickens but my wasp stings were far worse!!!
May sound silly because of the small needle size but by far the worst shot I ever had was BOTOX! I have had cortisone , trigger points ect ect but the Botox was crazy painful.. I cried like a baby.. 36 injections at once and every single one hurt so bad my stomach hurt, let's just say I am glad I went to the ladies room before because I may have had a problem ! It's a every 3 month thing
A 10 year old zombie thread. On goody.

Any nurse giving antibiotic injections into an arm should have to be subjected to the same torture. ( from the post that Kitty quoted) The gluteus is the muscle of choice for any high volume or viscous injection. When I was in the Air Force I often had to give gamma globulin injections. I've seen grown men whine like a little girl They were just awful. Antibiotics (especially if they are cold) are really bad, too.

By contrast, any sub cu injection is a mosquito bite.
A 10 year old zombie thread. On goody.

Any nurse giving antibiotic injections into an arm should have to be subjected to the same torture. ( from the post that Kitty quoted) The gluteus is the muscle of choice for any high volume or viscous injection. When I was in the Air Force I often had to give gamma globulin injections. I've seen grown men whine like a little girl They were just awful. Antibiotics (especially if they are cold) are really bad, too.

By contrast, any sub cu injection is a mosquito bite.

My understanding about law enforcement training is that a peace officer certified to carry a Taser on duty generally must be subjected to a shock during training.

I do remember giving blood or drawing a blood sample. Getting a vein tapped is always interesting. I've been asked a few times if I wanted an anesthetic using a small needle near the vein. Another blood bank told me they don't normally do that, and the cost of the anesthetic was maybe $50. I've had it done without it, and it usually wasn't too bad, although I've had it spasm once or twice. It's all up to the skill of the technician.
I have had rocephin plenty of times. It feels like it takes 5 minutes of insane burning. The last time it was given in my Deltoid muscle(upper arm) it didn't deal and caused the medicine to pour back out, so I had to come back and get another one.
When my oldest was 3 1/2 she had to have a shot people received for Meningitis (sp?) twice within a 60 day period. It was a last resort because antibiotics were not working for her anymore. The nurse said that she had to put it in really slow and that it burns horribly. I wonder if this is the same shot you received.

Before these shots, my DD never had a problem with shots/needles and after those 2 shots she's terrified of them. I don't think she remembers the actual shots because she was so young, but the experienced obviously scared her into never wanting another shot again.
Now, that this old thread is going again, I will add my 2 cents.

A nurse told me that tight muscles are one of the biggest reasons shots hurt so much. People tend to tense their muscles. I've proved this with the shots I've had since, totally relax my muscles and they barely hurt. I know there are exceptions as some liquids are thicker than others, but in general this makes a huge difference.
From what I've heard from my dad and my husband, the most painful was the shot in the stomach when they were thought to be having a heart attack. I don't like needles so they are all bad to me. lol
Cause I think I got it!! I have an infection and got a strong antibiotic shot. Now I've had my share of shots before but NEVER have I had anything like this. The actual pric didn't feel any different from any but afterwards, OMG I felt like my entire leg and hip was going to fall off from burning. My mother said I turned as white as a sheet. I thought I was having a reaction or something but the nurse said it was one of the most painful shots out there. So now its still hurting and burning off and on.

So what was it?? Any ideas?? All I know was a strong antibiotic.

My ds (11 at the time) got a shot that sounds really similar. It was an antibiotic and they warned us ahead of time, but we both were still just thinking a shots a shot...OMG I felt like such a horrible mom. He's a tough kid, always has been, but that was the most pain I've ever seen him in - he's a kid who plays sports to the fullest and is totally fine sacrificing his body lol, but wow. The poor guy was in tears and it took forever for them to finish it. We would never do it again given a choice.
I was just looking back at rabies shot descriptions. It's changed since then- much less painful. I got a series in my arms over the course of 3 weeks. They told me I was lucky they don't have to use the belly anymore.


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