Nurses....what is the MOST painful Shot given

Worst I've had is cortisone shots-they're so thick and they burn. I equate it to trying to inject ben gay into my body!

I had to get some kind of steriod shot in the bum two times. It was to help develop my baby's lungs since we knew she was going to be a preemie. That just burned so bad. The whole time I just kept telling myself that it was the best things I could do for my DD.
Beauty I had something like that happen when I got my wisdom teeth pulled. Suddenly I was burning from my belly button down. I don't remember much more because I was then knocked out.

ok...I was only 10 at the time, but I still remember 20 years later...
It wasn't a shot per se, but I had to have my blood gas drawn after being hit by a car. I remember this being horrible..and needles never bothered me and I was in tons of pain...and this kiiled even more. After this, I didn't have a needle for years and I was petrified that it was going to be like the blood was a breeze. Now I am doing IVF and give myself needles. The IM progesterone (DH has to give in my backside) is sore...but nothing compared to what I remember from when I was 10!!
I don't know about the antibiotics, but Rho-Gam was the worst I ever got. Thank goodness it goes in the hip.
I have Rheumatold Arthritis, so I get to have a lot of shots. :rolleyes:

I get blood drawn every 3 months. I self-inject my enbrel medication once a week. It burns/stings because it is pre-mixed and has a preservative to it. I just had a cortisone shot in my hip that quite a sting to it. I've had cortisone shots in both wrists, and my index, ring and pinky finger on both hands. Those were a lot worse.

The worst ever, which isn't actually a normal "shot" has got to be an epidural, especially with the shock feelings that you feel in your legs and back. (2 c-sections here). :earseek:
I just have to add, I hate giving IM injections, especially to skinny people. It always amaze me that some people rather have IM injections into their muscle, when we can dilute most things given in a IV. I push Phenergan real real slow, and people still want to claw my eyes out!
dbarker said:
I don't know about the antibiotics, but Rho-Gam was the worst I ever got. Thank goodness it goes in the hip.

I've had 4 doses, and don't remember it hurting. DH gave me phenergan once, and I SWORE he hit a nerve, since it hurt so much.
ChrisnSteph said:
I'm not a nurse, but from experience, I'd have to say a tetanus shot is the worst. Especially the next day!
I was in a car accident last year and was given a tetanus shot in the ER. The nurse told me my arm would be very sore the next day. I remembered getting one when I was 16 and I don't recall my arm hurting after that. But the day after the accident last year, earlier in the day I thought what was she talking about, my arm doesn't hurt at all. Well later in the day I was in agony!!
The one I hated the most was the shot I got between my toes for Morton's Neuroma.
DH (hospital pharmacist) says it might have been Rocephin, but he also says it should have been mixed with lidocaine to make the pain less intense. Sounds like yours was not. Sorry!
The worst shots I ever got was the Demerol/something that they gave me for pain when I had my leg and ankle set. Ouch. Of course once it kicked in I felt much better but the actual shot was awful. And I had an IV line it but they didn't use that
Worse than penicillin or my epidural.
The worst I ever had was a spinal tap that took 2 hours and 45 minutes to try to get and they didn't get it so I had to go have it done under an xray type camera so they could see the spot.

I have a very high pain factor but I would rather die then go through that again.
dbarker said:
I don't know about the antibiotics, but Rho-Gam was the worst I ever got. Thank goodness it goes in the hip.

YES!! I totally agree with this one! Absolutely the most painful injection I have ever had! And it's been 10 years since I had it!

I have had an injection in the back of my knee that might have been cortizone or might have been dye - can't remember - but it hurt.

I once had a Phenergran injection in my hip and the nurse hit a nerve. It hurt for like 6 months after that. Now I never take anything in my butt that can go in my arm. I have Depo Provera injections every 12 weeks and I insist on it going in my arm.

I hope I never need any of these other super painful things!! :earseek:
yes i suspect it was an anti -biotic, i had triplopen when i came into contact with meningitis and the thick injection hurt for ages. thank goodness for i.v. antibiotics these days!
This was something call Rocephen or Roseven (or something like that)... You can have it done by IV you know? That's what DD had to do & I would not let them give her the injection.... it had to be the IV... THAT was bad enough :(

As for me, I have to go every four months for Botox injections straight into the muscles in my jaw & shoulder/neck area... I pass out sometimes... It's the worst pain I've ever had & I have had C sections where the epidural didn't take, phenergan, tetanus, morphine, the list goes on.... the Botox is the epitomy of pain....
anyone who's been in the military can give you a whole list! I think anthrax, typhoid, yellow fever, and anything with gamma gobulan in it is horrible.
Rabies shots across the belly. Had them as a kid after my arm was magled by a stray cat. One a day, for 9 days till the cat was FINALLY found.


Z-track is recommended for some of the more caustic-feeling intra-muscular shots. It keeps most of the med in the muscle layer and NOT in the subcutaneous layer where it can hurt. We were also taught that certain locations for intramuscular injections are more painful than others. Like the side of your thigh. Also, outside upper quadrant of buttock is no longer a good spot for most Americans.

Hope you feel better soon! Maybe once the medication gets all broken up and dispersed.

Serena said:
I don't know, but a friend of mine had to have hormone shots and she said it hurt worse than anything she'd ever had. I guess the liquid is thick and burned all the way through her leg.

A friend's niece gets hormone or steroid shots to help her grow. She has a syndrome that means she wont' be very tall. I guess with the shots she might get to 5 foot 3 instead of less than 5 feet tall.

I was there one day when she got it. WOW!! is all I can say. She carried on and on when her mom told her she was getting it that day.

My friend's BIL is a dermatologist and couldn't understand why she carried on so much. He injected a small amount into his own arm to see what the big deal was. He said it was horrible and thick and hurt like heck.
bgirldeb said:
I have Rheumatold Arthritis, so I get to have a lot of shots. :rolleyes:

I get blood drawn every 3 months. I self-inject my enbrel medication once a week. It burns/stings because it is pre-mixed and has a preservative to it. I just had a cortisone shot in my hip that quite a sting to it. I've had cortisone shots in both wrists, and my index, ring and pinky finger on both hands. Those were a lot worse.

The worst ever, which isn't actually a normal "shot" has got to be an epidural, especially with the shock feelings that you feel in your legs and back. (2 c-sections here). :earseek:

I was just about to post about Enbrel. WOW does the once weekly shot

hurt...not the needle, but the medication...what a sting!!!!!


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