Confessions of a reluctant runner, a DL 1/2 & PHM PTR. 7/5 race recaps and final thoughts

Catching up on the chatter !! I was actually off on Mother's Day . But we celebrated Saturday as the girls were working , we went to Denny's for breakfast , The girls both bought me HUGE bouquets and argued over whose was the best:rolleyes1:flower1: :rotfl2:
Im back from my trip and catching up a teensy bit.

I'm sorry the Mothers Day race wasn't the best :( hopefully the rest of Mothers Day was good though :)

Good about the lacing but not so good about still getting blood blisters :(
Caught up and even though the race sounds it was not your best, hopefully a wonderful Mother's day for you.

It really was a lovely day all around!

Sorry you still have the show woes. I may need to bend your ear about Palm Spring. Heading there in Oct for a work trip and might actually have some time to look around. :laughing:

It's my feet, not the shoes. I need to just suck it up. Sigh. There is another pair I want to try but at this point, don't want to spend the money or exchange the ones I am using that mostly are ok. Of course the other pair may be my dream shoe but....


I am not an expert on PS but can share a few things for sure!

Catching up on the chatter !! I was actually off on Mother's Day . But we celebrated Saturday as the girls were working , we went to Denny's for breakfast , The girls both bought me HUGE bouquets and argued over whose was the best:rolleyes1:flower1: :rotfl2:

Oh that is funny Rosie, I love that!

Im back from my trip and catching up a teensy bit.

I'm sorry the Mothers Day race wasn't the best :( hopefully the rest of Mothers Day was good though :)

Good about the lacing but not so good about still getting blood blisters :(

Ah well, it is what it is I think on the blood blister issue. They haven't actually been debilitating yet this round so that is something. Sort of livable but not ideal if that makes sense. Overall Mothers Day was absolutely lovely, thanks! Welcome home.
I am not an expert on PS but can share a few things for sure!

Well considering the last conference there was 2008 and that is the only one since 2006 that I missed and have never been over to PS, any help I can get would be great. :rotfl2:
A drive by hello! Sorry to be totally MIA. It is the end of the school year gauntlet here which means kid events every night. Literally. Every.Night! Including the weekends.

It sucks the life out of me. LOL!

About 10 more days of insanity, including house guests, in laws, Taylor's college graduation (and probable drama around the event). And..Evan turns 16 on Sunday. AACK, how is that possible? I will try to get an update up over the weekend and catch up on replies but it is possible that it won't happen.

I have done 2 races since Mother's Day, both of which went relatively well although I'm still not sold on the shoe situation, have new ones arriving tomorrow. Once the house guests are gone I should be able to do a final update here.
Sounds like you're just swamped right now. Good luck getting through everything and I hope you can relax and try to enjoy some of the celebrations coming up as well. We'll see you when you get back.
I hope you can enjoy these celebrations even though it's hectic. It will be over soon :)

When's the next vacation?
Sounds like you're just swamped right now. Good luck getting through everything and I hope you can relax and try to enjoy some of the celebrations coming up as well. We'll see you when you get back.


Yep. Swamped is an understatement. All good for the most part but just trying to keep my head above water.

I hope you can enjoy these celebrations even though it's hectic. It will be over soon :)

When's the next vacation?


No vacation really planned. We will have a "long" weekend on the Oregon coast in July but htat's a work trip. I'll get about a day and a half with my family for that, probably at best.

Right now I am registered to run Avengers in November. It remains to be seen if that is really financially viable and I'll know that by the end of September. If not, I will defer. If I do go, it will be a long weekend trip.

I do have a work trip to DC in October and Jeff may join me for a few days and we will extend.

And I have a work conference in Orlando next April, and will extend for a few days.

That is seriously it for the foreseeable future. Truly the next "big" trip, unless something else happens will likely not be until summer of 2017! I hope that changes but right now that's what is planned. The kids Ireland adventure next March pretty much kills everything for about a 2 year span, partially based on it's timing and partially based on the funding of it. Major drag.
Will you go with the kids to Ireland?

How was the graduation and the birthday?

I hope you can do your Avengers run :)
Will you go with the kids to Ireland?

How was the graduation and the birthday?

I hope you can do your Avengers run :)

Most likely not, on Ireland. I would lvoe to but it's a 12 night trip for them and pretty costly, I don't see having the extra funds to tag along/stalk them. I wouldn't chaperon if I did go so I can plan it later if somehow the money gods get generous but I don't see it happening. I'm going to do a quick update with graduation, birthday etc here and then I think it's time to put this sad neglected PTR/TR to rest.
I'm alive! Really! It's just been nuts and well, I k now there was some drama in general on the DIS and I chose to avoid it entirely. I have enough in real life and didn't need it here too. Not that the DIS isn't real know what I mean!

I just posted a WAY overdue update on my girls trip TR, hope to get DL one up today as well since we are on the last day of that one. I need to finish this one and that one. Right now I am not sure that I'll do a TR for any of the recent trips, I feel like I've not been able to keep up on others threads more or less my own and well, there are 4 trips that I've not done any kind of TR on although I have shared some pics. Those trips were

  • DL Half (posted some pics from the race here but not of the bulk of the trip)
  • Fall anniversary cruise and food and wine. I know I posted the Gros Piton hike here but that might have been it?
  • Princess Half. Posted some here and on the girls trip, kind of a uber mini TR although it skipped a lot of stuff
  • Alison's Birthday Trip. Posted a few on Alison's thread but am lame there as well.
  • Aulani. I posted one running picture here. LOL!

Sigh. Life has truly gotten away from me. Aulani was amazing, the kids had a great time and so did we but it was pretty much non stop after that, including the amazing birthday party!

As I mentioned above there isn't much "next" on the docket at all. Which feels weird and is depressing and I am sure also factors in to my MIA status as I wrap my head around NOT having a disney trip to plan for and look forward to. Avengers is very much at risk, I will know more maybe this week. If that's out then I am down to a work trip next April. Not sure yet what that entails other than I do plan to extend the trip, likely on the back end. If I get really REALLY lucky then runDisney will announce a star wars race that ties in with my work trip dates. A girl can dream, right? I would like to do a TR for the cruise at some point or Aulani or both but, my goodness, I've still not even sorted the pictures and fully uploaded them all.


Soo...all that's what I've been up to running wise since I got back from Aulani.

First up was a Half on Mothers Day

This was a HORRIBLE race for me. It was warm, and a lot of hills. I took some fuel at around the half way mark after making it up the 1.5 mile long hill. The fuel (which I had used before) hit me all kinds of wrong and I felt really horrible (sugar rush ick) for the next 5 miles. It wasn't my worst half, time wise, but it was my 2nd worst and only 11 seconds faster than my worst. And at that one I stopped for the bathroom twice!.

However, I was greeted at the finish line with flowers from Eric (who did the 5k) and then taken to the mimosa garden by Jeff (who also did the 5k) so it ended well






We had a nice mothers day, got to see the HS musical production of Mary Poppins, Evan did the lights for it and then had my mom and dad over for dinner. I made the boys get a picture at least!


See, still shrinking!

Melvin got in on the picture


After that, Jeff and I took off to SF to run bay to breakers. This thing was INSANE! About twice as big as the bigger Disney races for official runners and tons of folks hop in the race that aren't even registered.

Nude running is allowed. of those nude runners decided to position himself right behind us in the corral. I am not posting the unfortunate selfie I took that managed to capture um, most, of him. It was hysterical but absolutely unintentional. I think I saw 5 total out on the course. All guys.

You self select a corral so for us, it really wasn't too bad. We decided to walk to the start which was about a mile away, instead of dealing with transportation. Once there and in the proper corral we got to enjoy the traditional start line entertainment.

Which is people throwing tortillas like they are frisbees

Just a few people with us







Soon enough, we were off! It was a cool morning but once we were moving it was fine. For the most part, in our group, folks actually ran which made it ok. I lost Jeff after about the 1 mile mark but that's longer than usual lol. Soon enough we were facing the dreaded Hayes Hill, you can kind of see it in the distance (I really should re-upload this picture, I hate it when PB doesn't upload an image correctly!)


And then on it


Honestly...the hill wasn't that bad. At least it didn't seem bad at all after the 1.5 mile long one in the half marathon the weekend prior! It was slow simply due to the crowds. One over the hill things thinned out a bit and I was treated to a fabulous surprise! I cam upon the famous B2B Hape Ashbury. Of course there were probably Apes running for all I know but I wasn't expecting to see him/her on the course and I HAD to take a selfie.

Which doesn't work very well if you are trying to sort of run at the same time.



The second half of the 12k is all through golden gate park and haight ashbury. Fun music and local "scenery", not quite as much as I was expecting but still fun. Running through the park was gorgeous, so pretty and the cooler weather made for perfect running temps. Zappos was trying to set a bunch of world records at the race, I saw a threesome run by that threw a tennis ball back and forth...for the entire 12k. Not sure what else there was but assume there were a number of things.

Soon enough I was done. While it wasn't an earth shattering time it was actually a bit better than I'd expected with the crowds.

Once done, the challenge became to find Jeff


I had made him wear an armband and his phone. Since this was a point to point race, there was no gear check and in a sea of 50K people I knew finding him would be next to impossible. As some of you may know, California has come under a lot of fire for their water use, especially some of the bottled water companies. SF had listened. We got these at the end.


I have to was weird drinking water out of a box. Very awkward. Not sure if it was just that particular boxes form factor or what but it was odd. The cell service was awful, probably due to the volume and it took a solid 20 minutes to actually hook up with Jeff.

We headed to the beer garden. Which, given that you are at the Breakers end of GG park...and the cooler weather, was cold! Pretty though


We were very glad we'd run with long sleeved tops around our waists, it was cold!

some fun photo ops


We ended up hanging in the beer garden, next to an inflatable couch, actually on the couch (so much warmer lol) with one runner who'd been ditched by her slower friends and then a group of flight attendants from Maui who ranged in age from 20's-60's rocking some pretty great tutu's.

I'll skip posting their pictures though since they definitely aren't on the DIS

But here's the couch. One of the older flight attendants was so funny, a poor man just wanted to sit on the couch and she told him it was Jeff's couch, that he'd run with it and blown it up at the end and all of a sudden it was known as "Jeff's" couch.


We also ended up hanging with a few mimes at one point


Some great costumes to be sure


It was a very fun weekend!

Once home Jeff mentioned he wouldn't mind doing another 10 or 15k. Well...turns out there was one in 2 we decided to do it! We had actually done this race the year prior, under a different race director. This one had a seaplane on the medal and shirt so Jeff as pretty excited about that. He decided to go for the 15k. He almost chickened out and downgraded to the 10K. He hadn't run a 15k in over a year and that one was the start of the knee issues.

This race had some interesting issues. They had walkers go first, then sent off the runners sooner than scheduled. As there is a narrow bridge at the start it made for a hideously congested first mile. They also had some wierd directions on which side to run on that confused people and as a results it meant runners on both sides going the opposite direction at one point that was pretty congested and messy too. Not exactly a fast start. Once that leveled out though it was fine and a lovely course. It is interesting to see changes in myself. I remembered the hills as being bad in this one the year prior. I'd really pushed it the first 10K last year and then had to do a bio break and struggled a bit at the end with the hills. This year, no bio break, no struggle (and most importantly no blood blister ripping open at mile 9) time was almost exactly the same! For the first time ever though I really really kicked it at the end and smoked past a girl I'd been jockeying places with the entire race and yep, that felt good. Didn't feel so good for a couple minutes after I finished but then I was ok. At first though it seemed like my times were quite a bit slower than the previous year and then it was confirmed that the turnaround had been mis marked and so we had all run more than 9.3, closer to 9.6. Oh well!


we had a lovely breakfast out, a nice walk in the area and then headed home for some rest and relaxation! Evan was off at a youth retreat and Eric in DC with my folks so it was an awfully nice Saturday.


It was also the calm before the storm. The next weekend brought Evan's 16th birthday, followed by Taylor's graduation and fathers day.
Congratulations Taylor!




Happy Fathers day! Which movie do you think we saw?


We did get out on Friday for a hike. Evan was at camp and Eric at his cousins so we took advantage and snuck away!



It was only a mere 91 degrees out!

Luckily it was mostly in the shade and up to a pretty little mountain lake




To be honest after all that and the drama and houseguests that came with it (not to mention Kendall missing her plane coming home from college) I haven't felt like chatting with anyone for a couple of weeks. LOL!

So with that I think it's time to close this one down. Training wise I will be starting a plan for a half that is in September. If I am able to do Avengers, it will dovetail into that quite well. I appreciate all of you hanging in there with me and supporting me on this crazy running journey and I feel so blessed to have been able to experience 2 runDisney events so far, I can't wait to do more in the future, they just may be a bit more spread out! Which reminds me, I still need to buy my pictures from PHM. I'd been kind of hoping to bundle it with Avengers ones but...that may not happen.

It's not an IF, it's a when. There will be more runDisney and if I am lucky, it's in November but either way I do see myself continuing with it, both with and without actual Disney races. I will also say this, if I can do it, really anyone can. I am still very much a new runner, just barely over 2 years now. I would like to do a TR for the cruise and for Aulani but I've been such a failure lately that I need to really think about it before committing. If I do, I'll send out a bat signal.

Keep Calm and run disney!

You are a runner no doubt. I love hearing all about your races and all the interesting way some races are done.

I totally get life as that and work is getting me so behind. Thanks for all the wonderful pictures and if you start another one -I will be there. :)
Great wrap up and you have been busy!

You know I'll be around when you get ready to start another one!

Jill in CO
Loved the wrap up Cynthia and hearing about the races and seeing pics from Taylor's graduation and all the family pictures. As always, enjoyed following along.
Nude running? Bwa ha ha ha ha! I was out shooting a football match a couple of years ago and I was clicking away madly. It wasn't until I got home that I realised I'd accidentally snapped someone where his white shorts had been totally whipped down his pants....complete with his underwear. I sure had a big surprised when I checked the pictures at home. I.didn' when I was snap, snap, snapping away.

Love the wrap-up. Here's to more Disney, lots more running and being dwarfed by your wonderful kids.
You are a runner no doubt. I love hearing all about your races and all the interesting way some races are done.

I totally get life as that and work is getting me so behind. Thanks for all the wonderful pictures and if you start another one -I will be there. :)

Thanks! I'm still not sure I really consider myself a runner. I run but I guess to me a real runner is someone far faster and more serious than I am about the whole thing. Like they live and breathe it. And while it may seem that way at times, I most assuredly do not!

It'd be like saying I consider myself a hiker, or a chef. I do those things but not enough or exclusively focused enough to consider myself defined by it, more that it's a part of my life.

Great wrap up and you have been busy!

You know I'll be around when you get ready to start another one!

Jill in CO


Loved the wrap up Cynthia and hearing about the races and seeing pics from Taylor's graduation and all the family pictures. As always, enjoyed following along.


Nude running? Bwa ha ha ha ha! I was out shooting a football match a couple of years ago and I was clicking away madly. It wasn't until I got home that I realised I'd accidentally snapped someone where his white shorts had been totally whipped down his pants....complete with his underwear. I sure had a big surprised when I checked the pictures at home. I.didn' when I was snap, snap, snapping away.

Love the wrap-up. Here's to more Disney, lots more running and being dwarfed by your wonderful kids.

Yes, I was VERY surprised when I looked at our fortunate selfie. I remember seeing a group of guys playing beach volleyball, completely nude, in Greece after college. That looked painful! This, equally so. Not to mention the opportunity for a nasty sunburn. Although I guess luckily for the ones who chose to do was cold out. Which apparently elicited some comments along those lines directed towards the naked runners that were closer to Jeff.

I enjoyed the wrap up. I would love to hear about the Southern Caribbean cruise, I enjoyed Jill's TR, but I always like to hear a different version of the same trip and how two different people make it different for themselves.
Nice wrap up Cynthia! I enjoyed reading about all your races. I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would want to run NAKED! That floors me. :faint:. I would think it would be uncomfortable at the very least. Whatever! That looks like such a fun race with some crazy costumes.

Congrats to Taylor. Jeff must be happy to have one college graduate. 1 down and 1 to go!

I wish you would write a TR for your cruise because that cruise sounds amazing, but I certainly understand your unwillingness to commit. I am suffering from the same thing. I am several Trips behind now. I would like to do our anniversary trip, but I just can't stay 100% committed or focused. It's tough!

I hope Avenger's works out for you. I mentioned to you that I am going to register for the Virginia Beach 1/2 marathon over St. Patty's weekend. It seems far off, but it should keep me running through the winter, which I found to be such a struggle last year. I found a new friend at work who is an amazing runner. She is uber committed and actually does all her running before work, including her long 11 and 12 mile runs. I keep asking myself how that is even possible? So we are planning to head down to VA beach for the weekend. It should be fun. I am no where close to her league, but that doesn't seem to bother her. She's just a genuinely nice person who loves running.

Caitlin and Dawn told me about a 1/2 marathon in Celebration Florida in January. Clearly I could not do it this year, but I have my eye on it 2017. Celebration is such an amazing town that I imagine the entire course to be quite nice.

Once again - I admire your running endeavors. You've made impressive progress in just two short years. Congrats to you for all your past and future successes.
I enjoyed the wrap up. I would love to hear about the Southern Caribbean cruise, I enjoyed Jill's TR, but I always like to hear a different version of the same trip and how two different people make it different for themselves.

I would like to do one at some point, we will see. It seems a bit pathetic to start a TR when it gets close to being a year after the trip even happened though! Jill and I had pretty different trips though, I'm glad I actually got to spend real time with her at your party! It was a great trip, we would do it all again in a heartbeat. Or most of it anyway. A few things we would change or try new things but for the most part, it totally rocked.

Nice wrap up Cynthia! I enjoyed reading about all your races. I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would want to run NAKED! That floors me. :faint:. I would think it would be uncomfortable at the very least. Whatever! That looks like such a fun race with some crazy costumes.

It was a fun race. Event more than "race" though for sure. My time was nowhere close to my 12K PR (1:10:54 versus 1:07:54), I have 15k's faster than my 12K PR, and the pace was even slower than my half PR (9:31 versus 9:29). So not a great time in my big picture at all. But I wasn't expecting it to be given the nature of the race. The funniest thing was the biggest question we got all weekend while wearing race tees or the ones we bought was...

Did you finish?

LOL. LOTS of folks just stop at a bar somewhere on the route, especially those who "bandit". My stats look amazing as a result.

Overall - 4337/29970 top 14%
Age Bracket - 71/1513 top 5%
Gender - 1110/16078 top 7%


Congrats to Taylor. Jeff must be happy to have one college graduate. 1 down and 1 to go!

He is although...Tay needs a job and needs to know that the $$ stops now. Which I will believe when I see it. Much as I support his creative endeavors...that doesn't pay rent and living at mom's is not a sustainable future in my book.

I wish you would write a TR for your cruise because that cruise sounds amazing, but I certainly understand your unwillingness to commit. I am suffering from the same thing. I am several Trips behind now. I would like to do our anniversary trip, but I just can't stay 100% committed or focused. It's tough!

I would like to but we will see. I need to wrap up the DL one and really get everything at least on PB. I have had SUCH issues with PB uploads. Not only are there storage issues but a lot of times things don't upload right, the images corrupt and it drives me nuts. But the thought of starting elsewhere makes me crazy too. I need to figure it out.

I hope Avenger's works out for you. I mentioned to you that I am going to register for the Virginia Beach 1/2 marathon over St. Patty's weekend. It seems far off, but it should keep me running through the winter, which I found to be such a struggle last year. I found a new friend at work who is an amazing runner. She is uber committed and actually does all her running before work, including her long 11 and 12 mile runs. I keep asking myself how that is even possible? So we are planning to head down to VA beach for the weekend. It should be fun. I am no where close to her league, but that doesn't seem to bother her. She's just a genuinely nice person who loves running.

I have a "friend" I've made through a running forum that is the same. I don't know how she fits it in so early in the morning, in the dark and she has much younger kids! I think having something scheduled in the future is a good thing. It definitely helps me! I wish we had something this month but at the same time I need to get my ankle under control and well, just breathe. I hope Avengers works out as well. Of course I don't know anything yet, my peers and I banded to together and have called a meeting with our boss to get clarity. That of course assumes he has any, which we aren't sure he really does. Sigh. So...maybe I will know more next week. The good news is that the deferral date doesn't even open up until 9/29 so I've some time. Sadly I will not be able to have a better POT but if I have to defer it doesn't matter anyway. And it may not make a difference but I suspect it will bump me back a corral. I submitted the best I had...which sadly is from over a year ago. That kind of bums me out but it is what it is.

I could change hotels and that would save a lot of $$ but if I am doing it solo I really want to stay on property. Even though it's only a weekend, it adds up fast and the timing is bad with the kids trip $$ wise.'s definitely tied to the outcome of the whole bonus program conversation. It is not encouraging that our boss has made no attempt to clarify things with us though.

Caitlin and Dawn told me about a 1/2 marathon in Celebration Florida in January. Clearly I could not do it this year, but I have my eye on it 2017. Celebration is such an amazing town that I imagine the entire course to be quite nice.

Once again - I admire your running endeavors. You've made impressive progress in just two short years. Congrats to you for all your past and future successes.

I've heard really good things about that one. I'd like to do the Key West one which is also in Jan.
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I've thoroughly enjoyed reading about your running adventures. Thank you for sharing. When you're up to writing something else I'll be there :)

Nude running???


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