Inappropriate shirt to wear at WDW ?

LOVE it! want to hear if the shirt causes any CMs to break character!
(and no, not inappropriate)
oh man, i really want to surprise my husband with this... we are going at the same time... so if we see each other, i'll give you a wink and a thank you :)
Ummm...I need this shirt NOW

I think it's fine, and anyone who might be offended by it might want to buy a sense of humor :p
I've never seen Breaking Bad so I'm guessing that there is some sort of inside joke that I am unaware of regarding the shirt. As a person who has never seen the show, I wouldn't think twice about it if I saw someone wearing it in the park.

Nothing super "inside" about it. Bryan Cranston's character in Breaking Bad is Walter White.

Thanks. Knowing that, I still see nothing wrong with the shirt at all.

Well ..... he's not a very nice person .... complicated background but turned from a " from mild-mannered school teacher and family man - to ruthless criminal mastermind and murderer" - so assume the OP's concern is that folks might not appreciate Disney Walt compared to BB Walt.
Nope ,nothing wrong with it at all the big cheese MM will get a kick out of it.:)
Why would the shirt be inappropriate? No, it's fine and most people will love it if they know the show :D

Speaking of bb,
Remember when that crazy mom rallied to get breaking bad action figures out of toys r us? Ugh.
I guess she was fine with all the other figures from adult shows and r rated movies. If a kid didn't know the snow, they wouldn't care about toy figures of some dudes that don't look like super heroes or anything.
Well ..... he's not a very nice person .... complicated background but turned from a " from mild-mannered school teacher and family man - to ruthless criminal mastermind and murderer" - so assume the OP's concern is that folks might not appreciate Disney Walt compared to BB Walt.

Lolz, it's not being compared tho. It's Walter White wearing a Mickey hat.
Nothing wrong with it at all. I've seen one or two people wearing that shirt in the parks.

I've also seen a few teens wearing the Huf socks with marijuana leafs on them. Now that might be pushing it lol.

As long as it doesn't have cuss words or show anything obscene, it's good
Lolz, it's not being compared tho. It's Walter White wearing a Mickey hat.

I get it and am sure my DS would love it. The OP asked if it was inappropriate and there will be those that think it is.
Omg.. My dh would love that. I's awesome. Now if I could get a couple of walking dead zombies wearing the hat..My Dh would have his disney wardrobe all set!

I have seen the one on amazon walter white laboratories that looks like the Disney logo ..They also have a heisenbob one with Spongebob
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Omg.. My dh would love that. I's awesome. Now if I could get a couple of walking dead zombies wearing the hat..My Dh would have his disney wardrobe all set!

I have seen the one on amazon walter white laboratories that looks like the Disney logo ..They also have a heisenbob one with Spongebob

@sersee05 You do realize we live in the age of instant access to anything you can possibly imagine, right? Lol.

Ok, so it's not zombies in hats, but still...


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