Worst advice you got

Buckeyebama-totally feel for your wife. I am probably one of the few who don't even bother with short sleeves anymore. We were just at Disney the middle of June and I wore long sleeves and sweatshirts every day with Capri pants. I can't take the changes in temp either in and out of rides and buildings:rolleyes:
You/they need to differentiate between AM EMH and PM EMH.

BTM is very much open for PM EMH.

EMH does not stand for "EARLY Magic Hours."
EMH stands for "EXTRA Magic Hours."

Sorry - you're right, Robo. Should have specified we were talking about AM EMH. I always forget about PM EMH as I tend not to use them. I turn into a pumpkin around 10:30pm.
That's not advice - that's just an opinion.

Worse advice I ever followed: If it rains, just keep going. Now, this is usually good advice, unless the rain continues on for 18 hours and sets records for the area. Then, just pack it in. Of course, no way to know that would be the case. Along the same lines, this advice: dollar store ponchos work fine. Maybe in a fleeting shower, but when it rains cats and dogs for hours on end, nope - dollar store ponchos are sadly ineffective.

Well if you want to nitpick, that's just a opinion to keep going. :lmao:
Our worst advice came for the TA who booked our first trip fly to Sanford, it's a smaller airport and easier to get around. Once and only once did we fly to Sanford. What a waste of time!
You missed the point. It's not about people giving opinions, that's fine. It's about people advising other people to change theirs.

That's interesting. In all the FP+ debate, in which I often took part, I never felt those who didn't like it were trying to advise me to "unlike" FP+. Some ppl liked it others didn't, and that made for good discussion. If you say you don't like FP+ and I say I do, that's not me trying to convince you to like it, nor you trying to convince me not to... but rather us trying to decide if FP+ is good or bad in general, given no system could please everyone. You can base this on criteria like... "does FP+ benefit a larger percentage of guests than FP- did" or similar measurable results.

Where it became bad advice, was the recommendation to lower your expectations -- which was advice that was allegedly given out. That's really the worst advice I've ever heard... to plan a trip to Disney World, ask experts on a Disney fansite what to do to get the most out of your trip, and have the advice be to lower expectations. Without even first asking what the advisee's expectations were. Just to universally recommend lowering them. I know it was just people sensationalizing their view, and ppl wouldn't actually give out that advice if you met a stranger on the street and were asked for WDW advice, it's unlikely one would reply... "well whatever your expectations are, you should probably lower them because they put in this new system so Disney World isn't half as good as it used to be..."
I heard a co worker telling someone that Caribbean Beach was the best hotel to stay in because you could walk to Epcot. I don't think they were mixing it up with the Beach Club, I think they were actually recommending walking across the road...
Several years a ago a mom at our school was excitedly telling me about her family's upcoming trip. She said they were staying at CBR and would be taking the Monorail to every park. I tried to explain that the Monorail only goes to three resorts, two parks, and the TTC. She said it must have changed since I was last there because you could take it to any park or resort. I told her I had just been there about a year earlier and that she should research the transportation system. Her family could ride the Monorail between MK and Epcot and if they wanted to visit the Monorail resorts, otherwise they would be taking buses from CBR to the parks. She said, "Oh, no. My husband hates buses. We would rent a car if that was the case. But we know we can use the Monorail to go everywhere." I said OK. I didn't see her after that because her trip was in the summer and our kids when off to different middle schools in the fall. She was the same mom who tried to convince me that Epcot was called Expo.

I think Disney did build that Monorail in a year lol. You know Disney is known for "quickly" getting things constructed. They just threw together a new Monorail system to every resort as well as connections to DHS and DAK!
This is the same family that came home and told everyone how awful WDW was, and wrote horrible reviews all over the Internet. Hopefully she at least went home and looked up the info after your conversation, but I doubt she did since she was so correct and all!
There was once a lady I worked with that was always messing with people with jokes and all. She was going for a week and was never there before.

To get even I told her, " whatever you do, don't miss the Tiki Birds. It is the best attraction ever built."

When she got back she came right up to me and said "You dirty rotten (expletive) of a (expletive). We ran to that ride as soon as the park opened and I couldn't figure out how to find the door to leave!"

That was some bad advice!
I read that Germany was a good place to watch Illuminations--just step out of the pavilion and walk across the path to the railing. This in and by itself is actually OK, but we were there for the 4th of July. So when it came to watching the spectacular add-on fireworks, we didn't know what everyone was looking at! We turned to our left to check out ... all that stuff that was in between us and the American Pavilion. A little disappointing but like everyone here, we learned something for next time!

And there will be a next time. We've never found the July crowds to be as bad as they say, or the rain as long, or Stitch as stinky, or... (OK, Stitch is as stinky but that doesn't stop DD from loving it)
Worst advice I ever received...hmmm. Well, the whole "go back to your resort and take a nap" thing makes no sense in my life. We've been told that over and over again by guide books, podcasters, message boards, etc. They say we should go back to the resort and relax midday, even though we have no kids....So we tried it once. Not only was it the opposite of relaxing...the bus ride back to the resort alone took up more of our time than was needed....we weren't tired and could barely relax by the pool, because we would rather be in the parks that we paid to be in. So in our personal opinions, we'd rather stay in the park from Rope Drop to closing (except on our park hopping or free days).
Song written by Noel Coward
I think people are misunderstanding the "don't bring a toddler" advice. It's not about the toddler remembering. It's because:
  1. With a toddler, you can't run from the rope drop to Splash Mountain, and then expect to get to Space Mountain for your 9:15AM FP time slot.
  2. Toddler's always need to go potty when you're just two people away from meeting Mickey, after waiting on line for an hour.
  3. If DH/DW is holding toddler for a baby swap, who's going to comfort you as you ride the Tower of Terror?
Seriously, that advice only makes sense if you assume the kids only get one chance between toddlerhood and adulthood to go, which pretty much leaves out the offspring of anyone here.
I take/wear a hoodie at Disney any time of year. Air moving across my skin makes me cold.

Worst advice ever given to me: Years ago my older sister told me it only takes 3 days to see everything Disney has to offer. :headache: And she was serious! I had been once so I knew it wasn't true. I asked her about different rides and she hadn't ridden half of them! And totally skipped AK because she didn't know it existed. Her ex in-laws moved to Florida and got jobs at Disney. So when they went to visit the in-laws got them in for free and toured with them. They skipped over half of each park. She keeps saying she wants to go back because she sees my pics on Facebook and knows there's more now.
We are a family of seven, so I take all advice with a grain of salt. When we took the kids the first time, we didn't know anyone that had been before. I didn't know about the DIS back then either.

I've used these boards for info more than advice. Sorry, but unless you've driven with five children four times, there's no advice you can give me.

I read all I can when planning a trip, so I try my best to filter all the tips, pros and cons, when and where to stay and go, etc. It's all good advice for someone. What works for me won't work for most, what works for most won't work for me.

All that being said, I will be on here almost daily while planning our trip for December of 2017. Never too early to plan the next trip, right?
The worst advice I got was not asking for any. I did no research or planning at all prior to the first trip and, boy, was that a mistake. I learned from that mistake and all is well now. :)

What, you mean you can't just show up and ride rides??!! Actually that was my opinion before me first trip, luckily my roommate knew better and she did all the planning for that first trip.


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