Worst advice you got

What, you mean you can't just show up and ride rides??!! Actually that was my opinion before me first trip, luckily my roommate knew better and she did all the planning for that first trip.
That's one of my pet peeves. People that get all snotty about someone that didn't research before hand. Honestly now, how does anyone that has never been know that they should even have to research anything. It's a theme park. Nothing could be simpler. You go, you pay to get in, you go to different shows and rides and when you are done you leave. There is no reason for anyone to think that there is more to it then that. Are they in for a rude awakening? You bet they are, but, it wasn't because they were stupid it was because they had no way of knowing that they needed to find out about things. Even then all you have to do is read a single thread in any Disney discussion board to know that there are no two opinions that are alike. Everyone one has a different idea, different tastes and different things that they enjoy. One doesn't like Dole Whips doesn't even begin to suggest that everyone will hate them. One doesn't like Park Hopper doesn't mean that others don't find them essential to their enjoyment. Advice always needs to be given out stipulating that it is just your opinion and in no way implies that what you like or dislike will be the same as someone else.

The moment you realize there is a reason the wait time is so low. :scared:
Just like I said above, it is again a matter of opinion. There is another reason that the lines are small at Stitch. There are two theaters in operations most of the time. You may walk by one minute and the queue is full. Walk by there two minutes later and they are empty. Why? Because all those people get to go in at the same time. It isn't a one person at a time attraction. Just like a movie theater, it holds a lot of people. The wait time is short because the show is fairly short and it is in three stages. The first is the outside queue. The second is the pre-show area that is presented while the third stage is going live. So basically there are two shows of people inside the building at any given time and the outside queue will empty quite rapidly as soon as they open the doors.

As you might guess, I am against anyone advising people not to go because you don't like it. They may like it and in an attempt to show them how park wise you are have deprived them of something that they might enjoy. The best advice that I can give anyone is go to as many as you have time for and decide for yourself which ones you like. I have no way of knowing individual tastes.
Haha. This is similar to what I overheard at work. One woman telling another not to take her young son to Magic Kingdom during Halloween as people jump out and scare you everywhere during the day. I had to jump in and correct. Who the hell would take their children to disney if that actually happened?! :rotfl2:
Actually that did happen in Disneyland some 30 years ago but it was July 4th. A 'suit of armor' jumped (sort of clanked) out of the dark and when my sister-in-law heard the loud scream of my two daughters, she pushed the face of her little one into her ample bosom.:rotfl:
AND my not quite 5 year old begged to turn around and go back on immediately for another round. Which was odd as she was quite timid and scared of her own shadow....:confused3
Here is the list:

1. "Go to the second parade, the first one is too crowded." Totally wrong - both parades are crowded. Sure, the 1st one is more crowded, but the ride lines are walk on or near walk on during the 2nd parade because everyone either went home after fireworks or are watching the 2nd parade or are still in line to meet Anna and Elsa.

2. "Rent a car and drive to the parks every day, it is much more convenient." Not sure how taking a bus (or if staying at a park resort, taking a short walk) is less convenient than driving in, parking miles away and still taking a bus, boat or tram to actually get to the park.

3. "Don't do any table service, it takes too much time." Of course, because waiting in line for 20 minutes for chicken nuggets, searching for 5 minutes for a place to sit down then taking 25 minutes to eat saves you so much time. I'm perfectly content with taking an hour and 1/2 (or an extra 40 minutes if you are keeping score at home) out of my day to sit in comfort with my family talking about how much fun we are having while being served and actually eating something somewhat good for you.

Glad to hear about parade!
I was exiting Kilimanjaro Safaris behind a family, during our last trip, when it started to rain.
Mrs. Uninformed Park guest started pestering Mr. Uninformed Park Guest to go to the car and get the "girls' jackets."
Mind you, these were teenage girls...
Finally, he consented, and started the trek to the parking lot.
...it stopped raining 5 minutes later...

I was trying to help a friend plan a trip a few years ago, and encouraged her to get more than a 2 day ticket, so she could spread her park touring out. She informed me that her BIL goes every year, and told her that spending "more than two days in the parks is too much for the kids." They also wanted to drive out to the beach (because the kids had never been), which I can understand, but for the whole week, they were going to do one day at the beach, and 2 days in parks. I guess they hung out at their hotel the rest of the time?
I told her that if that was her plan, she'd be better off going to Disneyland instead (the beach is closer).
Worst advice I ever received made absolutely no sense. For touring the World Showcase, to beat the crowds I was told to immediately walk straight to the end and then tour the countries on my way back around. I would beat the crowds doing this. I knew better and shook head like I was taken in the advice. Knowing this person it would be too exhausting to correct her and I figured if this approach worked for her than I would continue to let her believe it was true.
The go when they are older advice always gets me too.
Where am I going to take my kids, when they're young, if not to Disney?
We were looking at Yellowstone for sometime this summer, and there is so much less you can do with young kids. That one I get waiting for until the kids are older. The beach isn't a super fun option for me either, because I have a toddler who would probably dive into the ocean.
So do I just go stay at a hotel somewhere? I looked into Great Wolf Lodge, and while closer, it's at least as expensive as Disney, and you're pretty much limited to one building.
Issue is likely people pass off what works for them as if it's fact. Here's mine.

You can’t possibly take two children to Disney by yourself. That’s crazy." Nobody is there with us in the trenches day to day; so we’ll do our vacations that way too. After 4 trips, I’ve concluded if it’s crazy I don’t want to be sane.

Along the same lines, “Leave your son at home. Don't take him until he's 5. He will probably be unhappy and he won’t remember it anyway.” Here he is at 2.5, his 2nd trip. Look how miserable he looks.

Clearly miserable, the poor child. Aren't you glad you ignored that advice?
Ooooo... this thread is fun! I've heard some doozies in my day!

1. The restaurants hold back reservations for walk-ins.

2. Send one person into the park early to get everyone's fast passes. (Obviously pre-FP+, but still rings true for Disneyland)

3. Buy your tickets from a re-sale booth, you'll save a ton of money! :sad2:

4. Kids that are too short to meet the height requirement just need a parents approval to ride. :crutches:

5. Le Cellier is the best restaurant on property. (Not gonna lie, I found this restaurant to be a huge letdown)

6. If you yell Andy's Coming, the Toys will drop to the ground. :crazy2:
Clearly miserable, the poor child. Aren't you glad you ignored that advice?

Yep, 4 times prior to age 5. He absolutely loves Disney. But a lot of people who were giving that advice were applying their situation to us. They were one and done with Disney and their children are much closer together in age whereas I knew we'd be going back and my children are almost 7 years apart.
A note about the FP debate, it seriously almost did ruin an incredible trip when it rolled out last spring. Major fur flying in our family due to the tiers, who got to pick that etc?! However, they really worked it over, it is SO much better, loading Stand By is so much better, but it did have growing pains for sure. I recommend it all the live long day now, especially to FLR who have no idea why we go all week long and stand in all those horrible lines yadda yadda... (We live here..so we don't really stand in any lines -closing day Art of Animation not withstanding- why would we...)

Anyway my worst advice we took was camping out from 6pm for our very first SWW which happened to be the Sat of Mem Day! We got a spot riiihhhhttt at the stage, that's where we were told to go for the fireworks. Now, don't get me wrong, waiting 3 hrs on concrete wasn't actually so bad. Everyone was having a great time and dancing to the DJ. Pew Pew Pew! And low and behold, we got FABULOUS Star Wars character photos of the show! I mean we were right at the front! And now comes the time for what we have waited for...and we can't see a thing...

Thankfully better advice came later, watch them from Echo Lake, especially since we had already fought the crowd and saw the stage show really close.
There was once a lady I worked with that was always messing with people with jokes and all. She was going for a week and was never there before.

To get even I told her, " whatever you do, don't miss the Tiki Birds. It is the best attraction ever built."

When she got back she came right up to me and said "You dirty rotten (expletive) of a (expletive). We ran to that ride as soon as the park opened and I couldn't figure out how to find the door to leave!"

That was some bad advice!
I have to say that for me, the Enchanted Tiki Room is my all time favorite attraction at any Disney park (both WDW and Disneyland) and I often tell people that they should definitely give it a try.
I'm a Disneyland veteran who's going to WDW for the first time next summer. We always try to be early for EMH at Disneyland, but I've seen several posts not to do the same at WDW. Why is that? TIA.

They're not saying don't go early on those days. They're saying don't choose to go to the park with EMH since it draws more guests. There's a selection bias at WDW that exists with EMH that does not exist at DLR with both parks side by side.

If you can get there for the EMH rope drop, I think it's worth doing. Many will do that and then hop to another park. We just stay put since we don't have hoppers and tend to visit at lower crowd times.


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