Carnage, Mayhem & Pixie Dust: a “frightful” & delightful Halloween-Inspired, Offsite TR (Oct. 2015)

I'm in too Gina! Great read so far! It's also really cool to think back and reminisce on our own trip as it pretty much mirrored yours as far the time frame. We are lucky that the kids and my teacher wife have a fall break and absolutely love October in Orlando - mostly Disney, I'll admit, but we really enjoyed starting this trip off with 2 and a half days at Universal...I see us definitely doing that again. Sounds like you enjoyed your October trip...add me to the "hope to meet up with you next year" list...I owe you a dole whip for the sub $160 8 day Alamo rental I snagged
Hey Gina we bought universal annual passes with the photo connect annual pass, so we are going to spend lots of time there. I've booked ICE for Jan 3 when we land and probably will have brunch there. I've applied for us all to spend a day volunteering at Give the Kids the World. I'm hoping they will take us. We also want to spend lots of time at the resort too. I'm sure we will be back to Congo Golf as we loved it last year. Oh yes and of course shopping!

Sounds like a fantastic trip you have secretly planned! I am very interested to hear about your volunteer experience at GKTW (assuming your application is approved....fingers crossed for you!) .... considering your own personal circumstances and experiences, I think that a day working there would be an incredibly awesome thing to do :goodvibes . What an experience it would be for your kids.

That burger looks amazing but how did he get it into his mouth?

He had to disassemble it a bit. He ate the pulled pork and coleslaw off the burger, and the big honking onion ring. Then he cut it into chunks with the dagger they provided. It was a messy job, especially with his "pirate beard" :scared: .

I can't wait to read more! My daughter and I are doing our own Gina-inspired trip in May, and I'm looking forward to getting more ideas from you!

lol, that's awesome! :teeth: What things are on your itinerary so far?

I wish my local smokey bones served food that looked as good as you were served!

Not a fan of Smokey Bones at home? We don't have them here in the Great White fact, I didn't even realize they had them in Buffalo (we just happened to stumble on it).

We are hoping the one in Kissimmee is equally as pleasing.....we were considering taking Jake there when we travel again at Christmas.

I'm in too Gina! Great read so far! It's also really cool to think back and reminisce on our own trip as it pretty much mirrored yours as far the time frame. We are lucky that the kids and my teacher wife have a fall break and absolutely love October in Orlando - mostly Disney, I'll admit, but we really enjoyed starting this trip off with 2 and a half days at Universal...I see us definitely doing that again. Sounds like you enjoyed your October trip...add me to the "hope to meet up with you next year" list...I owe you a dole whip for the sub $160 8 day Alamo rental I snagged

Welcome, my Transportation Board friend! Happy to have you venture over and join us!

Wasn't that weather that we had simply spectacular?? It was so nice, I almost felt a little guilty......especially when the weeks before our dates seemed to be plagued with rain. I was sending up many a sincere thanks to the weather Gods for smiling on us for our entire vacation :sunny: .

October was definitely a winner for us in all, special events, crowd levels. We already have end of April/first of May booked for 2016, but we still have our 2nd week at SVR to use.....and I'm pretty sure, judging by Steve's enthusiasm for this most recent getaway, that "same place, same time" next year is a strong possibility. I may even tentatively book our villa for October 2016 later today :) .....I can always change it up later if need be. As for the Dole Whip, that would be an offer I can't refuse ;) . Those little bowls of deliciousness are highly addictive!!

I am so glad you were able to get a great rate on a rental for your trip!! I must admit, we love Alamo.....we have yet to have a problem with them (except for their website, which is dreadful, lol). I don't think our December rental will come anywhere even close to our October prices.....they are double or worse for Christmas week right now.....but I'm still holding out hope for a last minute drop. After all, Christmas is the season for miracles, right? :santa:
In addition to Discovery Cove, Sea World, and Aquatica, we're doing some stuff on International Drive--Titanic, CSI, and the Skeleton Museum. We're also planning on some mini golf, but we haven't picked the one we want to do yet. I also wanted to try a restaurant we've never heard of, so we'll be going to Germans Restaurant off of 192. We can't completely skip Disney, so we'll be visiting Epcot for one day.

My daughter has this dream of swimming in a pool completely alone, so I found a house near 192 and 27 for us to rent. A pool for her, and a hot tub for me--sounds like a winner!
That brisket platter looks yummy! :goodvibes I can't believe how BIG that burger is!:eek: My DH would love that burger for sure! ::yes::
In addition to Discovery Cove, Sea World, and Aquatica, we're doing some stuff on International Drive--Titanic, CSI, and the Skeleton Museum. We're also planning on some mini golf, but we haven't picked the one we want to do yet. I also wanted to try a restaurant we've never heard of, so we'll be going to Germans Restaurant off of 192. We can't completely skip Disney, so we'll be visiting Epcot for one day.

My daughter has this dream of swimming in a pool completely alone, so I found a house near 192 and 27 for us to rent. A pool for her, and a hot tub for me--sounds like a winner!

Your plans sound fabulous! I am itching myself to get back to the SeaWorld parks....its been too we're hoping that the Blue Friday sale will allow us to squeeze in a day on our Christmas trip.

Hmmm.....haven't heard of German's Restaurant, but I'm always intrigued by a new dining option. I might have to check it out!

I am glad you found the perfect accommodations for you and your DD :thumbsup2 . I bet you will make some great memories enjoying the pool and hot tub on those warm Florida evenings!

That brisket platter looks yummy! :goodvibes I can't believe how BIG that burger is!:eek: My DH would love that burger for sure! ::yes::

We always fret over how some of the food pics don't seem to convey just how much food there was on the plate.....but in the case of this burger, it even looks huge in the photos!! :rotfl: Thankfully, taste was not sacrificed for size :) . Big is only good if its yummy too.
Around 10:30 pm, we figured we’d better get ourselves to bed since the following morning was going to start so freakishly early. No sooner had we turned out the lights and started to drift off to dreamland then the fracas across the hall erupted. At first, we assumed it was just a noisy, keyed-up family arriving for an overnight stay following a late-ish arrival at the Buffalo airport. We cut them some slack….we heard kids voices in the boisterous mix, and being parents ourselves, we know how tough it can be to get younger ones to settle down….but the hullaballoo continued on. And on. :headache:

We called down to the front desk after the first hour. They assured us they would speak with the offenders and apologized for the disturbance. We settled back down to try and sleep (though Steve was thoroughly annoyed at the inconsiderateness of the folks across the hall and as such had grown a tad agitated… I sleep was not going to come as easy as we’d hoped).

Not long after the call to the front desk, they added slamming doors, high-pitched shrieking, and spurts of whoop, whoop, whooping to the booming voices. We wondered how on earth we could hear them so loudly…..from peeking out through the peep hole in the door, we could see they were just across the hall, but still?? Then another peek noted that their door had been propped open…..all the way…..and people were strolling in and out, shouting out to friends at the opposite end of the hall (presumably their door was propped open as well?). Apparently there was a par-tay and we weren’t invited :rolleyes2.

Call #2 to the front desk, and I wasn’t quite as easily mollified this time. “Dave” assured me he would pay a personal visit to the room and direct the obnoxious guests to tone it down. Indeed, we heard him speak with the offenders within 15 minutes of our call, and we thought to ourselves finally! That should do it.

Wrong :furious:.

When I had to make call number 3, I was seriously annoyed. I got Dave again, and he was swift and sincere in his apologies……and even swifter making his way to the 5th floor with yet another stern directive. Unfortunately for us, by this time it was after 2 o’clock in the morning…..and our wake up call was set for 4:15.. What a way to start a trip :sad2:.

It was a scant few hours later when like two bleary-eyed zombies, we showered, dressed, locked the suitcases and made our way down to the lobby to grab breakfast before catching the shuttle to the terminal. Steve had awoken with what we thought was an allergy attack….kind of odd considering his allergies are generally seasonal in nature, and the cold weather normally stops his symptoms, not increases them….so he took a dose of his medication and assumed (hoped?) it would kick in soon.

Arriving down on the main level of the hotel, while being checked out at the front desk by “Dave”, he gave us a flyer for discount off park and fly packages on future stays. Since we had the hotel already booked for our trips in December and April, through my brain fog I asked if he could apply the price reduction to those reservations which were already in his system.

Then the lightbulb went off, and Dave says “Oh my goodness! You’re the lady who had to call us so many times about the people on the 5th floor! I recognize your voice. And I’m sooooo sorry about the disruptions”. He was genuine in his apology, and I appreciated at least having the issues recognized and validated.

He asks me, are you having breakfast before heading to the airport? I tell him yes, and he says to go enjoy something to eat and he’d meet me over in the breakfast room on a few minutes. He indicated that wanted to see what he could do for us for the inconvenience, but rather than stand and wait, he wanted us to relax over our morning meal and he’d seek us out. I assured him it wasn’t necessary…..I didn’t want to make a big fuss over it, that’s not generally our style….but he insisted. And I was too freakin’ tired to argue.

By the time I sat down with my waffle, Dave came over with revised billings in hand and another round of profound apologies. He explained how difficult it was to handle these types of guests….if the staff physically kicked them out, police would be called and a whole new can of worms would be opened, often causing an even bigger disturbance to hotel guests….and told us he had adjusted both our current bill (refunding $45 USD to our credit card, since the package was prepaid before our arrival) and crediting us an additional sum off our April 2016 park and fly costs (he opted to take the other lump sum off April versus December since December was already paid in full but April was not). No, it didn’t make up for the sleepless night but it was a nice gesture regardless…..especially when we didn’t have to make any kind of a fuss to have them take responsibility.

We finished breakfast (surprisingly good for a ‘freebie’….make-your-own waffles, sausages, eggs, yogurt, fruit, cereal, breads, muffins, coffee, milk, juice) and beckoned the shuttle. The distance between the hotel and airport is super short, so we were there before our bottoms even managed to warm up the bus seats. We dropped our bags, zipped through security (love that Buffalo is soooo quiet in the early mornings and lines are generally non-existent) and planted ourselves wearily at the gate.

We were too tired for conversation :faint:. Let’s just say our customary pre-flight momentum was seriously lacking. And Steve’s eyes and nose continued to run and ooze while he sneezed uncontrollably. I am sure the other folks at our gate were just praying their seat assignment wasn’t next to Snots :sick:.

The sun finally started to come up just before we boarded. Our plane, Blue Chip, was ready to whisk us off to paradise. Exhausted or not, we were totally ready to leave the crisp autumn weather of the north behind for a week.

The flight? Well, it was a bust too. We rocked and shook and bumped our way in a trail of turbulence all from NY state to Florida. We ascended and descended in an effort to find a smooth pocket of air, but it eluded us the entire journey. The seatbelt signs never turned off, and the pilots finally came over the intercom to apologize for the rocky flight, while admitting there apparently wasn’t a darn thing they could do about it. Fabulous :rolleyes1.

Even the onboard TV’s had issues. They had to reset their entertainment systems a full three times. Our ‘issues’ at this point were almost comical.

On a positive note, Steve did manage to enjoy Jurassic Park 2 along the way (with a couple of breaks for the TV re-sets) and I didn’t pee my pants. With literally no opportunities to use the onboard loo to empty my bladder and a rough ride to boot, that was definitely one of the positives of the whole experience!!

We arrived at MCO within about 10 minutes of our scheduled arrival, so “late” but not by much. We hit the first bathrooms we saw, collected our luggage, and strolled straight to the garage to pick up our rental vehicle. We had done the online check-in with Alamo before our departure, so we were comfortably settled in a white Ford Fusion and heading toward the Vistana in a flash.

Steve was still sneezing, his eyes and nose were still running, and we were both dog tired. But…we were here :banana:.
Rough start! I agree, that was nice of them to be pro-active about trying to make things right about the noise, but nothing can really make up for losing a night's sleep unfortunately.
I had the brisket platter (brisket is my favourite way to eat beef) with fries, beans and garlic toast ($16.49).

Wait, let me check...
That would be C$22.00

And the “Smoke Stack” burger (very naughty): “We triple burger dare you. Three (THREE!) 1/2 lb patties + cheddar + pile of pulled pork + onion rings + onion tanglers + cole slaw + toasted bun. Take the ultimate carnivore challenge”. ($19.39)
Wait, let's check the rates now...
That's now C$60.10

The total bill, with beverages and tax, was $46.30 (plus tip).

Wait, latest conversion update.
Okay that's C$185.20

Man this dropping dollar is just brutal!

It was a scant few hours later when like two bleary-eyed zombies, we showered, dressed, locked the suitcases and made our way down to the lobby to grab breakfast before catching the shuttle to the terminal.
"Stopping only for a few quick toots on our vuvuzela's as we exited our room."

By the time I sat down with my waffle, Dave came over with revised billings in hand and another round of profound apologies. He explained how difficult it was to handle these types of guests….if the staff physically kicked them out, police would be called and a whole new can of worms would be opened, often causing an even bigger disturbance to hotel guests….and told us he had adjusted both our current bill (refunding $45 USD to our credit card, since the package was prepaid before our arrival) and crediting us an additional sum off our April 2016 park and fly costs (he opted to take the other lump sum off April versus December since December was already paid in full but April was not). No, it didn’t make up for the sleepless night but it was a nice gesture regardless…..especially when we didn’t have to make any kind of a fuss to have them take responsibility.

Well there you go, by morning that $45 was worth a whopping C$365.22, so your dinner was free. Way to play the exchange game Gina!

On a positive note, Steve did manage to enjoy Jurassic Park 2 along the way (with a couple of breaks for the TV re-sets) and I didn’t pee my pants. With literally no opportunities to use the onboard loo to empty my bladder and a rough ride to boot, that was definitely one of the positives of the whole experience!!

Oooh, I know how much you dislike a rough ride in the ATOD*. Hopefully you avoided having to use the handy white bag in the seat back pocket, placed there for your comfort and convenience...

(*aluminum tube of death (C) nebo)
Well that was a crappy first 24 hours!!:sad2:

I just can't believe the selfishness of people to have to be told to be quiet THREE times. I mean the first time you could think that maybe they were just excited and unaware. After that... obviously they didn't care. Grrr.

And poor Steve. My son has really bad hayfever, and we didn't stop giving him his meds until this week just in case. But it's sounding like there is a bit more to this Steve story.

What a rocky start overall. Your attitude about it all was graceful and upbeat as always, but I'm sure it was a disappointing way to begin. I hope things improve for you from here.:hug:
Not a good start at all.

I can totally relate to having inconsiderate hotel neighbours. It's not fun and the more upset you get the harder it is to ignore. And as much as they deserve a taste of their own medicine, you just can't pay them back. However, I might have taken the time to phone their room as I was checking out at I wouldn't do that but I would think it. ;)

I may be way off, as there is definitely no MD initials after my name, but sounds like Steve may have a dust/mold allergy perhaps? Since it's an older hotel, I'm sure there are dust particles embedded in the drapes and carpet. Given that you say he has seasonal allergies, that's my diagnosis! (where's a Dr emoticon when you need one)

I hope it's a more positive update next....I keep wondering how many stuffies you came back with this time :)
Rough start! I agree, that was nice of them to be pro-active about trying to make things right about the noise, but nothing can really make up for losing a night's sleep unfortunately.

Ugh, you are so right. We always find travel days to be kind of tiring even when conditions are perfect. Without a good rest the night before, its even more taxing than normal.

Wait, let me check...
That would be C$22.00

Wait, let's check the rates now...
That's now C$60.10

Wait, latest conversion update.
Okay that's C$185.20

Man this dropping dollar is just brutal!

"Stopping only for a few quick toots on our vuvuzela's as we exited our room."

Well there you go, by morning that $45 was worth a whopping C$365.22, so your dinner was free. Way to play the exchange game Gina!

Oooh, I know how much you dislike a rough ride in the ATOD*. Hopefully you avoided having to use the handy white bag in the seat back pocket, placed there for your comfort and convenience...

(*aluminum tube of death (C) nebo)

Aluminum tube of death indeed!! I am pleased to report, though, that no handy white bags were employed on our travels :thumbsup2. We have become very good at timing the Gravol dosage so that it takes effect just as prior to boarding and wears off just shortly after we land. Despite the bouncing and rattling, all the contents of my stomach stayed right where they were supposed to :blush: .

It was really, really hard not to think about the exchange rate when we were there. We pay cash for most everything, and a very large portion of the money for this vacation was converted before the dollar took the massive plunge. But oh, it was hard knowing that every $10 item was more like $13.50. I wish we could at least get back to 85 cents or so. But I doubt we will will see that kind of a recovery before either our December or April trips.

Well that was a crappy first 24 hours!!:sad2:

I just can't believe the selfishness of people to have to be told to be quiet THREE times. I mean the first time you could think that maybe they were just excited and unaware. After that... obviously they didn't care. Grrr.

And poor Steve. My son has really bad hayfever, and we didn't stop giving him his meds until this week just in case. But it's sounding like there is a bit more to this Steve story.

What a rocky start overall. Your attitude about it all was graceful and upbeat as always, but I'm sure it was a disappointing way to begin. I hope things improve for you from here.:hug:

Fear not, thing got much better eventually. I'm with you though, what the heck is wrong with people?!?!? Obviously their momma's didn't impart many manners on 'em.

I try not to stoop to the level of the inconsiderate idiots among us....though its hard. If I had a pair of cymbals packed in our luggage, I may have considered hosting my own mini parade down the hallway as we left the following morning :rotfl2: .

Not a good start at all.

I can totally relate to having inconsiderate hotel neighbours. It's not fun and the more upset you get the harder it is to ignore. And as much as they deserve a taste of their own medicine, you just can't pay them back. However, I might have taken the time to phone their room as I was checking out at I wouldn't do that but I would think it. ;)

I may be way off, as there is definitely no MD initials after my name, but sounds like Steve may have a dust/mold allergy perhaps? Since it's an older hotel, I'm sure there are dust particles embedded in the drapes and carpet. Given that you say he has seasonal allergies, that's my diagnosis! (where's a Dr emoticon when you need one)

I hope it's a more positive update next....I keep wondering how many stuffies you came back with this time :)

Hey, you're a Mom. As such, you have an honourary MD after your name!! :goodvibes I had not considered a mold or dust allergy :scratchin.....I must keep that in mind for next time....but we did eventually determine the source of his issues (that's coming up within the next few posts). Stay tuned for that update!

I am happy to report that things got drastically better after this crazy, crappy beginning. My mom always said "poor start, good ending". As for the stuffies, I'll give you this little teaser to tide you over until that topic comes up later in my report ;) :

Saturday, October 10th:

After picking up the rental car, we pulled out of the airport and rolled off toward SVR :car:. Our GPS must have been tired, too, because she had a tough time picking up a signal as we exited the parking garage. Steve insisted we didn’t need the GPS....he knew his way around well enough, ya know :rolleyes2...yet somehow we ended up on a residential street, in the parking lot of a church, plugging in the address for the Vistana.

He blames it on the fact that he was tired. Sure, we’ll go with that :rolleyes1 .

Happily, the GPS got us right back on track (how did people ever travel without them??). As we pulled off of the I4 in Lake Buena Vista, we detoured into the Crossroads for a hearty and healthy lunch at Sweet Tomatoes.

It was only early afternoon and there was still tons of time before the official Vistana check-in time of 4 pm, so there was no need to rush to get to the resort. We figured it was a much better plan to fill our grumbling stomachs right there and then, because once we got to our villa we likely wouldn’t want to leave it.

The skies were really clouding in by this point, and the bright sunshiny greeting from Mother Nature upon our arrival was starting to wane. A chance of rain or a thunderstorm was in the forecast, so we’d have to see how this played out.

This was our second time at Sweet Tomatoes, with the first visit being on our arrival day on our May trip. This time, we knew exactly what to expect and how the foods were laid out. It wasn’t super busy, so we had lots of choices as to where to sit. As with our inaugural experience, the staff were very friendly, the buffet was super clean and well stocked, and the food exceptionally fresh.

October was “Mac Month”, so there were several different mac ‘n cheese inspired dishes to indulge in.

Somewhere in the photo taking, our plates and bowls materialized into a Mickey Head. It was not intentional but rather fitting nonetheless :):

We rationalized that our stressful morning earned us the right to indulge in dessert without guilt. I may have made myself a butterscotch sundae with oreo topping :bitelip:, and the chocolate mini muffins (still hot from the oven) were the perfect accompaniment. I almost wished I had started at the dessert bar first.

To wash it all down, we opted for strawberry lemonade to drink. Think real, thick strawberry puree added to lemonade.....this drink actually had some texture. And a very potent flavour. I think I must have had a whole serving of fruit just from that beverage alone.

We used a coupon for a “$10.69 lunch combo” (drink + buffet), so the total bill with tax but excluding tip was $22.78 (the coupon saved us $4.18 before the tax was applied).

It was spitting a bit when we walked to the car, though there were still enough breaks in the clouds that we could see blue sky here and there. Would we get wet bringing our luggage into the villa? :umbrella:

Check-in at our “home away from home” is next.
I love reading your trip reports!! Can't wait to read the rest!! I'm going with my daughter in January again....and of course staying at Vistana...and am considering writing my very first trip report...after at least 12 trips to orlando over the past few years!!
I love reading your trip reports!! Can't wait to read the rest!! I'm going with my daughter in January again....and of course staying at Vistana...and am considering writing my very first trip report...after at least 12 trips to orlando over the past few years!!

You should absolutely give trip reporting a try! I find its a good way to beat the post-vacation blues ::yes:: . With 12 trips under your belt, you are a far more experienced veteran than I am !!

Which section of the Vistana do you like best?
You should absolutely give trip reporting a try! I find its a good way to beat the post-vacation blues ::yes:: . With 12 trips under your belt, you are a far more experienced veteran than I am !!

Which section of the Vistana do you like best?

It is a toss up for me....I love the Super Pool and Zimmies the best, but I am not overly fond of the Cascades section (I find the second bedroom a little small), and the parking is a little tight if you get back after 9pm. I love the Lakes section the best especially building 7. However it is the furthest away from my favorite pool.:rolleyes:
Well I am late joining the party so a lot to catch up on.

I saw you mentioned Burlington in your driving to the airport post, we stayed there when we were in Canada and drove to Niagra Falls from there before we stayed in Toronto for a few nights !!

The airport hotel was a bit of a nightmare I hope you and Steve managed to knock your suitcases against their door, cough loudly and generally wake them up on your early departure ;)

Glad you arrived safely and I can't wait to hear about your Halloween adventures, we loved our visit in October, the weather was so much more settled than when we went in July this year. Looking forward to your next instalment.
I'm sorry to hear about the neighbors at the airport hotel. I'm glad that they gave you a credit and future discounts, but losing sleep because of noisy neighbors must have been hard.

We love, love, love Sweet Tomatoes! That is one of our favorite restaurants in the Orlando area. It used to be a super good deal for us because our family of 4 (with 2 kids under 12) could eat dinner there for under $30 with a coupon. Now that our girls are older, that particular coupon doesn't apply anymore. It does cost us a bit more, but we always end up going multiple times each trip. We love it! :lovestruc


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