Winner of Best RESORT in the World and the beginning of WORST attraction in the World!


How do ya do? Pretty good, sure as you're born!
May 17, 2014

I think we all knew from the start that the crown was going to The Poly, and for good reason. Now I'll deliver the trophy to The Poly... I just need a free room in the bungalows to stay in while we put the finishing touches on the award ceremony.

Now I am very excited for this new poll. Let's stop with all the positive thoughts. Let's get nasty! Time for you to pick the worst of the worst attractions in Walt Disney World! The Imagineering mistakes; the one's you'd have to be pulled to kicking and screaming.

Rank your "bottom" 5 least favorite attractions. It can be a ride, a show, a meet and greet... whatever. I expect some fairly varied lists in this round. So let the negativity surround you and go!
Swiss Family Treehouse - WAAAY too many stairs (even when I could do them much more easily!), and sorry - but boring to me once I got up there!

Anna & Elsa Meet & Greet - Sorry - been SOOOO OVERRRRRR anything Frozen since they clubbed it to death by Freezing everything for the last 100 years!

Ellen's Energy Adventure - Can you say "BOOOORING and LOOOOONG?" (and always smelled funny to me too!)

Imagination - LOVE Figment (hi Kathy!) but the small amount that remains of him here makes me almost madder to see they haven't "forgotten" him and how great he and DreamFinder used to be, they just don't care. :(

Almost everything left in Hollywood Studios these days, except for Muppets and Fantasmic, although Muppets needs to be updated. Everything else either sucks (sorry!), or I can't do because it's a "neck ride" (have had neck surgery, can't do drops/coasters, etc.). And I can't be the only one on God's green earth like that!! I also hope I'll be able to do something of the new Toy Story/Star Was stuff comiong, and it wont' all be "neck rides". And sorry - but - Toy Story Midway Mania is just "okay" to me, and wear out my shooting hand, like Buzz LightYear does (also partly due to the neck surgery) - I just feel it's totally overrated. So - if I have to pick ONE terrible thing from the Studios, I'll say Toy Story. Sorry, I know I'm going to be in the vast minority with that one!
Primeval Whirl
Tea Cups
Mission Space
Star Tours

You can probably see a theme with my list, at least with the first 4 ;)
Top of the list is Stitch's Great Escape for sure! Awful, awful attraction matched only by it's predecessor Alien Encounter. Every few years, I decide to do it again just to make sure I haven't made it worse in my head than it really is, and I'm always sorry I did that.

I actually like everything on DisneyLover1217's list though we usually skip the Tea Cups unless there's no line. I don't like that they have them set to only spin slowly. I prefer to do that type of ride at the shore where they'll go as fast as you can spin them.

What else is on my list? Hmm. Tough question. I guess any of the up-down spinners like Dumbo, Aladdin, Astro Orbiter, or Triceratops Spin. They're cute. I get why kids like them. But I have no desire to ride any of them. And Astro Orbiter is the worst because of the whole elevator loading issue.

I enjoy rides like Kali River Rapids and Splash Mountain but hate going on them and walking around in wet clothes all day so we avoid those for that reason, not because they're bad rides.

I think we all knew from the start that the crown was going to The Poly, and for good reason. Now I'll deliver the trophy to The Poly... I just need a free room in the bungalows to stay in while we put the finishing touches on the award ceremony.

Now I am very excited for this new poll. Let's stop with all the positive thoughts. Let's get nasty! Time for you to pick the worst of the worst attractions in Walt Disney World! The Imagineering mistakes; the one's you'd have to be pulled to kicking and screaming.

Rank your "bottom" 5 least favorite attractions. It can be a ride, a show, a meet and greet... whatever. I expect some fairly varied lists in this round. So let the negativity surround you and go!
Captain EO at Epcot.
This is an interesting poll. I don't think Disney has ever done something that's flat out really bad. A lot of it comes from the attraction being outdated or just old. And then there's others where Disney obviously could've done better.

Stitch's Great Escape comes to mind first. I've done it once and that was really enough. It wasn't terrible I just came out expecting more. So much potentially with little execution.

Ellen's Energy Adventure, I don't think it's awful but it's just terribly outdated. With today's technology and everything come on Disney give this an update please, if not just replace it with something new.

Okay I love Figment, I ride it every trip but it needs to be changed. Keep the character and keep the imagination pavilion but change the ride. I'd rather not be skunked anymore.

Another attraction that I love but needs an update is Carousel of Progress. Great attraction but the ending needs an update so much potential again with little execution.

Lastly, I do enjoy Tomorrowland Speedway and it's a big part of my childhood but update it please! Electric cars or do something. Autopia in Disneyland is getting a big update due to a new sponsor why not do that at MK too?

That's my list of attractions I don't hate but don't love.
Okay I love Figment, I ride it every trip but it needs to be changed. Keep the character and keep the imagination pavilion but change the ride. I'd rather not be skunked anymore.
The ride has actually grown on me but please change the play area at the end. We haven't actually stopped there for years. Put in some new tech to play with. I know how hard it is to keep current with tech stuff but an update would surely help for a while.

Another attraction that I love but needs an update is Carousel of Progress. Great attraction but the ending needs an update so much potential again with little execution.
Mixed feelings here. Certainly the final scene is outdated if it is meant to represent the present time. But it's also been like that long enough to have become classic on its own.

Lastly, I do enjoy Tomorrowland Speedway and it's a big part of my childhood but update it please!
I think the best "update" would be to plow it over and build some new stuff. I know the little kids like it but this is Disney World. They could do so many better, more immersive experiences with all of that space.
Stitch's Great Escape (No explaination needed)
Ellen's Energy Adventure (but good for an afternoon nap)
Magic Carpets of Aladdin (Boring)
Move It! Shake It! (Needs an update)
O Canada! (Gives the impression that Canada is stuck in the 70s)
The ride has actually grown on me but please change the play area at the end. We haven't actually stopped there for years. Put in some new tech to play with. I know how hard it is to keep current with tech stuff but an update would surely help for a while.

Mixed feelings here. Certainly the final scene is outdated if it is meant to represent the present time. But it's also been like that long enough to have become classic on its own.

I think the best "update" would be to plow it over and build some new stuff. I know the little kids like it but this is Disney World. They could do so many better, more immersive experiences with all of that space.
I think the final scene of CoP would really be the only one that needs changing. I certainly don't want the attraction to go away.

See I like the speedway. I think it has potential, heck if they wanted to add an IP to it make it Cars themed. Electric cars would make it futuristic but of course that would be expensive. I see both sides to people's argument of it staying or going but I would really like it to stay and be updated.
Move It! Shake It! (Needs an update)
It was just updated actually. They added new characters and its now called Move it Shake it Dance it Play it. The floats have screens that will display photos of people at the park posted on social media.
1. The Great Movie Ride - Even when MGM opened and we rode this way back when...hated it.
2. The Seas with Nemo and Friends - Our kids have even asked why they just can't take us on a ride past the fish and skip the Nemo story.
3. TriceraTop Spin - At least magic carpets are meant to fly. Not sure I'd like it better as pteradon spin, but it would make more sense. Either way - too many spinning rides.
4. Mission Space - Green is boring and orange leaves me feeling sick all day.
5. Fantasmic - For whatever reason, I find it incredibly boring.
Its not even open yet and you want it gone lol.
I was talking about the one at the castle, but yep - you'd STILL be RIGHT! :rotfl:

I also totally agree with you about the Speedway - so much more it COULD be. And the smell kills me every time!
1.) Fantasmic! - don't get me wrong, this show is incredibly cute. However, in comparison to all the other nighttime shows, the dating is really starting to show at all standpoints. I'd really like to see Disney update this show, because once RoL and the Star Wars fireworks opens up, I don't see myself visiting this show.

2.) Beauty and the Beast - This one really hurts to write, because Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie of all time. But like Fantasmic (And pretty much all of HS), it's run past it's prime and is just outdated - especially some of those costumes. The theatre is beautiful though, which only makes this show even more of a disappointment.

3.) Dinoland USA - Just bulldoze this entire section and start over. The concept of a dinosaur themed carnival area is cute, but Disney really went cheap and it shows. Even after working in Animal Kingdom and learning the history of each section, this is one that I would shed a tear losing.

4.) Indiana Jones - See #1 and 2 for why.

5.) 7DMT - People are going to KILL me for this, but I find the Mine Train entirely underwhelming in comparison to the previous Snow White attraction and to the BTMR.
Disney Junior - Live on Stage - just not a fan!
Ellen's Energy Adventure - Love Ellen, update it, or get rid of it
Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor - Just OK, nothing special to me
Carousel of Progress - needs updating
People Mover - just OK, it's a shame something like "Rocket Rods" which they tried at Disneyland, couldn't have worked here.
Hmmm, not being a veteran of WDW, I'm not sure how to answer this as there are many of the ride people are posting that I didn't do (Ellen's, Swiss family treehouse, CoP, HoP, Stitch, GMR etc)

I do think that the Speedway is a terribly use of space, time and energy. Re-zone it to fantasyland and make it a cars area!

The shooting gallery was a bit lame but also fine so I don't think it's the worst.

I'm not a fan of the films in the WS. I'd much rather rides (sorry, it's just the way I a guys. I don't have the emotional attachment to that stuff like y'all seem to)

And they're adding one in toy story land! Gah! Stop it Disney!!
Of them all though, I like dumbo for the classic-ness and aside from the wait for Astro orbiters, I like it because it's up so high, great views!

Kali river Rapids!!
How has this not gotten more votes?
Such a let down. Way too short with a line that's far too long!
Recognizing that items on some people's worst list are on other people's best list, but my first five "worst" are:

1. Stitch's Great Escape
2. Teacups
3. Tower of Terror
4. Ellen's Energy Adventure (I was a fan of the original Universe of Energy, but don't care for the current version)
5. Kali River Rapids

I realize each of these has its fans, and I actually like the Great Movie Ride and the Peoplemover which made others' worst lists, but it's good we don't all like all the same things, or the long lines would be even longer!
I will be abstaining from this as I see merit for all attractions for different people. I may not do all of them, but I can't vote any as that bad.
Stitch's Great Escape
Ellen's Energy Adventure
Triceratops Spin
Aladdins Magic Carpets
I will be abstaining from this as I see merit for all attractions for different people. I may not do all of them, but I can't vote any as that bad.
Not that old chestnut. I'm having flashbacks to the Dustin episode.

Surely you can admit some are not as good as others "in your opinion" not voting for the whole population


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