Oh Dopey!! - January 2016 Trip Report & VLOGS *updated 02/21

I just read the whole thing! SO much fun!


Your dad and this CM are hilarious!! :rotfl:

Oww I have this Lumiere!! I hope you found him?!

The did have Cogsworth though... so I just had to buy him to stop the tears flowing....

Good idea. He's adorable! I'm hoping to pick him up, as well as a Chip mug in September :goodvibes Does he tick though? I hate loud-ticking clocks, if he does I might have to take his batteries out :thumbsup2

So of course my parents were like… ‘What are we allowed to get’

Cue the look

Omg this is making me LOL :rotfl:


It still baffles me that you get a CAKE with LUNCH?!?! I'm probably going to explode with free dining this year :laughing:

Owww you're so luckyyy. Glad you got to see them properly before they went away, I never did, WAAA :sad:

How did you like Chef Mickey's? I've heard mixed reviews, it's been on and off and on and off my list :confused3

Also, thanks for sharing your Narcoossee's dinner, we're eating there for the first time this year! I'm probably going to go all out and get the lobster sides and whatnot too. IT LOOKS SO GOOD.

ALSO. Please can you clarify for me which QS Wolfgang Puck is the good one? Was all that food you got just a QS credit?! Wowee.

It was 7:05am… IRISH TIME!!!! Meaning it was only 2:05AM Orlando time!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??!

Bahahahhah GIRL. What the heck :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

“Can I order this for free”

(points to the most expensive main)

Cue the look


Dying :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

My parents loved the fact that we could just walk past the queue…

Walk past the queue?? ...For FREE?? :lmao:

I find this whole area a bit odd and I’m not sure why. I feel like it’s maybe a bit dated or something and it kind of turns me off eating at sunshine seasons. I really can’t explain the feeling!

Noooo!!! Sunshine Seasons is GREAT! :laughing:

I was delighted to see that there was some Irish Breakfast tea!!

Is this different than English breakfast tea?! (excuse my ignorance)

This was my parents first time seeing this resort and they were really impressed! It was decorated so beautifully for Christmas, the tree was ENORMOUS!

Omg :lovestruc for my first Christmas trip I WILL stay at the Wilderness Lodge :cloud9:

I like to think there was someone sat at photopass headquarters who was totally confused by these photos :laughing:

She took a shine to the group beside us when she found out that they had a very eligible brother.

On our 1900 Park Fare visit, this eligible man was Jamie :laughing:


I LOVE the shirts! They are all so nice and I really like the colours!

And of my official rundisney tops I bought from the front

Whoa you got so much! Love it all!

Yay I'm all caught up. Excited for more :goodvibes
Day 6 – Aloha! It’s almost time to run!

Wednesday 6th January 2016

Part 2 – Thanks lady!!

We drove over to ALK and must have been BUSY because we were parked AGES away from the gate! Luckily there was a tram waiting for us! I was starting to be mildly cautious about our mileage around the parks… I did have those 48.6 miles to run over the next few days after all!

Christmas Tree still going strong

Delighted with our jackets we’d purchased I decided it would be a good idea to get a picture of the three of us in the jackets with the writing on the back visible in front of all four of the park icons

‘4 days…

4 theme parks…


I must be Dopey!’

SO… first up was Animal Kingdom and the tree of life… here we go

REALLY???! Thanks LADY!!

Take two

We were REALLY hungry but we had a fast pass for Dinosour so we went there first


I love how we're just smiling like 'what I ain't scared' all except Mam of course!

We were proper hungry after our adventure to a pre-historic time so it was off to Yak and Yetti counter service next!

I was so hungry I completely forgot to take pictures of our food but I've 'borrowed' some online of what I had!

And the best part... it was totally FREE haha

It was so yummy and again another great use of our counter service credit! We left and made our way towards Everest for our next fast pass... perfect way to round of a hearty meal right?!

The park was super busy!

I was trying to convince Mam to ride telling her that it wasn't much different to Big Thunder and that she'd been on it before and I almost had her convinced but then she decided against it.

Everest selfie

I forgot how intense this ride is and that backwards part is pretty hardcore so I was relieved I hadn’t dragged Mam on as she would have LOST HER SH!T and then not gone on any similar rides again all trip!

I don’t know if the photos for the ride were down or not but I don’t have this ride photo! BOO!

We started walking towards Safari for our final fastpass and stopped along the way for some more photos as we’d time to kill before our window.

I spotted this sign which was on the temporary wall hiding the construction:


I don’t know why but I found it really funny… Sheep are fun too you know!

We stopped for a photopass shot on the other side of the tree of life

I wanted a better one in front of the tree of life for our 4 parks photo and this photopass photographer was really helpful and got us do a running pose too


Our FP+ window had opened so we got in line for Safari, surprisingly the standard queue wasn’t that long anyway! It was weird because the park felt crowded but the wait times didn’t seem to reflect it.

I normally take lots of pictures but this time decided to sit back and watch. I did however get a picture of a hippo lol

AND a Lion

Like I said already we were conscious of making some sort of effort to stay off our feet today so our last stop of the day was A Bug’s Life

Who dares to disturb my slumber...

Ooops wrong movie!

This show scares the BEES out of young kids... It's kinda amusing if you know, they're not your kids...

We left the park and got the tram back to our car, we had dinner reservations to get to.

Click HERE for the next part of our adventure!

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I just read the whole thing! SO much fun!

Your dad and this CM are hilarious!! :rotfl:

It was such a funny/silly morning! We definitely get our stupid sense of humour from our Dad... he's a hoot!

Oww I have this Lumiere!! I hope you found him?!

Oh now Katie that would spoil the suspense! hahahaha
Let's just say there is more to come on Lumiere lol

Good idea. He's adorable! I'm hoping to pick him up, as well as a Chip mug in September :goodvibes Does he tick though? I hate loud-ticking clocks, if he does I might have to take his batteries out :thumbsup2


It still baffles me that you get a CAKE with LUNCH?!?! I'm probably going to explode with free dining this year :laughing:

So much food!!! Seriously!! Not a great idea pre-Dopey run!

Owww you're so luckyyy. Glad you got to see them properly before they went away, I never did, WAAA :sad:

You didn't even get to write about how much you liked them before they were so cruelly taken !!!

How did you like Chef Mickey's? I've heard mixed reviews, it's been on and off and on and off my list :confused3

I completely get the mixed reviews, I feel a bit mixed about it myself. It is a great location, has really good characters and a fun atmosphere but the food was very average and I just think there are better character choices. I would go again it just wouldn't be top of my list. I prefer Crystal Palace and Tuskar House is a much better breakfast choice in my opinion.

Also, thanks for sharing your Narcoossee's dinner, we're eating there for the first time this year! I'm probably going to go all out and get the lobster sides and whatnot too. IT LOOKS SO GOOD.

Oh it was soooooooo good! One of my favourite meals ever in WDW!

ALSO. Please can you clarify for me which QS Wolfgang Puck is the good one? Was all that food you got just a QS credit?! Wowee.

So this was the one in market place. It's near the Earl of Sandwich I think. Also yes this was just a QS credit!! It's the best QS credit by far in my opinion, you get table service and really nice food I'd definitely recommend it!

Walk past the queue?? ...For FREE?? :lmao:

HAHAHA :jumping1:

Noooo!!! Sunshine Seasons is GREAT! :laughing:

I know!! I know!! I have to go... maybe this time... but if not definitely NEXT time when I'm on the dining plan again

Is this different than English breakfast tea?! (excuse my ignorance)

It is actually but they are similar! I couldn't really tell you difference but the Irish one does taste more familiar...

Omg :lovestruc for my first Christmas trip I WILL stay at the Wilderness Lodge :cloud9:

AKL gives it a run for it's money with Christmas decorations though! I've thought about WL a few times but the price difference was always too big for me between that and AKL...

I like to think there was someone sat at photopass headquarters who was totally confused by these photos :laughing:

Hahaha how funny would that be!

On our 1900 Park Fare visit, this eligible man was Jamie :laughing:

UHOH!! :eek: Those Ugly Sisters are really not so ugly I hope you held on tight hahaha!
I hope you gave her some cheek back haha
You picked out some super cute merchandise! I especially love the Dopey tank, but they are all cute! Do you love working out in them now? I know I get a little thrill whenever I wear my Princess half shirt :)

Ye I do! I love the tanks they are super cute! It does give you a bit of encouragement to get the exercise gear on a go for a run when it's so pretty! :p

LOVE the jackets! Great picture!

Thanks! Loads of people were asking us about the jackets in the parks as they sold out so quickly!
Day 6 – Aloha! It’s almost time to run!

Wednesday 6th January 2016
Part 3 – Ohana means family

We drove straight from AK to the Polynesian, the car was so handy for all of our reservations at resorts we weren’t staying at particularly when we had runs coming up and didn’t want to be out too late.

Welcome home… one day it will be my home!

I booked an early dinner at 5.10PM and we arrived a bit early too so the restaurant hadn’t actually opened yet and there were quite a few people in the waiting area… hmmmmm… wonder what I could do to pass the time



Which of course leads to…


We also got a backscratcher which was so delicious and comes with... an actual backscratcher!!

We were called right on time for our table and before long the food was arriving.... and guess what??!! I forgot about food photos again! What is wrong with me today!

I did manage to get some photos of the aftermath of our initial hunger!



Oh and wings...

and then... to top it all off... bread pudding... nom nom nom

I love the open kitchen, you get to see the chefs at work!


We were so full and so so sleepy after our feast at Ohana but we took a trip out to Target to get a few essentials for the next few days. We got 12 disposable ponchos, one for each of us for each day which I very much recommend for anyone doing a rundisney event!

Back at the room we laid out our running outfits for the next morning and got ourselves to bed. Our alarm was set for stupid o'clock the next morning!

Coming up... Walt Disney World 5k!

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Looks like you had a fun filled day! I love the jackets, I'm hoping to get one next January as I am running dopey!

Can't wait to hear about your 5K experience I loved mine last year.
Looks like you had a fun filled day! I love the jackets, I'm hoping to get one next January as I am running dopey!

Can't wait to hear about your 5K experience I loved mine last year.

Ye I love them too! I was really hoping for a good dopey top so was delighted when I saw the jackets, they are not too in your face as well!

Oh how exciting! :D I wish I was going back again in January but I'm heading back September 2017 and then hopefully for marathon weekend 2018

Love your trip report! You are such a fun family. Look forward to your next post!

Aw thank you!! We do have a lot of fun together which is great! Particularly now that I don't live in Dublin anymore I really enjoy getting to spend holiday time with my family... :lovestruc

REALLY???! Thanks LADY!!

I know I can only see about 30% of random lady's face/body language, but my detective skills :magnify::rolleyes: tell me she knew exactly what she was doing cutting across your pic. Hope her coffee was lukewarm by the time she took a sip :laughing:

Your next pic was great though!

I love how we're just smiling like 'what I ain't scared' all except Mam of course!

Actually, every single person in that car is acting as if they see a giant man-eating dinosaur on the regular. Everyone's completely chill. Even the little kid, ha!

The park was super busy!


Everest selfie

Very cute!

and then... to top it all off... bread pudding... nom nom nom

I can't wait to have some of this in November! :goodvibes
Day 7 – Walt Disney World 5K

Thursday 7th January 2016
Part 1 – 3... 2... 1... GO!

The time had come… it was the morning of our first race!!

We had an early wake-up time at 3.15am with the aim of being on route to Epcot before 4am, I had read somewhere that they would be road closures so we were hoping to get out ahead of that.

I had laid out my outfit the night before all ready to go

Flat Karen, Rachel and Dad


Here we all are

Now you can’t really see Dad in this pick but I’m hoping you can get our theme! We had actually planned a much more elaborate version but with all the hype in the lead up to this event about the new restrictions on running costumes we decided to go simple.

I popped a bagel in the toaster and slapped on some peanut butter to take in the car with me.. I was quite exciting this morning, 5k after all of our training was a relatively short distance the majority of which would be in the park. I’d never run a Disney 5k before either nor had I run around the world showcase so I was really looking forward to that.

We left about 3.50am and drove to Epcot and it was so smooth! There was no traffic, no road closures and we got parking close to the walkway to the staging area. For those that don’t know the staging area is where they hold the runners before the races, for all four of our races we would head to the Epcot parking lot first.

We got into the staging area and there was a DJ playing and pumping up the crowd, it was busy but not crazy busy. We decided to get a group photo in front of the marathon weekend banner

So in case you haven’t guessed already we are the three original MK mountains, Space, Splash and Big thunder. We couldn’t find a Big Thunder t-shirt so Dad had to improvise! Notice the flash light on his head to represent the front of the train!

Very soon after we arrived it started to fill up, we needed a bathroom break but I knew from reading previous TR’s to wait until we got to the corrals as the lines would be shorter. Sure enough they announced that the corrals were open and we walked in to find empty and *fresh* portaloos

We then made our way into the one and only… CORAL C!

Ready to go!

It wasn’t raining for the 5k but it was cold so the ponchos were great wind breakers to keep us warm. We were right up at the gates at the front of our coral, I sat on the ground and we played heads up for a while to pass the time. People around us were having a bit of a laugh at us playing as we get quite heated haha

I couldn't believe it when we stood up and saw the crowds behind us

The 5k is plutos race so he was out to show his support and get the race started... THANKS PLUTO!

The time went by really quickly and before I knew it the wheelchairs were zooming past to start the race. Coral A was next followed by Coral B in which I thought I spotted @roxymama in her Minnie get up, she looked super focused and I was about to shout out to her but she was gone by before I had the chance! Maybe next time!

Now they were doing something a bit silly when they were moving the corals out into the pathway to move forward to the start line. Basically all of the corals are marked out horizontally next to each other and you enter one end and walk to the far end and wait by the gates there. When it comes time for your coral to move they remove the gate at the front and you then pile out into the path leading to the start which runs perpendicular to all of the corals. If you are at the front of your coral you hold onto the tape which acts as a barrier right the way up to the start. Lots of people want to be at the front and hold the tape. Everytime they removed the front gates of the corals they were only removing half of them meaning that everyone was pushing to get out one side and race to the tape. People that had been the first in the coral and were unlucky enough to be waiting at the other half of the gates that were not removed ended up being way back from the front. Now this didn’t bother me much at all, I just didn’t like seeing people racing to the front and pushing others out of the way.

Anyway… we made it out into the line-up for the start of our 5k EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK

You can kinda see what I’ve been rambling about here, the start line is the big blur of light ahead and on the right behind the gates is one of the later corals.

Getting closer…


The buzz right up at the start line is great! There was a real feeling of excitement!

Quick snap behind us


Check this guy out behind me... 10 Goofys!!!

3...... 2..... 1... GO!!!!

I know I can only see about 30% of random lady's face/body language, but my detective skills :magnify::rolleyes: tell me she knew exactly what she was doing cutting across your pic. Hope her coffee was lukewarm by the time she took a sip :laughing:

Your next pic was great though!

Haha me too!


Actually, every single person in that car is acting as if they see a giant man-eating dinosaur on the regular. Everyone's completely chill. Even the little kid, ha!

I know!! SO funny!

I can't wait to have some of this in November! :goodvibes

Oh nice! I love their bread pudding and their pot stickers... both are AMAZING!!
Following...have to start from page 1. I needed something to do on National Running Day tonight while my husband goes to swim practice. And since I won't be running, I will celebrate with reading your report and being jealous...even though technically I was also there at the same time so no reason for jealousy. Haha!

Oh and the "super focused face" you saw from me was probably due more to my nervous stomach rumbling and me going "oh no, do I need a bathroom right now" than anything else. Spoiler alert...once I started running it was fine :)
Following...have to start from page 1. I needed something to do on National Running Day tonight while my husband goes to swim practice. And since I won't be running, I will celebrate with reading your report and being jealous...even though technically I was also there at the same time so no reason for jealousy. Haha!

Oh and the "super focused face" you saw from me was probably due more to my nervous stomach rumbling and me going "oh no, do I need a bathroom right now" than anything else. Spoiler alert...once I started running it was fine :)

Some light reading for you!

Haha I'm kinda jealous of myself too lol I want to be back there!!

You definitely looked in the zone but maybe that was the bathroom zone hahaha

I can't believe it's been almost 5months now!!
Yay 5K!

I love the theme of the shirts!

My sister and I were in corral B. It was a bit chilly that morning but wasn't as bad as the previous year.

Dinosaur photos are so funny when people are FREAKING. OUT. :laughing: Everyone here seems quite tame :confused3

I forgot how intense this ride is and that backwards part is pretty hardcore so I was relieved I hadn’t dragged Mam on as she would have LOST HER SH!T and then not gone on any similar rides again all trip!

But mum it's FREE!

I don’t know why but I found it really funny… Sheep are fun too you know!


This show scares the BEES out of young kids... It's kinda amusing if you know, they're not your kids...

Omg, SO funny!!! We saw it last time too and kids made up about half the audience and they were SOBBING :rotfl2:


This is the only acceptable drink to order at Ohana. :thumbsup2



The time went by really quickly and before I knew it the wheelchairs were zooming past to start the race.

Wait hold up. Are the corrals fastest first?! Are the wheelchairs the fastest??! They must have some serious arm muscles ::yes::
Yay 5K!

I love the theme of the shirts!

My sister and I were in corral B. It was a bit chilly that morning but wasn't as bad as the previous year.

Aw thank you!!

Ye it was a bit chilly alright, I take that over been too hot and humid any day! Oh ye I read about the 5k last year... sounds like it was CRAZY cold!!
But mum it's FREE!



Omg, SO funny!!! We saw it last time too and kids made up about half the audience and they were SOBBING :rotfl2:

It's SOOOO FUNNY! HAHAHAHA Poor parents!!

This is the only acceptable drink to order at Ohana. :thumbsup2

Have you tried the backscratcher???! I actually think it's nicer but still I know I will want to drink out of a pineapple so now I have two must have drinks... I'll just make Rachel share hehe

Wait hold up. Are the corrals fastest first?! Are the wheelchairs the fastest??! They must have some serious arm muscles ::yes::

This is EXACTLY what I was thinking! I thought it was really strange that that they had the wheelchair racers go first as I just assumed that their speed would be slower but boy do they move! I think the world record for a marathon distance is like 1hr 18mins or something crazy!! The chairs are proper racing chairs.
Day 7 – Walt Disney World 5K

Thursday 7th January 2016
Part 2 – 5k Course


Where did I leave off??? Oh ye…


AND we are off!!

The feeling I had as we took off was so surreal, I had never spent so much time working towards something and to actually be there starting it was a bit overwhelming! Totes emosh you guys!!

I was also really wanting to enjoy this run because it was a shorter distance and well it is called the family fun run so as you can imagine there were lots of kids and it wasn’t too ‘serious’

The start of the course isn’t particularly exciting so the first mile ticked by quickly

We stopped to get a selfie in front of the first mile marker and a very nice runner offered to take it for us

We returned the favor of course!

We were really cheesing it up for the cameras whenever we could to get the most out of our Dopey Package!

We had decided in advance that we would get one character photo at least and stop for any with a short line… with it being the 5k it was unlikely that we would find any short lines!

I think we ran past Chip and Dale as we approached the side entrance into the World Showcase but their super long queue so we ran right by! One really cool thing about the rundisney events is getting to see the backstage areas, we arrived into the world showcase right by Mexico.

It was really cool running around the world showcase, our first bit of park time! We ran my Timon and I stopped to grab a quick snap but we decided that this wouldn't be our character stop

(there was a kid underneath my scribbles lol)

We were really taking it easy and stopped for a selfie

Dad needed to loo so he ran over to use one of the real ones, I think we were near Morocco at that stage

Before we knew it we hit mile marker 2


Took another selfie as Spaceship Earth came back into view

And then came across our character stop... STITCH




We ran around past Spaceship Earth and grabbed our last mile marker photo

And just like that we found ourselves running the last stretch to the finish line


Right after you cross the finish line you are presented with your medal followed by myler blankets, water and poweraid. We grabbed a myler blanket each even though we weren't that cold as we knew they would come in handy the next day.


Next we had to walk through lanes past the official backdrop for the 5K where you could get your photo taken

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