I Like Forbidden Journey, but This Is Ridiculous (March 2016) Updated 6/26 (Last Day)

They finally noticed us and started sending people 2 at a time from single rider. DS and I got to ride together. However, the couple in front of us decided to sit in the middle seatso_O I had put DS at one end, while I ran around to the other. Since the bench keeps moving, I was worried we wouldn't get on in time:sad1: The CM rolled her eyes at the other couple:rolleyes2

I've read this a couple of times and I guess I'm still confused, so I figured I'd ask.... If DS is fine to go through the single-rider line by himself, why would he need you to help him into his spot?

I think I'm maybe just feeling a little defensive on behalf of the other 2 riders, LOL! Especially if they'd noted that you'd come from the single rider line, why would they have felt that it was necessary to let you and your DS sit together? I definitely have a favorite seat on FJ and tend to gravitate towards that seat whenever I can... I hope I haven't offended other riders by choosing one of the middle seats! :-/
Loving your report so far. I have never been to Harry Potter World and really would like to go sometime....
Right now, living vicariously through you!
I've read this a couple of times and I guess I'm still confused, so I figured I'd ask.... If DS is fine to go through the single-rider line by himself, why would he need you to help him into his spot?

I thought she meant she let DS take the first spot, but since the car keeps moving while loading, she had to jog to the front & was afraid she'd miss the seat in time.
I've read this a couple of times and I guess I'm still confused, so I figured I'd ask.... If DS is fine to go through the single-rider line by himself, why would he need you to help him into his spot?

I think I'm maybe just feeling a little defensive on behalf of the other 2 riders, LOL! Especially if they'd noted that you'd come from the single rider line, why would they have felt that it was necessary to let you and your DS sit together? I definitely have a favorite seat on FJ and tend to gravitate towards that seat whenever I can... I hope I haven't offended other riders by choosing one of the middle seats! :-/

DS is used to moving as far as possible down the line, like the CMs tell you to do in the theater. He was in front of me and was expecting to sit in the 3rd seat and me in the 4th/last/back, since there were 2 people in front of us. He has ridden it enough that he knows they usually fill every available seat. When the 3rd seat had a person in it, he was caught off guard and stopped moving. So, I had to put him into the 4th seat and run down to the 1st seat, the furthest seat at the front, as the whole bench is moving. The couple in front of us must not have ridden before, because they didn't even move to get into the bench as soon as they could, so we were already starting from behind. I didn't care if we were sitting together or not. However, for efficient and safe loading of the moving bench, it's best if people move to the furthest seat available, in the order in which they are lined up. If you want a middle seat, then it might be best to try to get in the group of 4 that will be seated together in a way that you will end up automatically in a middle seat. It's hard to explain, but hopefully that makes more sense:)

Loving your report so far. I have never been to Harry Potter World and really would like to go sometime....
Right now, living vicariously through you!

Nice to have you along. It's really a great place. You won't regret going.

I thought she meant she let DS take the first spot, but since the car keeps moving while loading, she had to jog to the front & was afraid she'd miss the seat in time.

However, for efficient and safe loading of the moving bench, it's best if people move to the furthest seat available, in the order in which they are lined up. If you want a middle seat, then it might be best to try to get in the group of 4 that will be seated together in a way that you will end up automatically in a middle seat. It's hard to explain, but hopefully that makes more sense:)

Gotcha. I fully admit that I actually have never even thought to fill the bench in the order of the line... but I assure you that I am very efficient at making my way to my selected seat and getting out of the way so others can sit down too. :P
Hello. Lovely trip report so far. And it sounds like you had a wonderful trip. I'm following along since Nov will be our first trip to the park that shall not be named with two young HP fans and I'm trying to get my head around what to expect. Looking forward to further updates. :flower1:
Hello. Lovely trip report so far. And it sounds like you had a wonderful trip. I'm following along since Nov will be our first trip to the park that shall not be named with two young HP fans and I'm trying to get my head around what to expect. Looking forward to further updates. :flower1:

Thanks for following along. I have actually been writing day 2 offline. I am hoping to post it sometime in the next week.
soo enjoying reading your trip review ! I'm trying so hard to digest as much as possible about Universal. it looks like you had a wonderful time!!!
Me too.........enjoyed your updates so far.......

I have a new one for you finally:)

Add me to those who are enjoying your trip!

Maria :upsidedow


soo enjoying reading your trip review ! I'm trying so hard to digest as much as possible about Universal. it looks like you had a wonderful time!!!

We did. They are great parks and really very easy to tour compared to Disney.

Before I finally do my day 2 updates, I just wanted to express my condolences to and best positive thoughts for the families and friends of the victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting. I was saddened today to discover that I recognized one of the TMs that lost his life in the tragedy and worked at Forbidden Journey. I read that Universal darkened the ride earlier in the week in memory of their lost friends. It always saddens me when the darkest parts of real life invade the happy little paradise that is the parks.

Now, Day 2 ....
Day 2 AM - Islands of Adventure - Oooo, I Like That Purse

No early entry today, and since the time change occurred the night before, a little extra sleep was nice. Not much though, because we were hitting rope drop again. However, before all that, I had to check for Rivers of Light stuff again:( We had fun again talking with people while waiting for the park to open. Like everyone, we headed straight for Forbidden Journey. There wasn't really a line, since we were first at the turnstile. We didn't get stuck this time:yay: However, I didn't feel very good afterward:crazy2: Probably due to the copious amounts of adult beverage the day before:drinking1 We could have easily ridden again with really no wait, but both DH and I decided to let our stomachs settle.


We did Flight of the Hippogriff, and then DH and DS went to Dragon Challenge. I got all of the gear again, like a pack mule. I took pictures while they rode, twice.




I loved these crooked chimneys.


A little windblown

On the way to Seussland, we stopped at the Mystic Fountain. This thing is awesome. It's impossible to do it justice by explaining it with words.You have to see it with your own eyes. DS tormented and taunted the fountain and eventually paid the price and got soaked. I wish I had gotten a picture of the fountain:(

Seussland was next. We ran up the ramp to High in the Sky Trolley, which had no line. I love this ride the most in Seussland. It reminds me of the old Skyway at Magic Kingdom, but with scenery. I would like to ride it sometime when the Circus McGurkus restaurant is open. We always seem to ride it early in the morning, after Hogsmeade. I wanted to take pictures, but I was a little afraid of bludgeoning someone to death by dropping my heavy camera on their head:( For some reason, all of the female CMs kept complimenting me on my purse. It happened the whole trip at Universal and WDW. I like bats, and they are sort of the unofficial mascot of Austin. On the exit ramp, we saw the family we had been talking to before park opening the day before and said hi as we all ran our separate ways.


The trolley exit is through an awesome bakery called Mulberry St. We had been admiring their goodies the day before, so we stopped and got some stuff. After skipping ice cream in the morning the day before, I wasn't going to pass up dessert again. I wish I had pictures. DS got a huge rice krispy treat with M&Ms in it. I got the best sugar cookie I have had in Orlando. It was a big shortbread cookie in the shape of the Cat in the Hat's hat. It was rich and buttery and had a really good frosting. The frosting was almost like a glaze, instead of the normal hard, royal icing that most sugar cookies had. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. We decided to enjoy our treats on Cat in the Hat, where else:) I got some pictures before they announced no photography at all, not just flash photography. Ooops:oops: This is like Pooh but themed to Cat in the Hat. I love Seussland, but I have always loved Dr Seuss.


Contraband Cat in the Hat Photo

Next, we had more snack while waiting for Poseidon's Fury. This is such a fun and unique attraction. It's long, so we usually only do it once per trip. It's a nice place to cool off and get out of the sun and heat. I always hold on to DS tightly in this, because the lights do go out completely, I mean the blackest, pitchest dark you have ever seen:eek: Little kids may not like it. I fear this ride may go the way of the dozer if they decide to build more at Hogsmeade. We then headed to Spiderman, which we had skipped the first day. Even though we had Express Pass, it seemed to take a while. I like Spiderman better than Transformers. It's a neat little ride. I especially like some of the storyline touches in the queue. We headed back to Hogwart's Express. Gotta do both directions. Plus, we wanted to eat at Leaky Cauldron for the first time.

Next, What swims in water and goes mooo:)
Glad to see an update!

Great pictures in Hogsmeade! I really should go to Universal some day and check it out even though I am not a big potter fan.

I have heard things about the fountain. That's funny that your son got soaked.

I do love me some Dr. Suess. That cookie sounds really good.

I find it weird sometimes that Universal doesn't allow photos even non-flash photos on most of their rides. I can understand the 3D ones but the rest?
Nice update!!

Lol........Yes, FJ is best avoided after adult beverages..........

I adore the Mystic Fountain......have spent hours sitting there over our visits, he is so funny and very sharp humour that thankfully goes over little kids heads at times........

I prefer Spider-Man to TF too........and now I want one of those cat in the hat cookies!!!

Some nice pictures you have there........
Glad to see an update!

Great pictures in Hogsmeade! I really should go to Universal some day and check it out even though I am not a big potter fan.

I have heard things about the fountain. That's funny that your son got soaked.

I do love me some Dr. Suess. That cookie sounds really good.

I find it weird sometimes that Universal doesn't allow photos even non-flash photos on most of their rides. I can understand the 3D ones but the rest?

I really wished I had gotten pictures of the fountain, but we were too into the moment to think about it. I was really surprised that I couldn't take non-flash pics in Cat in the Hat either. Oh well.

Nice update!!

Lol........Yes, FJ is best avoided after adult beverages..........

I adore the Mystic Fountain......have spent hours sitting there over our visits, he is so funny and very sharp humour that thankfully goes over little kids heads at times........

I prefer Spider-Man to TF too........and now I want one of those cat in the hat cookies!!!

Some nice pictures you have there........

The fountain is great. We are doing an adult only trip next month. I might hang out and take pictures, although video is better. Thanks about the pics.

Now I want your purse! :)

It's really handy at the parks. We carry a big camera bag, so I put a few things in it. The purse is for things that I want on my person without having to harass DH when he's carrying the camera bag. I got the purse at one of my favorite toy stores in Austin, Toy Joy. They sell really cool stuff, like Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr Who, Hello Kitty.
I got some pictures before they announced no photography at all, not just flash photography.

That's so weird - I took some pictures on Cat in the Hat during our April visit and never heard that announcement - I am a pretty devout rule follower so I definitely would have respected that request. I wonder if it's like WDW and the no photos versus no flash is at the whim of the cast/team member that day :scratchin


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