At MK now.....half of Main Street stores are closed

Because if there is no risk to you, there is no need to take the time and effort to provide you any explaination or information - doing so for multiple guest just creates a crowd issue and takes focus and effort of CM in dealing with the issue at hand. If it does not impact you there is no need to discuss with you. Again WDW security makes the determination of public risk and with focus on guest health and safety they would take actions as needed to ensure your safety. If not just move on and let CMs and EMS deal with the situation at hand, all you are doing is making their job harder.
Well said!
I think it is really important to remember that while at WDW you are on private Disney owned property as a guest of Disney. They have no obligation to inform you of anything that is going on back stage and if there is a wall of CM's around an area then that area is back stage. Nobody has a "right" to demand answers about something that they are clearly not interested in informing you about and if you believe your safety is not secure then leave. If you believe you don't have enough information to make a decision, then leave. Disney has no legal obligation to tell you anything and is well within their right to have you removed from their park if you refuse to accept that.

I don't like being left out of the loop any more than the next person, but I put myself in their shoes. If I am having a BBQ and someone asks me what is in a storage shed and I don't want to tell them, I don't have to. If they feel uncomfortable with that answer then they are in no way required to remain on my property.
This is the origin of the "shed" comment. LOL!!
Right as no one's come up with an official answer yet I have decided to invent one:

The real reason that it was blocked off, is that someone left the back door to the Haunted Mansion open and one of the pesky poltergeist got out :scared1: he then proceeded to possess one of the animatronic from the COP (Which went unnoticed for a quite a while as people were distracted by the new paint job).

so now with a body it progressed to main street, as you know, it wanted a Coffee, some ice cream and a crystal Mickey to add to his collection and started to run amok in the stores. As this happens more that you think, it was phoned through and I have the transcript from the cashier end of that phone call:

"Hi it's Marge over at Crystal Arts, we've got a 1-999, yeah a G-bust. Yes it is Kevin again, I don't know some idiot must have left the door open. Okay well you just deploy the troop and if anyone asked just be vague... No don't say it's a medical emergence as that will send people crazy, next thing you know it's 12 Monkeys all over the forums".

"Just go get Madame Leota, I don't know, just put her in a shopping bag it'll be fine, okay see you in 10".

And with that Madame Leota was brought to the store performed the exorcism and banished the spirit back to the house, the CMs put the animitronic back, on the COP, before anyone on the ride woke up.

So in the end order was restored, but they still never found out what was in the shed, dun, dun, darrrrrr.........
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Alternating back blows with abd thrusts is only done on babies.

For adults, you perform the heimlich maneuver ( standing behind the person with your arms around them in order to perform abd thrusts). You do this until the person becomes unresponsive, at which point you start CPR.

Depends where you're trained. I hold a First Aid qualification through my work, which is re-done every 3 years. Unless I'm told it has changed at the next training, we're told to do back blows first any only if they don't work to move onto chest thrusts. (Unless it's a partial choke which is a stop them moving and call 999 job!)
Depends where you're trained. I hold a First Aid qualification through my work, which is re-done every 3 years. Unless I'm told it has changed at the next training, we're told to do back blows first any only if they don't work to move onto chest thrusts. (Unless it's a partial choke which is a stop them moving and call 999 job!)

IF you are working with children under 1 year old, then yes, you alternate chest thrusts with back blows until the object is expelled- or if the child becomes unresponsive you start CPR.

For children and adults, you perform the Heimlich until the object is expelled , or until the person becomes unresponsive, at which time you start CPR.

These are the American Heart Association guidelines which are evidence based and updated as per current research.

AHA CPR and ACLS are the official life saving techniques used in all hospitals, ERs, and ambulances, lifeguards, etc and anywhere that basic lifesaving skills are needed.

If your facility is not using AHA CPR, you are not providing the best, most up-to-date, effective means of saving someone's life.

You might be doing your entire facility a favor by bringing this up to them- the money they save by not teaching CPR will mean nothing to the person whose life is lost due to ineffective procedures.

ETA: Chest thrusts are used infants ( and adults that you can't get your arms around) , abdominal thrusts in the child/adult.

( i'm just posting this so that anyone getting info from this thread does not go on wrong information- it could literally be the difference between life and death)
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Listen, whatever the reason it was closed it's really no one's business and Disney isn't going to tell you why and it's a good thing they won't. People panic, people get out of control and gossip and pry and everything else.

I worked rides at an amusement park and every single time a ride was down, no matter the reason we were instructed not to tell guests why. Not to tell them when it would re-open and not to tell them why. Know why? Cause we were going to do whatever we needed to do to get it taken care of and if we start blabbing about some lady throwing up or some tripping and falling people will get impatient will how long we're taking to make sure everything is taken care of. If we tell them it's a mechanical thing, they'll avoid the ride the rest of the day and start thinking it's not safe.

I kid you not everyone, I once broke a ride and then had to go and tell everyone I wasn't sure what was wrong because I was on break when it happened. I was literally the person who broke the breaks on the ride and told guests ten minutes later that I didn't know quite what the problem was but we were doing everything we could to make sure the ride would be up and running again before the end of the day. And guess what? Maintenance came, they fixed it, they ran their tests on it to make sure things were working. Then, as ride operators we had to run our everything through two times to make sure it was all properly working and we opened it back up and everyone got on and it was fine.

If Disney is using their CMs to stand around and keep guests out of an area, it's because they know what's best for the guest experience and they will take care of it. If you can't trust them to do that, you have the choice to leave.


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