I am irrationally bothered by....

I'm easily irritated by the youth of today. They are rude, uncouth, lack manners, have a sense of entitlement, want everything immediately, listen to loud music, wear improper clothing - especially the women, use profanity at whim, have sexual relations prior to marriage, draw all over their bodies and stick holes everywhere. And they wonder why no one will marry them.

I could go on and on.

I would argue that every generation has it's faults. In the generations of yesteryear, racism was acceptable (and taught to children), women were treated like property, natural resources were treated as if there was a never ending supply, it was totally acceptable to beat your children if they misbehaved, the penalty for drunk driving was parking your car on the side of the road and getting a ride home from the police officer that pulled you over. And you wonder why the world is the way it is.

I could go on and on.

The fact is, children are a product of their environment. So if your not happy with what YOU produced, go complain to the guy in the mirror.
Wonder Boy is the name given to our Corgi.

I am quite affronted at being told I live in the wrong era. It would appear that upholding high standards of values and morals in the face of modern temptations makes me a fuddy duddy in the eyes of a select few.

Just the other day I tried to get into a discussion with a scantily dressed women about appropriate attire, I even offered her my suit jacket. The language she used was beyond the pale.


Yesterday I would have been quite offended at your post.

But having turned 56 today, I an officially a cranky old fart like yourself, and I applaud your blunt but fair thoughts.

The younger generation need to put down the Raspberrys, smarten up, turn down that infernal
Pat Boone music and get off my lawn!!
Yesterday I would have been quite offended at your post.

But having turned 56 today, I an officially a cranky old fart like yourself, and I applaud your blunt but fair thoughts.

The younger generation need to put down the Raspberrys, smarten up, turn down that infernal
Pat Boone music and get off my lawn!!

I would make some kind of comment here but I'm going to refrain...
Am I missing something here?

The thread is titled "I am irrationally bothered by", then goes on to show examples.
I linked a thread with a bunch of irrational stuff that bothers people.

Was that so out of bounds that nobody understands???



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