ABC's of Trip Planning (Oct 10-20), Vol. 2- Z is for: Zippidee Doo Dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH! And I almost forgot to mention!!!!

I get to see one of my most long-standing DISFriends tomorrow again! Tammie will be in town and we're planning to grab lunch at one of my favorite place nearby. I'm just thrilled to be able to hug her real life again!

@MAGICFOR2, looking forward to hanging out tomorrow!
Wow, you are really organized! I will admit that I am one of those that was always pulling out their phone to use MDE but I usually only did that when standing in line.
Pretty sure I already said it on FB, but just in case, sorry about your goat.

Anywhooooo, I also have an update on Zach. We did get the MRI and it was returned "clean". The neurologist showed us all the images, and I played my "nurse card" for the first time. I won't lie, I enjoyed that, as I'm positive I got more information that way. He did say that there was a small area that showed a possible vein anomaly which could either be from a simple malformation at birth or an old injury from possibly his concussion when he was 8. In either case, it was inconsequential to his deal right now.

Now the good news and bad news:

It was most definitely a seizure. To be specific a partial complex (absence) seizure. In olden days terminology, a petit mal seizure. We, including the neuro are hopeful it was an isolated event. However... he has a couple of strikes against him. #1 He had a major concussive event in his past with loss of consciousness which has to be factored in. #2 He was a preemie. #3 He has had significant cognitive delays in many areas since birth.

The next step is an EEG which will be done in his office on Monday. Depending on what that shows, he may or may not have to go on anti-epileptics which have AWFUL side effects. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Quite the update on Zach. Sounds like you a. have your hands full and b. get to enjoy the #1 parental pastime... worrying.
Hoping it will work out soon and simply.

So what does one do when the bulk of the planning process is complete and if the trip was tomorrow it would be simply fabulous?

Well, if you're a Class A Disney Dork, you do a little more planning. G'doy.

I guess that means I'm a Class D (at best) Dork. I've done very little planning.

And I don't want to be THAT person, constantly on my phone blocking the sidewalk spending precious time doing internet queries

But we have our own team and everything!

Sure, I'll still have to add on FiPs with the app

FiPs? I presume that's Fast-ish Passes?

See any glaring omissions? Do us a favor and let us know...

Boarding passes.
ID for boarding.
You list "toiletries" but... shave gel/cream, floss (although I see "braces stuff")
Cash for tips or the rare place that doesn't take MB

ASA is Nurse-ese for aspirin

I knew that!

and see Ponzi, I got scissors on there!


Because typically, if you're like me, we remember we've forgotten something about 3 1/2 minutes after we pull away from the house, don't we?

Apparently I'm not like you.
If I remembered 3 1/2 minutes out, I'd turn around (if it was important.)

I usually remember when it's far too late to do anything about it.

I'm absolutely certain that my HBD meal on my last trip was about 4,323 times better because the server saw I was serious about doing a write-up.

Maybe I should do that... even if I don't use it.

Do you have an STB?

All I do is keep a small list on my iPod.
But then again, my trip isn't nearly as long or as complex.

I get to see one of my most long-standing DISFriends tomorrow again! Tammie will be in town and we're planning to grab lunch at one of my favorite place nearby. I'm just thrilled to be able to hug her real life again!

Nice! Say hi to her for me!
OH! And I almost forgot to mention!!!!

I get to see one of my most long-standing DISFriends tomorrow again! Tammie will be in town and we're planning to grab lunch at one of my favorite place nearby. I'm just thrilled to be able to hug her real life again!

@MAGICFOR2, looking forward to hanging out tomorrow!

I'm so excited to see you! I'm 20 min from our meeting place and it's on my GPS! See ya real soon!
Wow! You are very crafty and thorough! You have given me an idea of what I can do on my own TR in between updates when I am waiting for folks to get in their answers for the Contest.

Why do you have, 7 t-shirts, then 8 T-shirts, then 9 T-shirts, and then finally 10 T-shirts? Surely 34 shirts is a bit excessive, or do you change twice a day because of the humidity?

What I don't see are attire for V&A's or Artist Point. Folks think I'm crazy that I like to bring a lot of dresses, but I'm good at getting in and out of rides in a dress. Also with my crazy packing up the house life, I have to wear crappy clothes cause they get dirty. Dresses make me feel like vacation because I am relaxing.

You're also very detailed on the budget. I never have any idea how much were going to spend on a trip. The good news is that while we're on vacation we spend less because Fran is too tired to troll ebay for stuff on vacation so our credit cards get a rest! :lmao:
After a fabulous weekend... It's Monday all over again.

Meanwhile, there's a few minor tweaks afoot. Nothing huge, but....
I think your book scares me, Steppe! And since I'm on my phone, I can't even check the details!
First, I'm so sorry about your goat. :hug:

Well, if you're a Class A Disney Dork, you do a little more planning. G'doy.

Guilty. :wave:.more planning and then changing of plans...:coffee: My DH just wants to get our trip started so I'll stop messing with things!

So, I dis-assembled "The Mickey" and "The Minnie", kept the section dividers (cuz they are still WAY too cute) and typed up the latest Disney Trip informations. Let's take a look inside, shall we??

I'm amazed at your level of organization and even more at the fact that you found the time to make these with studying and all! Bravo to you. I noticed on your list you had caramex listed 2x, I used to be totally addicted to that stuff!

Awww, aren't we cute. Lol! Good DISTimes!!!

Wow, you are really organized! I will admit that I am one of those that was always pulling out their phone to use MDE but I usually only did that when standing in line.

I am organized. But will still forget something probably. My phone doesn't hold a charge if I"m on it a ton, so hope to only use it for the occasional photo, getting more FiPs, and talking to DISFriends if need be. Never in the middle of the sidewalk.

Pretty sure I already said it on FB, but just in case, sorry about your goat.

Thanks, Friend. We are in the search for a companion goat. This one is actually hoarse from bleating so much. Poor thing. He is a turd, but I still feel sorry for him.

Quite the update on Zach. Sounds like you a. have your hands full and b. get to enjoy the #1 parental pastime... worrying.
Hoping it will work out soon and simply.

I had a full day today and that was even before I got to work at 12:30. Got him to his EEG that lasted about an hour and got his follow up appt for next week. At that point we'll know more. Praying for a "no meds" option.

I guess that means I'm a Class D (at best) Dork. I've done very little planning.

True, but as you say... less people to please, fewer days. Just plain less complicated. Plus we only go every 4 or 5 years or so, so have to knock it out of the park every time.

But we have our own team and everything!


FiPs? I presume that's Fast-ish Passes?

Jordy coined that phrase a million years ago, and I loved it so much, I shamelessly stole it and use it. In his honor, of course.

Boarding passes.
ID for boarding.
You list "toiletries" but... shave gel/cream, floss (although I see "braces stuff")
Cash for tips or the rare place that doesn't take MB

No need for bodyglide. I don't sweat. Like at all.

PJs: That would assume I was using those.

Hats: Will add

Sunglasses: Will add

Floss: YES! Will add

And yes, boarding passes are such a DUH, I left them off. Of course, that may well lead to a fatal error, so adding them now.

I knew that!

Of course you did!

Apparently I'm not like you.
If I remembered 3 1/2 minutes out, I'd turn around (if it was important.)

I usually remember when it's far too late to do anything about it.

No, you're not like me. I'd just buy it at the airport because I'm lazy like that.

Maybe I should do that... even if I don't use it.

Try it! Let me know if you think it makes a difference.

All I do is keep a small list on my iPod.
But then again, my trip isn't nearly as long or as complex.

See above. And iPods aren't nearly as cool. Or cute.

Nice! Say hi to her for me!

DID! You were even talked about. All nice things, of course. :goodvibes
I'm so excited to see you! I'm 20 min from our meeting place and it's on my GPS! See ya real soon!

We had a wonderful time! 2 hours of nice conversation, more calories than I needed, and some fun Disney chatter. Thanks, again for meeting up!

Wow! You are very crafty and thorough! You have given me an idea of what I can do on my own TR in between updates when I am waiting for folks to get in their answers for the Contest.

I have a fun time putting all the little details into each trip. Makes the trip last WAY longer that way. I'll have to see just what kind of shenanigans I've inspired...

Why do you have, 7 t-shirts, then 8 T-shirts, then 9 T-shirts, and then finally 10 T-shirts? Surely 34 shirts is a bit excessive, or do you change twice a day because of the humidity?

This was a full-on Excel User malfunction. You know how you can highlight some stuff and then pull down on the side and it'll copy stiff to the next rows down? Yeah... that happened. I fixed it all, and can re-post that particular part. But I gotta say, your guessing as to what I'd done was a crack up! LOL! NO, I don't change 28 times during a trip. In all seriousness, I rarely change even once per day. Of course, I will on my V&A evening and maybe for AP too.

What I don't see are attire for V&A's or Artist Point. Folks think I'm crazy that I like to bring a lot of dresses, but I'm good at getting in and out of rides in a dress. Also with my crazy packing up the house life, I have to wear crappy clothes cause they get dirty. Dresses make me feel like vacation because I am relaxing.

Well, I got that added after I fixed my Suitcase Screwup. I added my strappy gold heels as well. After I get this series of The Mickey Book done, I'll be diving into posting some of my outfits. (Guys, you've been warned. LOL!)

As for dresses. I ADORE them and wear them most days during all 4 seasons. They are comfy to me, and I plan to bring several of my sundresses to wear. Rides are no problem. If someone gets flashed, oh well.

You're also very detailed on the budget. I never have any idea how much were going to spend on a trip. The good news is that while we're on vacation we spend less because Fran is too tired to troll ebay for stuff on vacation so our credit cards get a rest! :lmao:

honestly, it's a little bit of a game to see how much that I've planned turns into reality. Do I really eat what I think I will? Spend what I thought I would? Etc...

Why yes... yes you both are. ::yes::

And thank you, Kind Sir.
I think your book scares me, Steppe! And since I'm on my phone, I can't even check the details!

It's a thing of beauty! LOL! Keeps me sane by having all the deets in one place!

First, I'm so sorry about your goat. :hug:

Awww, thanks. Hopefully, we'll find a companion goat very soon for his brother.

Guilty. :wave:.more planning and then changing of plans...:coffee: My DH just wants to get our trip started so I'll stop messing with things!

HAHA! I get that. Mine couldn't give a crap what we do when, so I just do my thing. There are a couple of changes afoot, so stay tuned.

I'm amazed at your level of organization and even more at the fact that you found the time to make these with studying and all! Bravo to you. I noticed on your list you had caramex listed 2x, I used to be totally addicted to that stuff!

I have to have it. My lips chap pretty easily, even in high humidity, and I like Carmex because it has aspirin in it, so helps with the pain. I don't wear lipstick very often, so like it to add a shine as well. :)

I love planning my trips to this level; really, it's kind of like my little hobby. Although with the nice weather photography has taken a bit more time, and now I'll have to start focusing on my son's wedding some.
M is for: Many, Many Hours of Planning in a Mini Mickey Book

No Trip Planner would be complete without a day-by-day itinerary! It would be as shameful as omitting chocolate sauce on a hot fudge sundae. Or your swimsuit on a Disney trip.

Here are each day's Lists 'O Fun:


Don't steal my ADR, K? I forgot to cover it up. ;) Each park is color-coded which saved me HUGE amounts of time and frustration in the big picture planning phase, ADRs are in yellow/red, misc information is to the right like snack picks, drink picks and FiPs for each day. I left room to write stuff in as I need to as well. I imagine there will be a fair amount of that. The $$ amount at the bottom is the total for MEALS I anticipate spending- need to stay on budget, ya know.

But how about each day's Top 10 List? The things you really gotta do or have been looking forward to for a very long time. I've put together a List for each park, AND each resort. Let's start with my favorite park (since this is my PTR ;) ):


I don't think we'll have any big problem knocking off these 10 items. But for you CONTEST PLAYERS: After seeing these lists, you'll be able to go back and answer that section. Remember... it's 10 points per LIST *IF* I/we complete the entire List. There are 60 points available, 40 for the Parks and 10 each per Resort. If you think we can finish off all 10 items on the EPCOT List, guess 10. If not, guess 0 for that one.

The following doesn't factor in for the CONTEST, but I saved these from my last trip and thought I'd throw them in for kicks and giggles. Some of the information is outdated and obsolete, but most isn't. Supplemental EPCOT stuff to find/do/enjoy:



Just a side note: I'm really sad they did away with Mo'Rockin'. I actually bought a few of their tunes off iTunes a few years back to put on an album I compiled for when I got to missing my Happy Place. Bummer! Also, when we moved from our temporary housing in Portland to our present home, I misplaced my VoL CD's. Now I guess I'll have to pony up a crap-ton of cash and replace them. :sad: Also, it's a travesty that the Fife and Drum Corps went the way of poor Disney Planning. Jerks.

How about my 2nd favorite park?


Can we do all 10 things? If so, 10 points for me!! I love how *I* get the points. :lmao:Best. Game. Ever! :rotfl2:

Again, the following is just for my geeky self. I ADORED my Imagineering Field Guide Books!! Fascinating little gems and backstory to find- especially THAT park!


Obviously some holes in there. I'll be filling those in as I re-read over the next few weeks.

My next favorite park:


There's the Top 10 for your consideration. 10 or None once again. This is one of the more involved, or complicated, harder to do, lists. You be the judge.

And just for fun:


Pages and pages of just stuff to see.

Lastly, there's this:


A dismal wasteland. A shell of a park with potential. I'm hopeful, but for now... nah. Just not much there. We'll see... but not holding my breath. It's not even 10 items long. 10 points for me on this one?

I'll save the Resort Top 10s for next time, since it's 11:00 and I'm getting bleary eyed.

But first... We'll see who's still reading...

I just booked a little mini trip!

I won't have many more opportunities to hang out with Mikki since she's growing up fast and will soon be out of the house and on to living her own life apart from us. Better take advantage of it while I can, right?? We've both been wanting to head down to San Fran for a quick trip and hang out with my hubby's cousins and his SO, and this seemed like a great time before school starts up again for her. I happened to have a few days off in a row coming up (and will ask for one more off) and that sealed the deal. I pulled the trigger on 3 round trip tix to Oakland on the 18th, returning on the 22nd. Short, but sweet. Matt and Susan have graciously offered to let us stay at their places and to come and go as we please while they work on the work days. But we'll really enjoy their company that weekend. They are extremely gracious people who love to cook and just hang out.

I really want to hit up Chinatown and have Dim Sum, Mikki wants to go back to Alcatraz and do another tour there, and Anara, I'm sure, will love just the adventure of travel and seeing new things. We'll have to show her the GG Bridge and Fisherman's Wharf. But she adores both Matt and Susan who are very much like an aunt and uncle to her and all of my kids and their cousins. Anyway, if I can't get the 22nd off, I'll have to cut my trip short and come home early. No biggie, 4 days is still a nice getaway. It'll also be a GREAT way to make Disney hurry up and get here. I'm getting rather antsy now!

Meanwhile, I've got this going on:


A HUGE mess in my laundry room. The slate is ordered and I'm pumped about that, but as you all well know, when you set out to do one project, 34 more crop up before you can do that one. This episode proudly brought to you by "Dry Rot" and "Leaky Washer".
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I know! There have been times that time seemed to go soooooo slow.... at other times, like since I"ve gotten this new job, it's gone at super sonic speed.
I hear you, nothing like a new job and busy work place to speed up time. When I worked retail time leading up to WDW trips took forever, but life now in family practice flies by. Plus it's not work if you love what you do.

Thanks for the pity party on my little goatie. He was the sweeter of the 2, which made it such a bummer.
I'm sorry about envy.

Anywhooooo, I also have an update on Zach. We did get the MRI and it was returned "clean". The neurologist showed us all the images, and I played my "nurse card" for the first time. I won't lie, I enjoyed that, as I'm positive I got more information that way.
That nurse card comes in handy, I agree with you, it does get the Dr's to be more open, they respond to that better than "Well according to Web MD........

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Now the good news and bad news:

It was most definitely a seizure. To be specific a partial complex (absence) seizure. In olden days terminology, a petit mal seizure. We, including the neuro are hopeful it was an isolated event. However... he has a couple of strikes against him. #1 He had a major concussive event in his past with loss of consciousness which has to be factored in. #2 He was a preemie. #3 He has had significant cognitive delays in many areas since birth.

The next step is an EEG which will be done in his office on Monday. Depending on what that shows, he may or may not have to go on anti-epileptics which have AWFUL side effects. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Zach is in my prayers, I hope he doesn't have to start on meds.

Hopefully, I will get a good old fashioned update up tonight. I have 3 glorious days off here, and am about to head out to go peach picking with HOURS of ensuing canning ahead of me with my daughter. I always enjoy that. But it's hard work. But I hope to relax as well with the DIS. I have SO many TRs to catch up. Most likely yours is one of them. ;)
Your last update blew my mind, I have to send Bo here to check out your book. That is crazy level organization and I mean that in a good way.
Floss: YES! Will add

Great! I will be packed!!! Looking forward to the trip!! :cheer2::rotfl2:

The SF trip sounds just wonderful! I should hurry up and post the remaining two days on my trip report about SF. Not that you need information about the city if you have relatives there, but maybe the Walt Disney Family Museum update might inspire you...
We had a wonderful time! 2 hours of nice conversation, more calories than I needed, and some fun Disney chatter. Thanks, again for meeting up.

Good times for sure! Thanks so much for taking time to get together! It was a real treat to get some time to catch up, and lunch was delish, and your city is beautiful! Thanks again!


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