***1st Week of December Thread ADR Plans, Park Hours, and dealing with Pop Warner***

You know you're an adr hoarder when.....

... You're holding onto a few adrs for the same place, same day, but all within 15 minutes of each other.....
.....you've purchased your mvmcp tickets, you've purchased MK EMM tickets, and you're STILL holding on to that "plan c" JUST in case for some reason you won't actually end up being at MK on those days.....
..... You're staying at the poly and have a Kona breakfast reserved for nearly every. Single. Day of your trip because you have visions of your family being brutally exhausted and no ones getting to a park that day.....

Guilty, guilty, and guilty

EDITTED: ....and... You just can't stop the incessant searching for more adrs, even though your plans are perfect the way they are.... You don't need to get them, you just need to see if you CAN get them...:smickey:
I'm guilty too :blush: but I toned down on looking for ADRs since I found the earlier BOG on party night :laughing:
Wooohooo!! Congrats on snagging that!! :banana:
Yep I was so stoked when I got the text from TP. I actually had my phone in my hands because I was texting someone else. It took me about 30 seconds total from receiving first TP text to final confirmation on MDE. It was the final piece of my ADR puzzle!!!

Does anyone else get a huge rush from snagging a hard-to-get ADR?
Ok serious question here......and please don't laugh.

How do I "tag" someone on here?

P.S. I'm in iPhone, I know the screen layout is different on PC/MAC vs. phone/tablet
I'm on an iPhone too. Just click on @ and then type in the name, wait for a second or two and the choices of names will pop up. Just click on your choice and type as usual :)


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@BDFmom and @Candycane83 In 2013, we did visit the Grand Floridian, and actually ate at the GF Cafe (excellent!) because my kids had been fans of the TV show Full House and GF was featured on that show! lol It is breathtakingly beautiful and the more I think about it, the more I know we need to find a spot to spend a little time there.

Yep I was so stoked when I got the text from TP. I actually had my phone in my hands because I was texting someone else. It took me about 30 seconds total from receiving first TP text to final confirmation on MDE. It was the final piece of my ADR puzzle!!!

Does anyone else get a huge rush from snagging a hard-to-get ADR?

Congrats on the BOG! Such a toughie to get!! When I got mine (after an agonizingly long search) I literally jumped up and down and, since no one else was home to get excited with, scooped up our 8-pound Yorkie and did what can only be described as the "I finally got ADR dance"! ;) It is a HUGE thrill! So happy you got yours!!
wow all of you late ADR staggers are making me jealous that I didn't have any changes to make! nah not really. I just recited my whole dining plan from memory last night to someone lol.
I am jealous of that... And yeah, really :teeth:
I've just been so wrapped up in searching for things I forget to realize there is still quite some time to find some more adrs. If anyone needs any help, feel free to let me know. I have a search going for some members here, but I know it's been slim pickings. I'd be happy to add another 2 searches for anyone that needs or would like an extra set of eyes:magnify:
I'm still looking for a 12/5 or 12/6 tusker ppo for 6 if anyone comes across a cancellation on their path! I missed a 4 top the other day , but there's still time!!
forgive typos, I'm at the lab doing 2.5 hours of blood testing. boo. all I have is my phone to entertain me.
I hope all is well! Blood work is never fun, especially not on a Saturday :( and especially not 2.5 hours worth !!
the lab is on cape and an hour away so it's better than taking a full day off of work. i feel like crap all the time and can't lose weight even when doing the right things... I used to see and endo before moving here 6 years ago but haven't since. found a new one and she ordered a boatload of tests. so here I am, taking care of myself and stuff. my basic labs from my pcp were fine so I'm probably not dying, at least not any faster than anyone else.
the lab is on cape and an hour away so it's better than taking a full day off of work. i feel like crap all the time and can't lose weight even when doing the right things... I used to see and endo before moving here 6 years ago but haven't since. found a new one and she ordered a boatload of tests. so here I am, taking care of myself and stuff. my basic labs from my pcp were fine so I'm probably not dying, at least not any faster than anyone else.
Good for you for taking time to take care of yourself. I hope you get to have a relaxing day after the labs!
Just catching up...again...
I saw some talk about rides. Obviously every child is different. In 2014 my 2 year old daughter sat on all the rides with no fear. @Candycane83 she sat on Spaceship Earth just fine. Then in 2015 (she was almost 3) she and my 7yo dd were both nervous about HM but rode it anyways, with their eyes closed. Haha
Now this trip they are both excited to go on HM! They both even say they want to ride Tower of Terror. I'm so excited to ride things and stay in lines as a family and not split up.
Everybody here (that needs to know) knows about child swap, right?
Space Mt., Mt. Everest and TOT are my daughters favorites. She was 5 in April when she made us do TOT 7 times in a ROW! She is now 6 and praying she gets to 48" before December for RnR (There is no way, she is only 45")
Good for you for taking time to take care of yourself. I hope you get to have a relaxing day after the labs!
no, taking the kids out to the mall for haircuts (his, not mine... mine is well groomed lol) and sneakers for his oldest but Halloween costume shopping for all. island kids have to take advantage of being off island when they are there, no place to get costumes on island or anything. amazon has saved me at times too.

just drank the drink. she told me to try really hard not to hurl because then i have to do it again. wooo.


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