"Even the Garbage Cans Have Flowers!"-A September 2016 Mother-Daughter TR!- NEW TR LINK 9/13!

Day 1: Part 3- “Don’t Just Fly, Soar!”

Hello Disfriends! Where I last left off, my mom and I were just boarding the monorail to our first park of the trip: Epcot! I thought my Disney quote (can anyone name the movie? If you know, name it in the comments below :goodvibes) was quite punny, considering that today would be our first times riding Soarin’ Around the World. I know you guys, I’m hysterical.

Untitled by Molly, on Flickr

Anywho, back to the trip report! We boarded the monorail at the GF at about 1:50 PM, heading to the Transportation and Ticket Center! When we passed the Magic Kingdom and got a glimpse of the castle, I let out a little squeal and said (loudly), “OMG MOM IT’S CINDERELLA’S CASTLE!” Everyone in our car stared at me, but I had no shame. Disney is my happy place!! :thumbsup2

We transferred monorails with no issues and made it to Epcot at about 2:15! These were our plans for the day:

FP +

2:00-3:00- Mission:Space
3:25-4:25- Soarin’ Around the World


9:00 PM- T-Rex Cafe

I’m not sure why, but Epcot has become our traditional first park day for the past few trips. We always used to use the first day as a resort day and then do Magic Kingdom the first full day, but in 2013 we decided to switch it up. On our 2013 family trip, our first ride of the vacation was Spaceship Earth, and my mom and I thought it was such a perfect first ride!! It has since become an annual tradition for us. Even though we were doing another full Epcot day this trip, we wanted to hop over to Epcot on our first day to ride Spaceship Earth and to make sure we got to try the new Soarin’!

*Disclaimer- Since I was taking everything all in, I momentarily forgot to take any sorts of pictures :rolleyes1 So, some of these pictures are from Google Images. Don't worry, I snapped out of it that night at Disney Springs. I was really excited, ok?!? :lmao:*

We made our way up to the gates and got our fingerprints all situated for the week. I also got selected for extra security! This wasn’t the first time that week either! I got through the bag line quicker than my mom, and a security guard saw me waiting and figured I had some time to spare :laughing:

When we passed through the front gates, we both let out a little gasp! Finally, we were here! It seemed like forever since we were at Disney, but it also almost felt like we never left! Strange how that happens? Of course, I had to get a picture with the “big ball!”

Untitled by Molly, on Flickr

I didn’t bother getting a fastpass for Spaceship Earth beforehand, since the lines are usually short! Plus, I knew that our time in Epcot was limited today, and we didn’t want to be too tied down. We took a “first ride” selfie to send to my mom’s Snapchat friends. She uses Snapchat more than I do ;)

Untitled by Molly, on Flickr

The wait said that it was 25 minutes, but we knew that it would be shorter. Turns out, we were right! Only a 10-minute wait, score! :woohoo: Ugh, this ride is perfect. It’s one of my favorites! I’m a history buff and I love taking a “tour” through the times (this also explains my love for Carousel of Progress). It’s so peaceful too! On Reddit, I read that (crazy) people think that Disney pumps nitrous oxide throughout the ride to make riders feel calm. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised, I always want to take a nap in my time capsule! :faint:

I was so excited to be on the ride that I completely forgot to smile or even look for the picture! I was so excited to see how goofy I looked in my photo, but the pictures ended up not working :sad: We just got generic cartoon characters for the “your future” video. Maybe it was a good thing, I wouldn’t want to scare myself 10 minutes into the trip ::yes::

After exiting Spaceship Earth, we only had about 10 minutes to make our fastpass for Mission:Space. We kind of jogged over there while still trying to take in the sights. On our way, we passed a Jofferey’s coffee cart, and I vowed to myself that later in the week I would try one of their ginormous pink donuts!

We made it to Mission:Space in the nick of time and chose our usual green side. Yeah, go ahead and say it, we’re babies :smooth: But I’d rather be a chicken than have vertigo for the rest of the day! After our quick briefing with Lieutenant Dan, we were all set for our mission to Mars!

My mom is obsessed with this ride. She thinks that it is so fun! I think that it is super cool as well, I just wish they’d change up the video like they do with Star Tours. I think that would be awesome if something different happened each time you rode! Every time we ride this, my mom always gushes about how much my dad would enjoy it. My dad loves science fiction and says that if he wasn’t a nurse, he’d be an astronaut :scared1:

After Mission:Space, we knew exactly where we were heading next: Club Cool! We had just tried this last year and it quickly became one of our favorite ways to cool off in Epcot! I’m not a big soda drinker back home, but I can’t resist trying drinks from all around the world! My mom used to be a HUGE Pepsi drinker (I’m talking like, almost a liter a day). But, one day, she decided to quit cold turkey and hasn’t had a drop since. You may have noticed how much slimmer and healthier she looks since last trip! So, her drinking soda today was a big deal!

We sampled all of the sodas and ranked them. My favorite is definitely the Inca Kola, it tastes just like bubblegum! My mom enjoyed the Fanta Pineapple and Bibo the most. Now, you guys, I have a confession to make….

I like Beverly.

I have no idea why, I kind of enjoy the bitter aftertaste? I could sip on the whole cup and still have some more afterwards! It is refreshing to me and it's not so super sweet like other sodas. I prefer diet soda to regular and drink lots of coffee, so maybe that’s why? But anyways, my mom thought that I was absolutely nuts and temporarily questioned going on the trip with me :lmao:

Once we exited Club Cool, it was time for the moment we had been waiting for….Soarin’ Around the World!!

Untitled by Molly, on Flickr

I was excited, yet nervous about this. I LOVED Soarin’ Over California and I was hoping that I wouldn’t be disappointed in the new version. Well..

I LOVED THE NEW VERSION TOO! It was so hard for either me or Mom to choose a favorite version; they were both so different! My favorite scene was the African safari scene, I loved how they pumped the smell of grass inside! My mom enjoyed the Antarctica scene with the jumping whale.

One thing we did notice was that there seemed to be a glitch with the new screen. We were sat close to the right side of the screen, and it seemed that some of the projections were warped! In the scene with the German castle, both me and mom said aloud “Oh, I wonder if that castle is supposed to be like the Leaning Tower of Pisa!” :rotfl2: But then, when we saw the Eiffel Tower practically bent in half, we knew that something was up with the screen. Nothing to be upset over; we rode it again later in the week (sitting in the middle) and the screen wasn’t warped!

After our eventful ride on Soarin’, it was nearing 4:00. Mom and I were starving! We needed some food to keep our energy up, since our dinner ADR wasn’t until 9:00. Well, Sunshine Seasons was right there ahead of us, how could we pass that up?!

Neither of us had eaten at Sunshine Seasons before, but I had heard rave reviews of it on the DIS and asked my mom if we could give it a try. Well, after a quick look at the menu, she was all for it!

I had the Sweet and Sour Chicken with Jasmine Rice, and Mom had the Quinoa Kale Power Salad. We also shared some water and a brownie.

Untitled by Molly, on Flickr

OMG you guys, this brownie was ahhhhmazing. It may just look like a plain brownie, but it was so fudgey and rich and even had little chocolate chips inside and UGH! A few days ago, I said to my mom, “I’m craving a brownie.” My mom answered, “Well, go to the store and buy stuff to make brownies!” And I was like, “You don’t understand. I want a Sunshine Seasons brownie” :rotfl: Our actual lunches were also delicious and hit the spot! We used this time to chill out and call my dad back home. It was so nice to just sit back, relax, and take in the beautiful Land Pavillion!

Untitled by Molly, on Flickr

Coming up Soon- Day 1: Part 4- “We’ve Got No Troubles, Life is the Bubbles!”
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I'm glad to read that so many people like the new Soarin'. That's my favorite ride in all of WDW and it would be disappointing if it wasn't as good as the original.

Good for your mom going cold turkey on the Pepsi. I used to drink close to a six pack a day of Diet Coke. About ten years ago, I cut back to one or two a day. I'd love to cut it out all together, but I just can't.

Your meals looked delicious at Sunshine Seasons. I've never eaten there as there are so many great dining options at Epcot. I wish a couple of those places would be in Hollywood Studios as I feel HS has the most limited selections.
I thought my Disney quote (can anyone name the movie? If you know, name it in the comments below :goodvibes)

Dumbo! :goodvibes At least I think so LOL

When we passed the Magic Kingdom and got a glimpse of the castle, I let out a little squeal and said (loudly), “OMG MOM IT’S CINDERELLA’S CASTLE!” Everyone in our car stared at me, but I had no shame. Disney is my happy place!! :thumbsup2

I am right there with ya! We are going the first week of Dec and it'll have been almost 3 years since my last trip! So I am going to be like a kid in a candy store! WDW is my happy place too :cloud9:

I’m not sure why, but Epcot has become our traditional first park day for the past few trips. We always used to use the first day as a resort day and then do Magic Kingdom the first full day, but in 2013 we decided to switch it up. On our 2013 family trip, our first ride of the vacation was Spaceship Earth, and my mom and I thought it was such a perfect first ride!! It has since become an annual tradition for us.

That's awesome! We are actually doing EPCOT our first day as well...our tradition has always been MK and we usually don't even do a park our first day...but this trip will be just my son and I for the most part (my bf is only going to be able to join us for a few days) and I decided to switch things up...plus I can't wait to try the new Soarin so I want to get FP for our first night there :thumbsup2


What a great picture!!

We took a “first ride” selfie to send to my mom’s Snapchat friends. She uses Snapchat more than I do ;)

That's so funny! I have a snapchat but I rarely use it...I am more of an Instagram/FB gal ;)

We made it to Mission:Space in the nick of time and chose our usual green side. Yeah, go ahead and say it, we’re babies :smooth: But I’d rather be a chicken than have vertigo for the rest of the day! After our quick briefing with Lieutenant Dan, we were all set for our mission to Mars!

I haven't done this ride in YEARS...I did it way back when they only had 1 version and it made me soooo sick :crazy2:

My 7 year old LOVES space and anything to do with space though so I figure we will try out the green side!

I LOVED THE NEW VERSION TOO! It was so hard for either me or Mom to choose a favorite version; they were both so different! My favorite scene was the African safari scene, I loved how they pumped the smell of grass inside! My mom enjoyed the Antarctica scene with the jumping whale.

yay! So glad to hear you loved the new Soarin! It was one of my top 3 attractions and I am so excited to see the updated version! I hear it's really amazing :love:

Great update! Looking forward to reading more!
Great update! I love riding Spaceship Earth first thing. We did that on one of our trips and it's really a great way to start out a vacation. I'm excited to get on the new Soarin' next month. My husband and I actually have been skipping the old version for a few years now to do Test Track instead. Soarin' just seemed too outdated for us so I'm hoping the new version gets us hooked again. Also - can't believe you like Beverly!! :crazy2: But everyone really does have different tastes. Haha! I have yet to eat at Sunshine Seasons... probably won't happen this trip, but maybe on our March trip!
Dumbo quote! :dumbo:

Cute first pic of you in front of Spaceship Earth! I'm glad you got to get on your traditional first ride with a short wait!

I love Inca Kola- so sweet but so good!

Yay I'm glad you loved the new Soarin! I can't wait to ride it myself!

Sounds like a nice lunch at Sunshine Seasons!
Very jealous of your trip! I have been wanting to do a mother/daughter trip with my mom lately, but I don't know that I could convince DH to stay home! :rotfl2:
Hi Molly! I'm HEEERRRE!!

Buuut a little late to the party! Oops!

I'm so sorry that we didn't get a chance to talk more when we met. It was so great to meet with you. Maybe our trips will overlap again sometime!

I also love SE and CoP. Both make me very sleepy and content. I could ride for HOURS!
We sampled all of the sodas and ranked them. My favorite is definitely the Inca Kola, it tastes just like bubblegum! My mom enjoyed the Fanta Pineapple and Bibo the most. Now, you guys, I have a confession to make….

I like Beverly.

I have no idea why, I kind of enjoy the bitter aftertaste? I could sip on the whole cup and still have some more afterwards! It is refreshing to me and it's not so super sweet like other sodas. I prefer diet soda to regular and drink lots of coffee, so maybe that’s why? But anyways, my mom thought that I was absolutely nuts and temporarily questioned going on the trip with me :lmao:
I tried Beverly for the first time on our last trip, and I was actually disappointed with it. I was expecting some repugnant, repulsive flavor. And it wasn't bad at all. I'm not going to go so far as to say I liked it, but I certainly didn't hate it either. I've drank (drunk?) a lot worse tasting things than Beverly, that's for sure.
I haven't really heard too much about the new movie on Soarin'. I'm glad you liked it. Beverly on the other hand :confused3. At least they have something for everyone. Great update!
Hi Molly - loving your TR (same as other) - your enthusiasm is always so awesome! Did not know about you and mom's special needs ties. As my son is autistic, I can assure you that is very much appreciated. Our dentist sees Dallas at 7:30 AM to make sure all goes well. We were on other side of that building over Thanksgiving - got moved from WL due to construction. Loved it - we all loved the Mad Hatter's water hat - so funny watching the kids anticipation. Can't wait for more!
We rode SE twice and both times our photos didn't work, it was so disappointing but I'm glad it wasn't just because they didn't like our photos :rotfl2:

I'm so pleased you loved Soarin, we decided we'd like them to show both versions so we could pick and choose :goodvibes
How fun at Epcot, we love SE as well. I'm with you on the new Soarin, loved it but wish they could improve on the distortion. We will always try to get concourse B now to have a better ride.
I like that you have a tradition of doing SE as your first ride and Epcot as your first park. Other than trying to end our trips in MK (which is more for me than the kids) we don't have a specific park we start with, although we do normally head to BTMRR/Splash right away on our first MK day. In fact our trip last month was the first one in quite awhile that we ended in Epcot rather than MK!

And ya know, someone's gotta like Beverly, right?? :P
We made it to Mission:Space in the nick of time and chose our usual green side. Yeah, go ahead and say it, we’re babies :smooth: But I’d rather be a chicken than have vertigo for the rest of the day! After our quick briefing with Lieutenant Dan, we were all set for our mission to Mars!
Nothing wrong with the green side! I always do that one too. I just don't like any kind of spinning. I call the teacups the little spinning wheels of death! :crazy2:

Now, you guys, I have a confession to make….
I like Beverly.
I don't hate it. My last trip was before I joined Disboards, so I didn't really know that much about Beverly. I'm sure I had it because I sampled everything at Club Cool, but it just didn't make much impression on me, good or bad.

I LOVED THE NEW VERSION TOO! It was so hard for either me or Mom to choose a favorite version; they were both so different! My favorite scene was the African safari scene, I loved how they pumped the smell of grass inside! My mom enjoyed the Antarctica scene with the jumping whale.
Glad to hear another positive review of the new Soarin. I loved the old version and it's my youngest DD's favourite ride, so I was a bit nervous when they changed it. I will miss the orange smell though...
I'm glad to read that so many people like the new Soarin'. That's my favorite ride in all of WDW and it would be disappointing if it wasn't as good as the original.

Good for your mom going cold turkey on the Pepsi. I used to drink close to a six pack a day of Diet Coke. About ten years ago, I cut back to one or two a day. I'd love to cut it out all together, but I just can't.

Your meals looked delicious at Sunshine Seasons. I've never eaten there as there are so many great dining options at Epcot. I wish a couple of those places would be in Hollywood Studios as I feel HS has the most limited selections.

I was very nervous because Soarin' is one of my faves as well, but it definitely didn't disappoint!! Good for you for cutting back; even though I try not to drink soda, Diet Coke is one of my vices and it's hard for me to turn it down!

Yes, you are spot on!! If DHS didn't have Sci Fi or 50's Prime Time, I don't know where we'd eat when we go there :crazy2:

Dumbo! :goodvibes At least I think so LOL

You're correct!! :dumbo:

I am right there with ya! We are going the first week of Dec and it'll have been almost 3 years since my last trip! So I am going to be like a kid in a candy store! WDW is my happy place too :cloud9:

Wow, 3 years is such a long time!! You deserve it, girl! :goodvibes

That's awesome! We are actually doing EPCOT our first day as well...our tradition has always been MK and we usually don't even do a park our first day...but this trip will be just my son and I for the most part (my bf is only going to be able to join us for a few days) and I decided to switch things up...plus I can't wait to try the new Soarin so I want to get FP for our first night there :thumbsup2

YES such a great choice! Epcot is a perfect first-day park in our opinion! Plus, I read in your PTR that you're staying at BCV, and that's such a convenient little walk over!

What a great picture!!

Thank you!! :hug:

I haven't done this ride in YEARS...I did it way back when they only had 1 version and it made me soooo sick :crazy2:

My 7 year old LOVES space and anything to do with space though so I figure we will try out the green side!

Ahh, that really sucks that it made you so sick! The greens side is perfect; just enough effects but nothing too crazy! The claustrophobia alone is a little unsettling :crazy2:

That's so funny! I have a snapchat but I rarely use it...I am more of an Instagram/FB gal ;)

Same! Although those cool new filters are quite entertaining :rotfl:

yay! So glad to hear you loved the new Soarin! It was one of my top 3 attractions and I am so excited to see the updated version! I hear it's really amazing :love:

Great update! Looking forward to reading more!

It is amazing, you'll love it! Thank you so much for following along! :)

Great update! I love riding Spaceship Earth first thing. We did that on one of our trips and it's really a great way to start out a vacation. I'm excited to get on the new Soarin' next month. My husband and I actually have been skipping the old version for a few years now to do Test Track instead. Soarin' just seemed too outdated for us so I'm hoping the new version gets us hooked again. Also - can't believe you like Beverly!! :crazy2: But everyone really does have different tastes. Haha! I have yet to eat at Sunshine Seasons... probably won't happen this trip, but maybe on our March trip!

This new version definitely keeps things fresh, I agree that the old one was getting a little outdated! And haha I know, I couldn't believe for it either!! I kept waiting for the gag-inducing taste everyone talks about, but it never came :rotfl2:And Sunshine Seasons is awesome, you can even just get dessert there if you want lunch somewhere else! (ahem, like an amazing brownie) :laughing:

Dumbo quote! :dumbo:

Cute first pic of you in front of Spaceship Earth! I'm glad you got to get on your traditional first ride with a short wait!

I love Inca Kola- so sweet but so good!

Yay I'm glad you loved the new Soarin! I can't wait to ride it myself!

Sounds like a nice lunch at Sunshine Seasons!

Ding Ding Ding, you're right!! :dumbo: Thanks! I'm glad someone else likes Inca Kola too; my mom thinks that it is way too sweet! Sunshine Seasons will definitely be on our list of returning QS! You'll have to tell me what you think of the new Soarin' when you ride it yourself! :hyper:

Very jealous of your trip! I have been wanting to do a mother/daughter trip with my mom lately, but I don't know that I could convince DH to stay home! :rotfl2:

:welcome: and thank you!! And haha, what a predicament (although you're also extremely lucky to have a Disney-loving DH)! Hey, maybe one of his friends could also tag along and you and your mom can just ditch them during the day! :laughing:

Hi Molly! I'm HEEERRRE!!

Buuut a little late to the party! Oops!

I'm so sorry that we didn't get a chance to talk more when we met. It was so great to meet with you. Maybe our trips will overlap again sometime!

I also love SE and CoP. Both make me very sleepy and content. I could ride for HOURS!

Hi Jenna!!! :welcome: and yay! Hopping over to your new TR now! I hope you had a wonderful time :goodvibes

It was so great talking to you too! I wish we could have talked longer, but hey, cheddar cheese soup was waiting for us! ;)

I tried Beverly for the first time on our last trip, and I was actually disappointed with it. I was expecting some repugnant, repulsive flavor. And it wasn't bad at all. I'm not going to go so far as to say I liked it, but I certainly didn't hate it either. I've drank (drunk?) a lot worse tasting things than Beverly, that's for sure.

THAT IS EXACTLY HOW I FELT!! I cringed when I drank it, expecting a terribly bitter flavor, but I was like, "Oh, thats it?! This is refreshing!" :rotfl2: Maybe we just have cultured taste buds ::yes::

I haven't really heard too much about the new movie on Soarin'. I'm glad you liked it. Beverly on the other hand :confused3. At least they have something for everyone. Great update!

Thank you! And yep, I'm a total weirdo with the Beverly :rotfl:I wonder what actual Italians think of it?!

Hi Molly - loving your TR (same as other) - your enthusiasm is always so awesome! Did not know about you and mom's special needs ties. As my son is autistic, I can assure you that is very much appreciated. Our dentist sees Dallas at 7:30 AM to make sure all goes well. We were on other side of that building over Thanksgiving - got moved from WL due to construction. Loved it - we all loved the Mad Hatter's water hat - so funny watching the kids anticipation. Can't wait for more!

:welcome: and thank you so much!! Working with children with special needs is both of our passions, and we wouldn't have it any other way :drinking: I"m so glad that your son gets the dental care he deserves!

How awesome that you were also in Big Pine Key! We couldn't have picked a better location, steps from the main building and a beautiful view to boot; although your view definitely had ours beat :love:

I can't wait to ride Soarin'! One more week, one more week, one more week!

AHHHHH! :hyper::hyper::hyper: So awesome, you will love it!!

We rode SE twice and both times our photos didn't work, it was so disappointing but I'm glad it wasn't just because they didn't like our photos :rotfl2:

I'm so pleased you loved Soarin, we decided we'd like them to show both versions so we could pick and choose :goodvibes

Our photos didn't work both times we rode either! I wonder why :confused3 And that is such a great idea, haha!! You can pick which one you want based on your mood! :)

How fun at Epcot, we love SE as well. I'm with you on the new Soarin, loved it but wish they could improve on the distortion. We will always try to get concourse B now to have a better ride.

I'm glad we weren't the only ones who noticed the distortion! I hope that they get it fixed soon, it wasn't a deal-breaker but it was definitely distracting!!

I like that you have a tradition of doing SE as your first ride and Epcot as your first park. Other than trying to end our trips in MK (which is more for me than the kids) we don't have a specific park we start with, although we do normally head to BTMRR/Splash right away on our first MK day. In fact our trip last month was the first one in quite awhile that we ended in Epcot rather than MK!

And ya know, someone's gotta like Beverly, right?? :P

We like to end our trips with MK too!! And that's so funny, we're opposite and try to save BTMRR and Splash for the afternoon and start in Fantasyland! And yes, there always has to be "that guy", and that is me for the Beverly! :rotfl:

Nothing wrong with the green side! I always do that one too. I just don't like any kind of spinning. I call the teacups the little spinning wheels of death! :crazy2:

I don't hate it. My last trip was before I joined Disboards, so I didn't really know that much about Beverly. I'm sure I had it because I sampled everything at Club Cool, but it just didn't make much impression on me, good or bad.

Glad to hear another positive review of the new Soarin. I loved the old version and it's my youngest DD's favourite ride, so I was a bit nervous when they changed it. I will miss the orange smell though...

Haha, I like your name choice much better than Mad Tea Party! :rotfl2:We like the teacups, but always make sure to keep our eyes on one spot the entire time! Wow, I'm surprised that Beverly didn't make a big impression on you! But then again, I think that some of it's "grossness" is due to all of the hype as well!

I love the new version, but also miss the orange smell :sad1: But, they have many other awesome smells that make the ride amazing!!
Day 1: Part 4- “We’ve Got No Troubles, Life is the Bubbles!”

Hi friends! Here’s another update for you guys :earboy2:

Where we last left off, Mom and I had just finished a delicious lunch at Sunshine Seasons! We had never eaten here before, but we loved it! Consider us converted :thumbsup2 There’s so much variety in this QS that it will please everyone in your party’s palate!

With our bellies full, we decided to do one last attraction in Epcot before moving on to our next destination. It was practically a no-brainer: Living with the Land!


This is another classic for Mom and I. I know that lots of people think it’s boring, but I find it relaxing and interesting! We always like to go on it after eating because it’s a good way to rest your tummy ::yes:: It was about a 15-minute wait, so we looked at the great quotes on the wall and talked to pass the time. Soon enough, we were in our boat!

Living with the Land has a nostalgia factor for me. I’m not sure why, because it wasn’t my favorite ride when I was younger by any means. But, the attraction just feels “vintage-y”, and all of the pictures/videos seem like they are from the early 90’s :smooth:


My favorite part of the ride is the farm scene. I love how they make it look like the sun is rising and it reminds me of back home :cutie:


Once our ride was done, we decided to head on out of the park! We stopped to look at the beautiful fountain on our way out, and all of a sudden, water just started shooting up in the air! It scared me so bad that I let out a little yelp, and the family behind us started cracking up. It was so funny, but I kind of wanted to be sucked into the ground at that moment :rotfl:


So, we were out of Epcot, but where were we headed to next? We walked to the bus stop and waited for about 20 minutes, until a bus finally pulled up to take us to…

Disney’s Old Key West Resort!

Since we had a dinner ADR at 9:00 for T-Rex Cafe, it just made sense to spend some time in Disney Springs tonight! But, we also thought that we’d use this time to check out a new resort we had never seen before! One thing that you must know about me is that I am OBSESSED with the Disney resorts. Sometimes, I even geek out over them more than the parks! It is my life goal to spend at least one night in every single Disney resort. So, I thought that it would be perfect to explore OKW before taking the ferry over to Disney Springs for the night! My mom, being the most easy-going person on the planet, was also intrigued. One of my dad’s coworkers owns DVC and stays at OKW for every single one of her family trips, so Dad gave us strict orders to report back on how it was!

We boarded the bus with only one other family, and less than 5 minutes later, we were there!

There was a moment of confusion when we got off the bus stop. The driver told us to go right, but me being the “Disney Expert," I insisted that we go left instead (even though I had never even been here before). But, when the bus driver drove away, she flagged us down and pointed to the right :rotfl2:


I found this happening a lot of times this trip. I would think I knew where I was going, but then we’d get all turned around, get lost, and my mom would lead us back :laughing: Hey, that just means that I have to visit Disney more, right?!

Once we were on the right path, we took in the gorgeous scenery.



Wow, what a beautiful resort! It was humongous though! It almost felt like it’s own little community on the outskirts of Disney. We made our way over by the pool area and looked in Conch Flats for a little bit. I was getting thirsty, so I bought a yellow Powerade. We also peeked in Olivia’s Cafe. It’s so cute in there! It looks perfect for a nice breakfast.

Then, we walked in through the gate and checked out the pool area.



For some reason, I pictured the lighthouse to be a lot bigger than it actually was. Forced perception, y’all :thumbsup2 The sandcastle slide was awesome, however!

After our mini-tour, it was getting to be about 6 PM, so decided to board the ferry that had just docked. One last picture of the river!


We were the last two people on the boat, so we couldn’t sit together :sad1: But, my mom used this time to take a catnap while I enjoyed the scenery and called my boyfriend.

So, what did we think about OKW??

It was adorable!! My mom explained it perfectly: it was like a cross between CBR and BWI! It’s sheer size, lobby, and tropical theme was a lot like CBR, but it’s amenities and pastel color palate screamed Boardwalk. Would we ever stay here? Not sure. As we’ve mentioned before, we’re not huge fans of the giant resorts like CBR, CSR, SSR, etc. We like being close to everything and at the end of the day, a long walk back to the room is exhausting! Plus, we felt that OKW seemed a bit isolated and un-Disney. However, if we were doing a long weekend at Disney Springs, this would be the absolute perfect resort. It is so relaxing and feels like true “vacation,” plus you are close to shopping and entertainment galore!

Our peaceful boat ride lasted about 15 minutes, and at about 6:30, we were pulling into our final destination: Disney Springs! Mom and I were soooo pumped. It was completely torn up the last time we were here, and we couldn’t wait to see the new stores. Plus, we had only 3 hours at Disney Springs last year and felt super rushed the entire time. So, finally, we could truly appreciate what it had to offer! Time to shop till we drop!!


Coming Up Next- Day 1: Part 5- “Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat?!”
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Our first on property stay was OKW back in 2010, so it holds a special place in my heart :) We had a wonderful trip and while I'm not opposed to staying there again, we haven't, and I don't see us staying there in the near future. It was good at that time and probably still is, but we've fallen in love with other resorts since then and prefer being closer to Epcot/HS or at least MK. I will say that when we were there, we ate quite a few times at Olivia's and it was great!
I hope you do eventually get to stay at all the Disney resorts, that's one of my goals, too :thumbsup2
OKW does look nice but a little big. Disney Springs was a mess last time we were there too so it was so nice to see it almost completely finished!
This is another classic for Mom and I. I know that lots of people think it’s boring, but I find it relaxing and interesting!
I love it and always have. I remember riding it on my first trip as a kid when I was 9 and even back then it made an impression on me.

Living with the Land has a nostalgia factor for me. I’m not sure why, because it wasn’t my favorite ride when I was younger by any means. But, the attraction just feels “vintage-y”, and all of the pictures/videos seem like they are from the early 90’s
Oh, look at you, being all cute and calling the 90's vintage. Nothing like making a guy feel old! :rotfl2:
But I get what you mean. It actually feels a bit like that for me, and that first trip I mentioned above, that was 1983, so there's some math for you!

My favorite part of the ride is the farm scene. I love how they make it look like the sun is rising and it reminds me of back home
I want to live in that farm house. I don't know why I like that little scene so much, but I do.


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